I myself do see the difference between 720 and 480 at least, given that I watch crunchyroll on my full sized TV. 1080 is pointless because the original broadcasts were only rendered over the air at 720p in the first place. All the 1080p broadcast rips on line are merely upscaled anyway.
Well, yes, that makes sense. The bigger of a screen you're watching on, and the farther away your face is from the screen, both make the difference between resolutions more noticeable.

On a 15 inch screen a few feet away, the discernable difference between 480p and 720p is pretty minimal. That's also why Nintendo could get away with making their handheld use 3D technology that has the inherent property of halving the resolution when in use.
I myself do see the difference between 720 and 480 at least, given that I watch crunchyroll on my full sized TV. 1080 is pointless because the original broadcasts were only rendered over the air at 720p in the first place. All the 1080p broadcast rips on line are merely upscaled anyway.
Symphogear S1/2 should be BD versions on Crunchyroll. They only got the rights for them after GX.
I can only hope. I tend to watch in 1080p anyways unless CR is lagging.
The downside is that even though they got the first two seasons after GX (and didn't reuse Funimation's season 1 streaming only subs), they still didn't sub all the songs for seasons 1 and 2. Crunchyroll's song subs for Symphogear are also fairly questionable overall (just look at Radiant Force if you need any proof).

And yeah, I understand the lag issues very well. I finished university this past summer, and my internet speed and reliability there was much worse than at home or now, so I sometimes even had lag when watching in 480p.
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Been a while.
SymphoG #4
I definitely wasn't using Crunchyroll subs before, the opening was subbed. Let's see how this goes.
A lot of silent dramatic shots here. After her final words last season, Hibiki isn't taking Fine's reincarnation well.
Bluewing Interrupt! That cape continues to be OP, and underestimation, methinks, is likely to backfire eventually.
Okay, not underestimation. The omnious chanting's subbed, and we're getting a fight. ADAM's vanished into midair.
Unfortunately, battling on the Wunder kinda damages it. Orders are to get off.
...Oh dear. I think that gas is hitting Bluewing as well-wait, no, it's apparently a bad first hit.
Chris is lining up a shot to interfere. Time for Purple to interrupt.
And Green. Her song seems to have a slight death theme.
...Why can Purple turn into a D-Wheel?
Chris does not do well with sudden melee, and the song just took a sudden turn towards bonds.
Enemy can apparently jam scanning for Symphogears until they appear. Probably not good.
HEH. Bluewing wasn't the only one injured in a strike. And that gas is wearing off.
And Maria's apparently losing compatability and has to leave. Bluewing immediately connects the dots with Redwing, and realises this is another Gugnir user who needs to shoot themselves up on drugs, now named as LINKER.
And so, Team Fine retreats on their stealthed helicopter. This is a loss for NERV, but not quite the win FINE wanted, I suspect.
Chris attempts to snipe. Unfortunately, stealth has been reengaged.
FINE's using what seems to be a Symphogear crystal for the stealth. Name given: Shenshoujin. Oh, and Old Lady's coughing up blood, which is never good.
Green punches Ver. The major loss with their base is the ability to stop ADAM rampaging. Why is Ver smirking?
Back on Wunder, Commander advises Hibiki to keep Befriending them until they listen. Nice one, Commander.
TRUMPDAMNIT AMERICA. This latest mess is apparently your fault.
Not everything is as it seems for FINE. So it's time for the school festival!
...Green, Purple, what are you doing at the School Festival?
...is that the rest of Hibiki's school group? This'll go well.
And predictably, they get buzzered out before they can even hit the chorus.
And Green/Purple's presence is confirmed to be targeting something. Green's using it as a chance to enjoy the fair, though.
Ah. They're targeting Relics, presumably the Symphogears. And Purple volunteered to stop Fine taking over Maria. It's apparently not an instant process.
Coincidence comes hammering in; Bluewing's walking straight past them. And while they're planning their assault, in comes Chris as well.
...Ah, Chris got dragged into the talent show. She's apparently singing this episode's ending theme.
Her character development from loner/enemy to team player's basically been described in the song. She also seems to have rediscovered her joy for singing.
Chris is the champion, but a new challenger appears: Green and Purple. There goes their cover.
Yay, this is back! ...And only one more episode until you hit the second major "oh shit" moment of the series (at least in my opinion - first was Maria activating Gungnir).

