Please confirm this with
@DragonParadox first.
As my reading it, just more clones as normal.
Oh certainly. QM always has final say.
But basically Im looking at the intent. There is an Essence limit on how many normal Splintered Gale clones you can make in your downtime. Spawning an extra Essence clones in combat with scene-length duration would have no real benefit for being a 5 dot charm if they were vanilla squishy mortals.
That's conditional though; it's literally just the flesh mask. If you cut one while they're standing in daylight they all burn the same.
It's worth being it's own merit, but not including WoD style vampiric fortitude for.
Not sure how much of that is true.
Hasnt been tested afaik.
Fey pacts for power are an entirely different ball game though. For all we know she could burn the demon out of him to do it or something.
Considering how taking up the mantle of the winter knight involves having sex with Mab on the stone table they use for high level blood sacrifice it wouldn't even be that out there as an option. Probably not worth the effort, which is why it's not her first option, but true enough to threaten Harry with.
She could. Or at least Mother Winter could. However, thats not what she's proposing there.
And while Dresden's assumption of the Mantle involved sex with Mab, I would not assume that was anything like standard procedure for most Knights. Mab was making a not so subtle political point there without actually outright saying it, one which was reinforced with her sending Lea as backup to make the Red Court....go away.
Looking at that passage, it seems likely that that whole thing was a direct deception. I mean, she implies the bit about how much he'd pay to touch his love again and her offer of knighthood are connected, but doesn't actually say it.
That sort of thing is a critical distinction for the fey.
I dont think I agree. Particularly given the situation was just after the final battle of Small Favor.
Mab had no reason to shade the truth there, now when she could simply state something that Dresden knows: Mother Winter can craft an Unravelling.
I don't really buy it. The charm goes out of its way to define what a limit of a clone is, and then doesn't explicitly break it when referring to them. Using the word normal doesn't really cut it for claiming they get full charm access in that context. Sure it makes the signature kind of crap, but it wouldn't be the only one in the book like that.
Language ambiguity is an ongoing issue for the sourcebook, and to be fair, its a free fanwork.
However, I didnt say full charm access, I said combat body.
Our activated scenelong combat suite, without stuff like Excellencies and shintai and such.
Its a 20XP five dot charm. Benchmark it to the Signature effects of other 5 dot charms.
Like someone else pointed out, dumping a bunch of temporary naked clones on a battlefield is pretty effing useless.
Unless their baseline isnt mortal humanity.
I remember. I think that finding a doctor, bringing them inside the masquerade, and having him check us for side effects is the worst we'll have to endure. Or just trade a favor with Listens-to-Wind.
We are mortal human, but not vanilla flavor.
Molly has 150% the HP of a vanilla mortal, enhanced durability, enhanced poison resistance, is essentially immune to mundane illness and her body temperature is low enough to kill plants.
A mortal doctor would tell our parents that by all rights we should be dead.
Listens to Wind is a minister of a supernatural nation at war.
One we havent even met IC, nor do we currently know him by reputation. How do you think you can get him to drop all his business for a consult and pay him with a favor? We dont have that kind of juice, and he has no experience with our physiology either.
Besides, all that misses the point. Remember the QM's comment on Soul Rendering Practice:
To buy it no, to repeatedly use it in a short span of time yes. Molly would be inflicting soul-deep pain on herself for power. Once per week or so is fine, more in an emergency, but if you get into the habit of spamming it there will be psychological consequences.
That was for SRP, but I think its worth paying attention.
A lack of mechanical consequences is not a lack of roleplaying consequences.
I mean, wizard metabolism is a lot hardier than that of vanilla mortals, yet we dont see any of those onscreen chugging down alchemical super-coffee every week.
Maybe there's a reason for that.