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Our Scout Company could potentially need Martellus's help too.
The 4th Company has probably suffered some stat loss in this. I'll list the losses when we get to build turn and after the scouts graduate.
Well... maybe our Scouts this turn will be tougher than usual given that they just went through their own trials with the Orks? /silver-linings

Total Casualties:
- 100% Casualties
Wow. 100 casualties. Everybody is wounded. Literally everybody. Our men fought hard.

That was one hell of a fight. Swift, but trying. Goddamn Daemons.
Was our Head Chaplain with us from the Bangles? Or did he get promoted from the Five Hundred?
I remember his name is Martellus Arterius, but that's just because I've read the info posts so often. Though his Chaplains don't seem to do much either.

Hell, Astorath the Grim has been more present in the quest than our own Chaplains, and he's not even one of ours.
Annals of the Mountainhome - Citadel Leonthas

The primary facility used by the Crimson Crusaders on Karanda is their Fortress-Monastery, the Mountainhome, but the Chapter operates a number of other watchtowers and fortifications all over their homeworld, garrisoned with members of Karanda's PDF and overseen by Serfs and whichever Crimson Crusaders are currently stationed on the world. One of these fortifications, first and greatest of them save for the Mountainhome itself, is Citadel Leonthas, located by the planet's capital, Hive Mahalangur. It is a mighty fortress built into the mountain, tall walls of adamantium layered against armaplas and rockcrete to produce an impenetrable barrier, a firebase to muster forces from and to outlast any besieging enemy. It currently serves as the planetary headquarters for the Karandan Planetary Defense Force, and serves as a base of operations for three regiments of the KPDF, including the 1st Mountain Guard 'Granite Heart' Regiment.

Citadel Leonthas began construction in 105.M42, when Governor Gaurav Helekar, with the assistance of 1st Captain Quarto Astorum of the Crimson Crusaders, began a reform of the KPDF to better safeguard the world. The Citadel finished construction in 155.M42, after the Siege of Sortiarius and the death of Captain Janus Leonthas of the 5th Company in that conflict. Captain Janus Leonthas was a founding member of the Crimson Crusaders and one of the chief architects of the KPDF's Armored Regiments, having pioneered many of the treatises on the use of armored fighting vehicles still used today as part of the Grand Academy's curriculum. Captain Leonthas died as a result of his wounds incurred in the final battle at Barad'Dur, after his Land Raider was destroyed and he was set ablaze whilst saving his brothers. He is the first, and currently only, Captain of the Crimson Crusaders to have yet fallen in battle.

Citadel Leonthas was thus named in his honor, his great strength of arms and strength of heart serving as an inspiration for generations of Karandans to come. His successor as Captain of the 5th Company, Lantor Kallis, has continued his legacy and assists the KPDF from time to time, updating teachings on the use of armored fighting vehicles and the methods for mechanised warfare, extrapolated from an Astartes context. Ironically, neither Leonthas nor Kallis visit Citadel Leonthas often, more often appearing at Citadel Orthos at the Xizang Plateau, named for the eccentric yet capable Forgemaster of the Crimson Crusaders, who helped rekindle the armored industry of Karanda amongst his other achievements.

Citadel Leonthas, like all other fortifications of its type on Karanda, are all under the jurisdiction of the Crimson Crusaders Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, and the KPDF operate from them at their pleasure. However, as part of 1st Captain Quarto Astorum's reforms in 191.M42 after the War for Baal, persuent of the Decree Gabriel, the Crimson Crusaders Chapter no longer handle the day-to-day governance of Karanda, instead having empowered the Governor of Hive Mahalangur - currently Governor Kaleun Helekar - to rule the world in their stead, only interceding for matters of great import.

The bitter irony of Citadel Leonthas, a mountainous fortress largely operating aerial and infantry formations, bearing the name of Janus Leonthas, Captain of the Company with the most armored fighting vehicles, has not been lost on the Crimson Crusaders, who have since learned to appreciate the schadenfreude.



"...So Citadel Leonthas isn't the one at the Xizang Plateau?"

"That is correct, Cato."

"Then which one is it?"

"The one by the Capital, at Mt. Mahalangur."


