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[X] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)

DC 30 means we need to roll 30 or above, right?
Damn, Aarglebasta nearly gored Quarto with one strike! Good thing Quarto proved to be the bigger boss.

[X] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)
[X] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)

Forgot to vote.

I can't wait to see the update when/if the Galen Sub-Sector is taken by the Imperium.
I... okay, admission time: all this time I've been reading the Ork Captin's name as Aargleblasta, with an L. Aargle plus Blasta.

Seeing Aarglebasta used in this update confused me and made me wonder if Swordo changed things up or suddenly forgot or something. (It.. sort of happened once before actually. Something similar-ish. Quarto Astorum was first named Quatro Astorum. But then, given that Quarto is Latin and Italian for 'fourth,' and Quattro with two t's is Italian for 'four', while Quatro with one t is... um, Portugese apparently and not Italian or Latin like I thought. I was surprised to learn the last one. I was sure Quatro was just an alternative spelling of Quarto but no apparently not.)

Then I searched the thread for Aargleblasta and found no mention of it. It's Aarglebasta. It's always been Aarglebasta. Only one letter L. And now I'm questioning my own memories and perception. o_O

EDIT: Arglebasta versus Aarglebasta. Fuck me. It turns out it's Aarglebasta with two a's at the start. :jackiechan::facepalm:
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What is the aargle a mention of though? Arm?

Aarglebasta (Ork Speak) = Arm Blaster (Humanspeak)
[X] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)

You know thinking of Quarto's duel with Aarglebasta reminded me of Canon duels of Ghazghkull and Yarrick. Considering how large Ghazghkull's Waagh is compared to Aarglebasta. Yarrick must be a complete monster and fueled by Faith in the Emperor or something in order to face the Warboss of maybe one of the largest Waaghs ever. But then again Games Workshop never really makes much sense at all.
Astorum walks towards Aarglebasta, hammer held low and shield raised high. Aarglebasta walks towards Astorum, flexing his Klaw, grinning widely at the prospects of killing him and making him bleed.

Quarto Astorum: Rolled 59
Aarglebasta: Rolled 7

Quarto takes the final step, judging his distance to the warboss, and then heaves himself forward. The bulk of his suit lurches forward with incredible speed, comparable to armor far lighter. The Warboss flinches at his sudden speed.

"Wait, wot da zog--"

Astorum roars, and slams the Aquila Aurum's eagle head into the warboss's head.

Foolish Ork you forgot Red is the Fastest and Purple is for Sneaking.

Aboard the Vanguard Cruiser Soul of Fire, Codicer Iskyos frowns as his head throbs, pounding and pounding and pounding. The Immaterium around them warps and flexes, a poor premonition of what could be to come. Epistolary Cyrus Kath sits beside him, feeling the same - but reacting completely differently.

"Captain Pathor was right. There is a malignant influence on Forge World Zeus."

"Not… Not the Forge, Master. Deeper." Iskyos tenses, trying to read deeper without losing himself. "I… I feel it. Something under the forge. Insidious. Virulent."

"A cancer," Kath agrees. "Come, Iskyos. We must speak to the Captain. Hurry, or Zeus burns utterly."

Iskyos nods, but he feels it. A thread of sympathetic connection, reaching into the world below. He can do something about this. If he follows it, finds their location, learns of their plot, one of any hundreds of things that could help… He could excise the cancer. They all can. Surgically. Without harming the Forge.

But he has to reach deeper. Risk the Immaterium. And put all he has learned to the test.

[] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)
[] Disregard it. They will find it either way.
[] Write-In

My first reaction is "Fuck Necrons" but from the sounds of it it's more chaos shenanigans.




Chaos Spell checking is a foe that requires constant vigilance.

All thinga considered thongs turned out pretty well.

Slaanesh detected. :V
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I still feel like the battle was a bit to easy/casualty free when compared to the sheer number and power of the enemy naval forces but then we got lucky with the rolls there and even I have to admit that mass boarding by such a number of Space Marines is not exactly something you see very often in Warhammer40k.

The duel meanwhile was really dramatic and close fought. The legendaries we got out of it are very nice even if I wouldn't have been surprised if Macharius got a stat reduction instead of increase after that rather abysmal showing in this and the last update...
(It.. sort of happened once before actually. Something similar-ish. Quarto Astorum was first named Quatro Astorum. But then, given that Quarto is Latin and Italian for 'fourth,' and Quattro with two t's is Italian for 'four', while Quatro with one t is... um, Portugese apparently and not Italian or Latin like I thought. I was surprised to learn the last one. I was sure Quatro was just an alternative spelling of Quarto but no apparently not.)
Quarto also means fourth in Portuguese, we do share several words with the Italians and some are written the same way their Latin versions are, the biggest difference is the pronunciation.

Big events that may or may not be on the horizon:

Damocles Crusade (salty Raven Guard)
Angron coming for Russ (warned about in Vlka Fnryka interlude)
Necrons & Tyranids in Pacificus (Russ warned us in the old thread)

I assume at somepoint Chaos will try for the Blackstone Fortress...

Anything other big events Im missing?
I... okay, admission time: all this time I've been reading the Ork Captin's name as Aargleblasta, with an L. Aargle plus Blasta.

Seeing Aarglebasta used in this update confused me and made me wonder if Swordo changed things up or suddenly forgot or something. (It.. sort of happened once before actually. Something similar-ish. Quarto Astorum was first named Quatro Astorum. But then, given that Quarto is Latin and Italian for 'fourth,' and Quattro with two t's is Italian for 'four', while Quatro with one t is... um, Portugese apparently and not Italian or Latin like I thought. I was surprised to learn the last one. I was sure Quatro was just an alternative spelling of Quarto but no apparently not.)

Then I searched the thread for Aargleblasta and found no mention of it. It's Aarglebasta. It's always been Aarglebasta. Only one letter L. And now I'm questioning my own memories and perception. o_O

EDIT: Arglebasta versus Aarglebasta. Fuck me. It turns out it's Aarglebasta with two a's at the start. :jackiechan::facepalm:
@Swordomatic did we loot the space hulk for anything shiny? Space hills usually have something good hidden away on them.

[X] Reach deeper. Find the truth. (DC 30, Risks Psychic Phenomena, Success will yield an Epistolary)

It's too good a chance to pass up, but considering our rolls recently we'll either just pass or fail horribly.
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