Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

There are very few active places we can't get into with RVD either by coming in though the plumbing or hiding in a glass of water. Also we have a shapeshifter 'friend' who can impersonation someone with every right to be there.
But even with that we might get cursed by our enemies which you know we cant fight that well. We can take the antishaping charm now and steamroll them by a combination of terrain manipulation and troops while blocking their worst stuff. Also I dont understand why you want the crafting charm so quickly when we are gonna at least take another Battle before we are able to use It.
But even with that we might get cursed by our enemies which you know we cant fight that well. We can take the antishaping charm now and steamroll them by a combination of terrain manipulation and troops while blocking their worst stuff. Also I dont understand why you want the crafting charm so quickly when we are gonna at least take another Battle before we are able to use It.
I'm not voting for the crafting charm. Just saying that we are fairly well equipped to sneak and destroy.
Yes but this is not a normal red court base, but where the daughter of their leader lives. It should be magically protected like the presidential bunker so the Magic resistance should be a go. Also why do we need the crafting charm now if we can wait after we annihilate the red court in order to be safer
She's a duchess, not a Lord of Outer Night. And there's no information to suggest she's the Red King's only kid.
If Winter Knight Harry was able to kill her in canon, Im not especially concerned about the physical security around her.
I mean, do recall that Molly murdered a greater akuma of Kakuri, 1v1.

Because the crafting charm has broad utility in multiple use cases.
Making concealable magic armor for Lydia. Making a magic cellphone for Molly to stay talking with her Hell or with Lydia.
Making a speed booster for Molly to double or triple or quadruple her base landspeed.

Household god for safehouse for the NEXT time that Cauldron or someone else needs to hide from supernatural threat so we dont have to pile everyone underground.
Household god for Rosie's new place before she gives birth in January.

The threat isnt to Molly alone, or even primarily to Molly. She has people to worry about.

But even with that we might get cursed by our enemies which you know we cant fight that well. We can take the antishaping charm now and steamroll them by a combination of terrain manipulation and troops while blocking their worst stuff. Also I dont understand why you want the crafting charm so quickly when we are gonna at least take another Battle before we are able to use It.
Harry has only been successfully cursed once in six years.
And he doesnt have the native Exalted countermagic we do.
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Can someone remind me what the acute senses merit does?
Acute Sense (1 pt. Merit)
One of your senses is exceptionally sharp (even for a Garou). Choose sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. The difficulty for all tasks involving use of this particular sense is reduced by two. This Merit can be bought more than once for different senses, but only one time for each particular sense. The difficulty reduction for a given sen- sory roll is accumulative with other difficulty reductions (due to Gifts, etc.), but only a single reduction for Acute Sense is applicable in any given roll. Acute Sense cannot be purchased for any sense if it is missing or hampered via a Flaw (i.e., Blind, Bad Sight, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Anosmia, etc.).
Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)
One of your senses is exceptionally sharp, be it sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste. The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two. This Merit can be combined with the Discipline of Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Acute Senses (1 or 3 pt. Physical Merit)
Your physical senses are unusually sharp, capturing nuances that few people ever notice. In game terms, your character reduces the difficulty of her Perception-based rolls by -2. At the 1-point level, a single sense (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) is more acute than usual; at the 3-point level, all five physical senses are equally sharp.

For example, a standard difficulty Perception check is DC6; someone with Acute Sense 1 will roll it at DC4 for the sense they have it for. If they have Acute Sense 3, it applies to all senses.

Applications include tracking a fleeing enemy, noticing magic phenomena and hostiles, reading someone in a social situation, noticing poison in a meal or in the air, etc.
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Current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Aug 24, 2023 at 7:20 PM, finished with 73 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Justified Paranoia
    -[X] Molly, 22 XP
    --[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
    --[X] Banked XP: 2xp
    -[X] Lydia, 9 XP
    --[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
    --[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
    -[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
    [X] Plan Forge Empress
    -[X] Molly, 22 XP
    --[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
    --[X] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
    --[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
    -[X] Lydia, 9 XP
    --[X] Quarry Revelation Technique (•••) 9 xp
    [X] Plan Vulcan
    -[X] Molly, 22 XP
    --[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
    --[X] Awareness 2: 5 XP (3+2)
    --[X] Banked XP: 2xp
    -[X] Lydia, 9 XP
    --[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
    --[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
    -[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
    [X] Plan Staying In Shape
    -[X] Molly 22 exp
    —[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy 20 is exp
    —[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
    —[X] Buy down touch of frost 2 exp
    -[X] Lydia 9 exp
    —[X] Unimpeded Assault of the Deathless 9 exp
    [X]Plan prayers and wishes
    --[x]Verdant Emptiness Endowment (•••••) 20 XP
    --[X]Prayer-eating (•) 2 xp
    --[X]upgrade willpower to 6 (6 Xp)
    --[X] Upgrade Mentor 1 (Arawn) to 2 (2 XP)
[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
[X] Plan Staying In Shape