...Why can Purple turn into a D-Wheel?

Because she has the coolest Gear out of any I've seen on the show. Bar none. Not overly useful for actually knowing how to fight, though - if you watch all of her attacks are done by the Gear, not her.

Why is Ver smirking?

Because he's a psychotic bastard.

...Green, Purple, what are you doing at the School Festival?

Going to a school festival. Duh.

There goes their cover.

Though to be fair, it's not like anyone can just go and arrest them right there without causing a whole lot of awkward questions.
SymphoG #5
Recap of who Green and Purple are, and we switch to soldiers getting ready to assault where FINE is parked. This'll be a slaughter.
And Maria's been ordered to splatter them. Not exactly something she wants to do.
Ironically enough, they're singing a song by the other duo I call by color, Zwei Wing. Hibiki and Miku seem to recognise it.
Good news for Maria: She doesn't have to stain her hands with blood, because someone has used the Noise Gunner, and that someone is Ven.
Bluewing does not like having to fight people who also love song. Meanwhile, some kids heard the fighting. Not good-
...Maria's reaction is probably the same as mine: FUCK YOU VER
Just as the song results come, Old Lady recalls Green and Purple. Saved by the bell, but naturally they're gonna be followed.
Unfortunately, Team Nerv isn't exactly keen on blowing their identities. A duel is agreed.
Back at NERV, they've discovered the remains of Team America, and the obvious is stated about the Gugnirs being the same.
Question is: If the US had a Symphogear, why didn't they reverse-engineer it?
Switch to FINE. After musing on how Maria needs to make HARD DECISIONS, flashback time! ADAM's apparently on a rampage.
Flashback Girl from G#1 is named as Serena. Apparently her Swansong can reset ADAM to an inactive state. Given said flashback, this isn't going to end well.
...That's a lot of random skinholes on that Symphogear.
Oh hey, the Swansong's subbed. Between Babel, Ziggurat, and the Fine mention, the case continues to be built for them being in Universal Language.
The reset blew up the testing area, and the Americans are more concerned about that. Bunch of ungrateful bastards.
And it appears Old Lady got those injuries saving Maria from being crushed by debry like her sister was.
Rendevous point for Team FINE turns out to be the remnants of Kadingr. Symbolism much?
While the interactions with Maria are nice, the slap from Old Lady is less so. She apparently thinks none of them are taking this seriously enough.
Oh dear. Ven's setting up a trap instead of the duel.
Yep. Ven's there instead. He considers befriending a risk to the plans.
...Oh come on. Apparently, Fine's little chain last season worked better than it seemed. The Moon's apparently on a slow collison course with Earth. Assuming Ven's telling the truth.
So remind me how ADAM's the solution to all this?
ADAM goes to eat the webbed Bluewing and Chris, Hibiki punches in, Ven starts feeling like Kirei.
Ven's using the "To save one, you damn another" logic, turned towards the "KILL EM ALL" side. Meanwhile, ADAM's disarmed Hibiki.
Yup, G had a thing for cliffhanger episode endings.

On a different note, anyone else finding that for some reason they never receive those "the OP replied to the thread" notifications for this thread?
...Oh come on. Apparently, Fine's little chain last season worked better than it seemed. The Moon's apparently on a slow collison course with Earth. Assuming Ven's telling the truth.
So remind me how ADAM's the solution to all this?
They're gonna use a designer baby to combine it with LILITH and make a giant that can catch it once it gets close and throw it back into a stable orbit. :V

In which Dr. Ver continues to prove that he's actually fucking insane quite easily.

Question is: If the US had a Symphogear, why didn't they reverse-engineer it?

I think because it's actually really difficult, and only Fine/Ryoko really had any operative ability to do anything with them - there's a reason why it's called Sakurai Theory - she invented it (being Fine helped a bunch). Everybody else has to catch up with the headstart that being a thousands-of-years-old immortal priestess affords you.

