Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Only if Peabody is himself a creature of darkness.
He should be, but doesn't actually matter. "I an tell if someone is a servant of Outsiders at a glance" is a factually true statement that would pass any and all truth check spells (because we have the Crown), but doesn't actually expose the Crown.

EDIT: If we are dealing with fae, we need to be able to tell fae truths.
If forced to choose, forcing Red Court into a war with Fomor is a far greater strategic win than getting some (very arguably) good PR with White Council. It brings less heat to us, it damages more of our enemies, and stronger still, and it uses a unique situation in a more productive and efficient way.

We'll get good PR from our constructive contributions, i.e. weapon and equipment sales from the courts, and perhaps custom orders. We can forego a little bit of addition goodwill if we can pit two of our great enemies against each other.
We lack the ability to do any of that.

We dont know what Fomor magic typically looks like.
Rhys the Ragged looked physically nothing like a Fomor cantrev-lord from canon, and he barely used magic.
A sample size of one is insufficient to generalize to an entire society.

And even if we hid our personal involvement? We would still lack the ability to force the Red Court to go to war with the Fomor.
If by some miracle they thought the assassination was the fault of the Fomor, the ball would be in their court to choose to take military action. If they declined to act, it ends there. If they put off acting for ten or fifty years, it does us no good.

And frankly, our ability to keep information leaking out of the White Council is nonexistent.

Remember that we havent seen a Fomor yet.
We've seen human Pathfinder minions, and whatever the fuck the fomorach Rhys the Ragged was supposed to be. Fomor cantrev lords are very tall humanoids, and have features resembling frog men. We havent even seen any of their trusted human servitors.

You are overestimating from how away far Molly is detectable and identifiable, even in Shintai. Again. Hundreds of miles is overestimating by orders of magnitude. If it was so, Dresden would have felt our shintai activation when we were in Cleveland. Frankly, I am tired of this. @DragonParadox could you please clarify - what is the distance (in general terms) from which Molly's power is identifiable.

At most, local spirits will feel that a foul and great power attacked the plane amidst a conjured storm.
1) We only activated shintai in Cleveland in the shielded basement of the nursing home.
You know, the place that was supposed to have enough warding to hide them fiddling with the prison of a not!Ishvara god-monster.
Turns out that acting outside the magical equivalent of a shielded bunker is obvious to magical senses.

2)The White Council detected Molly opening a gate in Chicago from Edinburgh, and diviners in North America dreamed dreams of the Brass Courts the same night. The Merlin could tell from Edinburgh when Mab raised a local storm in Chicago during Halloween as a distraction.

Lydia could hear Molly from across the city when she was exorcising Maeve, and Lydia does not have great magic senses.

3)Not to mention that the Fomor, who you are proposing to frame for this, have no known capability for mid-air intercepts on this scale. OR weather manipulation. They are an amphibious/aquatic nation that lives in aquatic portions of the NeverNever. Weather has never been a concern of theirs.

You're essentially trying to do the magic version of framing a Chinese warship for the destruction of a convoy in the middle of the Sahara.

4)And because they have a longtime presence in the setting and dealings with each other, the Red Court will actually know what Fomor magic looks like.
Much better than we do.

5) The Red Court know what our magic looks like.
De Leon and his Blood Packs were there in Cleveland when we dealt with Rhys the Ragged, and they had at least one sorcerer with them. The Reds will recognize our shit.

Respectfully, you are getting carried away by wishful thinking
And expecting everything else to cooperate with your wishes.

