Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

A variant of Yog's vote, slightly softer and more direct approach, with a chance to start relations with the White Court on a better note by exposing MiS.

[X] Write in: Firmly but politely ask vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Continue with the plan of Black Rider making himself seem like a bad buy
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency
-[X] Stunt: You are already dressed to tell 'fuck off' to social conventions, now you act like it. Confidently, like you are the queen of the lot, you drag your seat near the vampire. The movement of your arm as you indicate your bid is full of poise and projects full confidence that the car will be yours; and for vampire that's barely a metaphor, she understands well what you intend to communicate. Airbag explosion which punctuates your actions is a fitting acoustic accompaniment. You whisper to the vampire, so that only she understands your words, firmly but without hostility: "Hello, you are from the same circles as Thomas, right? Looks like we are after the same car; unfortunate, as it is dear to me after our shared history, and from a certain point of view it might even be said I killed its previous owner for it. Let me have it for how long I will it, and there might even be something beneficial in it to you." (Alluding to possible MiS benefits from explicitly acting out's Molly will).

[X] JayTar
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Auctions aren't really places to hold a conversation, I don't think.
It's not conventional, yet it is the point. I tried to write the conversation into the stunt as deliberate further breaking of conventions to help with establishing of our authority, intimidation and getting the message across to the vamp, without caring for anybody else. Molly is already out of place there, young, dressed as she is and projecting otherness with her cold aura, it's alright to lean into it.
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[x] Write in: Why just intimidate the vampire, intimidate the entire group.
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency
-[x] Stunt: As the Black Rider is brought up, as you raise your sign with a twirl and flick of the wrist you send a blast of cold air down the spines of everybody in the room. While stomping your shoes on the floor to send a crack of sound reverberating off the walls. raising up you cast a look to the rooms occupants that promises the wrath of a princess of the hell's upon any that obstruct your desire.
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[X] Firmly indicate to the vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Stunt: Molly briefly shifts and shoots an irritated glance at the vampire.
—[X] As their eyes meet, something changes in the air.
—[X] Nothing is physically different, but Molly suddenly seems impossibly vast; the shift in perspective dawning like the realization that a nearby hill is truly a distant mountain.
—[X] A languid annoyance seeps into her gaze, a great beast cracking an eye to see if the creature that wandered into its den is worth getting up to eat.
—[X] The moment ends as abruptly as it began, breaking as Molly turns to place her bid.

I'm half tempted to add an intimidation excellency to see if we can crush someone's brain without actually talking to them.
I don't feel like we should need an Excellency to intimate some random white vampire to just not bid. It doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would be important enough for them to spend willpower.

Also with an Excellency there is a good chance that we overkill and make them freak out. Panicked people can react in unpredictable ways. We are going for 'aura of menace' not 'run for your lifes'.
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Only the whamp should be intimidated.

To expand on this, you are going to take some pretty serious penalties to the roll precisely because you are attempting intimidation in a public place aimed at only one person. You cannot fail at the containment, but the fact that you are working under those limitations means the DC for the actual intimidation part goes up
To expand on this, you are going to take some pretty serious penalties to the roll precisely because you are attempting intimidation in a public place aimed at only one person. You cannot fail at the containment, but the fact that you are working under those limitations means the DC for the actual intimidation part goes up
Is it a problem if we intimated any other potential buyers?
[X] Firmly indicate to the vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Use intimidation excellency
-[X] Stunt: Molly briefly shifts and shoots an irritated glance at the vampire.
—[X] As their eyes meet, something changes in the air.
—[X] Nothing is physically different, but Molly suddenly seems impossibly vast; the shift in perspective dawning like the realization that a nearby hill is truly a distant mountain.
—[X] A languid annoyance seeps into her gaze, a great beast cracking an eye to see if the creature that wandered into its den is worth getting up to eat.
—[X] The moment ends as abruptly as it began, breaking as Molly turns to place her bid.

Adding excellency since it's unlikely we'll over succeed too hard here.
DPE makes the max DC 7
Modifiers apply before the cap, so we could still end up with a DC of 9.
A variant of Yog's vote, slightly softer and more direct approach, with a chance to start relations with the White Court on a better note by exposing MiS.