Ven's using the "To save one, you damn another" logic, turned towards the "KILL EM ALL" side. Meanwhile, ADAM's disarmed Hibiki.
Yup, G had a thing for cliffhanger episode endings.

Oh yeah it does...let's see...Episodes 1 (Black Gungnir), 3 (Maria is Fine), 5 (Hibiki's disarming), 6 has an ending that's not so much a cliff-hanger as it has a lot of meaning as to somebody's arc this season, as does 7, we get back to straight cliffhangers with 8, 9 is probably the biggest of the season (in my opinion), 10's a cliffhanger, as is 12.

So only episodes 2, 4, and 11 aren't cliffhangers or really significant endings to some degree.
SymphoG #5
Recap of who Green and Purple are, and we switch to soldiers getting ready to assault where FINE is parked. This'll be a slaughter.
And Maria's been ordered to splatter them. Not exactly something she wants to do.
Ironically enough, they're singing a song by the other duo I call by color, Zwei Wing. Hibiki and Miku seem to recognise it.
Good news for Maria: She doesn't have to stain her hands with blood, because someone has used the Noise Gunner, and that someone is Ven.
Bluewing does not like having to fight people who also love song. Meanwhile, some kids heard the fighting. Not good-
...Maria's reaction is probably the same as mine: FUCK YOU VER
Just as the song results come, Old Lady recalls Green and Purple. Saved by the bell, but naturally they're gonna be followed.
Unfortunately, Team Nerv isn't exactly keen on blowing their identities. A duel is agreed.
Back at NERV, they've discovered the remains of Team America, and the obvious is stated about the Gugnirs being the same.
Question is: If the US had a Symphogear, why didn't they reverse-engineer it?
Switch to FINE. After musing on how Maria needs to make HARD DECISIONS, flashback time! ADAM's apparently on a rampage.
Flashback Girl from G#1 is named as Serena. Apparently her Swansong can reset ADAM to an inactive state. Given said flashback, this isn't going to end well.
...That's a lot of random skinholes on that Symphogear.
Oh hey, the Swansong's subbed. Between Babel, Ziggurat, and the Fine mention, the case continues to be built for them being in Universal Language.
The reset blew up the testing area, and the Americans are more concerned about that. Bunch of ungrateful bastards.
And it appears Old Lady got those injuries saving Maria from being crushed by debry like her sister was.
Rendevous point for Team FINE turns out to be the remnants of Kadingr. Symbolism much?
While the interactions with Maria are nice, the slap from Old Lady is less so. She apparently thinks none of them are taking this seriously enough.
Oh dear. Ven's setting up a trap instead of the duel.
Yep. Ven's there instead. He considers befriending a risk to the plans.
...Oh come on. Apparently, Fine's little chain last season worked better than it seemed. The Moon's apparently on a slow collison course with Earth. Assuming Ven's telling the truth.
So remind me how ADAM's the solution to all this?
ADAM goes to eat the webbed Bluewing and Chris, Hibiki punches in, Ven starts feeling like Kirei.
Ven's using the "To save one, you damn another" logic, turned towards the "KILL EM ALL" side. Meanwhile, ADAM's disarmed Hibiki.
Ver is totes a hero. Totes.
SymphoG #6
Last time: Hibiki was disarmed. This time: Ven has some ridiculous cackling faces, the FINE girls really aren't taking Ven's psycopathy well, and Old Lady reminds them they're HARD PEOPLE MAKING HARD DECISIONS.
More cackling as ADAM digivolves. Unfortunately for Ven's plans, Hibiki's gone beserk and regenerated her entire arm. This better not end in Near-Third Impact.
Ven also has some wonderful "NOT AS PLANNED" faces. Summoning more Noise barely delays Hibiki as she tears Adam's beating S2 Engine Core out. Also, armspear.
Ven's running the fuck away, Old Lady is coughing up blood and needs treatment from him, and Bluewing and Chris are restraining Hibiki from murdering Ven until she drops out of transformation. Not a good day for anyone.
Hibiki's apparently flashbacking while injured. Related: What the fuck Japan?! You survived a disaster, so you should just kill yourself?!
