Arc 2 Post 5: Seizing the Day
Seizing the Day
17th of July 2006 A.D.
Whether is is because you slept in the path or from all the plans swirling in your mind these last few days you don't know but your dreams were a real bitch last night. I get it brain Arctis Tor bad, no need to remind me all the time. I wonder if I went back there and set some more of Queen Mab's stuff on fire will it finally register that you are not the girl on the tree anymore?
"Perhaps one should stay thine wrath against the host of the winter fey a few more turnings of the moon my princess," Usum offers in what might be the most diplomatic way you have heard someone warn that you would get your ass kicked
Speaking of the turnings of the moons... it's the Summer Holiday finally. You had really started to hate those snow days last year by the end of this, but now it's over. Homework is future Molly's problem, you are not grounded so no more late night tree climbing unless you... want to be Harry's date to a vampire ball or something equally upsetting to mom.
It would be nice to have your own place though, some place where you could not hear the stampede of chez Carpenter through the walls making the dream of sleeping in almost as distant as the one of raiding Arctis Tor, somewhere you can have your own bathtub that you do not have to scrub of noxious residue every time.
Then there is Rosie, you had promised to look for help and to yourself at least you vowed that if you could not find help you would provide it. The baby is still months away, but it will probably do wonders for her peace of mind to know that there is some way for her to keep it, some plan waiting in the winds. Not to mention that you still haven't told her what you did. Can I afford to? you wonder and you do not know if it is the voice of selfishness or common sense. Between getting hurt in body and mind, the baby you worry that she could be a target for the darker things that lurk in the shadows.
"There is the matter of foes more accessible than the Queen of Air and Darkness," Usum reminds you halfway through your morning cereal. "The man Greene, whether he is one himself or a puppet of one I do not think it is coincidence that he fixated on the wizard."
You hum in barely audible agreement. Harry probably isn't going to like you 'meddling' but you can be really persuasive and while you are not yourself the most skilled of investigators you have a potentially limitless army of spies at your beck and call, as many eyes as there are cameras in the city, as many ears as there are phones, as many minds as there are computers, the least and forgotten spirits of the Wicked City call to you in every crackle of static.
Then there is the potential of training... and finding more magicians out there, those the White Council calls minor talents and ignores save when the Wardens come knocking sword in hand. There is a lot your insights could do for them and a a lot you could learn too. There is a whole world of magic out there that you had been looking for ever since you found that you have magic. Now finally you know where to look.
What will you do over the next two weeks?
Due to the fact that there are only two weeks of July remaining you only have three (3) Actions
You have none, your allowance will keep you in gas, pizza and coffee, but you are going to need a lot more if you're going to put some of your grander plans into action
[] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling
[] Masterworks for money, you can make gems, you can make gold, you can make fine watches, heck you can make a light airplane from scrap if you really put in the hours, though that would be overkill you think. Now cars maybe... yeah restoring cars could work. Or you could turn your lie to Izzy into truth and work with dad
-[] Diamonds are a girl's best friend, make artificial diamonds or other gemstones
-[] All that glitters, ye old dream of making gold from lead, now with radiation
-[] Small marvels, craft jewelry, watches, what have you
-[] The family trade, dad already works with wood, you can work with wood, getting paid by your parents isn't exactly the most glamorous thing, but it would probably go smoother with him handling all the marketing stuff so you can just use your hell tools to make stuff
-[] Resurrection from Rust, you could walk into a junkyard and drive out with a car given enough time, though you are not sure how the paperwork for that would work out
[] It's not cheating if you are just that good, illegal gambling is apparently one of those things John Marcone has a lock on, you can probably scrape together enough money to buy in to the cheapest of cheap games and then go from there. All you have to do is not lose... and not draw too much attention to yourself
You turned over a lot of rocks over the last two weeks and something tells you that the worms you found there aren't going to sit nicely still while you get rich and trained up
[] Wizard's Woes, you dropped a hell of a case in Harry's lap and then told him not to get help, go see if you can be the help instead, bring treats for Mouse, a bottle of Clorox to keep at his place in case you need to heal in an emergency
[] Look into the Minor Talents of Chicago, so far you have been isolated from the supernatural scene of Chicago, now that you can get in touch with them without necessarily having your dad with you all the time the time has come to change that... though given how both Mouse and McCoy thought you were bad news at first maybe you should bring dad or Harry along to some of them just as an introduction
-[] Once more with help, maybe cyber demons would have more luck finding the supernatural online than you did, they cannot hack into any secure sites, probably for the best for now, but they can look at public information at the speed of a computer not a squishy human brain
-[] Alphas, friends of Harry, close to you in age and they work to keep monsters off the street near the University, they sounds really cool
-[] Friends in Low places, she might work for Marcone but Grad was really cool and you are curious about her. Fortunetly you remember the number dad dialed to get in touch with Marcone
-[] Totally normal girl, Lydia invited you to hang out and you are game, you like the younger girl, she's fun and quirky and you are curious to know just how far the quirks go
-[] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is apparently a real medium who also does fake seances, he is also quite a talented writer. It would be cool to meet him, but you also have a more serious reason to seek his company. Rosie is still mentally fragile and she is in a hospital and you have it on good and... er diverse authority that places like that are gathering places for dark and predatory spirits
[] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will, with problems material and ethereal
-[] Dreaming True, Rosie is going to need help, training to manage her gift eventually, look around for information, books or ideally a teacher
-[] Talking to the family, you do not like Mrs Wilsom and the feeling is mutual, but as your experience at church yesterday showed you do not have to like someone to turn on the supernatural charm. Maybe you could work something out, or at least explain some of what her daughter is going through
-[] An Eye for Charity, there have to be some kind of charities willing to help young women in Rosie's situation, you and your electronic friends can surely find them and then you can have a talk with them to give her some options
[] Out of Town Work, dad is arranging his schedule so he has three days free next week, he does not know what he is arranging it around, though he did get the feeling that he should get his car checked so it's up to a long drive
Personal Training
While your powers are awesome, there are till plenty of gaps in your repertoire, plenty of room to grow and to expend your horizons if you can find a teacher (will require either persuading Charity or keeping the secret)
[] The Bridges of the Spirit, take up Brother Divsimar on that offer of training, the idea of mystical martial arts resonates with you for some reason
[] Not a Wizard, but... Harry could probably teach you a thing or two and maybe even learn a bit more about the strange power you now bear if you are lucky
Family time
As much else as you have to do, it's nice to spend some time with your family and it is rarely boring hanging out.
[] Heart to Heart, talk to your mother about what you guesses and what dad told you about her history, better to try to get it all in the open than to constantly try to step around that landmine. There is a lot more magic in your future, that much is for sure.
[] Personal Assistant, Leech really likes computers and as it happens you can turn computers and phones and even Blackberries into AI. Alas the 'helper kami' are of a rather dubious disposition so you would not feel comfortable just dropping one on her and hoping for the best so you're going to observe them for a few days
[] Training Time, dad said yes to teaching Matthew how to fight as you knew he would, but that does not mean you can't help, maybe even use the opportunity to put on some demonstrations for your family to show that you can handle yourself
OOC: I know some of the actions look like they should take less than the roughly five days actions are meant to take under this system, but there will be a follow up. Like if you take Once More with Help, it won't just be the internet search, it will also be organizing meeting with those people in real life and going from there into the supernatural scene.