The 1st Captain of the Chapter, still a pale shivering ghost of a man after his recent awakening, looks flatly at his brother and rival in succession. "Because the Governor suggested so and I decided it was a good suggestion."

"But Janus was a commander of tanks! He loved Predators more than any of us, save perhaps Forgemaster Osiron himself!"

Quarto continues looking flatly at Cato. He stifles a yawn, still lethargic from his treatments. "And?"

"And the citadel by Mahalangur doesn't operate armored vehicles at all. It's inside a mountain. It deploys mountain infantry and aerial brigades."

"It is also the planetary headquarters for the KPDF, Cato."

"Then name it Citadel Astorum or Citadel Asterion! It would make more sense that way!"

Quarto raises a hand over his primary heart. "I am hurt you think I am such a glory hound, brother."

Cato rolls his eyes. "We are Crimson Crusaders, Quarto. We literally fight for glory or death."

"...I don't understand the analogy. It is a metaphor, Cato."

"No it's not stop thinking so hard about it."

Quarto continues looking at Cato, his gaze growing more and more tired by the passing moment. Cato throws his hands up and calls out to another passing Captain. "Damien! Lord Sacrifice Cyberon!"

"Hm? Yes? What about?"

"Tell our erstwhile, very ill brother that Citadel Leonthas is an awful name for the citadel by Mt. Mahalangur."

"It's a fantastic name what are you on about."

Cato screams and covers his face. Damien shrugs and continues on his way. Quarto continues looking at Cato, struggling to stay awake.

"Brother. Brother, listen."

Cato looks at his brother, wild-eyed. He is still screaming, but in hushed tones lest the Chaplaincy hear him.

"The real reason I approved the name is because it didn't fit."


"Because," Quarto says with the shadow of a smile, "I knew you would react like this."


"Because only you would think so much about something so little. Glory or death, brother."


"Glory or death."

"No, no, I know what I said."
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"Brother. Brother, listen."

Cato looks at his brother, wild-eyed. He is still screaming, but in hushed tones lest the Chaplaincy hear him.

"The real reason I approved the name is because it didn't fit."


"Because," Quarto says with the shadow of a smile, "I knew you would react like this."


"Because only you would think so much about something so little. Glory or death, brother."


"Glory or death."

"No, no, I know what I said."
Cato: "And now I'm going to get happily, happily drunk."
Cato: "Shut up!"
Quarto Astorum, Crimson Exemplar
"Duty above all, brothers. I will become a man worthy of succeeding Lord Asterion as Chapter Master, even if it kills me. Especially if it does."
Position: 1st Captain, Regent of Karanda

[WS-9, BS-8, S-7, T-7, A-9, I-8, P-6, WP-8, F-10]

- Sentimental
- Cautious
- Cynical

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Fellowship - Voice of the Angel, T-1
- Tier 1: Reroll All Rally Challenges
You still haven't put in Quarto's new Legendary Skills.
Cato: "And now I'm going to get happily, happily drunk."
Cato: "Shut up!"
You still haven't put in Quarto's new Legendary Skills.
Quarto Astorum, Crimson Exemplar
"Duty above all, brothers. I will become a man worthy of succeeding Lord Asterion as Chapter Master, even if it kills me. Especially if it does."
Position: 1st Captain, Regent of Karanda

[WS-10, BS-8, S-8, T-8, A-9, I-8, P-6(3), WP-9, F-10]

- Sentimental
- Cautious
- Cynical
- One-Eyed

Legendary Skills:
Legendary Weapon Skill - Arms of the Righteous, T-1
- Tier 1: +1 to Weapon and Armor Strength Modifiers

Legendary Fellowship - Voice of the Angel, T-1
- Tier 1: Reroll All Rally Challenges
Here it is.
However, as part of 1st Captain Quarto Astorum's reforms in 191.M42 after the War for Baal, persuent of the Decree Gabriel, the Crimson Crusaders Chapter no longer handle the day-to-day governance of Karanda, instead having empowered the Governor of Hive Mahalangur - currently Governor Kaleun Helekar - to rule the world in their stead, only interceding for matters of great import.
Is the Decree Gabriel something to do with this?
Swordomatic: Turn 28 said:
Quarto has learned much from Baal. All three worlds that share that name are radioactive desert worlds, a fate brought about in the aftermath of multiple catastrophic simultaneous nuclear exchanges that forever changed the face of their planet and its moons. The people that live there now are either tribals or survivors in the ruins of old cities, struggling to survive in a world burned in radioactive hellfire. A situation the Primarch had hoped to rectify, and had the solution for (as proven by the Ullanor Highlands), but would not be able to fix after the Horus Heresy. And that is not all he has learned.