I believe that you are overestimating divination in this case. Postcognition (viewing the past) was never shown as something easily done or commonly available. Way too many plots would have been resolved if it was, even for movers and shakers of the world.
Let me count just the different forms of divination and remote surveillance we've seen in canon:

  • Ulsharavas the atemporal oracular spirit in Death Masks, who is one of many, and who was able to deliver the full script of a prophecy after agents of Hell had fucked with the original message.
  • Chaunzaggoroth the demon information broker from Hell in Grave Peril.
  • "Lydia" the female practitioner with a gift for prophecy(Cassandra's Tears) in Grave Peril.
  • Odin and his...everything in Changes.
  • Rashid and his ability to view potential futures in Turn Coat.
  • The Mothers and their ability to view futures in Cold Days.
  • Mab's scrying in Small Favor.
  • Dresden's scrying in White Night.
  • Cowl's ability to scry and astral project in White Night
  • Victor Sells' scrying+astral projection in Storm Front.
  • Molly's psychometry/postcognition of Jessica Blanche's murder in White Night.
  • Anduriel and his ability to hear shit going on in the shadows of others in Skin Game.
  • All the people in Changes who suddenly started having prophetic dreams when Dresden genocided the Red Court in Changes.

Thats just the ones we see mentioned onscreen. I daresay there's stuff I dont recall, or which hasnt been mentioned in the setting yet.

This is a land that has had a major Red Court presence, if not rule, since before Cortez came to the New World.
They have had more or less a free hand to harvest choice human practitioners with useful talents from the local population for decades, if not centuries. They could even have a knockoff Little Mexico, the way Dresden has Little Chicago.

We arent pulling off an assassination of the Red King's daughter and hiding our involvement in their own backyard.

If nothing else, Seeker will troll us by making it known that he helped.
HIS reputation certainly benefits from being known as nothing to fuck with, even if your daddy is the high muckey muck of a significant supernatural state.
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About the angle, we have not killed Vito Malvora yet, the other servant of Ashraaaf.

We did tell Lara about him being a puppet, but we don't know if and how she has acted on that.

We could use the angle of "interrogated and investigated another servant of the enemy and found connections" to start pointing at Peabody.
We would have to work further with Lara, but it should be possible.
Parallel construction is a law enforcement process of building a parallel, or separate, evidentiary basis for a criminal investigation in order to conceal how an investigation actually began.[1]

In the US, a particular form is evidence laundering, where one police officer obtains evidence via means that are in violation of the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, and then passes it on to another officer, who builds on it and gets it accepted by the court under the good-faith exception as applied to the second officer.[2] This practice gained support after the Supreme Court's 2009 Herring v. United States decision.[2]
In August 2013, a report by Reuters revealed that the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration advises DEA agents to practice parallel construction when creating criminal cases against Americans that are based on NSA warrantless surveillance.[1] The use of illegally obtained evidence is generally inadmissible under the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine.[3]

Two senior DEA officials explained that the reason parallel construction is used is to protect sources (such as undercover agents or informants) or methods in an investigation. One DEA official had told Reuters: "Parallel construction is a law enforcement technique we use every day. It's decades old, a bedrock concept."

An example from one official about how parallel construction tips work is being told by Special Operations Division that: "Be at a certain truck stop at a certain time and look for a certain vehicle." DEA would alert state troopers and they may wait for that certain vehicle and decide to use drug searching dogs to see if there is any illegal drug-related activity.[4] Parallel construction allows the prosecution building the drug case to hide the source of where the information came from to protect confidential informants or undercover agents who may be involved with the illegal drug operation from endangering their lives.
The NSA showed the way.
This has always been the plan for how to use the Crown.
We lack the ability to do any of that.

We dont know what Fomor magic typically looks like.
Rhys the Ragged looked physically nothing like a Fomor cantrev-lord from canon, and he barely used magic.
A sample size of one is insufficient to generalize to an entire society.

And even if we hid our personal involvement? We would still lack the ability to force the Red Court to go to war with the Fomor.
If by some miracle they thought the assassination was the fault of the Fomor, the ball would be in their court to choose to take military action. If they declined to act, it ends there. If they put off acting for ten or fifty years, it does us no good.

And frankly, our ability to keep information leaking out of the White Council is nonexistent.

Remember that we havent seen a Fomor yet.
We've seen human Pathfinder minions, and whatever the fuck the fomorach Rhys the Ragged was supposed to be. Fomor cantrev lords are very tall humanoids, and have features resembling frog men. We havent even seen any of their trusted human servitors.
Ok, let me amend my statement: forcing Red Court to make war on Pathfinders, which will likely result in their backers getting involved, is more beneficial to us than getting recognition for the hit.
Pathfinders were described as an "old enemy" of Red Court - they have clashed before.

