Voting is open
Hello everyone! Remember when I was busy with the army? Still am, but I managed to make some time to figure out some GoD stuff.

Maintaining a massive index page is something of a gigantic fucking nightmare you see, so I've finally made the jump and made a spreadsheet for it. It's not complete just yet, but here's a look at it(it's mostly done it's just ugly as sin). In the future you'll will even get editing privileges so that people can help update it in case I forget things or misplaced something. Update is not coming just yet, but with this out of the way I can work on it right and properly, and hopefully with fewer headaches about things after that.

Besides that, I've gone over the relic ideas and I actually like most of them. They're wonderfully thematic and suitable for it. But, I only want to give so many relics. So, here are the two extras.

Just a few questions Sword, when I was looking at the recruiting worlds the Crusaders have, what's the difference between class 1 and class 2 aspirants? Also, what would it take to identify a Reclusiarch?
Just a few questions Sword, when I was looking at the recruiting worlds the Crusaders have, what's the difference between class 1 and class 2 aspirants? Also, what would it take to identify a Reclusiarch?
Class 2 Aspirants benefit from -1 difficulty to all relevant recruitment checks, from induction as a neophyte all the way to graduation as a Scout. They're more likely to become Space Marines in the first place.

There's Class 3 and Class 4 Aspirants, too. Generally speaking, Class 2 Aspirants hail from more savage biomes like war worlds, ork infested hellholes, and primitive locales, where humanity is that much more resilient as a by-product of survival. Class 3 Aspirants tend to come from Death Worlds, the next step up that breeds strength as a matter of necessity. Class 4 Aspirants only ever come from especially lethal Death Worlds or, more likely, very old and significant worlds to the Space Marine Chapter in question, like the Baals for the Blood Angels and Fenris for the Space Wolves. Class 4 Aspirants are Chapter-exclusive; Fenrisian aspirants qualify as Class 3 at best for any other form of induction, the same with Nocturnite or Baali aspirants for anyone else.

Correspondingly, worlds that produce Class 2, 3 and 4 Aspirants also tend to produce additional notable aspirants, who are guaranteed to survive induction and will invariably become hero units after they become Scouts. They also tend to have smaller recruitment numbers; Feudal Worlds and other such planets only allow 100 dice compared to a Hive World's 200 dice, and Death Worlds only offer 50 dice. In addition, cooldown times between recruitment rites are longer. Feudal worlds and whatnot can only be recruited from once every decade, while Death Worlds range from 20 to 30 years, practically a generation between attempts.

It's a balancing act, with Death Worlds giving Chapters stronger aspirants more likely to survive harsh training to become strong Space Marines, but also less plasticity in the face of ruinous loss. At the same time, recruiting from Hive Worlds allows Chapters to jump back from the brink extremely easily, but the aspirants won't be as likely to survive and it requires a much higher buy-in cost in Gene-Seed, which demands a well-equipped Apothecarium and capable Apothecaries to keep up with the demand.
Class 2 Aspirants benefit from -1 difficulty to all relevant recruitment checks, from induction as a neophyte all the way to graduation as a Scout. They're more likely to become Space Marines in the first place.

There's Class 3 and Class 4 Aspirants, too. Generally speaking, Class 2 Aspirants hail from more savage biomes like war worlds, ork infested hellholes, and primitive locales, where humanity is that much more resilient as a by-product of survival. Class 3 Aspirants tend to come from Death Worlds, the next step up that breeds strength as a matter of necessity. Class 4 Aspirants only ever come from especially lethal Death Worlds or, more likely, very old and significant worlds to the Space Marine Chapter in question, like the Baals for the Blood Angels and Fenris for the Space Wolves. Class 4 Aspirants are Chapter-exclusive; Fenrisian aspirants qualify as Class 3 at best for any other form of induction, the same with Nocturnite or Baali aspirants for anyone else.

