Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[x]Put cyberdevils into the helicopters and have them get lost. Also listen to what the soliders say.

[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead

Every day of delay means better fortifications.
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[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead

We know that the governments of South America are almost completely under the control of the Red Court, so it is obvious to assume that these soldiers were sent as scouts to gather information, being humans sent because they know that Molly would have qualms about killing them, which she wouldn't have if they were regular Reds.

I say we hold a Veil and prepare for an attack, these soldiers are inconsequential.

In addition, I want to see the possible ground-to-air technologies and force shields that we will set up, with the presence of Molly Prime and access to the Creation charm, our defenses should be more deadly since we don't need to hold back like in Chicago.
[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
-[X] Infect each helicopter, along with any additional communication or GPS equipment they are carrying, in order to corrupt their location data. Not only do we not want them to notice any anomalies in this region, we also want them to believe the suspicious area is elsewhere.
[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
-[X] Infect each helicopter, along with any additional communication or GPS equipment they are carrying, in order to corrupt their location data. Not only do we not want them to notice any anomalies in this region, we also want them to believe the suspicious area is elsewhere.

Yeah, Molly can afford to talk to the locals after her fortress is set up and they can't do anything terminally stupid, not right now
[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
-[X] Infect each helicopter, along with any additional communication or GPS equipment they are carrying, in order to corrupt their location data. Not only do we not want them to notice any anomalies in this region, we also want them to believe the suspicious area is elsewhere.
[X] Plan Superior Intelligence
-[X] Use one of the helicopters as a Crown Focus to learn who is trying to find you, focusing on whether they are magical or not
--[X] If they are non-magical
---[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
---[X] Put a cyberdevil in the helicopters to listen to their communications

I am unsure of what to do if they turn out to be magical, and would like help with that. So, half a plan for now. Cyberdevils are for spying only. We don't want them to think there's any anomaly at all. We don't want any noticeably strange things if possible. So, observation only.
So, what do we do if they turn out to be magical? My ideas are something along the lines of trying to subvert them. It's unlikely that any elders were sent, so they should fall under DPE bonus. ATP, then Empathy excellncy and try to talk to them? Offer them a better contract? Trick them into MiS activating?

Ideally we want them to just not notice us at all.
[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
-[X] Infect each helicopter, along with any additional communication or GPS equipment they are carrying, in order to corrupt their location data. Not only do we not want them to notice any anomalies in this region, we also want them to believe the suspicious area is elsewhere.
[X] Fetch a Carlos to hold a veil for you in the hopes that you can set up something more long lasting in the days ahead
-[X] Infect each helicopter, along with any additional communication or GPS equipment they are carrying, in order to corrupt their location data. Not only do we not want them to notice any anomalies in this region, we also want them to believe the suspicious area is elsewhere.