Fair.@uju32, I can't even begin to comment on most of the build beyond saying it seems complicated and potentially difficult to manage, but I will add my two cents on skill distribution.
I included the Powers at the end in spoilers, but if you dont have the time...
Athletics is also our auxiliary combat dice pool for throwing weapons like knives and hand-grenades, and for bows (since we dont have Archery). And for any future magical ranged gifts, assuming it comes up.Athletics 4 seems excessive, as does Brawl 2 and Streetwise 2.
I argued for Yog to include some of those in his plan, but not to the significant detriment of more relevant areas.
Athletics 2 or 3, and Brawl and Subterfuge 1 make more sense.
There's good reason to keep that high.
Streetwise 2 is the highest on our warparty. Noone else has it.
Molly had to roll bare 3 dice of Intelligence in Vegas when we had a Streetwise roll because of the Dragon.
Hmm. You have a point about Drive. Will look over it again.Drive 2 is excessive and I don't see the need for Survival at all.
Performance should be at least 4, and anything less than 4 for Stealth seems really strange to me.
Survival is the base Ability for Gift: Adaptation, which is how Olivia is supposed to survive in hostile environments with poison gas, heat, cold, oxygen deprivation and similar hazards.
Without it, you suffer environmental penalties or die.
Its also the Ability for tracking people by their trail.
If someone has been kidnapped, or you're trying to track a fleeing enemy, you're rolling Perception + Survival IIRC.
Performance IS supposed to be 4. I spent the XP. Thats an error, I think. Will check.
Thank you for pointing it out.
Olivia with Dexterity 9-10 + Stealth 2 is 11-12 dice.
By comparison, Yog's plan has Dexterity 5 + Stealth 5 = 10 dice.
Generally look at the Attribute + Ability pool, not just the Ability score alone.
Nobody else had ANY of those in our warparty.Why waste points in Computer, Finance, Investigation, and Medicine? There's being well-rounded as a person, and then there's just being all over the place. Also, Academics 2 is excessive for a dance major.
All in all, there should be more focus on Stealth and Performance given Olivia's nature and background.
I put Finance because of the student debt situation, but if you insist I can remove it.
Computer and Investigation? Nobody else has those skills in our war party right now. Maybe Harry, but we dont have access to Harry's stat sheet, and he isnt always available.
Dance Program of UChicago according to the QM.
I had a little free time, so I looked at the course requirements for graduating with a degree, as listed on the website
Major & Minor | Committee on Theater and Performance Studies
Academics 2 does not appear to excessive for a college student majoring in Dance at UChicago.
Just average, actually.
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