Not quite.
When we use the Charm, we can activate as many Aspects as we want, no roll needed.
Only when our Anima is flaring do we need to roll to surpress an aspect.
one sad thing about this quest I doubt that harry will ever redeem(corrupt) lash like he did in canon we're more likely to pull her out somehow I think.
That has nothing to do with us.
The redemption or otherwise of Lash is between Harry and Lash, and primarily a function of their interpersonal interaction.
It might not be as flashy as it was in canon, but nothing we have done affects that.
I mean, part of the reason that Uriel didn't talk to us directly when making that deal was that he was afraid we might ask how to make him fall.
Citation very much needed.
My understanding was that it was to avoid getting tangled up or upsetting long-laid schemes, not any personal vulnerability.
It should be noted that the never-never is near endless and a wizard's time is not. Add to that the fact that to even enter the Wicked City you need to be mortal-side in a kind of technological place most wizards avoid and it gets even harder. Now consider where the Yama Kings hold the most sway in the mortal world and it becomes a lot more reasonable that a relatively young wizard in Chicago does not know about the Wicked City
I would dispute much of this.
For one thing, wizards get old while remaining quite vigorous; Luccio pre-bodyswap was middle aged looking despite being born in the early 1800s, and both McCoy and Listens to Wind are north of 300 from their involvement in the French and Indian War, and even greater age is demonstrated by with Rashid.
In that time they build and sit at the center of information networks that span continents and decades.And wizards love to gather information, and sponsor people and spirits to gather information on their behalf. There are entire chapters of the Venators out there looking for grant funding.
For the second, the Vampire War repeatedly puts the White Council's installations in and around major cities: Palermo, Milan, Cairo et cetera. Their HQ is under Edinburgh.
For all their antipathy towards hightech, their temporal power is anchored around cities and their human populations.
For another? Look at who taught Dresden.
He was adopted by DuMorne around 1986, and his grandfather took over the remainder of his education in the early 1990s. The Blackstaff would not fail in ensuring his grandson knew about current and rising dangers after what happened with his daughter.
The more obscure Hells are stuff he'd have to look for a book, or more likely Bob.
But the Wicked City? One of the five or six most prominent of the Thousand Hells? He might not know the specifics of the place, but he'd remember the Cliffnotes, and Bob would have updated him.
According to the Thousand Hells sourcebook, the Wicked City is not new; Enma-O and Mikaboshi allegedly fought a border war for centuries, with Mikaboshi steadily losing until the advent of Western technology which he embraced enthusiastically. He and his denizens are not new to the supernatural world.
More generally, its worth remembering that wizards are called the Wise for a reason.
At their core, beyond the blastiness and all the mojo, they're information brokers and hoarders. Even Dresden falls into a network of information gatherers almost by accident before the age of 50, and Harry is a fairly unambitious dude with primarily local concerns.
My two cents.
white councils projection power is mostly in europe, some of the states, and....heres the quote. They don't have a lot of projection power in quite a few places. "the White Council stuck to the wealthier nations of Europe, the US, and the upper end portions of Asia."
Edit: Historically that is at least the past few centuries it may be increasing a bit since the population raising has raised the wizard population. But, generally white council is always under manned and so their general knowledge and power should mostly be in those areas.
The White Council's ORIGINS are mostly in Europe and the so-called West.
Thats not the same thing as their projection power being just there. Other than Latin America where the Red Court hold sway, the White Council moves openly everywhere else.
We know in the Vampire War that they had command centers in Cairo and Milan, and hospitals in the Congo.
Petrovich was in Russia.