He has learned how to make war on a grand scale.

He has stood at his Master's side during the war-conferences involving war across three planets, an asteroid belt and hundreds of voidships. He has helped coordinate thousands of Astartes. But more than that, he ordered hundreds of thousands of Angel Guard around, forever supplementing every push and defense. Baal has taught him more than just the mortality and humanity of his greater-than-life Chapter Master, it has taught him how mortals wage war, how far they can be pushed, how great their dedication to the Emperor can be even if they lack the Geneseed of the IX Primarch.

And this newfound knowledge, gleaned from thousands of hero-deaths of the Angel Guard, he sets out on a quest to compile everything into a concise, crisp book of combined-arms Astartes/PDF action for the PDF and the Banner Regiments to both benefit from.

So close to the Eye, the PDF will need all of these tactics, and more.

It is high time to start teaching them all these things. And they may as well put these theories to the test, and train the new blood at the same time.

The generation of Crusaders born in the wake of the War for Baal will never know the call of Red and Black as furiously as those who came before them, which means that their wills will never be as sorely tested by dint of circumstance alone.

Naturally, this means that they can be trained much harder, much more stringently, pushed far more than what was possible before amongst the Sons of Sanguinius. And Lord Asterion is a fair hand at promoting unconventional thought, selecting for cunning and excellence both rather than either specifically.

Before he left, Lord Asterion left him with the instructions to locate the Banner Regiments in Sector Tarsus, and contact them. He intended to take the scouts with him, to lead them into battle alongside them in pacifying Sector Tarsus, to teach them humility and restraint and the strength of mortals, all the while squeezing Excellence from them and their gene-seed both.

They are, after all, the future of the Chapter. And in a Chapter that experiences massive casualties every half-century like clockwork, they must be prepared for anything Segmentum Obscurus will throw at them.
Incidentally I changed Quarto's Legendary to facilitate how he hits like a truck. So now he just benefits more from equipment bonuses to strength, letting hit harder.
Oh yeah, I saw you change it in the last Green Tide update.
And speaking of changes, how far have you and Crilltic gotten on the new combat system? Are story updates on hold until it is finished?
Oh yeah, I saw you change it in the last Green Tide update.
And speaking of changes, how far have you and Crilltic gotten on the new combat system? Are story updates on hold until it is finished?
Mechanics rework will be a while, and we've only just started, but I'll finish off this turn and the next few turns before I put GoD on hold for a few weeks.
Rip. Is there any reason why you guys are reworking the mechanics? It seems to be working pretty well right now.
The current system GoD works off of is horribly hacked together from a system that was very much built on the principle of 'I'll figure it out when it comes to that', which has worked so far but is also a headache to keep track of.

Also d100s are swingy as fuck, which leads to things like, drawing on a recent GoD example, a Codicer fucking up basic scrying so hard a Strike Cruiser nearly crashed into a Forge World.
Mechanics Rework (WIP - Not Implemented)
Oh yeah, I saw you change it in the last Green Tide update.
And speaking of changes, how far have you and Crilltic gotten on the new combat system? Are story updates on hold until it is finished?
Funny you should mention that, but I'll crosspost it here. (It's not finished yet, but here's the first draft)

First Draft of the Revised Rules:

Alright so here are the initial version of the rules me and @Swordomatic are currently hashing out. They're not set in stone yet, so feel free to give feedback and be ready for them to change.

