Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

She does and you ask a question: "Who are the traitors to the White Council?"
A list of names just appears in your mind, some are plain, others fanciful, some feel recent, others far older. Some you would probably have trouble pronouncing and none of it matters.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15
Gained list of White Council Traitors
Supernatural secret. +2 Essence for that scene.
We should be at 13/15 Essence.
I will mention that I was against buying the charm for exactly that reason.
In my mind the charm should be used when we want blackmail or leverage on someone else. Merlin isn't an enemy right now nor are we trying to make him one so of course it isn't usefull. That doesn't mean the charm doesn't have its place.
A dozen cyber guys would shred him.

Like if i stat them using hitmarks for the Technocracy they would wipe the floor with him and they look human on top of it so no real issues of with it. Maybe people from our hell won't be as inconspicuous but its not a big deal either way. If wizards and vampires can exist and hunt humans openly i sincerely doubt the loc will want to fuck with us. Like they can't handle the fucking red court vampire squads and those are bush league tiers compared to hitmarks.

Dexterity 3, Brawl 3, Firearms 3? Perception 4 + Alertness 3? Against a veiled shapeshifting spellcasting nightmare? Really?
Seeker wipes the floor with them, and he doesnt even get scratched. If you put actual HITMarks on the field he mass-disables them with techbane or some anti-materiel spell. If you are just using the stats for people, then he gets gruesome.

We see Shagnasty tank the point blank fire of two of the strongest combat wizards on the Council in canon when he attacked the Raith manor. Without damage.
Your threat assessment is very badly off.

You could put ten times that number on the field and all you'd achieve is make him spend more time killing them.
I have to agree with uju32 here.

Our cyber guys are closer to high-end Formor than Hitmarks and for the Naagloshii I'd want ATLAS or better.
And this one in particular isn't even that threatening, it hits incredibly hard, but hitting a Naagloshii who is careful about not getting hit is kinda hard.

They'd need to get really lucky to even hit Broken seeker.

If I had guys of this quality and the mission to take down a Naagloshii I'd propably just have them blow up their plasma-cannons and suicide-bombs at once the moment he gets into melee.
That might weaken him enough that the other can gun him down, if a lot of luck is involved?

Edit: Unrelated rant, does anyone else think ATLAS are the peak of Technocratic terrible ideas?
Putting a brainwashed enemy in a chassis like a fucking 40k Dreadnought, giving them high-end weapons, anti-magic features and leaving them the ability to cast magik sounds like the kind of thing that must necessarily come back to haunt you, aye?
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In my mind the charm should be used when we want blackmail or leverage on someone else. Merlin isn't an enemy right now nor are we trying to make him one so of course it isn't usefull. That doesn't mean the charm doesn't have its place.
We haven't even used it on Broken Seeker.
We haven't even used it on Broken Seeker.
Why do we want leverage on Broken Seeker? I suppose its something to look into when we commit to hunting him down but we haven't had the time yet. I mean we've had reason to but we always had something else more important. The White Court, the kidnapping, our Hell, the Red Court princess, and now Merlin... We haven't had a cool down moment to plan and hunt BS down in a minute.
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They'd need to get really lucky to even hit Broken seeker.
The ex-Skavis vampire bodyguard FitzClarence that we adopted has Celerity 3; to be exact:
Auspex 1, Presence 1, Celerity 3, Fortitude 2, Potence 2
If you assume he has competent bodyguard stats (Professional Badass, M20 pg 621), you're looking at these dicepools
Suggested Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1-3, Perception 2-4, Intelligence 2-4, Wits 3-4
Suggested Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2-4, Brawl 3-4, Drive 2, Firearms 3-5, Intimidation 3, Martial Arts 0-4, Melee 1-3, Stealth 2, Streetwise 3-5, Subterfuge 2,Technology 1-3
With weapons, he's a deadly threat to a HITMark IX as statted
Yes, if a HITMark actually hits him with plasma cannon, he'll probably die. But he has a better dice pool than the killer robot as written, and has a better than even chance of killing it outright just in mundane combat.

Edit: Unrelated rant, does anyone else think ATLAS are the peak of Technocratic terrible ideas?
Putting a brainwashed enemy in a chassis like a fucking 40k Dreadnought, giving them high-end weapons, anti-magic features and leaving them the ability to cast magik sounds like the kind of thing that must necessarily come back to haunt you, aye?
I hear you.
When MJ12Commando was running Panopticon Quest on this site, which was my introduction to M20 (seriously, if you like Mage the Ascension, go read it; its a blast) the Technocracy uses it as punishment for several mages.