It's not glamorous, but it's what we need. Our defenses need to keep up with our importance or else bad things happen.

And hey, maybe we will get yet another discount for crafting by next time.
Why are we banking 2 XP when we have stuff we can get for 2 XP? First dot of Prayer Eating, second dot of Drive or Academics, a 2-dot Alchemy recipe, something?

It just feels like a waste to let the remaining 2 XP sit there. At least when we have stuff we can buy with it.
[X] Plan Justified Paranoia plus prayer-eatting
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
--[X] Prayer-eating 1: 2 XP
-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm

Just getting the first dot means that we can train the skill. Also kind of want to get it when we can ask the angel questions. Also despite it only costing 2 XP Molly might need a whole arc to deal with the implications.

[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
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[X] Plan Forge Empress

A lot of very relevant concerns all around.
The crafting plan barely wins over justified paranoia for me. Vulcan is good, but if we are going for the crafting plan, we should craft this turn, and thus go all in on crafting.
So what is our current list of special materials? Now I am certain that our kingdom should be able to supply us all sorts of cool materials, but what stuff have we harvested with our own hands?

Off the top of my head

Greater Akuma corpse

Anything else?
[X] Plan Staying In Shape
-[X] Molly 22 exp
—[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy 20 is exp
—[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
—[X] Buy down touch of frost 2 exp
-[X] Lydia 9 exp
—[X] Unimpeded Assault of the Deathless 9 exp

I mainly want the shaping defense. Remaining xp, I'm open to being convinced.
[X] Plan Staying In Shape
-[X] Molly 22 exp
—[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy 20 is exp
—[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
—[X] Buy down touch of frost 2 exp
-[X] Lydia 9 exp
—[X] Unimpeded Assault of the Deathless 9 exp

I mainly want the shaping defense. Remaining xp, I'm open to being convinced.
Buying the first dot of prayer-eating makes it easier to get reports from our kingdom. Also I think that it might take Molly a whole arc to get used to the idea of hearing prayers. We are about to talk to an angel so this is a good time for it and listening to prayers might train the skill making further levels less expensive.

Also touch of frost isn't really a bad thing over all it means that we never sweat wearing heavy armor.
Well if Forge Empress wins I say we forge ourselves a hat with lights on it so we can create a circle around ourselves with the touch of a button. Not full protection not even close, but it might give us an extra will save against a lot of shaping attacks.
[] Plan Forge Empress
[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
[X] Plan Staying In Shape
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Looks like the Acute Sense merit is something we might want to consider for Molly.
Combined with ATB and it would almost make them auto-successes.
It would be easy to justify with a gene implant from our kingdom. Really it's embarrassing how unaugmented Molly is compared to the humans in her kingdom she is supposed to be setting an example.
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Well I am not really against any of the winning plans they all have stuff I like in them. I just wish some people would vote for prayer eating well we have an angel to question.

At the very least it's a better use for the XP then banking it.
So what is our current list of special materials? Now I am certain that our kingdom should be able to supply us all sorts of cool materials, but what stuff have we harvested with our own hands?

Off the top of my head

Greater Akuma corpse

Anything else?
We have the shell of a fomor wizard equivalent, or I assume he was around that strong since he could death curse.

Harry has only been successfully cursed once in six years.
And he doesnt have the native Exalted countermagic we do.
Harry is a wizard, and isn't nearly as interesting a target as we are besides.

We've eaten a mutation based death curse, time magic, and an outsider's mystery murder magic in the last few months. Arguably the leyline thing would also have counted as shaping if it got that far.

If we hadn't threaded the needle on the negotiations we'd already have had our fight with Broken Seeker, who has repeatedly shown a fondness for shaping effects. When we get around to him we'll probably see that in play.

We're seeing shaping events pretty commonly in our notable events, and they're only getting stronger.