The Basics:

We're transitioning to a 1d20+Stat system from the Unmodified 1d100 system that is was before (or more specifically what Swordo was using, I was doing a 1d100+Stat system instead of modifying the DC like he did). Right now the Dice Modifier is directly equivalent to the relevant Stat. Mostly you will be rolling against a static DC, determined by the relevant difficulty of the task (+ a modifier if you're rolling against someone else)

Example: Chapter Master Asterion has a Perception Score of 7, which means to notice something amiss or important he rolls 1d20+7 vs. DC. However, if for example he is rolling to notice a squad of Ork Kommandoes trying to be sneeki, he would against DC+the Relevant Ork Stat (in this case Agility).

Criticals and Botches:

As per usual with a d20 system, criticals occur on a roll of an unmodified 20 and botches occur on a roll of a 1. Critical Successes always succeed (in some manner at least), while Botches always fail (even if the total would normally go over the DC, however if that's the case then the Charater doesn't get a failure consequences of a normal Botch, they just fail).

Critical Successes have numerous effects depending on what the action, as do Botches.

Example(s): A Critical on the To-Hit Roll (discussed in the Combat Section) grants double damage and automatically penetrates armor. A Critical on the Armor Penetration halves the Soak of the character hit (or Ignores Soak if the weapon already grants Half Soak). A Critical on an Initiative Roll means your first round of combat has Advantage, and so on.

Advantage and Disadvantage:

Sometimes one character or group of characters have the upper-hand over another. This is represented by the character rolling taking the highest of 2d20 (or the lowest of 2d20 if they are at the disadvantage) +the Relevant Stat instead of a single 1d20. Many things can grant advantages and disadvantages, generally represent a turning point in the course of a battle or another important moment.

Example: A Squad of Tau Stealth Suits have prepared an ambush for an encroaching Imperial Guard Company. If they succeed in hiding their presence , then for their first round of combat they roll 2d20h1+Stat to hit instead of the standard 1d20+Stat. They also automatically have the initiative (so their hits are resolved first).


Combat always starts with one roll, which is the Initiative Roll, which determines in what order the various combatant turns are resolved. This is rolled as 1d20+Perception.

Then each respective Combatant Turn is resolved in three phases. The first is the To-Hit Phase, where a character or squad rolls a 1d20+Weapon Skill/Ballistic Skill against a Base DC+Dodge/Parry (which are their Opponents Agility and Weapon Skill respectively). Parry can only be used in Melee fighting.

Example: One of your Battle-Sisters is targeting an encroaching cultist with her bolter. So she rolls 1d20+3 (Her Ballistic Skill) against 8 (Because it's a moderately easy shot) + 2 (The Cultists base dodge) = 10. So her cumulative roll must be higher than 10 to successfully hit the cultist. Ties are resolved by comparing who has the higher modifier.

There is also a benefit to outnumbering your opponent, because their dodge and parry bonuses will be degraded for every additional combatant they have to face before their next turn.

Example: Three Crimson Crusaders are facing down a Chaos Champion with a Dodge Value of 8. They rolled well on their initiative, so they all are going before the Champion. The first Crusader faces the normal Dodge Value, however the second faces a Dodge Value of 7, and the third 6 and so on and so forth. However, if the order was instead Crusader 1 -> Crusader 2 -> Champion -> Crusader 3, the second Crusader would still face a Dodge value of 7, but the third would face the full value because the Champion refreshes on his turn.

Then if the character or squad hits, they must roll to penetrate armor. So they roll against the opponents Armor Class, which is 1d20 vs. AC- [AP of the Attacking Weapon]. If the weapon successfully penetrates the armor, then the damage is allocated.

Example: A Crimson Crusader has found themselves in over their head (again), and gotten on the wrong side of a chainsword. Chainswords are AP3, which means their Powered Armor, with an AC value of 15 is 12 for the purposes of this resolution. Now to successfully wound them, their opponents needs to roll a 1d20 vs. 12

We're changing how weapon damage and wounds work. Now each weapon will have their own damage dice, which determines how much damage is allocated to the characters. This damage is modified in several ways. For example Crits double damage. Likewise, some weapons (like flamers) also inflict damage over time if they successfully wound. Then finally, there is Soak, which is granted by the more advanced armor as well as personal shielding systems or personal biology.

Soak is always resolved after all other possible modifications.

