Outside Context
19th of November 2006 A.D.
"Good day, my name is Molly Carpenter and I kill Outsiders... well
one Outsider if you want to get really technical about the killing, called himself He Who Walks Unbowed and he seemed to recognize something about me, decided to have a duel to the death like it's 1625 and my name's d'Artagnan." Dead silence falls... and you just keep talking cheerfully though it. When doubts are great enough and deep rooted enough the best way to get though them is not around but
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15 (Etiquette Excellency)
"I guess that was fair enough on his part seeing as we were at a White Court gathering, the Feast of Jupiter and they are just about back-stabby enough to stand in for seventeenth century French aristocrats. There was even a purge, a well deserved one given what Madrigal Raith and Lord Skavis were up to. Judging from the fact that I
did kill the Walker wearing the latter's body properly not just sent ti back whence it came I suspect that my getting this... " you make a sort of sweeping gesture to encompass your black-skirted turtleneck wearing fish-net stockinged self, only a few piercings in evidence and then flaring the mark of the green sun on your brow. "Was the plan all along. The plan of the Archangel Uriel to be precise, no I am not crazy, yes it feels really weird to say, but if I allowed 'weird' to hold my tongue I would not have said a word for the past five months or so."
"The Archangel Uriel did pay us a visit yesterday for reasons partially related to my calling, partly to Molly and he did say that he planned for Molly to be empowered as she is," dad confirms, simply, honestly, undeniably. None could doubt his word in such a matter anymore than they could deny the Sword he carries.
The reactions of the Wardens to the conversational anchor point you just hammered in could best be described as complicated, shock, disbelief, suspicion and relief all swim behind eyes very carefully averted from your own. On the other hand Langtry looks cool, collected, thoughtful, the very image of the elder statesman whose beard has not even been ruffled, it is a facade yes, but a very good one "If I were to look into your eyes Ms Carpenter what would I see?"
"My soul," you answer, adding after a moment's thought. "Also the place I opened a door to yesterday and found it more expansive that I could have ever dreamed."
"I looked," Harry interjects. "Watch your step in there, it is easy lose your way. It, the power whatever you want to call it is old and too real the way the sun is too bright to look at head on."
"I see." The Merlin runs his hand though his beard, part of the image yes, but also a genuine sign of worry he had woven in. "I would like to perform a minor divination on you Ms Carpenter, nothing too intrusive, it will allow me to see surface details of your life, height, weight, natural hair and eye color, date and place of birth. It can also reveal broad milestones in one's life such as how many children one has had. I realize even that can be quite intrusive, but before we continue this conversation I believe it is important to establish how much you have changed, if you are still the same Margret Carpenter or a kind of Margret Carpenter. I would entirely understand and sympathize if you do not wish to be subjected to such magics but it would make building trust more difficult." As far as you can see, as much as you can read of signs almost entirely occluded he is telling the truth.
"Just soul-gaze her already, she isn't going to reveal anything about you," Harry calls out, doing very little to hide his annoyance at what he probably sees as the Langtry being weaselly.
As you grow more experienced Dresden," the Merlin replies throwing him a brief look, tone making it clear he would have liked to say 'if', "you will find that there are better way to test unknown and dangerous currents than throwing yourself into them head-first."
Do you allow Langtry to cast his divination on you?
[] No you are not comfortable with the idea
-[] Propose a soul-gaze offering the same advice you gave Harry
-[] Move on without it
[] Yes, after all he may not know it, but you can find out a lot more about him
OOC: I know this one is short, but the question has to be a vote given the implications.