Correspondingly, worlds that produce Class 2, 3 and 4 Aspirants also tend to produce additional notable aspirants, who are guaranteed to survive induction and will invariably become hero units after they become Scouts. They also tend to have smaller recruitment numbers; Feudal Worlds and other such planets only allow 100 dice compared to a Hive World's 200 dice, and Death Worlds only offer 50 dice. In addition, cooldown times between recruitment rites are longer. Feudal worlds and whatnot can only be recruited from once every decade, while Death Worlds range from 20 to 30 years, practically a generation between attempts.

It's a balancing act, with Death Worlds giving Chapters stronger aspirants more likely to survive harsh training to become strong Space Marines, but also less plasticity in the face of ruinous loss. At the same time, recruiting from Hive Worlds allows Chapters to jump back from the brink extremely easily, but the aspirants won't be as likely to survive and it requires a much higher buy-in cost in Gene-Seed, which demands a well-equipped Apothecarium and capable Apothecaries to keep up with the demand.

Cool, goes to show how resilient the Blood Angels are after rebuilding from a single company so many times, that or Dante is that amazing as a leader. Is there a reason we have so many unassigned relics though or is that because we lack a Reclusiarch?
Cool, goes to show how resilient the Blood Angels are after rebuilding from a single company so many times, that or Dante is that amazing as a leader. Is there a reason we have so many unassigned relics though or is that because we lack a Reclusiarch?
Right now your Master of Sanctity is essentially your Reclusiarch. But when you gain a notable Chaplain (who survives) he can be the Reclusiarch.
Right now your Master of Sanctity is essentially your Reclusiarch. But when you gain a notable Chaplain (who survives) he can be the Reclusiarch.
RIP Haros, who became Notable and died in a single post, such is the life of an Angel kin.

Hey Swordo, does the spreadsheet account for Brothers seconded to other organizations like Deathwatch or Inquisitors?
Interlude 32 - The Weight of Sacrifice
A/N: This isn't exactly an update, but it's something. Update is plodding along, on some level.


Interlude 32 - The Weight of Sacrifice


Crimson Crusaders Fortress-Monastery, 'The Mountainhome'

There are ten halls in the Mountainhome, deep behind adamantine struts and rockcrete walls a man's arm span wide. Ten great halls that, though young by the standards of the Adeptus Astartes, already echo with the sounds of great battles and legendary conflicts. Each stands as testament to a Company's achievements, the stories of their best and the victories they clawed from hell's heart. And each is the sum of hundreds, possibly now thousands, of Battle-Brothers labouring and struggling, with faith and fire for glory or death.

The eighth hall, for the Eighth Company, is quieter than most. They were badly blooded in the War for Karanda, more than the others who fought the Legion's former paragons. The other companies are away, carving the stories of their fallen brothers onto their company obelisk, tending to their own wounds, visiting the newly-entombed, or simply busying themselves. Only one man, aside from the serfs who dare not approach him, sits within the hall.

He is Veteran Sergeant Justinius, one of the last of the Five Hundred left alive. Survivor of conflicts as Stonehaven, Sortiarius, and Baal. A man who did not die or bleed at the Seraphim Vault, but nonetheless struggled at flashpoints as Angel's Forge. And now, sole surviving senior officer of the Eighth Company. Captain.

Against his wishes, his Captain's wishes, and his Captain's successor's wishes. And yet, his Chapter Master has spoken, his Captain dead, and Logos marching the Caves of Sorrow to adjust to his new existence in service beyond death. Duty demands it, even if his faith wavers. Even when it shouldn't.

Intellectually, Justinius understands the Company needs a strong leader. Though the Chapter is used to bleeding oceans, and death is a constant - even familiar - companion, the Crimson Crusaders have only survived spiritually through the strength of their leaders. And with Hale Cicero slain, the Eighth Company needs another more than ever.

But he wonders nonetheless. That nagging thought, that irritating worrying itch, that there exists better men. Men he knows, men of the same generation as him. Welkis and Darmus are the first names he can think of, Veterans of the First Company who have proven themselves, but there are others. Why weren't they chosen? Why he, a man who didn't have the fortitude to sacrifice himself like Captain Cicero did?