Example: A Guardsmen is firing their trusty lasgun at an Chaos Marine. Now normally, lasguns deal only negligible damage to anyone wearing Powered Armor (which has a Soak of 1), since lasguns now have a damage dice of 1d1. However the Guardsmen got a lucky hit in, and scored a critical hit. So now they roll 2d1 to determine damage, and only then is the result subject to soak. Which means the Chaos Marine now takes a wound.

Likewise, we've changed how Wounds work. Now characters have Wounds equal to their Toughness. So a Toughness 2 Character has 2 Wounds, a Toughness 4 has 4 Wounds and so on. Once a character reaches 0 Wounds they die, however Named Characters can attempt to make a Heroic Survival Roll, which will set them to 1 Wound, no matter how much damage they actually took. They cannot make another Heroic Survival save until they've regained at least one additional wound.

Vehicle Rules:

We're also changing how Vehicles behave. Now Vehicles have their own AC and their own Wound Pool. Once a vehicle reaches 0 Wounds it is destroyed. However, Vehicles also have thresholds for their Wound Pool, where if they fall below specific percentages of their total, these wounds cannot be repaired with tools available in the field.

Vehicle AC also varies depending on the side of the vehicle targeted. Vehicles have three areas, Front/Side(Roof)/Back. Almost every vehicle will have the most armor in the front, and the least in the back.

Personality Traits:

Me and Swordo are working on getting a full list of 50+ Personality Traits to use for characters fully statted. But if you guys have any suggestions, I'm open to them.

Swordo went to bed, but I'm available to answer any questions you guys have.
Personality Traits:

Me and Swordo are working on getting a full list of 50+ Personality Traits to use for characters fully statted. But if you guys have any suggestions, I'm open to them.

Swordo went to bed, but I'm available to answer any questions you guys have.

I have a suggestion, not sure how good it is though. In Total War games your traits can upgrade depending on performing specific actions. Maybe you guys could have something like this and call it passives or something for certain characters, for example Idemian Quintor could have:

Hatred of Chaos: +1 Weapons Skill Facing Chaos Related Foes
- In Quintor's first engagement against the arch-enemy, the Carmine Dream's Gellar Field failed and thus led to the 9th Company with the only survivor being its Captain. Ever since then, upon meeting the Crimson Crusader's most hated foe; Quintor strives to make sure none escape

And then Aurelius has the upgraded version of it, lets call it

Abhorrence of All Things Chaos (or something like that) : +1 WS Against Chaos, +1 STR Against Chaos, +1 Toughness Against Chaos

- Aurelius Asterion's has been one of the most hated foes of Chaos even in his days as a simple Battle Brother, and in return that hatred is returned tenfold. He has slain Greater Daemons, fought Daemon Princes, and even destroyed the Daemon World of Stonehaven after cleansing it the first time. Against the arch-enemy, there can only be death.

Maybe something like this @Crilltic , I'm not how something it would work but this is my two cents.

EDIT: Right so in total war being the leader of a faction / faction heir also gave you a ton of bonuses.

So Aurelius would also gain presteige and other bonuses for being a Chapter Master. And our Captains would gain minor bonuses as well. I would type it up but I'm on my phone right now.
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Advantage and Disadvantage:

Sometimes one character or group of characters have the upper-hand over another. This is represented by the character rolling taking the highest of 2d20 (or the lowest of 2d20 if they are at the disadvantage) +the Relevant Stat instead of a single 1d20. Many things can grant advantages and disadvantages, generally represent a turning point in the course of a battle or another important moment.

Example: A Squad of Tau Stealth Suits have prepared an ambush for an encroaching Imperial Guard Company. If they succeed in hiding their presence , then for their first round of combat they roll 2d20h1+Stat to hit instead of the standard 1d20+Stat. They also automatically have the initiative (so their hits are resolved first).
So only one side rolls at any one point in time (no opposed rolls)?
It'd probably get confusing with Advantage/Disadvantages as well.

How will character Strength interact with melee weapons? Adding the entire stat might be a bit much for 1d20, but half might work?
We're still working on how exactly weapon damage works, but it'd probably get damage dice derived from your strength that yes. (Strength only affects damage, nothing else)
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