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Turn 34 (231-235.M42): Chasing Hatred Pt. 5
"I think what really scared them, however, was when we started singing." -Captain Galen Machiavi, Blood Angels 1st Company


The surface of Laanzig burns. It burns with heresy. It burns with oathbreakers. But it mostly burns because of the ten Land Raiders rolling over them. And Galen Machiavi would not have it any other way.

Few are the times the entire 1st Company walks upon their foe, and every time they do it is always an apocalyptic threat or earth-shattering war that sees them suffer heavy casualties.

But this. This. This is a fine holiday, honoring the Angel and lacking for casualties.

At the very forefront of the assault, Land Raider Crusader Primo Victoria takes several lascannons to the front and brushes it off with contemptuous ease. Her Multi-Melta spools, and vaporises another heavy weapon's nest. Her sisters roll up soon after, and begin yet another bout of multi-melta murder and assault cannoning.

Within, as they await their time, the Blood Angels 1st Company shares a rare moment of levity together. They sing as one. Not a war hymn, not a somber lament. A children's nursery rhyme. Over amplivox.






Another verse done, Machiavi laughs as his brothers cheer, and he calls his Command Squad together on their personal voxlink. "Levos, how fares the assault?" He asks.

Task Force Thunder - Progress
Rolled 23
Bogged Down

"Slower than we would like, but inconsequential," his Champion tells him. Levos is a more typical Space Marine, not given to amusement. But he does not chastise his brothers for enjoying themselves. The assault would not be faster for it. "I worry for the Crimson, Galen. It has been hours, and their deep strike must have concluded already."

"Aurelius is with them," Machiavi says with pride. "Indeed, knowing the damn peacock he has already taken the fortress! Do not worry, our little brothers are in good hands." He thinks, wrinkling his nose. "But do hurry. We shan't leave things up to chance."


Machiavi nods and breaks the link. He looks at his brothers around him. "Another song?" He asks, and is met by cheers. "Then from the top!"


In the deep, dark depths of a fortress beyond mortal comprehension, no one can hear you sigh in frustration at the state of your Chapter Master. As the Sanguinary Herald, his duty is to guard his Chapter Master. To preserve his life. To protect him, even if he dies. To fail in this duty is to fail the Angel.

He cannot let Aurelius Asterion die. He will not. They have to find that vox relay, or a medicae, or a stasis pod, or anything that can help his biology fight the ruin it has suffered.

Tarael replaces the empty vial in his vambrace and dons his helmet again. There is no doubt or grief. Aurelius Asterion is not dead yet. Until he is saved, they will not rest. He is no Sanguinary Priest, but Lord Taldor's teachings should mean his Chapter Master has a fighting chance.

Chapter Master Aurelius Asterion - Time Remaining (Base DC 80 - Modified by Toughness)
Rolled 56 64 33 vs 40, 2 Degrees of Success
4 Rolls before Catastrophic Metabolic Meltdown Starts

"Ready, Herald?" Damien asks.

Tarael nods. By his estimates they have hours. Better than minutes, but still tight. "We must be."

They depart, their Chapter Master's broken body atop the shoulders of six Sanguinary Guards.


He wanted to find a sign, any sign, of anything at all. But this accursed place has other ideas.

Captain Damien Cybereon - Searching for the Vox Relay
Rolled 5 vs 50
Utterly Lost
Rolled 6 vs 50
Still Utterly Lost

Twisting tunnels and total darkness make for a dangerous pair, and the catacombs seem designed to trap them forever. More than once have they cut shortcuts through walls, and more than once they have wandered back into their shortcuts from an entirely different direction.

The place is haunted, all of them think, but don't say. But doom will not save them. So instead, they turn to other things.

"Captain, shall we trade places? You carry the Chapter Master, and I read the map."

"No, Titus. He'll have to find you first."

"Quiet," Damien grunts. "This place confounds all of us. It is a mess of architecture and impossible pathways. It makes no sense."

Tarael smacks his lips. "I do think the Captain is turning into a Space Wolf."


"And now he's becoming a Black Templar!" Roark laughs.

"Quick, flee for your lives! The crusade is coming!"

Damien sighs loudly, and continues walking. Sniggering amongst themselves, the Sanguinary Guard follow.


"...This is getting ridiculous Damien."

"I KNOW! I know."

"...Would you like to trade duties?"

Captain Damien Cybereon - Searching for the Vox Relay
Rolled 49 vs 50
Getting Closer
Rolled 15 vs 50
Nope Still Lost

Damien sighs. "Would it matter?"