He feels another presence in his hearts before he hears the footsteps and the shift in the wind. Justinius looks up and finds his Chapter Master, clad only in robes and sandals as he prefers within these halls. He rises to attention, but Aurelius Asterion simply smiles and shakes his head. With a relaxed sigh, Aurelius sits beside him on a bench carved by ten Sergeants and a Captain; the first of many artworks hewn after Stonehaven, when the Crimson Clad inherited a Resplendent tradition.

He says nothing to Justinius, just as Justinius says nothing to him, as they sit amidst the glories and histories of the Eighth Company. Looking around, Justinius cannot help but be reminded of the Eighth's legacy of sacrifice. They've bled so much, most of all on Baal and Karanda but also in other battlefronts, smaller conflicts and during their long-term deployment against the Hive Fleet. Is this their fate as Crimson Angels? To bleed and bleed unlike any other? Can they keep bleeding?

Can he sacrifice as Hale did?

There is a rustle as the Lord in Crimson Clad shifts his posture, and a few pops and cracks as he stretches his back. Justinius glances at him, though his Chapter Master seems not to notice or care, and through the loose cloth Justinius sees the scars the Dark Eldar gave him, when they tore his back open and tried to break his soul.

"When I was a boy," Aurelius says suddenly, startling Justinius for a fraction of a heartbeat, "I feared becoming a man."

Justinius looks at him, frowning slightly in confusion. Aurelius looks over his shoulder briefly, eyes glinting with humor, and continues.

"I've been thinking about history since my return," he says with a small shrug, obviously gesturing to his reminder. "My childhood has become clearer as I dwell on it. And I feared growing up. To fight and struggle in those sands, not only following but leading."

"The rad wastes are an inhospitable land," Justinius shrugs. "Hardly suitable for habitation by mortals."

"And never healed because of betrayal," Aurelius nods. He sits there for a time, simply enjoying the ambience. "But yes, I feared growing up." He laughs at the pettiness of it. "It's so small, the weight of adulthood, compared to what I now am. But to the child I was, it seemed to be an incredible burden."

Justinius nods again, still frowning. His Chapter Master means to assure him of his ability, but his point eludes him right now.

Aurelius sighs as he leans back, arms folded. "But as I got older, and begun taking responsibility for myself - becoming a man of the Deathskitters - that weight became less frightful and more assuring. Before I knew it I was a man in all but appearance, hunting with my father and brother, tending to the animals… everything we did." His eyes turn downcast and morose as he reflects on the fate of the Devil's Basin. Nothing now remains of that region but gamma radiation and warp energy. "Being a man was no burden, but a weight I was happy to carry, for it proved my strength and it helped my people. It helped us all survive."

Justinius looks up as the message becomes clear. Aurelius' eyes narrow and his smile widens as he notices. "Is that so, Lord Asterion?"

"Yes." Aurelius turns around and claps one hand on Justinius' broad shoulder. "The burdens of a mere tribesman and a Captain of the Adeptus Astartes are as night and day. But I know you will grow to relish them all the same."

Justinius nods dumbly. His mouth quivers with doubt. "But if I do not?"

"Then strive to. Become a man who thrives on duty. I have faith in you, Captain, as does Sergeant Logos. And I know that Hale would have liked nothing more than a man of his Company succeed him."

Justinius nods. "I will try, Chapter Master. But I did not… I was not there to bleed with him on Baal, or here. I was not beside him. How could I sacrifice as he did?"

"Don't." Aurelius looks firmly at him, hand still on his shoulder. "You are not Hale Cicero, Justinius. And you do not command his company. Your fate is your own, your duty your own."

"Even so--"

Aurelius squeezes on his shoulder, fingers like stone, and Justinius clams up. "Walk your own path, Captain. You are a Veteran of four wars, any one of which would have driven a lesser Chapter to extinction. I have faith that the direction you follow will be a righteous one."

"...Yes, Chapter Master. Thank you."

The Lord in Crimson Clad nods and releases his hand. As Justinius leaves to gather his Company, he remains in the hall, clad in only robes and sandals.

