Isn't that the diplomatic immunity bit?

Also, why the Exalts can't be on Yu-shan without having E5?
Other non sideral exalts can be there, but they are not protected by the LAW if they are to weak.. even if it may be that they removed that part with E2, I never rechecked for it.
And heaven at least does not fall under the diplomatic oaths as it is not a gods sanctum or so.
Other non sideral exalts can be there, but they are not protected by the LAW if they are to weak.. even if it may be that they removed that part with E2, I never rechecked for it.
And heaven at least does not fall under the diplomatic oaths as it is not a gods sanctum or so.

It's more complicated than that. Looking at Compass: Yu-Shan, the Celestial Exalted get the same rights as deities, and are considered "Lawful Residents of Yu-Shan" (on a side note, killing a Celestial Exalted of Essence 5 is a Severity 4 offence, while killing one of Essence 6 or more is Severity 5, which is on the same level as actual treason).

It's not listed, but killing one of Essence 4 or less without justification probably falls under Severity 3, since Terrestrial Exalted being killed without justification is Severity 2.

Severity 2's also the seriousness of violating the Heavenly rights of a Deity of Essence 5 or less. So, let's assume that applies to Exalted as well.

So, by the letter of the law, Exalted are supposed to be safe in Yu-Shan unless they do something wrong while there.

Which, of course, wouldn't stop the Sidereals.
On a side note, these laws normally only apply while residing in or working for Heaven.

Some censors might make the argument that as servants of the Incarnae, all Exalted except Infernal and Abyssal work for Heaven, though.
On a side note, these laws normally only apply while residing in or working for Heaven.

Some censors might make the argument that as servants of the Incarnae, all Exalted except Infernal and Abyssal work for Heaven, though.

Some Solars might make the argument that by possessing the Mandate, all of Heaven works for them
A Jedi KNight, a D&D Wizard, Superman, a Lensman, an asari biotic, a Twilight style vampire, an Eclipse Phase transhuman, etc etc.

For a Jedi Knight, well... mystically empowered swordslinger, so a few Melee Charms, a sword (beamklaive if you want to be authentic), and a bunch of Awareness and/or Occult Charms for the whole 'connected to the galaxy' thing. You can get here even easier with a very prolofic Dragonblood and a ton of Dynasty keyworded Charms.

Superman? Hello Solars, Lunars and Infernals favouring Resistence and Athletics, Strength and Stamina and Malfeas' Soak and Adorjan's Zoom, respectively.

Sparklepire? High Appearance Abyssals. Maybe with some Athletics and Resistance support.

On a side note, these laws normally only apply while residing in or working for Heaven.

Some censors might make the argument that as servants of the Incarnae, all Exalted except Infernal and Abyssal work for Heaven, though.

Ah, well... None of the Exalted (except the Sydereals) exactly work for the Incarnae. They get something of a mission statement, sure, but it's basically 'here's your sandbox, don't break it.'
I'm running the leak for a group of friends and the crafting system was so annoying I had to go in and replace the entire crafting subsystem with a reskinned Sorcerous Working. Not having to balance three fucking kinds of XP is a huge load off my back, and not having to make 900 spoons before your first artifact feels really good.
Yu shan is part of Creation is it not? :evil:

More explicitly:

The Creation Ruling Mandate is based on the authority invested in Queen Merela the Exalted by the Unconquered Sun. The Unconquered Sun is also head of the Divine Bureaucracy and has mandated the control of Yu Shan to heavenly bureaus.

Therefore, if you're going to base your mandate on way Sol says, the Exalted run Creation and the Bureau of Heaven runs Yu Shan. Neither works for the other, but both are under Sol.

If you care about what he says.
I'm running the leak for a group of friends and the crafting system was so annoying I had to go in and replace the entire crafting subsystem with a reskinned Sorcerous Working. Not having to balance three fucking kinds of XP is a huge load off my back, and not having to make 900 spoons before your first artifact feels really good.
Could you please share? I want too to make a different Crafting system, but the one i am going to do is more a simplified version of the current one(Mostly without the Silver XP, which is simply dumb, with more ways of gaining gold XP, like reasearch and other twilight things, and with rarer White, so no i convert my gold xp as half cost charms)
Gah why can't 3e be released already?