And I couldnt stop looking at the concept and thinking its sure to backfire at the most horrible time.
With weapons, he's a deadly threat to a HITMark IX as statted
Yes, if a HITMark actually hits him with plasma cannon, he'll probably die. But he has a better dice pool than the killer robot as written, and has a better than even chance of killing it outright just in mundane combat.
To be fair, enough of those would propably be quite effective against almost anything.
You only have so many dodge-actions you can take while still getting other things done and as long as even a hit with minimal successes is enough to deal serious damage, they can wear down powerful foes.

The Naagloshii would propably still win by breaking contact, killing one or two from surprise and then breaking contact again, but while he could dance around two or three, he'd have to be very careful about a dozen.
To be fair, enough of those would propably be quite effective against almost anything.
You only have so many dodge-actions you can take while still getting other things done and as long as even a hit with minimal successes is enough to deal serious damage, they can wear down powerful foes.

The Naagloshii would propably still win by breaking contact, killing one or two from surprise and then breaking contact again, but while he could dance around two or three, he'd have to be very careful about a dozen.
Im not sure he would.

Naagloshii fight while veiled.
Veil up means he's invisible, imposing a -DC minus to enemy targeting, so your HITMarks are fighting blind and making attack rolls at DC8-9 instead of DC6-7. Meantime your naagloshii is making dodge rolls at DC 5-6.

And if the killer robots manage an occasional hit?
Like I pointed out, Luccio hit Shagnasty at pointblank range with a firelance hotter than anything Dresden could throw and barely singed his hair. The Raith mansion fight was instructive. And horrifying.
Im not sure he would.

Naagloshii fight while veiled.
Veil up means he's invisible, imposing a -DC minus to enemy targeting, so your HITMarks are fighting blind and making attack rolls at DC8-9 instead of DC6-7. Meantime your naagloshii is making dodge rolls at DC 5-6.

And if the killer robots manage an occasional hit?
Like I pointed out, Luccio hit Shagnasty at pointblank range with a firelance hotter than anything Dresden could throw and barely singed his hair. The Raith mansion fight was instructive. And horrifying.
Story-wise that's propably true, but mechanics are not perfect.

Rolling high, rolling low can all happen, the Naagloshii can presumably not take unlimited multi-actions to dodge, unless he goes full defence and does nothing else.
So if too many people shoot at him there will be a point at which he has to take it without active dodging and if he then rolls bad on soak, or the attacker high on damage, it will leave wounds, aggravated ones that few things can heal in combat-time.

So for the same reason why we should be careful about a dozen people with high-powered weapons, he must too.

And again, that doesn't mean he looses, just that he would have to be careful and occasionally break contact to avoid testing his luck too much.
[X] The fact that you are a leader of your own realm, contained within your soul, a fact which you discovered yesterday
OK, looks like we are leading with slaying a Walker. Always a good ice breaker ;)
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 3, 2023 at 5:06 AM, finished with 70 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense
    [X] The fact that you are a leader of your own realm, contained within your soul, a fact which you discovered yesterday
    [X] Your membership in the Order of the Cauldron and the broader plot against minor talents. Sure it had been stopped this time, but something needs to be done to allow them to organize, to keep themselves safe
    [X] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense
    -[X]Use NWS well we have ATB and Empathy excellency up.
Sure, that seems fair given all the other issues Horrors have.
In the same vein, if we were building a combat frame for one of our machine spirit subjects, what should we use as the basic frame? I was thinking golem, but the question is - how would the spirit's mind interact with the frame's social and mental stats? Like, it seems logical that wits, intelligence and manipulation would be from the possessing spirit, while Appearance, and Perception would be from the frame (with Charisma being a contentious issue). But this definitely requires a ruling.
In the same vein, if we were building a combat frame for one of our machine spirit subjects, what should we use as the basic frame? I was thinking golem, but the question is - how would the spirit's mind interact with the frame's social and mental stats? Like, it seems logical that wits, intelligence and manipulation would be from the possessing spirit, while Appearance, and Perception would be from the frame (with Charisma being a contentious issue). But this definitely requires a ruling.