1) We only activated shintai in Cleveland in the shielded basement of the nursing home.
You know, the place that was supposed to have enough warding to hide them fiddling with the prison of a not!Ishvara god-monster.
Turns out that acting outside the magical equivalent of a shielded bunker is obvious to magical senses.
First of all, that thing wasn't an Ishvara. Ishvara are beings that duel Unconquered Sun and come out of it unbroken:
Ink Monkeys, chapter 8 "The fair folk", pages 86-87:
The Ishvara
The typical raksha (shaped and unshaped alike) evolves
along the course of a personal narrative, growing to embody
an internal mythology it spends its immortal existence cultivating.
Eventually this produces ancient Fair Folk of tremendous
power, each of whom embodies a legend so persuasive or
intense that the world bends around it. Working within the
theme of its legend, such a raksha may stand against even the
mighty Exalted.
But sometimes, rarely, occasionally, something happens
which almost never happens—an occurrence seen only a handful
of times in all the history of time and before-time. Sometimes
a raksha's narrative evolution takes a massive leap forward,
as if the protagonist had reached into the heart of the
universe to grasp a myth so compelling and powerful that in
embodying it, he would become a thing immortalized unto the
heart of existence—a legend beyond all legend. These are the
ishvara. They are vastly more potent than raksha of the same
Essence, capable of standing against the most powerful of devas
and engaging in duels with the Celestial Incarnae.
Such beings never come into existence by accident. The rarity
of their appearance is directly proportional to the difficulty
of a raksha ever achieving apotheosis. Like all other princes of
chaos, Fair Folk who transcend into ishvara are evolving along
the course of a personal mythology. The difference is that these
raksha have created a narrative so compelling that everyone
goes along with it. By subordinating the tales of other legendary
raksha, and even gods, the myth grows in power. If the raksha
can entangle enough powerful beings in its story, by antagonism,
alliance, or association, it begins to become something
out of scope with what it was before. Eventually it reaches a
narrative climax and grasps true power, becoming the embodiment
of a legend, the living avatar of a myth which can shake
reality to its foundations.
Such was the case with Princes Balor and Laashe, and the
terror known as the Fomorian Dream.
Easily the most famous raksha to have ever existed, Prince
Balor of the Terrible Gaze became ishvara by grasping a legend
countless Fair Ones had failed to reach. His tale was that he
would be the one to lead the raksha against Creation and destroy
it. This narrative painted him as the greatest of all fae,
who would return chaos to the universe, laying low the blasphemy
of shape forever. By the time he reached the pinnacle of
his power, the majority of all raksha in existence were beholden
to the story of Balor, who surpassed all.
When Prince Balor grasped the tail of Ishiika for the first
time, it was embedded so deep into the Faraway—to whence it
had been flung by the Unconquered Sun—that it was thought
impossible that it would ever be retrieved. When Prince Balor
drew Ishiika from its tomb and wielded it, he made his power
clear to the watching universe: the impossible was meaningless
before him with the Terrible Gaze.
As his legend grew, so did his might. Bearing the aspect of
the destroyer, Balor had a number of powers. His Terrible Gaze,
which could slay his enemies by the thousands with the weight
of his stare, was perhaps the least among these, but the one
which best informed his legend—his eyes alone could sear reality.
He was in possession of several such divine miracles, which
gave him the might to defeat ancient heroes of the Silver Pact
in single combat, stand triumphant over Celestial gods, and
wield Ishiika with ease.
Secondly, ok, the time we used shintai to break the WIll of Kakuri would have been noticed by everyone in the city. We see no evidence of that at all.
2)The White Council detected Molly opening a gate in Chicago from Edinburgh, and diviners in North America dreamed dreams of the Brass Courts the same night. The Merlin could tell from Edinburgh when Mab raised a local storm in Chicago during Halloween as a distraction.
The act of Becoming is far more magically significant than shintai activation. I'll give you a counter-example - when we god-forged Bane, giving birth to a minor, but real god through the same mystical mechanisms that gave birth to Creation itself... no one noticed at all.
Lydia could hear Molly from across the city when she was exorcising Maeve, and Lydia does not have great magic senses.
Lydia is mystically connected to Molly, not just in a doylist sense of being designated our circlemate, but in watsonian sense too, as evidenced by her advancing in essence levels together with Molly.
If nothing else, Seeker will troll us by making it known that he helped.
HIS reputation certainly benefits from being known as nothing to fuck with, even if your daddy is the high muckey muck of a significant supernatural state.
... We lied to him, you remember that, right? There was no actual betrayal from Red Court. His reputation would be that of an oathbreaker and a gullible fool easily led on by a pretty girl.
Dresden accused Peabody of being a murderer and of using mind magic on the entire council to his face while surrounded by his victims, who he was relying on to contain him. Which ended in the guy dropping a mistfiend on the council and nearly killing Dresden on the council's front porch.