I repeat my "What the fuck Japan". "Survived disaster"=>"You're responsible for their deaths" has some logic in survivor's guilt. That logic goes when others are throwing the accusation.
Hibiki wakes to a "Get Well Soon" from Miku and a black bit on her Gugnir entry wound. Did a bit of Anti-Hibiki remain after detransformation?
After she's back at school, we learn that Politics is part of what's stopping NERV from immediately getting on the falling moon. Meanwhile, Commander gives Bluewing the lowdown on Hibiki: The fusion process going on with Gugnir is hitting the point where, like the GARm of Heaven's Feel, it's risking her life if she uses Gugnir. And Bluewing's swearing to take Hibiki's burden entirely on herself; at least let Chris help.
Bluewing reverting to S1 mode is not doing wonders for Hibiki's self-esteem.
Ven's found ADAM's core, Old Lady's having regrets, and FINE can't find Ver. Not much to say here, other than Ver claiming he's a hero.
...I have a feeling that both Hibiki(Dense as a harem anime protagonist, FWD at 14%) and the younger FINE girls are going to be eating at the same place.
Wait, no MIB just got slaughtered. By Ver. With Adam's Core and the Gunner. Shit.
The sight of Hibiki causes him to fire off Noise in fear. Hibiki's basically forced to transform. Which isn't good.
Ver has the appropiate reaction at the punch hitting before the transformation(In quick-change no-nudity mode this time) hits. Another cliffhanger.
SymphoGear #7
Irish music is playing full blast, the Gugnir scar is glowing, and Hibiki's literally radiating enough power to incinerate nearby leaves. I presume that's not a good sign on the fusion.
Ver is losing it completely with Hibiki shattering his plans. Time for a Purple Interrupt with a blocking saw.
Green/Purple are giving it their all and barely holding Hibiki back. Tachibana OP.
Luckily for them, she's apparently having a heart attack. Unfortunately, Ver just shot them in the head with EvokersLinker.
Ven knows he has them by the throat due to Old Lady. They're basically forced to suffer the backlash after this.
Oh dear. The FINE duo are considering Swansong. Meanwhile, the civilians make the wise choice to GTFO.
Hibiki's panicking; our last Swansong with LINKER was Redwing. Really, Ver only cares about his life.
Shul Shaglana's Swansong is apparently NINE LIVES SAW WORKS, being used to pin down Hibiki. Ig-Alima's Swansong...cuts the soul in half? How the hell are you supposed to figure that out? People kinda die when they are killed. Anyway, it's apparently an unblockable attack...being used while Shul Shaglana's pinning Hibiki down.
...AND HIBIKI'S COUNTERING WITH HER OWN SWANSONG. Given precedent, you can probably survive it, but still not a good idea.
...Except she just yoinked the Swansong energy from them. Hibiki's burning up before she launches the energy as an S2CA Triburst.
Their Swansongs were cancelled, Old Lady's coughing up blood, and the other NERV Symphogears are closing in. Not good for FINE. Thus, they're GTFOing.
Shit. Hibiki's Gugnir wound is crystallising. Miku wants to get close, but can't stand the heat. In other news, Bluewing's bike is apparently designed to function with her Symphogear, which she's using to dump a load of water on Hibiki for a cooldown.
Chris is pissed at Bluewing for witholding info. Old Lady's stable, but having second thoughts at everything. NERV's managed to extract the crystal fragments from Hibiki.
Meanwhile at FINE, ADAM's S2 Engine is still running properly. Combined with the Symphogear crystal from earlier, that's apparently allowing them to run Frontier. Also, Maria's apparently lost some memories.
Miku's in charge of making sure Hibiki doesn't fight and kill herself. Meanwhile, the FINE duo are skiving off the low-extertion chores they've been given.
Today's traumatic backstory: Green and Purple. They were apparently kept in an orphanage, their sole purpose to be a vessel for Fine. Meanwhile, Old Lady reveals that Maria isn't Fine; they've been faking it the whole time.
According to Old Lady, noone was a Fine vessel. Of course that's when we cut to Green manifesting an AT Field. Right before the credits. Cliffhanger, ho!
Except she just yoinked the Swansong energy from them. Hibiki's burning up before she launches the energy as an S2CA Triburst.