I can't convince anyone to start ANY sort of game because they keep saying their stuff won't roll over...
Could you please share? I want too to make a different Crafting system, but the one i am going to do is more a simplified version of the current one(Mostly without the Silver XP, which is simply dumb, with more ways of gaining gold XP, like reasearch and other twilight things, and with rarer White, so no i convert my gold xp as half cost charms)
The general idea is that you just scrap the crafting system entirely and just make Artifacts a Sorcerous Project with Intelligence+Craft instead of Intelligence+Occult. The Ambition/Circle system doesn't EXACTLY line up with artifact dot ratings but that's not, you know, strictly necessary. I made some charms that SHOULD be roughly equivalent to the sorcery charms in power, plus a modest TWO dice-boosting charms to give the original crafting tree a big middle finger. This is just a quick patch for my game though, nothing fancy. I think the Means system is much better for generating hooks and getting your crafting PC out and adventuring than the Crafting XP system.
I've been toying with the idea of starting a game myself, but it's very much in the 'kicking ideas around in my head' stage at the moment.

If you do, I'd like to reserve a spot!

(preferably as something other then a Zenith, too much temptation to go with Survival Supernal and Tyrant Lizard familiar. Though I admit a bunch of 1 dot familiars trained as a pack is also amusing)
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The general idea is that you just scrap the crafting system entirely and just make Artifacts a Sorcerous Project with Intelligence+Craft instead of Intelligence+Occult. The Ambition/Circle system doesn't EXACTLY line up with artifact dot ratings but that's not, you know, strictly necessary. I made some charms that SHOULD be roughly equivalent to the sorcery charms in power, plus a modest TWO dice-boosting charms to give the original crafting tree a big middle finger. This is just a quick patch for my game though, nothing fancy. I think the Means system is much better for generating hooks and getting your crafting PC out and adventuring than the Crafting XP system.
A note: with the Sorcererous Working system as presented, those charms will murder most difficulties/goal numbers with basically complete ease. There is a reason Occult has no roll modifiers (ei, those charms your presuming to balance against? They don't exist), and Working difficulties reflect that. You are going to have problems with people finding it very easy to finish even high end stuff.

My advice would be to just set goal numbers/difficulties for each Artifact rating. Make sure their high enough that people are actually incentivized to go get Means. So around 50 as a baseline (five rolls, as per the terminus, at around 10~ successes per roll assuming optimized pools, with it going as high as 12 successes per roll assuming something like Bracers of Universal Crafting, for a total of 60). If you up the difficulty to three (about what I'm getting from your writeup, though Fineness is going to be a pain in the ass to implement for Artifacts: how do you rate something like that?) then it goes to around a baseline of 40-50 depending on tools. If you ramp the difficulty all the way up to 7 (assuming Fineness 5 for everything) then you have a baseline of 20-30. Adjust higher levels of craft to reflect what your charms open up. If you need help figuring out what each type of modifier does to average rolls, I did this up earlier to help with that.

Also, at least personally, I consider going back to a locked Attribute a step back. I liked the fact I could actually have a Strength focused Crafter, dammit. Also, Workings are not setup for you to do stuff for others: if someone want you to make them a daiklave, or if you want to make an artifact for sale/bargaining, it is coming out of your players XP pool, which is not ideal both on the 'spend XP to solve problem' front and 'I want to spend XP on things that are actually relevant to my character' one.

Overall, its not a bad idea and I agree that adding a Means like system into Craft is a really good idea, but as you have it setup you are going to run into problems down the road.
That awkward moment when the Dawn Caste looks at a Sworn Brotherhood leading (a small) part of an Imperial legion, flares her anima to the 10 mote level and yells "I AM THREE CANDLES LIGHTING DARKNESS! FIGHT ME!"
(I'm not fighting them. Solar Murder-Blender is not ready for an Essence 6 Earth-Aspect DB with a soulsteel grand goremaul.)

EDIT: This is basically her as she jumped off the Earth DB's head.
Update on the Sworn Brotherhood! We ran into them again at a dinner party in Nexus. Candles, having dumped a ton of training into social skills, proceeded to do her absolute best to seduce them with her eating.
Up until the host was horribly murdered, she was actually doing very well. If I'd had another 2-4 courses, I might have actually pulled it off! As it stood, it was merely hilarious and left them squirming uncomfortably in their seats, which was about what I intended.

The part of the party where I went full sunshine and glared at everyone that wasn't sitting down and shutting up was probably a bit of a turn-off, though. Darn murder plots getting in the way of me shredding the convictions of cute Terrestrials...
(My date to the party now understands why Candles finds doing such things to her so amusing, since she's finally getting to watch it happen from a perspective other than the person Candles is reducing to a stammering, blushing mess.)
Thank you for this, I'll actually run the numbers, haha. I'm actually considering ditching XP costs entirely for artifacts, replacing it with a small adventure or something to acquire baseline materials. Getting Means for having materials would probably involve going above and beyond that. I honestly don't mind one character making a shitton of artifacts as long as they actually worked to get the materials together. Not to mention with XP costs it makes it a lot more attractive to go and beat somebody up and take their Daiklave than to make it yourself, which definitely shouldn't be the end result of a crafting system!