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I wonder if Power Knives are a thing.
They aren't, but there is some pretty awesome fluff about other kinds of knives in the setting. Just thought I would share some lore on that subject.
Lelith Hesperax, the leader of the dark eldar succubi, fights with a pair of very sharp knives. Her skill with them is so great that she can still kill assault terminators whenever she feels like it.
Konrad Curze, the Primarch of the Night Lords traitor legion, used knives as very effective projectile weapons.
Grendel's Claw is a knife from a Dark Heresy campaign that was used to kill multiple daemons of Khorne, including a Bloodthirster. No power field involved, just faith in the emperor and some ridiculous luck with the dice. It's user, Grendel, has been referenced in a Dark Heresy supplement.
Grendel's Claw is a knife from a Dark Heresy campaign that was used to kill multiple daemons of Khorne, including a Bloodthirster. No power field involved, just faith in the emperor and some ridiculous luck with the dice. It's user, Grendel, has been referenced in a Dark Heresy supplement.
I remember reading about that back when it was (re)posted on /tg/. From a pudgy scribe to becoming a pudgy Inquisitor. Man that story was awesome

Also I found a description for Widowmakers, Curzes throwing knives,
"Based on the micro-serrated throwing knives utilized for signature-kills by Nostraman assassin-cults, Curze favored the use of these vicious, yet highly precise weapons over more conventional firearms in battle, using them for non-lethal takedowns."

On the tabletop, they're the equivalent of taking a bolt shot but without the invulnerable save. Meaning if you get hit and it gets through the armor you will take wounds.
Power swords might be one of the things that's still able to be lugged around. And they can be activated or de-activated if stealth is an issue. ... I wonder if Power Knives are a thing. But who would make those?

Not officially but we could take a Power Sword from a normal human and use it as a long stiletto.

Oh and apparently Chain Daggers are a thing? But I saw that on lexicanum so I can't be sure

Power knives are standard for Custodes because they get all the nice things.
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I strongly suggest taking the time to do some background reading, and for you to consider that mere reading does not instantly beget familiarity.

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While we wait, something that's been in the back of my mind: Do we, and should we, have Terminator armor for our company captains? It seems like a master crafted one for Quarto Astorum might be appropriate following that fight. Or perhaps that would be a use for Centurion armor.

Also, since I don't believe we've met the other 27th founding chapters in our sector besides the Warhawks, when the ability comes around, I'd suggest we do so, and perhaps detach some Marines to help them out while rebuilding or significantly below strength in exchange for favors or the like.
While we wait, something that's been in the back of my mind: Do we, and should we, have Terminator armor for our company captains? It seems like a master crafted one for Quarto Astorum might be appropriate following that fight. Or perhaps that would be a use for Centurion armor.

Also, since I don't believe we've met the other 27th founding chapters in our sector besides the Warhawks, when the ability comes around, I'd suggest we do so, and perhaps detach some Marines to help them out while rebuilding or significantly below strength in exchange for favors or the like.

I want to join the crusade against the Tau as when we can, cuz I hate the Tau.
While we wait, something that's been in the back of my mind: Do we, and should we, have Terminator armor for our company captains? It seems like a master crafted one for Quarto Astorum might be appropriate following that fight. Or perhaps that would be a use for Centurion armor.

Also, since I don't believe we've met the other 27th founding chapters in our sector besides the Warhawks, when the ability comes around, I'd suggest we do so, and perhaps detach some Marines to help them out while rebuilding or significantly below strength in exchange for favors or the like.
Maybe perhaps go on a joint exercise on a mostly ocean planet?
I want to join the crusade against the Tau as when we can, cuz I hate the Tau.

I hate Shrike more.
I mean, Space Marines are generally my 4th favourite faction (after Administratum, Guard and Tau, tied with Craftworld Eldar), but the ones who think losing mere 800 dudes is the cause to throw billions more into the grinder fuck-knows-where, especially with the plan to Exterminatus everything making it stupendously expensive for what it does, are just the worst.
I hate Shrike more.
I mean, Space Marines are generally my 4th favourite faction (after Administratum, Guard and Tau, tied with Craftworld Eldar), but the ones who think losing mere 800 dudes is the cause to throw billions more into the grinder fuck-knows-where, especially with the plan to Exterminatus everything making it stupendously expensive for what it does, are just the worst.

Still I just want to wipe out the Tau, so maybe we wait for him to become more reasonable and then we join in and genocide all the Tau.
Still I just want to wipe out the Tau, so maybe we wait for him to become more reasonable and then we join in and genocide all the Tau.

I'd rather genocide Raven Guard or at least Shrike.
Or at least send him on penitent crusade* until the fuckwit learns that his angst is not be-all end-all of Imperial global strategy.

EDIT: *Or in the therapy, but this is 40K, so...
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I'd rather genocide Raven Guard or at least Shrike.
Or at least send him on penitent crusade* until the fuckwit learns that his angst is not be-all end-all of Imperial global strategy.

Shrike is letting his anger cloud his judgment yes. But it doesn't lessen the threat of the Tau considering they were able to decimate a first founding chapter.
Lets not piss of a first founding chaper.

Well, yes, true enough.
But, like, this shit that happened to him happens daily, hourly to billions of Guardsmen everywhere. He is not somehow inherently better than all others who suffer just because he is Marine* and I am kind of pissed that everyone runs around with his shitfit while nobody thinks twice about innumerable souls in Guard who suffered - always suffer - so much more.

But I am generally always slightly annoyed with Marines for this reason, except for those who go "Great power means that it is our duty to suck it up and be an example to follow; we were chosen to die for Imperium, not make more Imperials die to sate our vengeance-boner", which is why I like CCs and BAs.

*Well, he is better in a sense that he is more useful to the Imperium, but currently he is not more useful due to the stuff that happened to him, so....

Shrike is letting his anger cloud his judgment yes. But it doesn't lessen the threat of the Tau considering they were able to decimate a first founding chapter.

But 'Exterminatus everything' is not productive.
Neither is demanding of Imperial strategists - people who probably have an idea of global strategical picture and know that Tau are now way more dangerous - to do what he wants them to just because he is Marine.
If he went up to them with detailed plan which would benefit Imperium, well, then he would be making his Chapter proud and would be worthy of geneseed invested in him.
As is? Nooot really.
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But the thing is Space Marines are more valuable than guardsmen, but I still agree the full-exterminatus route is not sound.

Genocide of Tau and sympathizers are still acceptable.

Man, this sentence would probably be a good example of /r/NoContext
That sounds like Heresy, my friend.

Yes, I tend to get butthurt about Marines receiving magnitudes more attention than Guard for sliver of a sliver of a sliver of pain the latter endures every moment of existence.

Admittedly, suffering-measuring contests are inherently stupid idea and Shrike did indeed suffer greatly, but still.

But the thing is Space Marines are more valuable than guardsmen, but I still agree the full-exterminatus route is not sound.

Genocide of Tau and sympathizers are still acceptable.

Man, this sentence would probably be a good example of /r/NoContext

Marines are more valuable because they are more useful.
If they are being not-more-useful, they are not more valuable.

After frequenting r/crusaderkings r/nocontext seems fairly boring most of the time. :V
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