This is pretty much why I think Hibiki is the second best Anti-Symphogear fighter in the series - she can prevent someone from firing off their most powerful attacks or fighting at full strength, then use that absorbed energy to hit back.

According to Old Lady, noone was a Fine vessel. Of course that's when we cut to Green manifesting an AT Field. Right before the credits. Cliffhanger, ho!

Oh lord this subplot. It's....decisive.
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This is pretty much why I think Hibiki is the second best Anti-Symphogear fighter in the series - she can prevent someone from firing off their most powerful attacks or fighting at full strength, then use that absorbed energy to hit back.
This season at least. I'd argue that some from GX are better than her at that.
This season at least. I'd argue that some from GX are better than her at that.

I'd agree that one person from GX is better, but that's on in a narrow range of Gear so they lose in general to Hibiki and [other person]. Everyone else in GX isn't specifically Anti-Gear so much as just extremely powerful.
Today's traumatic backstory: Green and Purple. They were apparently kept in an orphanage, their sole purpose to be a vessel for Fine. Meanwhile, Old Lady reveals that Maria isn't Fine; they've been faking it the whole time.
According to Old Lady, noone was a Fine vessel. Of course that's when we cut to Green manifesting an AT Field. Right before the credits. Cliffhanger, ho!

Wait, did they just add several more pendants to the opening? Including a cracked one?
Oh hey, flashback with what I think is a Green/Blue duet. They apparently 'faked' Fine to get Ver to help them. Helped that Maria's apparently also one of the attempted Fine vessels.
...Did Maria just accidentally vaporise someone, or was this effect from a computer sim? Yep, sim failed.
While Maria's confused as to why Old Lady said to drop the Fine act, Green's managed to make the AT Field/Fine connection. And she isn't happy.
At NERV, they've finally told Hibiki about Gugnir; it's apparently created itself a S2 Engine. Bluewing isn't taking this well, but NERV's using SciLady/Fine's notes to try and find a cure.
Above Frontier, we get some exposition on Shenshoujin. It's a mirror that conceals stuff and expels evil. The flashback shows that the excavation was interrupted by Noi-Wait, is that Redwing?!
Oh hey there Scilady. That explains the Noise showing up. And possibly Redwing's family's death.
They fire the Mirror Laser down to the water, something starts...and then stops. They can't unseal Frontier yet, and Ven has his "NOT AS PLANNED" face again.
While NERV confirms something's been concealed RE the moon, FINE's meeting with the Americans. This'll go well.
Hibiki isn't taking being unable to fight/therefore unneeded well. Luckily, Miku's here to interrupt.
Hibiki's calling it a date. I call it Yuribait.
Green's angsting over Fine. Meanwhile, having handed over data on Ancient Tech, the Americans are, predictably, betraying FINE. Good thing for FINE that Ven decided to be backup with the Gunner.
...Of course this is the same place that Hibiki was visiting. Her luck won't leave her alone. She's reasoning to just punch Noise, not transform. Meanwhile, Maria fails to break Gugnir's heels.
How the hell did America sneak fully-armed soldiers in here?
And now the Americans are inadvertantly killing others in the crossfire. Methinks Japan's going to kick up a shitstorm.
Maria's basically gone mad at the inadvertent kills; she's made her first kill by starting to kill the soldiers. America really doesn't make a good showing here, do they?
The destruction's cut Hibiki and Miku off from escape, and now Miku's desperately holding to Hibiki to stop her dropping off the edge.
While it's a good idea to stop her dying from hitting the ground, transforming really isn't going to help Hibiki's health-
Wait. Did that explosion just come from where Hibiki dropped? Judging by the larger explosion and Hibiki's reaction, I think it did. Cliffhanger again.