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Turn 40 (261-265.M42): The Song of Steel Pt. 3
As the 4th Company hunts, information on the Slaughter of Terenax is drawn up, old archives and more recent data sifted through, hexabytes of raw data crunched and processed by the augmentic genius of a Techmarine of the Adeptus Astartes just as fate is considered, dozens of threads followed and systematically considered or disregarded by a Librarian of the Adeptus Astartes. Though they are not Blood Ravens, the Crimson Crusaders also understand that knowledge is power. Information understood and considered is information used against any enemy.

All the while, the Soul of Fire continues its hunt for the traitor vessel, burning dimly in the dark between stars.

Rolled 89

The Slaughter of Terenax Warband is one aligned to Nurgle, named for their first act, the brutal genocide on the world of Terenax, a populous trade center in the heart of Segmentum Pacificus. Billions died in the blink of an eye, liquefied by horrific toxins and choking on their own screams. An entire Civilised World, once the crown jewel of its Subsector, now a Dead World where nothing more can thrive. A world with no worth. A world sacrificed in the name of Nurgle.

The Warband itself destroyed the Third Company of the Molten Souls Chapter in 092.M42. Those 27th Founding descendants of the Salamanders are still recovering from the death of so many veteran officers so early into their existence, particularly the liquidation of Captain Kal'thos, great hero of the Sun Hawks Chapter. They have since been active on dozens of other purges all over the galaxy, their arrival often heralded by the sudden emergence of mutants and plague, as is typical of Nurgle's followers.

Their tactics are typical of any Nurglite warband's; area denial by use of their plagues and poisons, and frontal overwhelming assault with mutant cannon fodder backed by a strong, undying core of Chaos Space Marines. The Slaughter of Terenax is itself notable for the use of viral agents causing mass death on an incredible scale, utilising airborne toxins for the cessation of life for the glory of Nurgle. Their ammunition also utilises poisoned payloads, which can overcome even the superhuman immune systems of an Astartes within minutes, if not quickly treated by an Apothecary - and survivors will only see combat again from the confines of a Dreadnought. Thus far, all engagements with the Slaughter of Terenax have been hard fought, and even victories have carried a heavy death toll. Not even Gene-Seed can be recovered.

But if they were to lose the initiative, if they were not able to deploy their foul weaponry against the foe first, and if they were ambushed in the void of space, things might be… different.


The Slaughter of Terenax were tracked to a world deep in Subsector Galen, long-untouched by human hands. The location implies that this world belongs to the minor xeno empire the Deathwatch detected millennia ago… but with a Strike Cruiser in orbit, it is doubtful if that remains true. They are either extinct or enslaved - and soon-to-be extinct. But for now…

As always, the Imperium has greater priorities in the servants of the Ruinous Powers.

Rolled 85

The plan is simple. Silence is golden, and the Soul of Fire has not been detected thus far. A silent transit, drawn on by gravity and an initial slow burn, will keep their traitorous eyes off the Crimson Clad. Psychic shrouding, courtesy of Epistolary Cyrus, will ensure that the Warp will not warn the Slaughter of the one that comes for them. And once the ship drifts into range…

The Crimson Clad shall strike as they favor; from multiple directions, simultaneously, with peerless ferocity and matchless speed.


"Thunderhawk Esteem Memoriae, insertion successful. On standby."

"Thunderhawk Soul of Karanda, squads deployed and on standby."

"Thunderhawk Searing Iris, units deployed and craft standing by."

"Thunderhawk Eternal Vigil, insertion successful. Phase one complete, Captain."

Aboard the Vanguard Cruiser Soul of Fire, Captain Spardeon Lyserion nods firmly. Thus far his strategy has been successful. Time will tell if speed will be enough. "The code word is Parthax. Proceed to phase two."



The interior of a tainted Strike Cruiser is something that must be experienced to be believed. Dripping with pus and detritus from pulped slaves and expelled bile, all across the floors and from wall to wall, were their olfactories not sealed and their air supply fully internal First Sergeant Harin would almost certainly scowl at the smell. Lesser men would vomit, perhaps even Space Marines would gag. But this mostly makes him angrier.

Just as well. He and his squad, depleted as it is from the wear of time, are already engaged with the Slaughter of Terenax. Their armor is disgustingly green and brown, their weapons spitting bile and death. They look like walking death and certainly would smell like it. Their armor burns with prometheum, and their movements are sluggish. But for the life of him, Harin can't tell if that means the fire is working, or if that is just their normal gait.

Still, he has little patience to learn which is which. He is already engaged with their aspiring champion, a man with a bloated gut and a head of height above even him - earned by a ratcheted spine, making him disproportionate and obscene and possessed of an unfair height advantage - and his power sword sizzles with pus and flesh. The traitor gurgles with laughter, his chainaxe bubbling - bubbling! - with flesh but no worse for wear despite multiple clashes against a destructive power field. He says something, but Harin can't make sense of it.