Not exactly filled with confidence about his planning abilities in this particular area.

He doesn't just need evidence, he needs a narrative that explains how he got it and why he was looking.

You can apparently find evidence of the ink Peabody was using in his trick with a quick search of his room. Sharing that wouldn't help Harry convince the council to actually make the search, or stop them from asking what the hell he was doing that uncovered the situation.
I think the plan goes something like this:
Molly gives Harry a tip-off saying it's from information sources she'd rather not spread around (Harry knows about the Crown and can probably infer it, but don't say it)
Harry passes this on to the Merlin, saying "Molly has information sources she wants to keep secret, but tells us to check the ink for ourself"
The Merlin is competent enough to understand other people having secrets, also appreciates a tip where he doesn't need to trust people, he can check it personally
The Merlin checks Peabody's ink and finds it's laced with mental manipulation stuff, probably handles Peabody in a better way than calling him out around manipulated people.

Possibly there should be some more safety steps in here like inviting the Merlin to do a ritual to clear himself of mental influence, but I think the general idea is sound, we establish that Molly has information sources without needing to reveal the Crown (leave ambiguous whether it's magic or people or even looting Arianna's dossiers) and questions to Harry get a "Molly told me".
Yeah. Harry is going to be debriefed/grilled by the White Counsel. Dump the info on him and let him be a bull in the China shop. No reason not to do so.
I think the plan goes something like this:
Molly gives Harry a tip-off saying it's from information sources she'd rather not spread around (Harry knows about the Crown and can probably infer it, but don't say it)
Harry passes this on to the Merlin, saying "Molly has information sources she wants to keep secret, but tells us to check the ink for ourself"
The Merlin is competent enough to understand other people having secrets, also appreciates a tip where he doesn't need to trust people, he can check it personally
The Merlin checks Peabody's ink and finds it's laced with mental manipulation stuff, probably handles Peabody in a better way than calling him out around manipulated people.

Possibly there should be some more safety steps in here like inviting the Merlin to do a ritual to clear himself of mental influence, but I think the general idea is sound, we establish that Molly has information sources without needing to reveal the Crown (leave ambiguous whether it's magic or people or even looting Arianna's dossiers) and questions to Harry get a "Molly told me".
That sounds great in theory, but in practice it requires things we probably don't want to deal with.

The senior council trusts Peabody, and an internal accusation is different than an external one. They could very well still investigate, but messing with their internal operations isn't going to be taken well.

They don't want to offend us, but turnabout is fair play. If we start meddling in the affairs of wizards they'll start meddling in ours.

They're going to want to know how we learned this information, and if it means we're hip deep in their business already. If we won't tell them they'll go looking.

Using Harry as a go between is basically less than worthless if he cites us as a source without a narrative to it, because it doesn't change that equation and it requires him to play politics with authority figures he doesn't get along with.