[X] Write in: Firmly but politely ask vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Continue with the plan of Black Rider making himself seem like a bad buy
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency
-[X] Stunt: You are already dressed to tell 'fuck off' to social conventions, now you act like it. Confidently, like you are the queen of the lot, you drag your seat near the vampire. The movement of your arm as you indicate your bid is full of poise and projects full confidence that the car will be yours; and for vampire that's barely a metaphor, she understands well what you intend to communicate. Airbag explosion which punctuates your actions is a fitting acoustic accompaniment. You whisper to the vampire, so that only she understands your words, firmly but without hostility: "Hello, you are from the same circles as Thomas, right? Looks like we are after the same car; unfortunate, as it is dear to me after our shared history, and from a certain point of view it might even be said I killed its previous owner for it. Let me have it for how long I will it, and there might even be something beneficial in it to you." (Alluding to possible MiS benefits from explicitly acting out's Molly will).
This seems like a bad plan to me. We may be dealing with a random white court vamp, but that's no reason to drag trouble to Thomas' door. Or admit to murder while hanging around cops for that matter.

It might also trip some rules about harassing people during the auction, which would be a pain to deal with even if we could probably handle it.

It's not necessarily a huge risk, but why bother taking it?

The MiS stuff can be done through Thomas, or random WC vamps we meet under more private circumstances that we can control. Preferably after vetting them a bit.
No, but that is still inhuman amounts of successes and they might not be able to feel the mantle of Hellish authority they can feel the unnatural cold just fine. An intentional attempt to intimidate that did not attempt to exclude the non-vampires would be messy.
Might it not make more sense not to use our Excellency then? It isn't like we are trying to make her cower before us. We just want to stop her from bidding. One success should be enough for that and if she is rolling 7 dice against our natural 7 were she loses 2 success and we ignore rolling 1s then I figure that our chances of getting at least 1 success over her are good with no chance of inhuman success besides successes that should only be felt by creatures of darkness.
Might it not make more sense not to use our Excellency then? It isn't like we are trying to make her cower before us. We just want to stop her from bidding. One success should be enough for that and if she is rolling 7 dice against our natural 7 were she loses 2 success and we ignore rolling 1s then I figure that our chances of getting at least 1 success over her are good with no chance of inhuman success besides successes that should only be felt by creatures of darkness.

You could do that, but then you roll back around to 'you might fail'. You would have better than even odds but not that much better.
This seems like a bad plan to me. We may be dealing with a random white court vamp, but that's no reason to drag trouble to Thomas' door. Or admit to murder while hanging around cops for that matter.

It might also trip some rules about harassing people during the auction, which would be a pain to deal with even if we could probably handle it.

It's not necessarily a huge risk, but why bother taking it?

The MiS stuff can be done through Thomas, or random WC vamps we meet under more private circumstances that we can control. Preferably after vetting them a bit.
I took Yog's plan and tried to make it softer and more direct on intimidation, to hopefully a) not sour our relations with this vamp as much by being above board up front polite about it and hopefully offering a sweetener in MiS effect, and b) have it us getting in contact with the White Court earlier, because why wait for a later opportunity when we can do it now? We'll hopefully be able to co-exist with them with mutual benefits, so better to start earlier.

The plan does not mean to drag trouble to Thomas' door, mentioning his name is a subtle way to let the vamp know we know what kind of a being she is. Us knowing about him does not in any way tie him into the current situation between Molly and the vamp.

Admitting to murder is to help with intimidation and is for the vamp's ears only, I assumed Molly is sufficiently skilled and the vamp would be very attentive to Molly for her to whisper in such a way only the vamp would hear it.

The stunt is written to minimize any risk, Molly getting together with the vamp and hush-hush talking with her is to appear to everybody else as a bratty teenager (helped by the way Molly is dressed) who recognized an acquaintance of an acquaintance and decided to just go talk with her. Coverup of any supernatural irregularities spilling over outside the conversation with the vamp would be helped by the tendency of the people to dismiss things out of the ordinary.

So overall, the plan tries to get in contact with White Court earlier and on a better note than just direct intimidation of one of its members would achieve, while minimizing risk accompanying intimidation attempt by keeping it strictly between Molly and the vamp as much as possible, helped by the their closeness.