And so he sighs, celebrating the glorious death of another student, but lamenting that he had to die at all.
Against his wishes, his Captain's wishes, and his Captain's successor's wishes. And yet, his Chapter Master has spoken, his Captain dead, and Logos marching the Caves of Sorrow to adjust to his new existence in service beyond death. Duty demands it, even if his faith wavers. Even when it shouldn't.

Intellectually, Justinius understands the Company needs a strong leader. Though the Chapter is used to bleeding oceans, and death is a constant - even familiar - companion, the Crimson Crusaders have only survived spiritually through the strength of their leaders. And with Hale Cicero slain, the Eighth Company needs another more than ever.

But he wonders nonetheless. That nagging thought, that irritating worrying itch, that there exists better men. Men he knows, men of the same generation as him. Welkis and Darmus are the first names he can think of, Veterans of the First Company who have proven themselves, but there are others. Why weren't they chosen? Why he, a man who didn't have the fortitude to sacrifice himself like Captain Cicero did?
Heavy is the head that holds the captain's helmet.
"Yes." Aurelius turns around and claps one hand on Justinius' broad shoulder. "The burdens of a mere tribesman and a Captain of the Adeptus Astartes are as night and day. But I know you will grow to relish them all the same."

Justinius nods dumbly. His mouth quivers with doubt. "But if I do not?"

"Then strive to. Become a man who thrives on duty. I have faith in you, Captain, as does Sergeant Logos. And I know that Hale would have liked nothing more than a man of his Company succeed him."

Justinius nods. "I will try, Chapter Master. But I did not… I was not there to bleed with him on Baal, or here. I was not beside him. How could I sacrifice as he did?"

"Don't." Aurelius looks firmly at him, hand still on his shoulder. "You are not Hale Cicero, Justinius. And you do not command his company. Your fate is your own, your duty your own."

"Even so--"

Aurelius squeezes on his shoulder, fingers like stone, and Justinius clams up. "Walk your own path, Captain. You are a Veteran of four wars, any one of which would have driven a lesser Chapter to extinction. I have faith that the direction you follow will be a righteous one."
If you wish to test man's character, do not give him obstacles to overcome. Give him power, and see what he does with it.
It always makes me smile when I see this quest has updated, i'm glad we got a snapshot of the new captain.
What is best for him I wonder?

Time, time to train his men, grow into his duties?


A trial by fire, throwing him and his company into a furnace to be forged into a whole and powerful Instrument?
I would prefer they stay and train. He is worried he cannot do as Cicero did so he won't, not now.

Let them train, let him see his company has faith in him and not just a ghost of Cicero. He will teach them patience just as the Wars taught them of sacrifice.

When the time comes, as it always will. They will be ready body and soul. For if they have conquered themselves there is little for them to fear.
I would argue they would be best sent on a mission. They have the skills, but until they have the opportunity to prove it and show it, they will never gain the confidence. That said, maybe we could send them to help cleanse Lionel. It's a comparatively easy mission, merely a slow grind against human targets with vast quantities of resources, and if need be, assistance from friendly units. Plus, our new Captain can learn some from his seniors.
Turn 40 (261-265.M42): The Song of Steel Pt. 1
Turn 40: The Song of Steel

A/N: Wanted to get something out

+Date: 261-265.M42+
+Thought of the Day: The Galaxy Turns, With or Without You+

[X][FLEET] Pay 1 Major Favor
[X][CAPTAIN] Veteran Sergeant Justinius of the 8th Company
[X][CAWL] The secrets of the 9th Legion's Gene-Seed, insights that none but the Custodian-Genetor know
[X][PATROL] 9th, Idemian Quintor
[X][TAINT] 8th Company, Justinius
[X][SECRETS] 1st Company, Quarto Astorum
[X][MALLEUS] 2nd, Cato Jantorus
[X][GALEN] 4th Company, Spardeon Lyserion
[X][BLOOD] Choose Companies to deploy.
- [X][BLOOD] 3rd Company, Damien Cybereon
- [X][BLOOD] 6th Company, Idris Pathor
- [x][BLOOD] 30 Veterans from Chapter Command Veteran Company
- [X][BLOOD] Force Commander: High Chaplain Martellus Arterius