"At this point, I think it would." Tarael glances back at his Chapter Master, frowning. "Halt. Five minutes recess, set up a perimeter."

The Sanguinary Guard spread out - but always within eyes and earshot of another - while the Herald goes to his Chapter Master. His time must be running out. The longer they stay here, the sooner he dies. And they have been here for what feels like days. He connects their armors, and fears the worst.

Chapter Master Aurelius Asterion - Survival (Base DC 80 - Modified by Toughness)
Rolled 100 vs 60, Critical Success - Astartes Constitution!
Aurelius Asterion is no longer at risk of Catastrophic Metabolic Meltdown

Somehow, the good news shocks him most.

"He's healed…"

"What?" Damien leans over, practically tearing his helmet off at the news. "Lord Asterion is healed? Miraculously?!"

"No, no… In a sense," Tarael corrects. "His wounds are no longer fatal. It seems our blood may have been enough to reinvigorate his biology."

Indeed, discounting the wounds on his left side, Aurelius Asterion looks almost serene.The closest to peace he has been since he returned. His wounds have caked over with scar tissue already, warm to the touch from a healing factor in overdrive.

"Emperor be praised," a Sanguinary Guard murmurs.

"But still in the grip of the Membrane," Damien notes sadly. They will not have his blade against any foes. And all of them are loathe to wield mighty Invictus without his approval. They are not worthy. Not yet.

"If nothing else, the pressure of time is gone." Tarael nods and stands up. "I think that's something to celebrate. But first, the relay."


"Still lost?" Tarael asks.

"Shut up," Damien responds.

Captain Damien Cybereon - Searching for the Vox Relay
Rolled 19 vs 50
Rolled 44 vs 50
A Sign?
Rolled 63 vs 50
Found a Path!

The Sanguinary Guard prepare yet another quip to join the days-long list of witty commentary when the Captain suddenly holds up a clenched fist. He looks up at something distant. A clue, then? Finally?

"Follow me," Damien says excitedly. "I have deciphered this map. I know where we must go."

"Like when we nearly walked an octed?" Titus asks.

"Not now he will set you on fire again," Roark warns.

"What, and make me more visible? We wear gold, brother. We are already visible."

"Focus," Tarael says. He nods at the Lord Sacrifice. "Lead the way."


What they find is a vast mechanism, impossibly advanced and beyond their mere comprehension.

Rolled 98
That's no Vox Relay…

"You really don't do things by half measures, do you Damien," Roark breathes. "First you get us lost for days, but when you find your way…"

"I would prefer knowing how Chaos found such ancient technology," Tarael says. "It does not belong here, in the hands of traitors."

Perhaps a Techmarine would know more, even reactivate it, but they are only Space Marines. Their role is war, not lore.

"Perhaps we can extract it afterwards, or forward this site to the Mechanicus." Damien shakes his head. "No matter. We came for a relay and we will find that relay."

"Yes, Captain."

"...I must admit, though," the Captain says, pointing at the techno-arcane structure looming over them, "I did not expect to find something like this down here."

...That's a Teleportarium

Serendipitous Meetings!
Rolled 78
Success! 3rd Company Elements!

They hear a noise, just before their search begins. The Sanguinary Guard draw their blades, and Damien raises his shield. Several runes spring to life in the corner of his visor, his machine spirit finding its kin.

"Show yourselves!" He demands.

Thirty forms break out of the darkness, each of them bearing the Alatus Cadere. They look at their party with shock and elation, some of them even removing their helmets. "Captain Cybereon," Veteran Sergeant Carmine says. "We thought you deeper in the fortress."

- Tactical Blade-One, Vet. Sergeant Carmine
- Tactical Blade-Four
- Devastator Blade-Nine

Damien frowns. "You heard something deeper in?"

"Must be. I hear battle and death in the distance. Someone is fighting. We would have moved to assist, but…" He points around them. "The labyrinth traps us. Feels like days."

"Synchronise chrons," Damien demands.

Each of them reports the time passed since their initial assault. He and the Sanguinary Guard have seen five days, but Carmine and his get have only felt eight hours. Curious. Time must overlap on itself in the labyrinth. Certainly explains how lost they got. But with the map he has now, after wandering it for so long… They can navigate it.

"Captain, may I ask a question?" Carmine asks. Damien nods. "Is that… Lord Asterion?"

Damien looks back, and a crowd has gathered around their comatose Chapter Master, their curiosity held at bay by the Sanguinary Guard. "Unfortunately," Damien sighs. "We met an old foe earlier. Karog Kinslayer."

