Langtry successfully stalled.
Im betting he, or one of his guards, recognizes Molly's last name; even if Ebenezar didnt brief them, Michael did save a White Council training camp from Outsiders in June.
Im quite amused at the idea of Langtry and his guards somehow squeezing into Dresden's tiny apartment.
Of course, its much more likely that they met at McAnally's.
Allows Dresden to keep his secrets, and his wards, from the inspection of the Merlin. Including Mouse.
Noting that Seeker recognized what happened last night as Molly travelling to her Hell.
Dude is annoyingly well-informed.
Jet plane is easy mode.
Use MHM to damage an engine and force it to crash land; MHM is line of sight after all.
Alternatively, HMP and crash it into the ground at full velocity. We just need to be willing to use HMP in front of Broken Seeker.
And to be sure there are no civilians onboard; the pilot and crew are probably Red Court servitors, but any in-flight snacks arent likely to be. And to forego any loot.
Plus, I'm pretty sure rescuing civilians and loot will give us bonus XP.
How big a jet plane is this? What passenger capacity are we looking at?