They never really made it clear whether she knows how to make new gear or just fix and mod old one, did they?

Though modding gears with Deinsleif -I think that's how it's spelled- does lean it more toward knowing how to make new ones, I agree.
When she repaired Airgetlam, she said that she completely replaced the Converter, which is the red pendant thing surrounding the Relic Fragment, which contains all the incomprehensible high tech stuff.
Ah, Carol's after a universal remote. Other stuff in the vault:Trioxin 245 'Annabelle', Grauswein, and fragments of G'Harne. Any of these ring bells?

Looked these up out of curiosity. The G'Harne Fragments are pieces of tablets that recorded prehistory from the Cthulhu mythos. Trioxin 245 is what made the Zombies in Return of the Living Dead movie series. Grauswein is some kind of weapon from Wild Arms.

That is a surprisingly diverse pool to reference.
Looked these up out of curiosity. The G'Harne Fragments are pieces of tablets that recorded prehistory from the Cthulhu mythos. Trioxin 245 is what made the Zombies in Return of the Living Dead movie series. Grauswein is some kind of weapon from Wild Arms.

That is a surprisingly diverse pool to reference.
There's a lot of references to Wild ARMs in Symphogear, because the director/writer of the series was also the head writer for multiple Wild ARMs games, and the main composer for Symphogear also worked on Wild ARMs.
They should've included more western cowboy music.
They would need a character who justifies it. If the situation makes it viable, I'm sure they will.

Hell, the fact that the animation director of G and GX was one of the animators of Yugioh 5Ds and the animation director for Yugioh Arc-V made it so that there's a bunch of crosspolination of scenes between franchises, beginning with one of Hibiki's attacks in episode 1 of G being nearly identical to how Junk Warrior attacks in 5Ds.
SymphoVer GX #10
Damnit Chris. I'm pretty sure the escape of the LAST ACTION HERO is your fault. Also whoever made Ver's cell is stupid for putting it so close to the entrance.
The looks on pretty much everyone's faces are "What the fuck is Ver doing here?!".
...So why don't they have the formula for LiNKER anywhere else? Keeping it just in one person's head is stupid.
Chris, I don't think BIGGER MISSILES are good when you're underwater. Thank you for pointing that out, Last Action Hero.
Wild fire isn't hitting Poser Yellow. Kirika has to intervene to stop her shooting Shirabe.
Look, all of you are morons. Kirika and Shirabe for not attempting to deal with Ver, Chris for wild fire, and apparently NERV for not having the LiNKER formula. Add this current stubborn streak onto the stupid.
Good news: They broke what Carol needed. Bad news: LAST ACTION HERO.
Outright confirmation that Elfnein's a spare Carol body. Getting poked about her father puts Carol straight onto the warpath.
Ah, they covered up Ver's involvement in Frontier. He's on an ego trip.
Aaand Chris is getting chewed out by Commander. Rightfully so.
She's gonna go charging off, isn't she? Damnit Chris.
Back with Bluewing, Poser Green isn't dead. Tis only a flesh wound. She's also just blown the "They want you to sing" plot to Bluewing.
Aaand HQ has cottened onto Mole 2: Mole Harder as well. With a projection of Carol coming in to break them further.
The Posers have been recording information from Dainslef as they've been destroyed, taking advantage of Elfnein's real desire to help. About the only thing that didn't go exactly as keikaku was the artefact destruction and LAST ACTION HERO.
Poser Green attempts suicide bomb. Apparently Manager can also nullify explosions.
Elfnein just wants to be locked away to prevent any more disaster. NERV is having none of that; they know her intentions were good, and they can now work around Carol's link.
Meanwhile, I suspect Chris is going to IGNITE and fall into the plan. Ver apparently solved the destruction of what Carol needed.
Yep. Carol and Ver are escaping, while Poser Yellow nosells Chris enough to bust out Ignite and die.
X-Edge down. I believe that's the cue for Ignite as planned. Except she's really not in the correct mindset for not going berserk-
Reports of X-Edge's death have been greatly exaggerated. They seem to be fine. Ish.
Triumphant music with Ignite is all good, except the audience knows it's a bad thing now. Except they dump her in the ocean, not killing her.
Unfortunately, Poser Yellow's Stand is headed directly their way.
And there goes HQ again. I'm pretty sure that's the third time.

