Nah, see, that's why you then increase the difficulty of the exams. You see, if they're so ill prepared for actual career work, that indicates that they're too easy.
By the end point, you're needing Bureaucracy 5 (Passing Exams +2) to get a good job placement and mortals need at least 13 dice to get the best positions. As a result, the competition for a good Deliberative job is incredibly fierce. Bright students from farming villages find the entire village clubbing together to put them into super-expensive pre-prep schools to get into the prep schools to get into the exam training courses to get onto the exams. There's a common culture of stimulant abuse and cognitive aiding drugs among students going for even mid-end placements, because those drugs and stimulants might help you get another +1 or +2 equipment bonus and that can turn a mere 11-dice student into a 13 dice student - or a 9 dice student into an 11 dice student. Individuals who fail their exams? It's honourable for them to kill themselves rather than have to face their village and live up to the fact that they're wasting everyone's times.
The Solars get a hyper-efficient bureaucracy out of this, full of people who are willing to put 100% into everything they do and who are utterly frantic with not making mistakes. Sure, most of their bureaucracy has been training for these exams since they were four and have been spending all their XP on that which means the bureaucracy is full of people who are only good at bureaucracy and quite a lot of them are hot-housed beyond belief and it's only the Solar buffs on the Deliberative that are stopping half their staff having a nervous breakdown, but damn, that's a super-efficient bureaucracy there.
Solar excellence, optimised towards "getting the most efficient bureaucracy possible" without as much regard given to little things like "quality of life for my staff" (why bother? They're happy to serve me, my Charms say so) and "getting well-balanced human beings out the other end" (who needs 'well-balanced'? That just means they're suboptimal, spending their XP on hobbies rather than serving me).