"When you speak," Harin snarls, as he kicks out against the traitor and sends him back, "Do so clearly!" Space earned, he draws his plasma pistol and takes aim. Warning runes already warn of acid eating into his soles, followed by small pricks of sympathetic pain. "Like so: Burn already, heretic!"

He shoots, punching a hole through the champion's plastron. Harin fires twice more, punching more holes into the traitor's chest. The Slaughterer of Terenax rises to his feet nonetheless, driven on by preternatural endurance towards Harin. The First Sergeant takes his fourth shot, but then the champion falls forward, his back split wide open by the blade of the Champion of the Fourth Company. Donovan Xelos looms over the fallen traitor briefly, then casually shoots with his Inferno Pistol.

"...I had it in hand, Donovan," Harin frowns. He takes the chance to inspect the statuses of his battle-brothers. All ident-runes pulse green; all clear. A clean engagement.

"Doubtlessly," nods Donovan. "But we are short on time. I will let you save me when we engage the captain of this vessel."

"How magnanimous."

"Very well. I'll let you try to save me. I won't need it," the Champion shrugs. "But you are welcome to wait and watch."

The aspiring champion at their feet stirs, and at once both First Sergeant and Champion shoot him in the head with their sidearms. "Let us go," Harin says.


The engagement aboard the Slaughter's Strike Cruiser lasts barely more than a day. Crimson Crusader squads quickly secure both the enginarium and portside weapon stations, allowing the Soul of Fire to close in unmolested and support boarding actions elsewhere. Crimson Clad are able to consolidate as they strike at the ship's central spire, and though they nearly stumble into a trap laid by their Lord, the quick actions of Epistolary Kath allow the Crimson Clad to turn it against the traitors; mostly by deploying the Captain and his Bodyguard right onto the bridge via Assault Ram, circumventing the assault through the majority of the spire. Chaplain Kelbax lands the killing blow, blowing the Lord's head and upper torso off with a meltagun.

All in all, the Slaughter of Terenax are slain or driven from their vessel. Though this is unlikely to be the entirety of the Slaughter, this specific warband has been wiped out. If the Slaughter of Terenax still exists in the galaxy, they are at least lessened. The ship itself, known as the Bird of Pestilence, is now in Crimson Crusader hands and is relatively intact. With efforts taken towards purification, it could be used as part of the Chapter Fleet - or it could be remanded into the custody of Cypra Mundi and bartered for a number of escorts instead.

The world below is quickly wiped of xenos presence, as an afterthought.

Strike Cruiser Bird of Pestilence Seized! May be purified, or traded for 12 Gladius Escorts
Nova-Class Strike Escorts are worth 3 Gladius-Class Strike Escorts

4th Company: 2 Dead (2 Gene-Seed Recovered)


Amidst the Chapter's search for history and truth, an unexpected visitor arrives. Or, rather, long-expected visitors come, waiting for the Chapter to do their duty.

The ships of the Inquisition, joined by ships of the Adeptus Mechanicus, have come to take the Gene-Seed Tithe. Traditionally, the tithe demands five percent of a Chapter's Gene-Seed for inspection and storage; however, the Chapter is blessed, and there is Gene-Seed aplenty. Yet, the Inquisition only demands the five percent.

More can be given. More can always be given.

[] Give the five percent, as they demand. (-43 Gene-Seed)
[] Give more. (Indicate amount)

Current Gene-Seed: 866 Units
All in all, a fairly, dare I say it, clean turn today. ;)

What are all of the purposes of the gene tithe? I know it's to check for corruption and mutations, and also for experimentation and preparation for the next founding... but is there anything else?
Lets keep the strike cruiser please and would not hate giving 10% this time but not doing anything is fine aswell. We can ask for missions from the mehanicus to pay for them if we really wanted to do that. Since main bottleneck is sizes abit more than u would think so if we do missions for x amount of escort per company per turn for example would be best?

Altough what about the world the warband was at ? Could it be conquered or colonized by imperials now or u need the kill the xenos for it or did the warband already do that . @Swordomatic
Lets keep the strike cruiser please and would not hate giving 10% this time but not doing anything is fine aswell. We can ask for missions from the mehanicus to pay for them if we really wanted to do that. Since main bottleneck is sizes abit more than u would think so if we do missions for x amount of escort per company per turn for example would be best?

Altough what about the world the warband was at ? Could it be conquered or colonized by imperials now or u need the kill the xenos for it or did the warband already do that . @Swordomatic
It's still deep in Galen, and there's a lot of work to be done reintegrating the ork worlds. This planet is low on the priority list at the moment, especially with Dark Eldar still flying around. But it could possibly be colonised, at some point in the future.
Two dead for an entire Warband of Chaos?

