I think this is a psychological-based defence possibly? Like Krika's theory that he mentioned after his Linker overdose, the idea's to break down their will. We also saw Carol try that on Hibiki; this will probably similarly backfire.

I spent a minute trying to figure out A) when Kirika had a LINKER overdose this season, and B) when she'd mentioned that in the episode (if ever) before realizing that you were talking about me. Go me.

Though I was thinking less psychological manipulation and sabotage and more "YOU ARE ANGRY NOW RAWR" sledgehammer.

Given how they both stem from Fine

A neat way to tie the whole alchemy thing this season back into the mythology they've established, and to make it even more clear that everything is Fine's fault.

Ver's making a Heroic Sacrifice.
I raise my hat to Ver actually being a hero for once.

Right so I'm going to be in the minority here, but I don't think that Dr. Ver redeemed himself here. He saved the world yes, but he was still doing it for the same selfish reasons that he's always been motivated by - a desire to be seen as a great hero. Doing the right thing is good, but if you're doing it for the wrong reasons that doesn't make you a good person, that just means you're a bad person doing something good. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he was responsible for the FINE trio being mostly unharmed specifically so they'd be able to tell the story of how he was a hero, not out of anything resembling common decency.

With her plan in tatters, Elfnein tries appealing to her by pointing out the logical meaning of their father's last words. Carol's finally admitted that this was all done out of grief and an inability to forgive those who killed her father. Elfnein's now coughing up blood.
Aaand she misses the point once more. Carol's burning everything to go Super Saiyan.

And now we start to see Carol open up and show what's really in her heart.....after she's started singing............

Fancy that.

...Genocide Harp counts as a swansong. She's putting out a shitton of energy. And Hibiki's Swansong specialises in draining that energy. Without the leylines making it too much to handle, Carol's fallen directly into Hibiki's trap-

When I first saw this episode, I read Carol going "I have the power of seven billion swan songs" and my brain instantly twigged onto the Season 2 thing of "we're powered by all seven billion people on Earth!" and immediately knew what was going to happen.

Not that it's bad, it's a fun little callback.

Wonder what's on that SD Card, though.

PLOT MACGUFFIN for S4+5 probably.

So when is Ver getting summoned as a Servant :V

-casually starts brainstorming a Berserker sheet-
I want a Caster Finé who specializes in stealing Noble Phantasms and turning them into Symphogear. Honestly probably wouldn't do that well in most wars, but would make a fun gimmick sheet.
I already made a Berserker sheet for Hibiki a few months ago, using the Ignite Module for variable rank Mad Enhancement.

