Different scene.
We moved from Nieminen's gravesite to a bench outside the burial grounds proper but still on the cemetery grounds.
-Traffic cameras.
Something for the Cyberdevils to hack into while we're asleep tonight. I'd worry about his being tracked, but Im reasonably sure that when necessary coincidence makes it so that his license plate isnt seen.
-Looks like we're lodging outside Cleveland.
A place with a subverted police department is not somewhere to book a hotel room.
-Called it on the Reds being interlopers. So there's at least two factions we know about: the Reds and the Pathfinders. And Im reasonably sure they arent the only ones in play, just the ones we've seen signs of.
Cleveland has a population of around 350k, and the metro area has around 3 million people.
Thats large enough to support a significant supernatural scene, and I doubt either the Pathfinder op or the Red infestation has gone unnoticed.
-Assuming dude is too terrified to lie to us?
Going to note that while Andre certainly seems to believe they are here to shut this down? His boss probably has contingency plans to see if he can attempt to take control of this thing, if it can be done.
I mean, Reds can infiltrate law enforcement and make thralls with hypnotic mind control and their spit.
The most straightforward strategy would be to thrall some of the home staff to commit health violations, used the cops they infiltrated to trump up charges and shut the entire nursing home down and disperse the residents.
One week, maybe two.
Instead they are setting up a local base where they have access to lots of humans nightly, and subverted part of the police department so any missing person investigations come into contact with human thralls.
Something smells.
-Andre La Blanche is a French name, which makes him less than a hundred years based on likely Red Court demographics.
Probably less than fifty. Nowhere near the actual circles of power.
Philippe de Leon otoh is Hispanic, either original Spanish from the conquistadorial era or a convert from after colonialism.
Which makes him no more than five hundred or so years. We are probably looking at one of Paolo Ortega's deputies and replacements after McCoy asteroid dropped his estate.
Someone with competence. And ambition.
And at least a working knowledge of magic, if hes riding point on something like this.
He's either a sorcerer, or he has a sorcerer in tow.
No recorded successful case. Its a fear, but there is no indication that its ever actually happened.
Plus, Rampires have to first capture you, then infect you, and get you to drink someone's blood until they die in order to become a Red Court vampire yourself.
Wizard death curse makes attempting to take a Warden captive a very perilous endeavor.
The same arguments that apply to not executing death penalty cases probably apply here.
But the options available to Molly change when she has a Hell/Kingdom in which to throw people on probation.
And when she gets fomor/bakemono charms to simply change a Rampire.