Normally you'd probably be right. With Molly it's not as clear-cut at all.Wrong way around; this is rolling half your dice pool in 1s level botching.
Ok. I can probably work with that. So, apparently Massachusets Hall is actually a working dormitory for 14 freshmen students, and an administrative building (it houses the office of the Harvard President).
- It is 7 PM
- That should work
- Lydia is planning to literally flare her aura and draw the dead on campus like moths to the silver flame of quasi-material existence so 'very'.
Let's see. Can we quickly check if the president is still in office (i.e. if the lights are still on)?
I see three routes:
1) Use a technical room (boiler room for example) for the seance.
2) Talk some of the freshmen into letting us do the seance in their dorm room. Ideally check / see if there's a whampire youngling or a magically gifted freshman among them. We could roll over either of those.
3) Go to the President's office and either sneak in, or talk our way in, using the CEO persona.