Broken Wicked Things
13th of November 2006 A.D.
"I hereby accept your surrender..." the words tingle on your lips, not in any otherworldly precognition but just the lingering shock of what had happened. That th... the Walker had killed himself and you his weapon of choice. It would be folly of course to ascribe human mentality to one such as that looking around the hall yet killed with the hue and thunder those only half a step to the left of wholly human makes that clear, but he had felt something, some need to continue his story or bookend it. Why? How? And how much easier would be be to resist Those Beyond if you understood.
Looking down you see the sprawled and bloody body of a murderer, killed by a kinslayer driven by an alien presence that seeks to break the world, or at least reshape it so fundamentally as to make human life impossible and you are left with the conviction that not only did they all have reasons, but that they were reasons that in the fullness of time you
could understand.
Good thing I never believed ignorance is bliss or this would be a nightmare. A laugh, only a little hysterical escapes you, though one might perhaps mistake it for your reaction to Lydia's means of dealing with enemy vampires. Yes there was one other fellow strewn in her wake with both his elbows snapped whom you recognize from Lara's dossier, but at the moment she seems to be using a living wave of earth like an over-eager sheep dog to herd and part the crowd to drive before her beings with no real means to harm something which had never been alive, much less capable of emotion.
There is a certain hesitance in turning your full attention elsewhere, past splintered tables and broken porcelain. Lara isn't being entertaining, unless one's idea of a comedian is Jack the Ripper. Twisting someone's head backwards is a quick and efficient way to kill them, it is also intentionally terrifying, the veiled words and whispered threats that make up so much of the life of the White Court peeled back to make a point that cannot be denied: The White King, or at the very least House Raith, will not countenance treachery.
As you watch a woman with dark blond hair dyed in crimson strands rises up from where she had been hiding among the bodies, by more than mortal means spews out a glob of entropic magics that make her teeth fall out in the casting
With a contemptuous look at the energies Lara redirects them out the nearest window. "Was it worth the sacrifice for
that?" She shakes her head. "Ah I see, they must have asked for your brains first." and then she cracks her skull open with a precisely placed pommel strike from her kukri. "No, still in there, must have been something else," she murmurs, murmurs you realize for the benefit of the still lurking elders who had not chosen a side, who else after all would hear comments in the middle of this chaos.
She turns to you, dress utterly ruined with blood. "Did you
finish it?"
[] I killed it (Lay public claim to having killed a Walker with all the attention and the fear that engenders)
[] It's gone (Only those with the senses to feel it will know you slew the Walker)
[] Write in
OOC: Yes Lara has counter-spelling, but it is not reflexive, it is her doge action which she has to declare as a multiple action since Celerity does not help with non-physical actions natively. She did not have it prepped on her first turn.