Mmm. I'm thinking Ver has the Nephilim as his Noble Phantasm, and usually it's just his arm that eats magic stuff to give him power boosts, but he can also detach it to turn it into a rampaging monster that gets stronger the more magic it devours.
I want a Caster Finé who specializes in stealing Noble Phantasms and turning them into Symphogear. Honestly probably wouldn't do that well in most wars, but would make a fun gimmick sheet.
Except the only anecdotes Fine has of stealing NPs is nicking Nehustan and Ichival during Kanade's death. Caster Fine is far more likely to center around building Kadingr.
Symphogear GX #13: How Long Until Season Four?
Carol really didn't take her father's death well. As the villagers passed off his work as a miracle and burnt him at the stake, she vehemently hates miracles. And because the Symphogear-wielders sent her plans to tatters, she's dismissing them as miracles as well.
A shitton of noise, and a villian who's been foiled already. Given previous parallels, I suspect Carol's trying to pull a Fine and gattai with the Alca-Noise.
So far, the noise are just being sent everywhere. I'm pretty sure I can hear the instrumental for the Swansong Song in the background as well.
Apparently, Kirika and Shirabe have gattaied two of Robot War's house robots into one with both a pincer and a spinner. Wait til that revs up to speed.
Hey, Maria's went and invested in bits. Chris is instead going for ALL THE LASERS.
Unfortunately, the Noise were to buy time. There's the blood-from-the-eyes that's characteristic of unneutralised Swan Songs.
Ah, now it's Maria and Bluewing combining for a Giga Drill Break. Unfortunately, it's not a match for Carol's AT Field, and in a mirror to Fine, she's turned into Lion Granzeboma.
The plan: Sacrifice defence for offence, have Hibiki hold the line, then pull a combination attack to pierce through Lionzeboma's defences.
Despite a hole being cracked open, Carol's smug...until Hibiki shows up. Then it's back to KILL ALL THE MIRACLES.
As I was saying to you earlier, Carol, Hibiki does have an Armed Gear now. It's her fists, hence how the giant hand is blocking your latest attack.
Plus those rejection symptoms are showing up again. Carol's kinda in trouble, so she's trying to burn the memories of her father that're stopping her. Deep, deep, down, she knows this isn't what her father would've wanted, she's just rejecting that. As she charges up a shot, Hibiki forms Tengen Toppa Fistengann.
This season's combination attack, announced within the song it's named after: [GLORIOUS BREAK]. It's the single-fist version of last season's [VITALISATION]. Unfortunately, Carol's trying to go out with Explosion.
Carol, the suicide attack didn't work when Fine tried it with the bloody Moon. I somehow doubt it's going to work with you. Turns out the power of song works a lot.
It's another suicide-to-spite HIbiki. Unfortunately, even X-Drive has Dainslef as an additional powerup, and Hibiki can, in fact, aim that power. Combined with one last flashback to her dad, Carol's saved.
There goes a sizeable chunk of Tokyo. Fortunately, once the sky shattered open, pretty much everyone focused on GTFOing from the final battle. Going to cost a fortune, though.
Carol's missing after all that, and Elfnein still seems to be in intensive care. Everyone's alright enough to joke around about the Gear's background music function, though.
Hibiki's hiding something, and everyone can see it. Presumably relating to how Elfnein was speaking in past tense?
Despite all that earlier, Hibiki's still taken the Carol mess hard; punching doesn't solve everything.
Next nighttime, it's Carol that's arrived to Elfnein. She apparently burned enough memory on Lionzeboma that she doesn't even remember her own name.
With almost everything gone, Carol just wants to know what her father wanted for her. Unfortunately for her, Elfnein seems to be on her last legs.
Elfnein was willing to sacrifice herself to save the world, but now she's running into one of the most fundamental fears: death. She doesn't want to go.
The heartmonitor's flatlined, so naturally everyone came running. I suspect Carol transferred Elfnein's self into the body not falling apart, allowing both to live.
Yep. The initial mistaking for Carol is the last thing dispelled before the credits hit-
Wait, no, we're seeing what everyone's doing over the summer. Hibiki's made up with her father, Chris is lazing thanks to good grades, X-Edge are studying thanks to bad grades, Maria and Bluewing are back off idoling in the UK, Commander and WingDad are foreshadowing future seasons with stuff being up in Europe, and Elfnein's helping NERV analyse Ver's last data.
While Hibiki's made up with Bikidad, the rest of the family haven't. He's lucky Hibiki's willing to force the issue.

And that's almost all of what we have on Symphogear finished; all I have left are the rest of the Bluray shorts, and seeing if that incoming mobile game has actual plot.
Weakest part of this season was definitely Hibiki's "Can't transform" spell. There wasn't exactly decent reasons for it either, especially when Hibiki was perfectly willing to fight humans to get her point across back in S1 and S2.
Yea, Hibiki suddenly being unwilling to punch sense into Carol and the Autoscorers at the start of the season didn't make a lot of sense to me.
Fine, she's turned into Lion Granzeboma.
Someone wants a new season of Zoids!
Unfortunately, even X-Drive has Dainslef as an additional powerup
The most forgotten and overshadowed aspect of X-Drive, a Rank Up to all other Noble Phantasms in your possession.

Last time that was relevant was using Solomon's Cane in X-Drive to physically enter the Gate of Babylon.
Someone wants a new season of Zoids!

The most forgotten and overshadowed aspect of X-Drive, a Rank Up to all other Noble Phantasms in your possession.

Last time that was relevant was using Solomon's Cane in X-Drive to physically enter the Gate of Babylon.
Wait, that was a function of X-Drive? Did that come up in supplementary materials, or did I miss something?
I think GX is the worst of the 3 seasons- The shuttle, Ep 6, and GENOCIDE are some really good high points, but the season as a whole suffers from character bloat and a very repetitive format. - Each doll matches neatly to a sypmhogear, each symphogear only really gets their development in "their" episode, rather than it being spread out across the entire season, etc.

So my hopes for the future- no more characters, please. Hell, trim the cast down if possible, don't put bikkiet out of action for half the season because reasons, and please for the love of fine don't make it so episodic and repetitive- don't make neat "this villain goes to this character" matchups, spread character arcs up over the whole season not just in their own little episodes, and just make everything mean things again.
Wait, that was a function of X-Drive? Did that come up in supplementary materials, or did I miss something?
It came up in the supplemental stuff way back in the post season 1 era, although no official confirmation that it was applied here for Dansleif.

It's not exactly common to use a relic other than your Gear while in X-Drive, so the only other examples are Durandal for Synchrogazer and Chris and Maria using Solomon's Cane to open a kaiju sized portal that can't normally be opened using the Cane.
Well, if you want a headcanon to hold over for now (hopefully they revisit it with a decent explanation), I took that Gungnir being a naturally destructive force (as seen with berserk mode) combined with it being an activated fragment that got inside Hibiki and how her family was treated left her with a voice whispering "Kill all humans" in the back of her mind for however long that shit lasted. From there she rejected it so hard that she has the opposite problem now and forgot about it altogether.
The parallels to Song Magic are kind of astounding.
Expansion time!