[X][FORGE] Trade 2 Major Favours for BP (2*500=1000+1800) [2798/2800]
-[X][FORGE] War for Karanda - 1600BP
-[X][FORGE] Spoils of War - 4 Techmarines, 866BP
--[X][FORGE] 3x Land Raider Phobos
--[X][FORGE] 12x Indominatus-pattern Terminator Armour
--[X][FORGE] 6 Power Swords, 2 Force Swords, 1 Power Fist, 2 Plasma Pistols, 1 Inferno Pistol, 4 Flamers, 1 Lascannon
-[X][FORGE][VET] 1x Dreadnought Chassis (T2 Upgrades), 1x Inferno Pistol - 100BP
-[X][FORGE][8th] 1x Dreadnought Chassis (T2 Upgrades) - 96BP
-[X][FORGE][9th] 2x Rhino (T2 Upgrades) - 120BP
-[X][FORGE][10th] 2x Turbo Maximus - 16BP
-[X] [FORGE] Use two favors and get 8 Gladius escorts

"Blood, Custodian-Genetor," says Aurelius Asterion. "We ask for blood, all that you know of ours."

Belisarius Cawl looks at the Lord in Crimson Clad, many of his optical lenses narrowed quizzically. Ancient beyond compare, old enough to hail from the times of myth and Imperial legend, and all too aware of the Imperium's origins, the former man tilts his head slightly. [Are you certain, Chapter Master? My favor is difficult to come by. Such an opportunity may never come again. Valued wargear, and old pacts, could be yours to call upon.]

"Exactly so. It is why I ask this of you." Aurelius steps forward, regally poised in the manner of angels. "We are free. One of the twin curses that bind our lineage has been broken. And yet, it would not have been so without the Lamenters or the purity of their Gene-Seed - a purity you fostered, ultimately. We are Astartes Sanguis, heirs of Sanguinius. And yet we need a guiding light. And I would humbly ask on behalf of all Angels that you, and your wisdom of ages, guide us once more."

Cawl wheezes, mechanical and rusty through his vox-lungs, and the sound is familiar to men as old and experienced as Aurelius, for it is how the old Magi of the Mechanicus laugh. Without lungs, without flesh, the action is horrifying like rusted steel. But it bodes well. [Then it will be so. My knowledge is yours, Chapter and Geneline alike. We shall see if my failures serve your future success once more.] He extends a long mechadendrite, steel that unfurls again and again and again until the least of its cables form the facsimile of a fist. [Such is the pact you desire.]

Aurelius takes it in his own, gripping tightly. "Such it will be, Custodian-Genetor."

IX Geneline Data Acquired - Gene-Seed Recovery TN reduced to 5, Additional Benefits Possible

The Archmagos Veneratus nods his head as they draw their appendages back, his favor paid. But as he looks up at the clear blue skies of Karanda, Aurelius thinks of the void. More will have to be done for the ships of the Crimson Crusaders. They've been blooded too, as much as the Chapter - but without the youthful vitality to leap back from from the brink every time. The same goes for their wargear, battered and bruised and beyond the ability of even their own prodigious industry to keep up with. Just another priority to add to the list.

At least the forges of Zeus are ready and willing to receive.

Fleet in Repair; 8 Gladius-Class Escorts Commissioned; 1000 BP Bought

4 Major Favors Spent, 3 Major Favors and 1 Honorbound Favor Remaining


Rythor Haradin, Captain of the 7th Company and Force Commander of all forces participating in the cleansing of Hive World Lionel, nods firmly as his brothers emerge from the Thunderhawks before him. Just a few years ago, the Eighth Company was sent here alongside the Sixth to aid in the purge. Now, only the Eighth have returned, lessened by the deaths suffered on Karanda.

And now someone else wears the mantle of Captain.

"Hail, Captain Haradin," says Justinius as he steps off the transport, flanked by his Champion and Honor Guard. "The Eighth Company has arrived." Just years ago, Rythor knows, this man was here. He fought, commanding one of his Company's squads. Now his brother leads, trailing the footsteps of Hale Cicero. A man who was destined for greatness since their Founding. One who was considered worthy of Captaincy from the start.