A hot flash of fury passes Carmine's handsome, stone-cast features. "The fiend that nearly defiled the Vault? What is he doing here? And… How?"

"Chaos trickery," he replies. "It is always chaos trickery, Carmine. Always."

"Of course, Captain."

"He will live, fortunately," Damien tells him. "But he will not fight with us. My orders are to return him to orbit immediately. Even miraculously stabilised, he is a liability right now, much as it pains me to say that."

"Who slew the Kinslayer?"

"Our Herald." Damien laughs and runs a gauntleted hand through his short sandy hair. "It seems that I am no longer the Sword-Saint's finest pupil."

"Pity," Carmine nods. "So, Captain. What is our priority?"

Available Assets:
- Captain Damien Cybereon
- Herald Tarael
- 9 Sanguinary Guards
- Tactical Blade-One, Veteran Sergeant Carmine
- Tactical Blade-Four
- Devastator Blade-Nine

[] Contact the Clarita Propositum in orbit and request reinforcements. With the help of the techmarines aboard the Battle Barge, they should have enough expertise to link this relic to the ship's own Teleportarium. It will also allow Aurelius Asterion to return to the Sanguinary immediately.
- [] Request the Death Company. Their fury and savagery will be most valuable in these claustrophobic confines. But they will likely wander off, and any who are lost in the labyrinth will certainly be lost forever.
- [] Request the Crimson Crusaders 8th Company. Damien trusts them, and with his fleetness of foot they can make good progress towards the center of this fortress. But their loadouts are limited, what with mostly being chainswords, and if they run into a champion like Karog again…
- [] Request the Lamenters 2nd Company. Their stubbornness will be invaluable down here, in the tunnels, and the kind of enduring conviction they bear will be useful against the cretin they find here. And it is also a good learning experience.
- [] Request the Blood Angels 1st Company. While they are rampaging with their Land Raiders, perhaps have one of their squads hold long enough for transfer into the catacombs. Even a single squad of Assault Terminators will be the difference between life and death down here, especially against another Champion. But it will slow their assault.
- [] Request the Grey Knights. This will certainly interrupt their warding ritual, but the Grey Knights can dispel this labyrinth's curse with their presence alone, and will surely be helpful against the traitor warlords deeper in the fortress.

[] Reunite the 3rd Company. So divided, they will surely be ground into nothing but dust. But his Battle-Brothers have surely gone to ground now, only awaiting his signal or the arrival of the 1st. And he somehow feels that the 1st will be a long time coming.

[] Coordinate with the Blood Angels 1st Company, and get ready for an all-out assault. The moment the 1st Company breaks through into the fortress, the 3rd Company will spring their trap, and Task Force Angel in orbit will deploy via Deep Strike.
"I think what really scared them, however, was when we started singing." -Captain Galen Machiavi, Blood Angels 1st Company

I dunno, the Sons of Sanguinus can carry a tune in a bucket....

Damien sighs loudly, and continues walking. Sniggering amongst themselves, the Sanguinary Guard follow.

Nice to see they still have their humor after all that's happened.

"Shut up," Damien responds.

"Damien, maybe you should ask for directions?"
We literally just wasted five days, or rather the Sanguinary Guard did. EMPEROR-DAMN CHAOS WARP BULLSHIT.

[X] Contact the Clarita Propositum in orbit and request reinforcements. With the help of the techmarines aboard the Battle Barge, they should have enough expertise to link this relic to the ship's own Teleportarium. It will also allow Aurelius Asterion to return to the Sanguinary immediately.
- [X] Request the Crimson Crusaders 8th Company. Damien trusts them, and with his fleetness of foot they can make good progress towards the center of this fortress. But their loadouts are limited, what with mostly being chainswords, and if they run into a champion like Karog again…

We get Aurelius to safety immediately, this weird Labyrinth doesn't suit the Death Company, the Lamenters have suffered enough casualties for one battle, the Blood Angels are slow enough as is and I don't want to disrupt the warding. Therefore 8th Company.
"I think what really scared them, however, was when we started singing." -Captain Galen Machiavi, Blood Angels 1st Company
Within, as they await their time, the Blood Angels 1st Company shares a rare moment of levity together. They sing as one. Not a war hymn, not a somber lament. A children's nursery rhyme. Over amplivox.