For those who don't know, Ar Tonelico is a post apocalyptic setting where the Will of the Planet is dying and is actively trying to take humanity with it. The surface of the planet is covered in a Fog of Death and the upper atmosphere is covered by the Blast-line (not to mention space is very hostile to humanity anyway).

The last bastions of humanity survive on three great Towers that stretch up into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, some farther than others.

The laws of physics are very different here. You remember how the Planet has a Will? Well so does the Universe, EXO_Pico... It Sang itself into existence. In this setting there is a language collectively known as Hymmnos that can be Sung, it is the programming language the universe itself runs off of.

There are four building blocks in this universe, essentially, Dynamic and Static D-Waves and Dynamic and Static H-Waves. In order that is what we know as Energy, Matter, Emotions, the Soul. (I think, I'm not sure about the H-waves).

To give you an idea of how weird this can be, they can use plants to transmit data. I.E. If you're near a plant, you have internet access.

Humans can't do even the most basic of song magics without dozens at the very least, we just don't have the energy or compatibility for it. Reyvateils are an artificial race that is so close to humanity that its hard to see them for being not human. And they're plugged into the Towers, where they send strong emotional feelings through the link and the tower returns that with raw power that is shaped into a reality warping effect based on the Song used/emotion sent.

Hymmnos is not a flat out universal language either, so... *Shrug* Its close though. As long as the Tower has it in its memory banks, then a Reyvateil can speak it. And, again, language(s) of the Universe.

Because its relevant... 3rd Generation Reyvateils are those that have been born from a human/reyvateil coupling. Oh, right, Reyvateil's are also universally female. Anyway, they don't have some of the equipment that fully artificial reyvateils have and thus Song Magic ends up eating away at their soul as well, eventually killing them.

Parallels I saw were... okay, so its likely they sing in the unified language to activate their Gears (parralel to Songs in general). And their superb song. *Looks at 3rd Gens* Yeeeaaahhh...

Hymmnos and the Unified Language is another.

Punching Magic so hard in the face it becomes Science... or SCIENCE! sometimes.

There's a contrast between the Towers and the Moon to be made as well I think, but... Eh, I can't really think of it.

There's probably more, but I'm done with this for now, I think I made my point.
Hell, trim the cast down if possible,
Nanoha Force? :V Its a shame they never kill any of the main cast... especially with how many civvies die in this show, I mean yesh.
Want to note... for all "it's a trap" if not for 11-9 repairing gears it could've easily gone "destroy gears + alcanoise everything = win". Essentially Carol made her plan too complicated.
In this setting there is a language collectively known as Hymmnos that can be Sung, it is the programming language the universe itself runs off of.
Hymmnos is not a flat out universal language either, so... *Shrug*
Not exactly. Hymmnos is a human created language that is the programming language of the giant magic amplification Towers that are the only remaining habitable portion of the planet.

Hymmnos was developed as a more codified expansion of a language that was created as an incomplete imitation of the language spoken by the Wills of the Planet, which utilizes many wave frequencies which cannot be comprehended by humans. The universe itself would use a language containing many frequencies which can't be comprehended by Wills of the Planet.

Other planets get completely unrelated magic languages, as seen in Ciel Nosurge.

So it's less that Hymmnos is the programming language of the universe, and more that complex technology reshapes reality on the planet Ar Ciel according to commands which that technology receives in Hymmnos.
Symphogear GX #13: How Long Until Season Four?

Too long.

This confuses me - what does the Lion DO, other then provide a cool looking turret.

As I was saying to you earlier, Carol, Hibiki does have an Armed Gear now. It's her fists, hence how the giant hand is blocking your latest attack.

Yeah so what makes me excited here is that this whole battle has had a slow build up to the reveal that Hibiki totally has a proper Armed Gear now (probably in part due to having a proper gear now instead of being a half-relic hybrid). I do hope they do things with this in S4+5. At least give her a power fist for some of her moves or something to indicate that it's a proper gear and not just "she's not using it because she punches".

Plus those rejection symptoms are showing up again. Carol's kinda in trouble, so she's trying to burn the memories of her father that're stopping her. Deep, deep, down, she knows this isn't what her father would've wanted, she's just rejecting that. As she charges up a shot, Hibiki forms Tengen Toppa Fistengann.

And now, after she's sung her song and bared her heart for the world to see, we finally discover what's really in there.

