As to their servitors; I wouldn't be surprised if they shared weaknesses as they go deeper into the Fomor system. That's a pretty common complication of those sort of "gifts".
Im sure they dont.
The fact that the Fomor use them so widely in Ghost Story and noone uses iron as a defense or offense suggests they dont.
We see them in Battlegrounds, and its not an issue there either afaik.
Could have found a use? Certainly. Would have found him a worthwhile knight specifically? Probably not.
It's worth noting that white vamps aren't exactly new. If she was satisfied with their power and the loophole in their mortality for the purposes of the mantle then she could have picked one by now. Thomas is good, but he isn't better than every white court born anywhere Winter has access to for the last few centuries.
We also know that if she wanted to take the demon out and keep the mortal it would probably screw him over independent of the loss of power, making him even more of an investment to get functional. I don't doubt he was on the list, but I figure he was a lot lower than she implied to Harry and that there were a few backups in between the two of them on it.
We dont appear to see many magic users as Fae Knights either.
Its not that they arent valuable, its more that what she's looking for in a Knight is often not connected to pre-existing powers.
There's orders of magnitude more mortals than Whamps at any time; she's going to usually have more luck finding the qualities she wants in the mortal population.
But here she states that he does have the basic qualities she looks for. So...
Mab is not averse to investing effort in her recruits if she thinks its worth the trouble.
She kept Dresden's body running for six months after his assassination, and I think she spent another nine months nursing him back to health in time for the events of Cold Days.
That said, she doesnt have to take the demon out; Lea's first encounter with Susan and Martin in Changes makes it clear that she can straight up dominate entities of that level at will.
I would suspect that you can infect Denarians, as in the Coinbearers, but to taint the actual demon is beyond Nemesis.
At best you could propably get a corrupted subsoul like Lash, which might be a fun idea for a future antagonist.
I dont agree.
Like I said, Fallen dont seem to be the sort of people who share. I am reasonably certain that holding a Coin would passively protect you against involuntary Nemesis infection. And that you cant actively accept Nemesis withiut dropping your Coin.
I mean, the debt that Nicodemus claimed from Mab in Skin Game was incurred when she needed someone to stand in for her at the Gates and cut a deal with Nicky and Anduriel.
If Nicodemus was vulnerable to Nfection, Mab would not have done that deal.
One of the generational monstrosities that mar the upbringing of a lot of Whampires. Its darkly amusing that Lord Raith, for all his monstrosity, was apparently kinder to at least some of his Whampire virgins than Sylgia here.
-Shades of the Barrowhill family. I have to wonder if
1)This was always planned to be Eric's fate eventually at some point in the next decade as a rite of passage for his daughter. Like having a farm child raise an animal and then slaughtering it for food OR
2)If the boy's murder was just supposed to be an object lesson for his daughter about obedience and respect, OR
3)Bella's father just killed him out of irritation or a deliberate attempt at isolating his preteen daughter
Whampire household. Motives often get very twisty.
I doubt she made many friends among the help after this, regardless, even if she wanted to.
-The implication here is that the Sylgia household, who are House Skavis, collects and raises ghoul scions to be raised as future servitors/retainers of their house. Might even breed them for a steady supply. This is similar to Charles Barrowhill, who while a member of House Raith, also had his entourage full of ghouls.
Thats rather contrary to the Raith family proper, who apparently use human servants exclusively.
No uniformity.
-The timing appears to be less than a year before Isabella approached Leinth for the first time, which seems significant.
Was she seeking out protection against her father from someone who was obviously powerful enough not to be crossed lightly?
-I note the repeated absence of a mother or maternal figure in any of her memories.
Neither the Interlude, nor this peek at her history, shows any evidence of one.
I guess her mother was neither White Court, nor alive.
-White Court summer camp.
Given how byzantine and cutthroat Whampire politics gets, I doubt it was an especially restful place, even for children.
-We really want to avoid goals/tasks that look like tests.
And socialization is probably key.
I suspect Eric was probably the last person she could reasonably call friend
We really have to have her meet Michael sometime.
10 successes. Double Legendary.
Suggests this is pretty fundamental to her personality.
We really should adjust our approach.
Yes, but that sounds like an opposed roll if I ever heard one and Mab is likely to throw a LOT of dice at the problem.
And I cannot imagine a situation where we fail and Mab DOESN'T kill us. Her greatest shame is the sort of thing that knowing likely puts you on her "Kill instantly" list.
Mab isnt going to kill you for discovering one of her secrets, as long as you arent carelessly blabbing to all and sundry; Battlegrounds makes it clear that there are people who remember her as a mortal. I mean, Bob says Mab wants him dead, but she's known where he was since at least Changes and didnt do anything.
And Mab is most definitely not going to kill you under truce conditions at a diplomatic meeting.
No matter what you learn.
Im not saying its necessarily wise to use this on Mab and tell her we can do it, mind.
Or even that its of use.
Just that its not a Die Screaming infraction.
Gods, thank you. That has been bothering me. Now I can vote for mirror-plate upgrade guilt-free, should we avoid getting 3 dots alchemy materials long enough.
I might use it for a new Dark Sun shield, but not to rebuild Ebon Scales. Gonna need better stuff for that.
Maybe if you want to rebuild Michael's armor