Another verse done, Machiavi laughs as his brothers cheer, and he calls his Command Squad together on their personal voxlink.
... is it wrong I imagine the Blood Angels 1st Company doing Acapella in their spare time? Maybe some Greek-style theatre or a choir?
Chapter Master Aurelius Asterion - Survival (Base DC 80 - Modified by Toughness)
Rolled 100 vs 60, Critical Success - Astartes Constitution!
Aurelius Asterion is no longer at risk of Catastrophic Metabolic Meltdown
You really had me worried for a while there... but Aurelius still seems to have some stories left to be told. :)

[X] Contact the Clarita Propositum in orbit and request reinforcements. With the help of the techmarines aboard the Battle Barge, they should have enough expertise to link this relic to the ship's own Teleportarium. It will also allow Aurelius Asterion to return to the Sanguinary immediately.
- [X] Request the Death Company. Their fury and savagery will be most valuable in these claustrophobic confines. But they will likely wander off, and any who are lost in the labyrinth will certainly be lost forever.
- [X] Request the Crimson Crusaders 8th Company. Damien trusts them, and with his fleetness of foot they can make good progress towards the center of this fortress. But their loadouts are limited, what with mostly being chainswords, and if they run into a champion like Karog again…
- [X] Request the Blood Angels 1st Company. While they are rampaging with their Land Raiders, perhaps have one of their squads hold long enough for transfer into the catacombs. Even a single squad of Assault Terminators will be the difference between life and death down here, especially against another Champion. But it will slow their assault.
- [X] Request the Grey Knights. This will certainly interrupt their warding ritual, but the Grey Knights can dispel this labyrinth's curse with their presence alone, and will surely be helpful against the traitor warlords deeper in the fortress.

Why this plan? Because these Chaos-not-going-to-say-what deserve all the brutality we can give them!
  1. We get our Chapter Master out of the fortress and open a path to bring in some heavy hitters to right where it hurts.
  2. The Death Company can be the awesome murder-machines they are, because the Grey Knights will dispel the labyrinth's curse.
  3. The 8th will bring some much needed focused manpower that we lack because of the deep strike misshap of the 3rd, while their equipment weaknesses will be handled by our other reinforcements.
  4. The Blood Angels 1st Company will give us some juicy Assault Terminators and slower advancing of the charge doesn't really matter, because we don't have to break the walls of this fortress as we destroy it from the inside! With our lovely utility teleportarium enabling surprise gifts of Thunder Hammers to all Chaos forces.
  5. The Grey Knights can stop the warding, giving the Chaos leaders a false hope of survival. While the Chaos sorcerers try to save their own skins, the Grey Knights arrive to the party, dispel the curse, smite the chaotic champions, confront the evil mastermind and watch how the Death Company breaks the walls for kill-steals.
  6. The Lamenters really deserve some time for personal lamentations about their long-term relationship with mistress Fortuna.
  7. In summary: Use teleportarium. Evacuate Aurelius Asterion. Bring in the pain. Watch the fireworks. Enjoy some singing from the baalite angels.*
*These all being weird prophetic words from Lemartes just before Damien contacts the forces at the orbit. The Death Company Chaplain takes no responsibility for men lost to the warp, daemonic plots, OP champions, etc.

Discussion about the plan's possible weaknesses may give rise to write-ins to negate them.

Let's have some epic fighting for the season finale of Chasing Hatred season 1! ;)
Truly the Crimson Crusaders have inherited The Great Angels jocularity, think we should have the alternate name of Laughing Angels.

Also Damien? You don't get to navigate anymore
[X] Contact the Clarita Propositum in orbit and request reinforcements. With the help of the techmarines aboard the Battle Barge, they should have enough expertise to link this relic to the ship's own Teleportarium. It will also allow Aurelius Asterion to return to the Sanguinary immediately.
- [X] Request the Crimson Crusaders 8th Company. Damien trusts them, and with his fleetness of foot they can make good progress towards the center of this fortress. But their loadouts are limited, what with mostly being chainswords, and if they run into a champion like Karog again…
[X] Contact the Clarita Propositum in orbit and request reinforcements. With the help of the techmarines aboard the Battle Barge, they should have enough expertise to link this relic to the ship's own Teleportarium. It will also allow Aurelius Asterion to return to the Sanguinary immediately.
- [X] Request the Crimson Crusaders 8th Company. Damien trusts them, and with his fleetness of foot they can make good progress towards the center of this fortress. But their loadouts are limited, what with mostly being chainswords, and if they run into a champion like Karog again…

Also Damien? You don't get to navigate anymore
He has the navigational skills of Bugs Bunny.
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