As I mentioned before, Carol not singing and making the conscious decision to not open herself up to other people here contrasts interestingly with LAST ACTION HERO and Fine. The two of them refused bonds and connections with people because they didn't have the mindset - they couldn't understand them in the same way that everyone else did. Carol on the other hand....deep down, she's just a scared and traumatized little girl, lashing out at the world that hurt her. Fine and Ver could both be called inhuman to some degree - Fine because pulling a Roa and reincarnating yourself has got to wear and tear on the soul and humans were never meant to be immortal anyway, and Ver because he's got an absurdly warped view of humanity as they relate to himself and of heroism (and I doubt the hungry Nephilim arm did him any favors - he treats it like a part of his body, after all). Carol's motivations and mindset, in comparison, are so purely human - revenge for the death of a family member on what you think has wronged you? A story almost as old as humanity.

It's a very nice contrast, that gives her something to stand out against her predecessors.

The heartmonitor's flatlined, so naturally everyone came running. I suspect Carol transferred Elfnein's self into the body not falling apart, allowing both to live.
Yep. The initial mistaking for Carol is the last thing dispelled before the credits hit-

This scene weirded me out when I first saw it and I'm not sure it's faded. I can't quite explain why, properly, since it's mostly rooted in my gut reaction to seeing Carol without her memories, having forgotten who she is, and having some knowledge of how....vulnerable that makes a person.

It's weird and personal but it's never been a scene I've been fully comfortable with.

So my hopes for the future- no more characters, please. Hell, trim the cast down if possible, don't put bikkiet out of action for half the season because reasons, and please for the love of fine don't make it so episodic and repetitive- don't make neat "this villain goes to this character" matchups, spread character arcs up over the whole season not just in their own little episodes, and just make everything mean things again.

I'm hoping we get a 2 cour show - S4+5 telling the same story, so they can have time to slow down, spread things around, and avoid rushing through events.
This scene weirded me out when I first saw it and I'm not sure it's faded. I can't quite explain why, properly, since it's mostly rooted in my gut reaction to seeing Carol without her memories, having forgotten who she is, and having some knowledge of how....vulnerable that makes a person.

It's weird and personal but it's never been a scene I've been fully comfortable with.
Ditttoo here. Its...kinda sad honestly. Something closer to the loss of you own ego and self.

Its chilling actually.
GX OVAs Part Two
GX OVAs Part 2
PFFTHAHAHAHA. Carol doesn't like her inner Poser, given how all the Posers are apparently based off her.
*looks up at "No probably only yuri" tag* Carol's verdict: Lewd. Poser Blue is a troll. Unfortunately for Carol's temper and Elfnein.
Not as keikaku for Carol. Elfnein apparently insists on cleaning her room before she leaves.
PFFT. Her wardrobe consists entirely of that cloak/underwear set.
The real reason why Poser Yellow was chasing Elfnein: Carol got fed up with Elfnein being incompetent.
The Posers are physically incapable of not posing, I see.
Heh. The Noise shennanigans on the "When it's happening" bumpers have started damaging the lettering.
Fourth wall breached. The staff apparently went overboard with quirks.
Huh. That scene with Blue tying Red's bow back was actually rather touching.

And onto the next one. That scene's going to fuel Maria/Bluewing shippers.
STROGANOFF INCOMING. I'm seeing a Lethal Chef punchline coming.
Yeeep. Hibiki and Miku are not good at Beef Stroganoff.
Correction, just Hibiki. Miku's managed a decent meal.
Oh hey, the aftermath of Maria's Gugnir spell. Miku's more concerned about the blood on face. The subsequent Maria Gugnir-Noise is amusing.
Heh. Are we getting Chris in every Gear this short, or will we miss Ame-no-habariki and Argetlam?
...Apparently Chris isn't the only one who's though about what they'd be like with other Gears. This is ironic, given that a couple of weeks back I was thinking on the changes an AU where Hibiki ended up with Ame-no-habariki would be like.
Exposition on how usually, people only synch to one Symphogear. Maria's extremely unusual in that she can synch with both Gugnir and Argetlam, to some degree. Also, Ichival!Bluewing. I wonder if these are going to show up in XD?
...Miku, your yandere from your Wielder stint is showing again.
And we're finishing off with X-Edge failing to learn Manager's ninja techniques. Just ask him to teach them to you, he was happy to teach Bluewing and Maria for their show.

That's Symphogear finished, at the very least until XD and S4 finally come out. Other than the Grail War On The Moon That Got Kadingr'd, is there any actually decent Symphogear fanfics around?
Diving the Pit of Voles risks running into stuff like the Rider crossovers with nonsensical Gugnir-themed transformations for back-from-dead Kanade.
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That's Symphogear finished, at the very least until XD and S4 finally come out. Other than the Grail War On The Moon That Got Kadingr'd, is there any actually decent Symphogear fanfics around?

None that I've ever seen.

Which kinda makes me sad, but then again Symphogear isn't particularly well known here in the West.