What exactly did you roll here?
Ours looks like DEX + Athletics, which is huge due to the Shintai, but she has just as many dice and a lower DC?
Dex 3+Athletics 2+4 (Current Willpower from Excellency). It's the same DC for her 7.
What exactly did you roll here?
Ours looks like DEX + Athletics, which is huge due to the Shintai, but she has just as many dice and a lower DC?
Huh, so she has the same base Dex + Athletics pool as us, but less raw Attribute and more skill, and she's boosting it with an Excellency, while we get the Shintai boost.Dex 3+Athletics 2+4 (Current Willpower from Excellency). It's the same DC for her 7.
Mab is most likely capable of metaphorically grabbing Eldest Ankou, wadding him up into a ball, and sticking him in her pocket to deal with later. But it does keep her from going right for the kill right now.[X] Enter the possessed sub in order to break enough of it to expel the dark spirit
If we remove Lydia from the equation, Mab can't blackmail her with her father's life. By taking Lydia with us into NeverNever, we remove her from the scene. This is the ideal solution. Harry can take it from there.
Yeah, the exigent get some neat variant rules for a lot of the basic exalted kit. The forbidden appendix at the end of the ExWoD book is worth a read just to see the samples.
Ah, I mixed things up on a look, sorry.Dex 3+Athletics 2+4 (Current Willpower from Excellency). It's the same DC for her 7.
only allowed to kidnap her I think if its in her territory. Mind you she has plenty of methods of coercion.Remember that the location the Museum is currently linked to in the Nevernever is probably very hostile indeed. Taking Lydia to the Nevernever also means that Mab is allowed to simply kidnap her and hold her hostage, as Lydia is no longer in the material world.
We're also leaving Mab to fuck with Harry and Arawn if she choose to. Harry has now broken his deal with Mab, so she has the right to fuck him up with few limits. That probably also means she can manifest without being called, as the broken deal acts as an invitation into the material world.
This is a disaster. Our negotiating position is completely fucked as Mab can now hold Harry hostage to compel obedience. We've sacrificed Harry and Arawn for the chance of dealing with Evil Bob and then failed to deal with him. Time to cut our loses and try to minimise how bad this gets.
[X] Jump back off, he does not have any guns left and is just trying to run, you do not want to get on Evil Bob's Nevernever Ride
only allowed to kidnap her I think if its in her territory. Mind you she has plenty of methods of coercion.
Evil Bob's still a spirit of intellect right, And his current master is occupied, so couldnt we try to usurp the bond?
probably mostly true though mind you they still have a bunch of their own individual rules they can't get out of. Many of which we just don't know about.Powers of the Nevernever can act freely within the Nevernever I think. They're limited by their mantles' authority when interacting with the material world, but the Nevernever isn't the material world.
That's one reason it's so dangerous to go there, as the inhabitants have much more freedom to act there.
If we knew Emerald Spirit Binding we could try. We don't though.
Right now nothing of that is happening.We're also leaving Mab to fuck with Harry and Arawn if she choose to. Harry has now broken his deal with Mab, so she has the right to fuck him up with few limits. That probably also means she can manifest without being called, as the broken deal acts as an invitation into the material world.
The water is obviously coming from EvilBob working magic.
If we kill it we should start a fighter jet style nose cone kill counter. A charm bracelet with a little generic sub and/or Valkyrie on it or something.Also, if we save the submarine, we get bonus XP for a stretch goal