The Autoscorer's name now makes perfect sense; it's a literal description of what they do.
About the only thing that didn't go exactly as keikaku was the artefact destruction and LAST ACTION HERO.
This is honestly true for the entirety of the first 10 episodes, minus minor hiccups that were trivially easy to compensate for (like Hibiki refusing to fight in episode 1).

Makes sense that if you'd have everything worked out that perfectly for all possible outcomes if you've been making your plan for a few hundred years.
So, some similarities I noticed while watching this over the past couple of days.

Hibiki's situation reminded me of Skeith of G.U. with the whole living with her as she suffers thing in the start, which leads to...

Hibiki doesn't want to fight humans=> Knee-Jerk reaction to Gungnir's Destructive wants during the first two years => Ignite Module "This is what Hibiki has been dealing with this entire time" as further evidence? May or may not be refering to just when Hibikizer came out to play, but Fine made it sound like she's been intentionally driving the Gungnir weilder around the bend, and Hibiki had an active Gungnir get lodged in her during the first episode, so...? *Shrug*

Frontier honestly reminded me a lot of the Nasod Island from Elsword. Same design... well, the Island didn't have the Tower poking out the top, but otherewise...

Kirika reminds me of Dead Master minus the zombies, plus more Scythe... about the same Chain really
So, some similarities I noticed while watching this over the past couple of days.

Hibiki's situation reminded me of Skeith of G.U. with the whole living with her as she suffers thing in the start, which leads to...

Hibiki doesn't want to fight humans=> Knee-Jerk reaction to Gungnir's Destructive wants during the first two years => Ignite Module "This is what Hibiki has been dealing with this entire time" as further evidence? May or may not be refering to just when Hibikizer came out to play, but Fine made it sound like she's been intentionally driving the Gungnir weilder around the bend, and Hibiki had an active Gungnir get lodged in her during the first episode, so...? *Shrug*

Frontier honestly reminded me a lot of the Nasod Island from Elsword. Same design... well, the Island didn't have the Tower poking out the top, but otherewise...

Kirika reminds me of Dead Master minus the zombies, plus more Scythe... about the same Chain really
.........Did you watch like two full seasons in less than 36 hours?
48, surely. You could do it- not along with anything else, but you could do it.
A post from 29 hours ago in another thread in response to the reason Hibiki comes up with for not having an Armed Gear.
*Is watching right now* ... Really? That's the reason she comes up with... Not, ya know, it being in a few dozen shards right around her heart? And her Rage Mode is practically a meme on its own, yeah, those hands are for friendship alright.
.........Did you watch like two full seasons in less than 36 hours?
48, surely. You could do it- not along with anything else, but you could do it.
I started at about... 4 or 5 yesterday, can't look up the time on my browser history, and I'm on episode 10 of Season 3 right now. :p So I actually watched the first two seasons in less than 24 hours. I did have a night's sleep between them, but... yeah.

I did once binge Shugo Chara in like a week or two when I had a magical girl craving a couple years ago too I suppose...

Classes start tomorrow for me, so I just sat around and watched this all day, reading along with this during the ad breaks on crunchyroll.
A post from 29 hours ago in another thread in response to the reason Hibiki comes up with for not having an Armed Gear.
I was on episode... 3 or 4 of season 1 when I made that I think?
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.........Did you watch like two full seasons in less than 36 hours?
So did I. I started watching G and GX when I found this thread and finished in 1.5 days.

PS. Anybody noticed that moment in G when massed shooting carbonized one Noise? It was just one but shows that defense is not absolute, you just have to trade like company or two for each one. Also explains why normal troops are still used against them.
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It was GX, and that was because the Alca Noise trade some of their phase shielding for more offensive power.
No, it was in G with US fleet. One of the Noise on the destroyer deck gone black and poofed under hail of fire - just the rest of them quickly overcome shooters. It was quick and from above shot though so pretty much unnoticeable.
Found it. Ep 9, 11:25. It was eating someone at the time, which appears to temporarily drop its phase. A split second later another guy gets eaten and the Noise turns carbon briefly. Which is sort of useful for the Noise that bother to eat you, but ranged and ones that just slice and dice are still invulnerable.

