Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Dex 3+Athletics 2+4 (Current Willpower from Excellency). It's the same DC for her 7.
Huh, so she has the same base Dex + Athletics pool as us, but less raw Attribute and more skill, and she's boosting it with an Excellency, while we get the Shintai boost.

Also, her Excellency works on current Willpower, so that's something to note. I know different Exalt types get different Excellency mechanics, but this one is unique and potentially as powerful as our own Excellency, while getting weaker as she grows exhausted.
[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit

If we remove Lydia from the equation, Mab can't blackmail her with her father's life. By taking Lydia with us into NeverNever, we remove her from the scene. This is the ideal solution. Harry can take it from there.
Mab is most likely capable of metaphorically grabbing Eldest Ankou, wadding him up into a ball, and sticking him in her pocket to deal with later. But it does keep her from going right for the kill right now.

... In retrospect we should have summoned another Ankou well before this and simply asked for its aid in the process of ensuring it becomes more powerful
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[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit

Either we successfully stop Evil Bob before he drags us into the NeverNever, or we don't and get to have a little adventure with our new prospective Circle-mate with the adults solving the politics while Lydia is safely out of the way of Mab's schemes. I see no downsides on either path.
This feels like the time for Molly to lean into Sailor Nuclear Hell Princess' anime roots to use Usum to slice and dice the u-boat in physics defying style.
Remember that the location the Museum is currently linked to in the Nevernever is probably very hostile indeed. Taking Lydia to the Nevernever also means that Mab is allowed to simply kidnap her and hold her hostage, as Lydia is no longer in the material world.

We're also leaving Mab to fuck with Harry and Arawn if she choose to. Harry has now broken his deal with Mab, so she has the right to fuck him up with few limits. That probably also means she can manifest without being called, as the broken deal acts as an invitation into the material world.

This is a disaster. Our negotiating position is completely fucked as Mab can now hold Harry hostage to compel obedience. We've sacrificed Harry and Arawn for the chance of dealing with Evil Bob and then failed to deal with him. Time to cut our loses and try to minimise how bad this gets.

[X] Jump back off, he does not have any guns left and is just trying to run, you do not want to get on Evil Bob's Nevernever Ride
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[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit
Remember that the location the Museum is currently linked to in the Nevernever is probably very hostile indeed. Taking Lydia to the Nevernever also means that Mab is allowed to simply kidnap her and hold her hostage, as Lydia is no longer in the material world.

We're also leaving Mab to fuck with Harry and Arawn if she choose to. Harry has now broken his deal with Mab, so she has the right to fuck him up with few limits. That probably also means she can manifest without being called, as the broken deal acts as an invitation into the material world.

This is a disaster. Our negotiating position is completely fucked as Mab can now hold Harry hostage to compel obedience. We've sacrificed Harry and Arawn for the chance of dealing with Evil Bob and then failed to deal with him. Time to cut our loses and try to minimise how bad this gets.

[X] Jump back off, he does not have any guns left and is just trying to run, you do not want to get on Evil Bob's Nevernever Ride
only allowed to kidnap her I think if its in her territory. Mind you she has plenty of methods of coercion.
Evil Bob's still a spirit of intellect right, And his current master is occupied, so couldnt we try to usurp the bond?
only allowed to kidnap her I think if its in her territory. Mind you she has plenty of methods of coercion.

Powers of the Nevernever can act freely within the Nevernever I think. They're limited by their mantles' authority when interacting with the material world, but the Nevernever isn't the material world.

That's one reason it's so dangerous to go there, as the inhabitants have much more freedom to act there.

Evil Bob's still a spirit of intellect right, And his current master is occupied, so couldnt we try to usurp the bond?

If we knew Emerald Spirit Binding we could try. We don't though.
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Powers of the Nevernever can act freely within the Nevernever I think. They're limited by their mantles' authority when interacting with the material world, but the Nevernever isn't the material world.

That's one reason it's so dangerous to go there, as the inhabitants have much more freedom to act there.

If we knew Emerald Spirit Binding we could try. We don't though.
probably mostly true though mind you they still have a bunch of their own individual rules they can't get out of. Many of which we just don't know about.
We're also leaving Mab to fuck with Harry and Arawn if she choose to. Harry has now broken his deal with Mab, so she has the right to fuck him up with few limits. That probably also means she can manifest without being called, as the broken deal acts as an invitation into the material world.
Right now nothing of that is happening.
Harry has obviously decided not to call Mab yet, so those two will be focused on Corpsetaker for a while.

We can kill Bob, use Lydia's way-openener to go home and then deal with Mab.
The water is obviously coming from EvilBob working magic.
If its up to waist height in the museum, its not that long before it gets high enough to actively impede Harry and Gard.

If he just ran, I would be tempted to let him flee and deal with him later.
But he is trying to take the submarine, and we have a lot of reason not to let him get away with a base infrastructure from which to wreak havoc.

In shintai warform, Molly has STR 5, DEX 8 and Movement 44 yards/turn when running.

That means she deals at least (Str5+2=)7 Damage every turn with her sword, not counting extra successes from her Dex 8 + Melee 5 attack pool or any bonuses from if she uses GSNF. She has 3 turns to act, moves 44 yards each turn, and has Clippy on her person with access to mapping on the layout of Type IXc submarines in general and this particular submarine in particular.

And thats not counting Lydia's help with sensing spirits.
She's got this.

Also, if we save the submarine, we get bonus XP for a stretch goal.

[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit
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I'm starting to wonder how much is going on in the background that we just don't understand yet.

I mean, we have sussed out most of the actors involved (Katrina, Capricorpus, Evil Bob, etc) and a possible goal (usurpation of the Ankou Mantle), but there are a lot of moving parts here. I think there might be more to the possessed u-boat than a convenient receptacle and weapon platform for Evil Bob.

Summoning hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, if not millions, from the Nevernever has to be a significant undertaking of its own, not to mention actually possessing and empowering a gargantuan metal construct. What if the u-boat was the whole point of this ritual? Evil Bob is trying to use it to escape into some part of the Nevernever, and that doesn't quite seem like something he could do to just anything he was possessing, especially something so large.

Katrina and her crew could have spent the better part of the past 24 hours modifying the u-boat for the express purpose of using it to travel somewhere in the Nevernever, perhaps a place closely associated with one or more afterlives/underworlds? There are lots of various types of spiritually significant bodies of water tied to myths and legends related to the afterlife in multiple cultures, so what better to plumb those depths than a Nazi u-boat?

Arawn could have been a key to open the way to their destination, or the gate they wanted to pass through. If this is the case, the question then becomes what the hell could they be going through this much effort to find?

/end speculation
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[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit
-[X] [Stunt] For a moment you consider the heavy hatch of the submarine. Cutting through it would take time even with your burning sword, so you try to remember the museum's information on the piece. With a shout to Lydia to follow you, you take a jump to the front of the ship, finding the torpedo tubes still open and no thinner than the entry hatch, their back only secured by a much thinner metal cap.

This is, from what I can tell at a look on the museum's page and some pictures actually possible if you are willing to do the gymnastics to get there.