We'd also probably be causing Dresden a lot of problems. Even if he can avoid giving our secrets away, which is a toss up because everyone here is nearly supernaturally stubborn, I doubt his ability to hide the fact that he knows something if pressed.

Which turns this into another point of contention between Harry and the council, but this time it's him protecting a secret for an external power that is directly related to topics that have killed hundreds of wizards and could be lethal to the organization as a whole.

Not that they'd necessarily suspect us, or fail to understand the difficulties of Harry's position here, but they'll remember how he jumped nonetheless.

A good narrative to go with the information helps because it gives cover from those issues. It doesn't have to be perfect, just plausible enough that they can fill in the blanks with more typical secrets that aren't worth the trouble of immediately digging into.

I'm not necessarily against involving Harry here, just to tying a letter to his leg like a carry pigeon and sending him off without cover for either of us.
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 8, 2023 at 8:25 AM, finished with 115 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    -[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apartment
    [X] Plan Sky False Flag
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Prepare false trails to indicate that the attack was conducted by Pathfinders (or, perhaps, their Fomor masters), as a retaliation against Red Court attack on their operation in Cleveland
    [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    [X] Plan: Read the dossier
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Use the Dossier Broken Seeker provided for you to look into A.L.R. and discover who else is going to be on that plane
    [X]Plan holy deathtrap
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[x]Craft holy water mist to fill the air plane with.
    [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    -[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apart
Arc 9 Post 18: Skating By
Skating By

20th of November 2006 A.D.

It's Monday, it's a schoolday and today I'm going to Mexico, even though I've have never been any closer to Mexico than hearing the Elvis song on the radio, even though I don't know enough Spanish to get through a traffic stop. Goodbye grey Chicago skies hello sunny Ciudad de México, goodbye dad a call away, hello demon who kidnapped my friends two days ago and that's all the help you'll get . All though English and first period you do not talk to Izzy and Alec at all and you tell yourself that it's for secrecy's sake, that it's for their own good. That's not why you drop your eyes. They think it's over, they think it's done, like turning the last page of a comic book, Alec talking about grav-ball, Izzy teasingly asking if you're going to need a consort now that you are a queen.

Regained All Essence -> Now at 15/15
Regained 1 Willpower -> Now at 8/9

The walls are getting thinner, the worlds you had neatly stacked apart in miles and in minutes they are shuffling together like cards in the dealers hands. What does it matter that you have no fate when they do? What does it matter than you can stand up to the monsters of the world when they can't? You won't be here tomorrow if something bad happens, and if it doesn't there will be other days, there will be other times you'll have to go make IFV for Odin or talk in front of the White Council...

Bottles of hawk blood, sapphire and skull cap mushrooms blended and bespelled jostle in your bag as some guy Jim, Jared, Joe? Something like that... As some J guy bumps into you in the hall on purpose because he's been reading some book or another about 'body language' and he wants to gouge if you're into him without taking the risk of opening his mouth to ask.

He flinches at the touch of ice-cold skin.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." you say ruefully, he flushes with embarrassment. "Say you're a tech guy right, they are having trouble getting the projector to work over in Mrs. Huntington's Civics class. You know how she is if that thing doesn't get fixed pronto those poor kids are getting a pop quiz."

Lost 2 Essence (Empathy and Subterfuge Excellencies) -> Now at 13/15

And just like that he's on a new track, a little happier, a little more self-confident, a lot less likely to to try to get to know girls by bowling them over. Who knows, maybe he'll even make a new friend there.

Clippy rings, it's mom, you'd know even without the ringtone, she's still not happy with you going alone, even though she knows all the reasons dad can't come, all the reasons she can't... even all the reasons Harry can't come and hadn't it been a surprise when she suggested that last night.

'Molly you are barely eighteen.'

Her math's not wrong, but is she right when you can just do that? A few words and a smile and you can move people like pawns, without them knowing, without them feeling more than a hint of chill.