What must it be like to follow in those footsteps? He will have faith in his brother, for it is the way brotherhood works. But will Justinius trust himself? Haradin smiles and nods, and they clash vambraces. "Well met, brother. Your absence was missed. Have you decided on a second name yet?"

Justinius shakes his head. "I have decided to learn my second name. For now, Justinius will suffice. Logos would have done the same."

Haradin nods again. "Then may you earn it here, and find glory. Shall we?"

"Of course." Glancing over his shoulder, both men watch as grav-pallets heavy with flamer fuel are brought from the ships. "I even came prepared."


Eighth Company Captain Appointed: Veteran Sergeant Justinius, Eighth Company

Eighth Company Deployed to Lionel


"Your arrival was fortuitous, Captain," the slight woman says. "The infestation here would have had time to fester if I died." Her coat is torn and burned from acid-coated claws, and though her bodyglove has since resealed the slash wounds beneath will require additional care. The Interrogator would not be standing right now if not for the timely arrival of Space Marines, and the curative antitoxins of their Apothecary.

"Then it is good we came when we did," Cato replies through the Servitor. High above in the Death of Treachery, coordinating the movements of an entire Company through the chthonic underhives, he has little time to greet her personally. They will meet face to face soon enough, when her transport arrives. "What is the state of corruption here?"

"They've started to infiltrate the upper hives, but only just. Young nobles, wealthy merchants. They have not slithered into the governor's throne yet." Joyuse, every bit the girl she was on Javerè in appearance but nothing like her in demeanour, coughs blood, but simply draws a syringe and injects an analgesic into her neck. "We've encountered genestealers, but not pure strains. I doubt a broodlord has been formed but we cannot dismiss the possibility."

The Captain nods and grunts across the vox link, and once more checks the statuses of his Company. All squads report him, aerial assets are in touch. The Interrogator's Thunderhawk will arrive soon. "Understood, Interrogator. We will remain on station until the purity of Yalaris can be confirmed."

"That is generous, Captain Astorum, but won't be necessary. Two squads, three if you can spare them, are all I need." The Interrogator stops, considering her options as the Sanguinary scans her vitals and her entourage yet again. If Foros Vega is unnerved by her soulless nature, he does not show it. "Is Sergeant Darmus on station? His skill may be necessary if we encounter more capable breeds."

"Not this day, I'm afraid. Nevertheless, the 2nd Company will be in touch. The Death of Treachery will be at your disposal… and if you require the skill of Crimson Veterans, my Honor Guard will be more than sufficient."

The Thunderhawk looms overhead, shadow completely shrouding her, and the Interrogator nods. "Very well. Thank you again, Captain Astorum."

"The Emperor protects, Interrogator. And I look forward to working together again."

Tyranid Cults Purged throughout Sector Tarsus


In the shadow of Rejoth's largest moon, the 4th Company celebrate in the wake of a fortuitous engagement. Many cities on the planet below them burn bright in the night, put to the torch by elements of the 4th Company. And only elements, not the sum total of its strength. Though the initial plan was for the 4th to fully burn the tainted world to ash, their arrival to Galen had other plans.

Rolled 82

"Another ship of the Kabal of Opal Thorns put to flight, brothers," nods Captain Lyserion, swirling the chalice of wine in his hand. "More Dark Eldar slain, and one of their ships badly damaged. It will be some time before they return."

"Tis' good we found them when we did, Captain," says First Sergeant Harin, while the Sergeants to his shoulders drink deeply of their cups. "Truthfully, I worry about our odds against the Dark Eldar alone. It is good that our enemies are as quarrelsome as they are hateful."

"Aye," nods Epistolary Cyrus. He does not drink, instead preferring cool water in his chalice. "Their raid was interrupted and the planet below is weakened by the attack. There will be more war to come, brothers, believe me. Galen is a cesspool, Rejoth amongst the blackest - but we'll purify it soon enough."

