That was supposed to be v2 sorry I'll correct it.@zxzx24 just to check, do you want to plan without drive and academics and not the more recent version? I ask because the vote is quite close and I do not want to make a mistake.
Wait what? As I recall Infernal Excellencies don't act like that, are you homebrewing this DP? Infernal Excellencies act as enhancers when an Infernal is acting in a way that resonates with the Yozi they have the Excellency for, not just straight up skill boosters: that's Solars.One other thing about favored abilities, they are the ones you can throw excellencies at from the start with a single charm. What are excellencies? They are the abilities to laugh at mortal limitations, the easiest way to do what Exaltation were meant to do from the start, take a human at the peak of their abilities and make them as gods. Now the effects are not magical, so no cooking up health potions from chicken soup, that is for other powers, but they are superlative with the potential to be impossibility good.
How is this mac and cheese made from leftovers better than a five course luxury meal? That's not how anything, taste bubs can't...
Excellency: I don't have to explain shit, shut up and eat it.![]()
Wait what? As I recall Infernal Excellencies don't act like that, are you homebrewing this DP? Infernal Excellencies act as enhancers when an Infernal is acting in a way that resonates with the Yozi they have the Excellency for, not just straight up skill boosters: that's Solars.
Key to the Kingdom: (Ability) (•)
By feeding raw infernal Essence into any endeavor, the Demon Prince may perform feats far beyond mortal limits.
System: Select any single Ability when purchasing this Charm. At any time, the player may reflexively spend 1 Essence to add (the Attribute being rolled + the Ability in question) dice to all rolls using this Ability for (Essence rating + 1) turns in combat, or minutes outside of combat.
This Charm can be repurchased to unlock additional Abilities, but Essence must be spent to add dice to each Ability separately. The very first purchase of Key to the Kingdom unlocks all of the character's Key Abilities, but subsequent purchases only unlock one Ability at a time.
Wait what? As I recall Infernal Excellencies don't act like that, are you homebrewing this DP? Infernal Excellencies act as enhancers when an Infernal is acting in a way that resonates with the Yozi they have the Excellency for, not just straight up skill boosters: that's Solars.
Now, most of us agree that Wound Penalties sucks. It reduces the amount of dice you could use within a scene or story, and you have to deal with reduced movement rate, healing convalescence waiting time and the likes. This Charm makes it so that you could use a sort of field treatment so that your minions and loved ones don't get crippled just because they have their guts trailing behind them. Sure, they won't heal. But it would halt any form of infection, malaise, blood loss and maiming they have suffered. Harry would love this Charm, seeing as that guy tends to always be in a state of almost keeling over even before meeting the big bads of the story.False Springs Beckckon (•••)
The Infernal offers reprieve from the torments of existence. This is a trap, but one her foes may willingly step into.
System: The Infernal needs merely extend a hand for her target to understand that she offers relief from some ongoing source of misery. The Infernal may deliberately choose the sort of relief she offers, or may simply offer relief from whatever most torments the target. Examples of valid torments include the pain (and associated wound penalties) of injuries or chronic health conditions; a vampire's Clan weakness; a super natural being's susceptibility to frenzy; a derangement of the mind; the drawbacks of a demon's Torment; an ongoing curse laid by a magician; or anything else the Storyteller feels is in line with the above examples.
If the target accepts the Infernal's offer, she may sanctify the pact by spending 1 Essence. The target immediately ceases to suffer from the relevant torment. This reprieve lasts until for a number of weeks equal to the Infernal's Essence rating, or until the target refuses to do anything the Infernal tells him to do, whichever comes first. In no case does this Charm actually fix the problem – the target is still wounded, cursed, or deranged – it merely alleviates the symptoms for a while.
This is very powerful. So powerful in fact that its base effect alone is enough to turn the tide. Multiple Action penalty sucks ass. A consecutive +1 Difficulty and -1 Dice for your actions make it so that rarely did you ever use it in base WoD besides Parrying and Attacking (Riposte). To be able to make one other attack after you have done your attack is really useful in that it clears out potential beings that might not keel over the first time we sink our swords into them. It uses our base stats (of which we have reasonably high Dots) and get this, it lasts for a Scene. Not a turn. Not (Essence + 1) turn. It lasts until whenever we don't need it anymore.Incarnate Shadow Insinuation (•••••)
Freezing tendrils of absolute midnight writhe up from the Infernal's shadow, anchoring themselves somewhere on her body. They strike down those who draw near with sinuous, bone-chilling strikes.
System: After a turn's concentration, spend 1 Essence to summon the shadow-tendrils of Kakuri. At the end of every turn for the rest of the scene, the Infernal may make an extra attack action with her full Dexterity + (Brawl or Melee) pool. The tendrils inflict Strength + 3 bashing damage.
Signature Effect: The Infernal's Shintai writhes with deadly, lashing shadows. Incarnate Shadow Insinuation activates at no cost when the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and grants two extra attack actions rather than one, which inflict lethal rather than bashing damage.
This Charm is a must by the way. This is our version of Hungry Tiger and it already deals Aggravated damage. Meaning those we struck with this Charm are unable to heal from it normally. They needed extensive time, expensive reagents, and magical healing before being able to heal from our wounds. That is if we even let them. Kakuri (sweet, great Kakuri) have another Charm that would hinder any form of healing attempt on those we've maimed:Green Sun Nimbus Flare (•••)
The Infernal seeds her attacks with the fire that began the world and which may very well end it: the poisonous radiance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the legend-destroying power which erupted above the floodplain of Bangladesh, and which is now the dream secretly nurtured at the heart of Lanka. A target struck with this Charm dies from the inside-out as her flesh erupts into geysers of sinister emerald flames.
System: After successfully striking a target and inflicting damage with an attack, the player may reflexively spend 1 Essence to inflict (highest of Strength, Charisma, or Intelligence) levels of automatic aggravated damage.
Signature Effect: While in her Shintai form, the Infernal may reflexively spend 1 Willpower to cause the body of every character she has slain during the current scene with Green Sun Nimbus Flare to explode in a burst of hard radiation and roaring green flames, inflicting (Essence rating) levels of automatic aggravated damage to everyone within five yards of the body. The Infernal herself is immune to harm from these detonations.
The only weakness to this Charm is that it only affects the target itself, not those around the target. So the target's buddies can save her and transport her away from us in order to heal her.Life-Denying Curse (••••)
The Infernal blesses her enemies with futility, denying them the ability to recover from whatever torments she chooses to inflict upon them.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence upon inflicting damage to an enemy. For the rest of the scene, the target is incapable of healing any damage or removing any inflicted curses, mutilations, derangements, or other such effects. For example, if afflicted with Golden Years Tarnished Black, she could not spend Willpower during the scene to reclaim the joy in her memories. Anyone killed while under the effects of this Charm finds their soul immediately banished to suffer for all eternity in Kakuri. Condemning a supernatural being in this fashion "rolls back" the number of times the Infernal is considered to have attempted to don her Shintai form during the current story by one, reducing its cost or difficulty accordingly (to a minimum of Essence 2, Willpower 2, and no roll requirement), so long as that being isn't a creature of darkness.
The Infernal may alternately pay 2 Essence when activating this Charm to cause its effects to linger for her Essence rating in days.
Signature Effect: The 1 Essence effect of Life-Denying Curse drops to a cost of 0 Essence while the Infernal wears her Shintai form.
is there a reason that the setting document that DP linked only goes to page 171 for me? when infernals are apparently on 193?