That's a good trade.

Also, @Nurgle, shut up and keep your filthy slaves with you in the warp and taint not the Materium with them. :p
Im just thinking long term , adding a world makes sense to our sector and if general imperials are busy with the former ork worlds what about giving to the admech maybe as a knight/resource world maybe for a favor or two? I doubt a new forgeworld would make sense but it maybe is a idea to pursue thanks to the new expansion from ork conquests and now having two chapters in the sector aswell?
My thought was that eventually organic transport will be vanguards for each company and strike cruisers and battle barges will be striking arm of the fleet for us since they are abit more built for that and their numbers arent great enough aswell.
[X] Give more. (166)

Before anyone pulls out the flamers and meltas please listen to me we currently have a Lot of geneseeds even after giver that many (700) and part of why they take gene seed is to reestablish damaged/destroyed chapters as well as test for purity. So this way we can both earn good will and have a secondary reserve if things go badly for our own stores.
Their tactics are typical of any Nurglite warband's; area denial by use of their plagues and poisons, and frontal overwhelming assault with mutant cannon fodder backed by a strong, undying core of Chaos Space Marines. The Slaughter of Terenax is itself notable for the use of viral agents causing mass death on an incredible scale, utilising airborne toxins for the cessation of life for the glory of Nurgle. Their ammunition also utilises poisoned payloads, which can overcome even the superhuman immune systems of an Astartes within minutes, if not quickly treated by an Apothecary - and survivors will only see combat again from the confines of a Dreadnought. Thus far, all engagements with the Slaughter of Terenax have been hard fought, and even victories have carried a heavy death toll. Not even Gene-Seed can be recovered.
We need all of the fire.
Just as well. He and his squad, depleted as it is from the wear of time, are already engaged with the Slaughter of Terenax. Their armor is disgustingly green and brown, their weapons spitting bile and death. They look like walking death and certainly would smell like it. Their armor burns with prometheum, and their movements are sluggish. But for the life of him, Harin can't tell if that means the fire is working, or if that is just their normal gait.

Still, he has little patience to learn which is which. He is already engaged with their aspiring champion, a man with a bloated gut and a head of height above even him - earned by a ratcheted spine, making him disproportionate and obscene and possessed of an unfair height advantage - and his power sword sizzles with pus and flesh. The traitor gurgles with laughter, his chainaxe bubbling - bubbling! - with flesh but no worse for wear despite multiple clashes against a destructive power field. He says something, but Harin can't make sense of it.
The aspiring champion at their feet stirs, and at once both First Sergeant and Champion shoot him in the head with their sidearms. "Let us go," Harin says.
Sometimes you just have to triple or quadruple tap.

[X] Give more. (166)
[x] Trade it in
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[X] Give the five percent, as they demand. (-43 Gene-Seed)
[X] Trade it in

I don't see the point to giving more. A new Chapter Founding isn't something we can expect to see in this quest, and most of the 27th are still struggling for survival.
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[x] Give the five percent, as they demand. (-43 Gene-Seed)

Aside from the whole "We are prone to mass die offs" thing, gene-seed is sacred to Space Marines. It's one thing to have increased tithes as part of a new founding; it's a whole different kettle of fish to just arbitrarily gift gene-seed to the Inquisition and Mechanicus.

[x] Trade it in

We don't need a Strike Cruiser, especially one tainted by Nurgle, as much as we do escorts. Gladius escorts have the additional flexibility of letting us drop off a squad of Space Marines without dedicating an entire cruiser to the deal, increasing our strategic flexibility.
[X] Give more. (166)
[x] Cleanse Bird of Pestilence

I'm inclined to keep the Strike cruiser.

We haven't hit that proverbial cap yet and more options for Strategic mobility are always appreciated.
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[X] Give more. (166)
[x] Cleanse Bird of Pestilence

I will always enjoy hearing chaos being purged, this was an awesome update.
Still, he has little patience to learn which is which. He is already engaged with their aspiring champion, a man with a bloated gut and a head of height above even him - earned by a ratcheted spine, making him disproportionate and obscene and possessed of an unfair height advantage - and his power sword sizzles with pus and flesh. The traitor gurgles with laughter, his chainaxe bubbling - bubbling! - with flesh but no worse for wear despite multiple clashes against a destructive power field. He says something, but Harin can't make sense of it.
Now I can't help but imagine Harin is slightly shorter then most Space Marines and is touchy about it. Then again maybe not-it's just that somehow that bit about the height stood out to me.
[X] Give more. (166)
[x] Cleanse Bird of Pestilence

Because barring an unmitigated disaster involving multiple, as in at least 3, companies being wiped out, even 700 gene-seed is almost too much to need at any one time. And if the Imperium can use that gene-seed to help out some of the struggling Chapters, all the better.

And I see few reasons to turn down a strike cruiser.
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