Chapalu had bowed low to you last night, as low perhaps as feline pride allowed, he had taken the envelope and though he quaked at the name upon it he pledged to see it passed on. Mab did not answer but her daughter did. Maeve, Lady Winter herself had pledges to hold the paths of Winter against any Intrusion that 'might' happen. According to the old malk she had not come to say so in person because she would prefer that upon second meeting she would have the chance to offer you the blood of common foes.

"Hello," you try not to make the word a sigh, but she does not make it easy when she asks if you have antivenom. Like you would forget that.

Granted you are still miffed that Harry would not take payment for the stuff. 'It's war expenses, I'll bill the Council,' he said at last, supremely stubborn. Well alright then you will hold him to that.

  • 5 Doses of Speed
  • 3 Doses of Vampiric Antivenom
The rest of the day passes in a blur, not because you cannot see what's going on but because you can see everything, so on edge that arcane senses unfold without meaning to, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It doesn't, not even something so insignificant as a teacher calling bullshit on those doctor's notes Thomas got for you. Maybe it's waiting for you in Mexico City.

How do you travel?

[] Take the plane normally, the Red Court might be watching but there's only so much they can guess from your destination

[] Take the Ways, Broken Seeker knows them well

[] Use Rendered Villain Dispersal, fast and safe, but the more you use it the more likely someone is to guess something like this exists

[] Write in

OOC: I went a bit experimental with the order of actions here, both to speed up the flow of the quest and to give some sense of how Molly is feeling after the emotional wringer she has been though over the last few days.
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I wish would could have acquired or crafted some flash-bangs, some grenades, and maybe a claymore mine. You never know when explosives might come in handy.

As for how we should travel, RVD all the way. One of the reasons we got the power was for fast travel, and now is a perfect time to use it. It's near instant, avoids muggle delays and observation, and doesn't rely on Broken Seeker or the Ways.

[X] Use Rendered Villain Dispersal, fast and safe, but the more you use it the more likely someone is to guess something like this exists
-[X] Bring along a water bottle of bleach in our backpack, along with whatever other essentials we decide to carry, such as holy water and potions.
Maybe we should bring some toxic stuff in case we want regen?
We only need to bring a penny pack of bleach to put into any small glass of water given that we can hide in a teacup. I just assumed that Molly always has a small penny pack with her. Bringing a whole water bottle seems like too much load.
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I am now imagining Molly being searched by a cop and having to explain that the tiny pack of white powder on her is bleach.

"I like to deal with stains quickly."
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[X] Use Rendered Villain Dispersal, fast and safe, but the more you use it the more likely someone is to guess something like this exists

Secrecy adds value to RVD, but even if it's not a secret, it remains an untraceable and unblockable instant global transport magic. If we force our enemies to move offshore deep inland for fear of instant infernal interrupt, that's a win.
Does Molly know enough about Way travel to try and make it plausibly deniable she used them to travel instead of instant water teleport?
Does Molly know enough about Way travel to try and make it plausibly deniable she used them to travel instead of instant water teleport?
This is one of those instances where being new on the supernatural scene comes in handy. People don't know what we can do, and even when they think they have a handle on it, we regularly surprise them with a new power, so it shouldn't be more than mildly surprising that we can get to Mexico City on short notice.
[X] Use Rendered Villain Dispersal, fast and safe, but the more you use it the more likely someone is to guess something like this exists

Secrecy adds value to RVD, but even if it's not a secret, it remains an untraceable and unblockable instant global transport magic. If we force our enemies to move offshore deep inland for fear of instant infernal interrupt, that's a win.
Just tried to think of ways someone might try to go about blocking it. First thing that comes to mind is poisoning the water which backfires.
-Molly needs a full action next turn just spending time with family and friends.
-Pity we forgot to make a couple health potions. On the other hand, they might be off the shelf in the Brass Courts.
-Molly needs to spend a couple hours in Mexico beforehand.
IIRC, Arianna is supposed to be flying from Mexico City to Leon, Guanjanuato.

Molly needs to get to the Leon and Mexico City airports, at least one and probably both, then HMP the air traffic control computers.
Then spend some time recovering spent Essence.
Call it 30 minutes to regen in bleach, and 30 minutes time running around.