It is then that the Champion comes. Donnovan Xelos arrives, clad in full warplate and trailed by serfs carrying dispatches. "Jonoth is complete with his analysis, Captain. We've found evidence of a Warband active in Galen - the same Warband that slew thirty of the Fifth Company just a few decades ago, during a skirmish at a Mechanicus dig site."

Lyserion nods. He swirls his wine some more. "Ah, those heretics. Kallis was livid at the time." He brings the lip of his cup to his lips and takes a sip, still contemplating. He smiles as a thought comes to mind. "When this celebration is done, brothers, have each squad send a representative to me."

"Aye, Captain… but what for?"

"One squad will terrorise Rejoth still." His eyes dart from Sergeant to Sergeant. "The rest will hunt this warband down and find glory and death for the Fifth Company. What say you?"

Harin nods at his Captain's wisdom. "I say that we should be fast, draw lots now, hunt them now, and then celebrate when they are all dead."

"That, too, is good. Excellent advice, Sergeant Harin."

"Of course, Captain."

Traitor Warband Active in Subsector Galen - The Slaughter of Terenax

Hunt for the Slaughter of Terenax initiated
"Is Sergeant Darmus on station? His skill may be necessary if we encounter more capable breeds."

"Not this day, I'm afraid. Nevertheless, the 2nd Company will be in touch. The Death of Treachery will be at your disposal… and if you require the skill of Crimson Veterans, my Honor Guard will be more than sufficient."
There there, we'll arrange a meeting between you and your husband yet.
I had absolutely forgotten that we had even locked in the last plan. Still, good to see everything is going smoothly. For 40k at least.
40k is an unhappy galaxy and there's a thousand worlds per Chapter of Space Marines.

Of course the Space Marines are going to be kept busy.
What does the TN 5 recovery mean , that getting geneseed out of deaths and geneslaves is easier is my guess right ?

also its a nice to see a update after a while.
What does the TN 5 recovery mean , that getting geneseed out of deaths and geneslaves is easier is my guess right ?

also its a nice to see a update after a while.


IIRC the roll for recovery is a D10, and TN5 means '5 and up is successful.' Mind, this is before modifiers due to facilities and causes of death. And at this point is probably at about the level of famously stable and well understood geneseeds for extraction. So basically Ultramarines. Except better, because we're descended from the Blood Angels.

It's rather important for a Chapter like the Crimson Crusaders, who see a lot of churn in its membership due to variety of factors, but most of which boil down to just sticking themselves into meat grinders we have no business fighting in as a new and vastly under equipped Chapter of Space Marines. This makes it easier to maintain our stock of geneseed.
Ya'll laugh at me but we need those escorts! Those 8 let us cover pritty much all our cruisers and BBs with a squadron each. We still need more though, for our new BB soon if nothing else.

IIRC the roll for recovery is a D10, and TN5 means '5 and up is successful.' Mind, this is before modifiers due to facilities and causes of death. And at this point is probably at about the level of famously stable and well understood geneseeds for extraction. So basically Ultramarines. Except better, because we're descended from the Blood Angels.

It's rather important for a Chapter like the Crimson Crusaders, who see a lot of churn in its membership due to variety of factors, but most of which boil down to just sticking themselves into meat grinders we have no business fighting in as a new and vastly under equipped Chapter of Space Marines. This makes it easier to maintain our stock of geneseed.

Yeah, we get rekt by big events a lot, but with the depth of our recruiting pool, that only really hurts us if we either fail to recover the geneseed of the fallen, or get hit by big events back to back. We've just significantly reduced the risk of the former, to say nothing of these other new options.
Yeah, we get rekt by big events a lot, but with the depth of our recruiting pool, that only really hurts us if we either fail to recover the geneseed of the fallen, or get hit by big events back to back. We've just significantly reduced the risk of the former, to say nothing of these other new options.

What is more important, IMO, is that the Chapter will be spreading this information to all Blood Angels. Strengthening the entire legion.

To many of our brother chapters sit at 3-5 companies in strength.

This boon may help ease their ability to rebuild.

Lol Darmus, if the woman is still interested after all these years, then we may as well give her the opportunity to make her case to the man.
Voting is open