EDIT: Actually, they almost look like they are suicide Noise. I'm not sure the bullets are having anything to do with it.

EDIT: The 4th picture should be the last, not sure what Imgur did there.
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I think it's canon that the noise aren't outright immune to regular guns, it's just that 99.9% of the bullets phase through them harmlessly, so theoretically enough dakka could take one down, it's just that in the numbers the Noise attack in, humans don't have enough dakka to kill them with conventional arms.

I'd have to look up background material to double-check this, however.
For what its worth, the wiki

  • They only target human beings. Any person who comes in direct contact with them immediately turns into carbon and dissolves, as does the Noise itself.
  • The general laws of nature regarding energy loss and consumption do not apply to them.
  • They typically appear without warning, leaking out of thin air and multiplying instantly.
  • There are no valid means of repelling their attacks. Aside from sacrificing an equal number of human bodies that would reduce the Noise to lumps of carbon, the only other option is to wait and stall for a period of time after their emergence, until the Noise self-destruct on their own.

when the self-defense members of the Singular Disaster Anti-riot Unit Division 1 were engaged in hostilities with the Noise it could be seen that the Noise were able to destroy physical structures, and yet any shelling from the defense force's bombardment would pass right through them. The reason for this is twofold:

  1. The Noise can adjust their existence ratio to a level very close to our world's, this allows them to interact with objects on a physical level (meaning they can destroy buildings and structures).
  2. Alternatively, at their own discretion, the Noise can adjust their existence ratio to a point where they are barely attached to our world, making any attempts to interfere with them on a physical level impossible (meaning all attacks will pass right through them).
To put this special ability into numerical terms, if we launched an attack on the Noise with a damage rate of 500, any Noise that had a 100% existence ratio with our world would receive the full 500 worth of damage. Any Noise that had a halved existence ratio of 50% with our world would only take 250 worth of damage. Finally, any Noise with an unlimited existence ratio approaching 0% would not be affected by the attack at all.

According to records of past battles against the Noise there have been instances where they were successfully repelled by attacks that were made in the instant they increased their existence ratio with our world, and also cases where efficiency was disregarded and a constant barrage of attacks were made until they were successfully destroyed. However, it is difficult to say that either of these options can be considered an effective method to deal with the Noise, primarily because they remain an overwhelming threat due to the fact they can reduce the human body to carbon in a matter of seconds.

So yeah, they become vulnerable when they attack, but if they tune to 0%, there really isn't anything that can be done.

Right after this scene there is above shot of the firefight - front of the ship is noise (no humans left) center are humans. One of the Noise in the back where are no humans left goes poof under fire.

I'm not seeing any. That scene is also simplified to the point of unreliability. Even when it's zoomed in on Maria's ship, its just everyone standing still with 2-3 repeating gunshot frames.
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Episode 13: Kirika. Shirabe. What are you doing? Stahp. Stahp. :V

Also, everyone's commented on how Miku is a (one-time) wielder that doesn't have family issues. So I'm going to try and think of things to screw her over with, hmm... Okay, the only thing we know about her family at all is that they seem to live in a tatami mat apartment and her aunt was sick in episode one.

So, what if her family was huge and she was really close to everyone and they've been steadily dying off over the years. And not even to noise. :V

Umm... I could make an incestuous love-child joke, but I'm not sure about that one. *Throws in junk pile* Uhh... frak, I got nothing else. Just not enough to jump off of really.

Although my first guess would actually match up nicely with why she latches onto Hibiki so hard. :V
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Also, everyone's commented on how Miku is a (one-time) wielder that doesn't have family issues.
That "one-time" wielding was entirely focused on her "family issues". Aka Hibiki.

