Arc 15 Post 38: Sending a Message
Sending a Message
9th of March 2007 A.D.
"I am their enemy and I'm giving you a chance to be that too señor and not just you!" The words ring out with all the weight of utter sincerity and thankfully without any stumbles in your Spanish. "I will not stand here and tell you this if your last chance, while there is life there is hope of salvation, but this is the last chance you will get to help set right what now stands skew!"
As calls to action go one might argue that 'you get to do the right thing and keep your power' lacks something of moral rectitude, but the Bible is full of once sinful kings who eventually walked a more righteous path. Why not a Senator.
"What do I have to..."
"You are no longer addicted," you inform him simply as you feel mechanisms transcendent move beyond and behind the veil of the everyday, Essence burns in votive offering, fumes to befuddle the substance of reality.
The curse of the vampire's kiss is not broken, it is simply made not for a full turn of the moon.
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 15/18 (FSB)
"They are going to come after us," the elderly man says pushing himself away from the desk with such force it scrapes across the floor. One of the vampires turns.
"What are you...? What do you hear?"
"Careful now Mr Herrera, they cannot notice me, you they can see," you step into the potential line of fire, just in case this particular vampire has an itchy trigger finger. "Let it be the last thing they see."
So it is in that drab office, overlooking the city of Medellín another dancer is added in the ring that before had only one.
Lost 3 Essence -> Now at 12/18
Three shots ring out, one after another, a whistle of steel flechettes on the night wind, each dipped in poisons which had been proved to affect the vampires of the Red Court, only about as lethal as balefire and more expensive to boot, but also less likely to make a scene. Olivia does good work as ever.
Before the wounded vampires can do more than snarl in confusion, her flesh masks starting to tear with a wet screech you finish off two and allow the newly empowered Carlos Herrera to finish off the last with a letter opener driven into his brain with superhuman strength. That is going to take a bit more clean up than you'd expected. You'd figured he'd use the gun.
As you continue your work removing the Red Court's back up operatives from their grip another considers her words as she enters the hospital Bogotá, the scent of harsh chemicals causing her nostrils to flare in displeasure and, so it seemed to her, her steps echoing strangely upon holy ground, as if the earth itself could not quite believe her gall.
Tiffany McNeil considered the meaning of salvation and the methods of temptation, how best to make theme have faith again, in something beyond the next drip of sweep poison in their cups?
[] Sell them a better deal, wealth, power, good health, all of those are up for grabs and she is a good salesman, she was made to be one after all
-[] Write in plan (Optional, Tiffany cannot stunt, but a good plan can lower her DCs)
[] The Grace of Fallen Angels... even the memory of angels, the echo broken across time could move the hearts of men once more to do great and terribile thigns, but did she want that, did she dare? (Use her Apocalyptic Form)
[] Write in
OOC: OK so I am not going to make you guys go though half a dozen politicians. I just needed a general plan so I can do more rolls for all of them and then only bring it up to a vote is something remarkable happens. Speaking of remarkable things, how do you feel about Angelic Visitations of the Not-Precisely-In-Good-Standing Angels?