I would say that but manipulation and charisma are both averages of spirit and body.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 3, 2023 at 5:06 AM, finished with 70 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense
    [X] The fact that you are a leader of your own realm, contained within your soul, a fact which you discovered yesterday
    [X] Your membership in the Order of the Cauldron and the broader plot against minor talents. Sure it had been stopped this time, but something needs to be done to allow them to organize, to keep themselves safe
    [X] The conflicts you have had so far, including against Outsiders, make it clear that you are on the same side as the White Council in the broadest sense
    -[X]Use NWS well we have ATB and Empathy excellency up.
Arc 9 Post 12: Outside Context
Outside Context

19th of November 2006 A.D.

"Good day, my name is Molly Carpenter and I kill Outsiders... well one Outsider if you want to get really technical about the killing, called himself He Who Walks Unbowed and he seemed to recognize something about me, decided to have a duel to the death like it's 1625 and my name's d'Artagnan." Dead silence falls... and you just keep talking cheerfully though it. When doubts are great enough and deep rooted enough the best way to get though them is not around but though.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15 (Etiquette Excellency)

"I guess that was fair enough on his part seeing as we were at a White Court gathering, the Feast of Jupiter and they are just about back-stabby enough to stand in for seventeenth century French aristocrats. There was even a purge, a well deserved one given what Madrigal Raith and Lord Skavis were up to. Judging from the fact that I did kill the Walker wearing the latter's body properly not just sent ti back whence it came I suspect that my getting this... " you make a sort of sweeping gesture to encompass your black-skirted turtleneck wearing fish-net stockinged self, only a few piercings in evidence and then flaring the mark of the green sun on your brow. "Was the plan all along. The plan of the Archangel Uriel to be precise, no I am not crazy, yes it feels really weird to say, but if I allowed 'weird' to hold my tongue I would not have said a word for the past five months or so."

"The Archangel Uriel did pay us a visit yesterday for reasons partially related to my calling, partly to Molly and he did say that he planned for Molly to be empowered as she is," dad confirms, simply, honestly, undeniably. None could doubt his word in such a matter anymore than they could deny the Sword he carries.

The reactions of the Wardens to the conversational anchor point you just hammered in could best be described as complicated, shock, disbelief, suspicion and relief all swim behind eyes very carefully averted from your own. On the other hand Langtry looks cool, collected, thoughtful, the very image of the elder statesman whose beard has not even been ruffled, it is a facade yes, but a very good one "If I were to look into your eyes Ms Carpenter what would I see?"

"My soul," you answer, adding after a moment's thought. "Also the place I opened a door to yesterday and found it more expansive that I could have ever dreamed."

"I looked," Harry interjects. "Watch your step in there, it is easy lose your way. It, the power whatever you want to call it is old and too real the way the sun is too bright to look at head on."

"I see." The Merlin runs his hand though his beard, part of the image yes, but also a genuine sign of worry he had woven in. "I would like to perform a minor divination on you Ms Carpenter, nothing too intrusive, it will allow me to see surface details of your life, height, weight, natural hair and eye color, date and place of birth. It can also reveal broad milestones in one's life such as how many children one has had. I realize even that can be quite intrusive, but before we continue this conversation I believe it is important to establish how much you have changed, if you are still the same Margret Carpenter or a kind of Margret Carpenter. I would entirely understand and sympathize if you do not wish to be subjected to such magics but it would make building trust more difficult." As far as you can see, as much as you can read of signs almost entirely occluded he is telling the truth.

"Just soul-gaze her already, she isn't going to reveal anything about you," Harry calls out, doing very little to hide his annoyance at what he probably sees as the Langtry being weaselly.

"As you grow more experienced Dresden," the Merlin replies throwing him a brief look, tone making it clear he would have liked to say 'if', "you will find that there are better way to test unknown and dangerous currents than throwing yourself into them head-first."

Do you allow Langtry to cast his divination on you?

[] No you are not comfortable with the idea
-[] Propose a soul-gaze offering the same advice you gave Harry
-[] Move on without it

[] Yes, after all he may not know it, but you can find out a lot more about him

OOC: I know this one is short, but the question has to be a vote given the implications.
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I'd allow a soul gaze buuuuuuuut what are his chances of going insane seeing a world without the proper protections? Cause I assume it could be as bad as seeing an angel with the sight?

Mostly cause hes obviously not on the list of traitors and second a soulgaze allows him to see who we are really and vice versa it doesn't leave too much room for doubts.