Huh I think this is a case of RAW contradicting the setting (for WoD). The akuma rules in KotE The 1000 Hells mean that fully owed akuma can only disobey if their owner lets them and they can destroy or command them at will. Though if there are canonical betrayals then obviously they actually can and the rules are wrong.
Not quite. From the Thousand Hells
Besides Emma-o and his servitors, there is only
one being capable of wandering the darkness of Kakuri
unscathed. His Same is Jizo-Bosatsu, and he embodies
the very honor that Emma-o denies. Appearing as a
slight, bald man who wears the black or saffron robes
s of a monk, Jizo-Bosatsu has aided and advised
innumerable souls trapped here. The brass rings at the top
of his walking stick jingle when he walks to warn small
creatures of his coming, so that he does not inadvert-
ently harm them: At no point has Jizo-Bosatsu been
known to show either fear or anger, and he appears
calm in all circumstances.
Witnesses have stated that
he has spoken words to shikome foolish enough to hunt
him, and that the shikome have fled, weeping, as a
result. Many of these shikome leave Emma-o's service
shortly after hearing the words of Jizo-Bosatsu.
Of all beings that have ever wandered Kakuri, Jizo
has the singular honor of being the only one ever to
intimidate Emma-o. Whenever this smiling, whistling
figure is seen in Kakuri, the great Yama King withdraws
into his fortress and orders his shikome to seek the
wanderer out. Why the Yama King allows this to
happen in his own realm where he is, for all intents and
purposes, omnipotent, is beyond conjecture. Emma-o
goes to any lengths necessary to see that this bit of
information does not escape Kakuri. Were the other
Yama Kings to learn of his... odd behavior in this
regard, they would be less likely to find him a suitable
candidate for the position of Demon Emperor.