EDIT: Essentially while she don't have skeletons in her closet like others, she have issues just short of subscriptions.
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SymphoGX #11
Last time, HQ got destroyed. Again. This episode, they're bailing in the minisub again, while Chris busts out Caladbolg ARTEMIS SPIRAL.
That last hit from the Stand seems to have KOd everyone in the sub for a bit. Guess that momentum can't easily be cancelled with kung-fu bullshit. Elfnein's also injured.
The episode title is Hibiki's catchphrase. This will end well.
That meeting with Bikidad went well. Hibiki seems to have calmed from 'HE'S THE WORST', but she's not going to serve as a gobetween. He has to work up the courage to visit his wife himself.
Apparently Carol's base is a floating fortress. Given how the sky just cracked open, I'm guessing it was stowed away in another dimension. But now, Carol presumably has the entire score for the world's end.
I believe we've covered how you're grossly misinterpreting your father's words, Carol.
Ver, you took the words right out of my mouth. Carol lacks any dreams or hopes beyond the destruction of everything.
Hibiki's the only one on scene. That means that her job is helping the civilians GTFO until everyone's together.
...Goddamnit Bikidad. That's just gonna piss off your daughter more. Meanwhile, LAST ACTION HERO is rapidly pissing off Carol.
And Ver gets stabbed mid-HERO rant. I'm honestly not sure if that'd kill him, given his arm.
She's right in that Ver isn't really a hero. The late Ver, however, is right in that I doubt her plan's going to go off without a hitch.
And now it's time for her to act on her grudge against Hibiki. Obstacles are for killing, and Hibiki's no longer fused with Gugnir for easy healing.
Competetence from Carol; she cut the string on the Gear, sending it flying before Hibiki can transform.
And thank you Bikidad. You may have left Hibiki nothing, but you're not just going to stand there and let her die. Unfortunately, he runs away straight after. We're whipping back and forth here.
Carol's trying to emotionally break Hibiki again. Fuck you Carol.
Bikidad wants her to run so she can survive, even when he's getting hit. Hibiki flashbacking to better times is presumably a good sign. Apparently, her catchprase sources from Bikidad.
Talking about him, he's found his courage. Now if someone'd just throw the Gear to Hibiki, we can get to the neccesary facepunching.
Thank you Bikidad. Carol's face: NOT AS PLANNED.
Huh. Don't think this is the same song as last time we saw Hibiki. Carol throws a tornado at her to get her to stop.
Oh dear, she threw Noise at Bikidad. Unfortunately for her, she has a knuckleduster rocketing directly for her face.
That apparently hurt enough for Carol to throw Junpei's Personae at her. They're getting punched.
Carol's gunning for the dad to spite Hibiki. Thankfully, the cavalary's finally arrived for the showdown.
The "Nothing will stop me now" flag has now been tripped. That means she's gonna be stopped shortly.
Carol's busted out Harp Mode ag-waaait a second.
Meanwhile our villains aren't singing.
Our villian is singing. I assume this isn't good. Especially given she's singing about genocide.
It's not just any song. This is a Swan Song. Given how those have been universally near-deadly when not mitigated by stuff such as Hibiki's Power Drain or X-drive becoming possible, I doubt Carol plans on surviving this.
And they immediately call out Hibiki's Song being unfeasible; this amount of power would place it in the fatal category of Swansongs.
"I will make sure love is over". Carol is thoroughly rejecting love; I believe the opening counters with "Love is never over" or something like that.
Ah. Carol's Swansong resonates with the Chateau, it channels in the 'cursed melody of Dainslef', and that presumably resonates with the Earth or something to pull off the destruction.
...Given the lines, I assume it's using the leylines. Meanwhile, Bikidad wants to at least watch from command HQ.
Uh, Carol, you seem to have missed the memo. Hibiki's Armed Gear are her fists, even if you've got her tied up with strings.
"You have no chance of stopping me!" Carol, you just keep tripping those About To Suffer Downfall flags.
Up in the Chateau, there's an army of Noise for the FINE group to fight. I believe we're ending the episode there. Though with two minuites left, I suspect a last-second stinger-
OLD LADY?!? What the actual fuck, you're supposed to be dead! The beginning of the series was your body being retrieved! PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED!