My understanding is very much along the lines of Harem from the Grrlpower webcomic.
Lots of cosmetic differentiation with each clone, but it remains the same person as the original. You lose that differentiation if you have to burn the clone to survive being killed, but then you remake it.
It can't have novel memories and identity of its own, have human level intelligence, and not be an actual person.splintered gale inCarnation (•••••)
The Infernal flays herself apart, creating duplicates
of herself.
System: The Infernal spends 5 Essence and
screams, issuing forth a crimson gale that resolves into a perfect copy of herself. This clone comes into the world naked, perfectly loyal to its creator, precisely aware of what it is, and in possession of the same per- sonality and memories as the Infernal. It has the same Traits as the Infernal, but is completely mortal, with no magic of any sort. Alternately, if the Infernal pos- sesses a working uterus, she can use this Charm to im- pregnate herself. This parthenogenetic child will grow up to be a perfect physical duplicate of the Infernal, but is otherwise a normal human being.
The Infernal can have up to her Essence rating in clones alive and active at once. By spending 1 Essence, she can cause a clone within her presence to unravel back into crimson wind which she absorbs, granting her all of the memories the clone accumulated during its existence. If the Infernal wishes, she may re-create specific absorbed clones in the future when using Splintered Gale Incarnation.
If the Infernal should ever die while any of her clones are abroad in the world, her body dissolves into a screaming wind that streams across the world and pours itself into the nearest clone. This destroys the clone's memories and identity as the Infernal takes over its body. Reincarnating in this fashion reduces the Infernal's Essence rating by 1. If this would reduce her to Essence 0, then reincarnation is impossible.
Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, (Essence rating) clones emerge along- side her when her chrysalis shatters. They don't count against the normal clone limit of Splintered Gale In- carnation, and will vanish into crimson wind when the Shintai form ends; they cannot be reabsorbed. To be clear, these are clones of the Infernal's normal form, not her Shintai body.
A reminder that we craft at x10 speed. Crafting Paths/Fortune/Summoning trifecta are absolutely obscene when added on Infernal chassis, yes.
Oh, certainly. As soon as we are getting our kingdom, any sort of common use crafting should be offloaded to it, and we should switch to either combat crafting, ie making objects for the situation in the field, and making legendary quality artifacts of power that we need exalted dicepools for. And even those should be made in great factory cathedrals of our hell realm, with centuries and millennia old superhuman devil smiths working as our assistants.A reminder that we craft at x10 speed. Crafting Paths/Fortune/Summoning trifecta are absolutely obscene when added on Infernal chassis, yes.
That said, if we are planning on purchasing Hell-realm with advanced civilization, Alchemy becomes something that we could easily off-load on someone else. We probably couldn't get 5-6 dot effects that way - which is a strong argument to purchase it regardless, imo - but Advanced Civ-tier Hell-realm should be capable of supplying everything below 5 dots easily.
But we are far away from our kingdom. We would need 36 XP just to get it, and then we'd need summoning path, which we would want to push as high as possible, which is 49 XP max. So I think we should stick with alchemy (maybe enchantment) and fortune for now.
Possible, yes. Depending on how much XP we get this arc, I think I'll try grabbing Alchemy 2, to partially solve our action economy crisis. The next arc is probably a timeskip / some kind of faster time progression one, as we deal with the Dragon's Nest / Elemental's layer reconstruction. We need to overcharge our craft as much as possible for that one, I feel.That's two arcs worth of XP, though. And we are nearing the resolution of one. Given that we are mostly done with the basics of basics, aiming for Key and Kingdom next is a viable progression strategy. Good, even, given how many problems it would solve - and create - at the same time.
I think even in E2, the CoD tag was mostly for Solar charms that worked especially well against them. Most non-Solars don't care if you're a CoD. That's why ExWoD had to have a block specifying what was and wasn't a CoD, because other splats don't interact with that rule. Think it's even in the Solar chapter, too, but my phone spontaneously decided not to load the thing when I went to check, so can't confirm right now.I think it has been pointed out that Infernal Exalts are Creatures of Darkness too.
And we dont know who can wields <Holy> tagged effects in this setting. Do Denarians still do so as legacy code of when the Fallen were still working for the White God? What of pagan deities? Summer Court Fae?
Nicodemus and his crew dont seem to be bothered by stuff like holy water or invocations of faith magic, which impairs Rampires, Blampires and allegedly at least some ghouls. But not Whampires.
Should be interesting to see how the QM handles it.
We have to have a tutor first for sorcery. Harry could do it, but I don't think we can commit exp at a buy point before we receive the training for something.Possible, yes. Depending on how much XP we get this arc, I think I'll try grabbing Alchemy 2, to partially solve our action economy crisis. The next arc is probably a timeskip / some kind of faster time progression one, as we deal with the Dragon's Nest / Elemental's layer reconstruction. We need to overcharge our craft as much as possible for that one, I feel.
So, basically, weird in-between - clones got enough autonomy to think, but not enough to think for themselves and genuinely change. Although they are not directly mentally linked, they are still a part of a spiritual gestalt.
So, basically, weird in-between - clones got enough autonomy to think, but not enough to think for themselves and genuinely change. Although they are not directly mentally linked, they are still a part of a spiritual gestalt.
Just to narrow it down a bit more; is Annie scenario theoretically possible?
That's kinda like saying you could pull versions of yourself from alternate timelines that diverged a few days or weeks ago, and if you killed one to survive it's fine since it's still you.So is SGI a person whom you would be killing if you get killed and reincarnate? Well no, that paradigm would depend on the entity being able to exist as something other than an aspect of Molly Carpenter
Freedom Lets Go literally rips off a piece of your soul with a curse or transformation attached and hurls it into the depths of hell.
That's kinda like saying you could pull versions of yourself from alternate timelines that diverged a few days or weeks ago, and if you killed one to survive it's fine since it's still you.
I mean, they are capable of, theoretically, betraying us. Intentionally. With full awareness. Metaphysical oneness or not. That is a litmus test that definitively says that yeah, they are their own people.
At that point, probability of us actually getting Splintered Gale is close to zero, as we got a definitive confirmation that we are not sacrificing particularly well-developed fingers or flesh robots, but actual people.
Sad, but such is life. I was looking forward to seeing Charity deal with five Mollies.