Uh, I hate to be mean or burst bubbles or whatever, but is there any actual clause in the Charm that says you can't fire it from, say, a shadowland? Or a manse Outside Fate? Or, for that matter, Malfeas? Or the Wyld? Or anywhere else outside of the area the Loom of Fate can see?
Because if not, I can just... sit there and fire it repeatedly without the Sidereals ever being able to find me. They can get all the portents of doom they want, but Sidereals are overworked, there's only so much that Dragonblooded can do to stop a meteor blowing up a city or a behemoth capable of crashing through several cities in a row, and I have effectively no cost for this bar cooldown and can do it unpredictably whenever Heaven is stretched thin dealing with some other disaster.
And if the army of ghosts or the behemoth don't stop rampaging afterwards, then... what do I care? I mean, if the Charm forced me to actually be in the area I might be concerned, but if I'm sitting in my manse Outside Fate on the other side of Creation and firing it at enemy territory, then every day the disasters keep rampaging is just a bonus.
There are plenty of other ways I can bone a mortal or Dragonblooded kingdom, sure, but most of them at least require me to be there and thus be vulnerable to getting my face stabbed in. This one doesn't, so I'm laughing.
The impression I get from what the Devs are writing is that being Outside of Fate isn't a death knell for Sidereals anymore:
What We Know Wiki said:(It would be awesome if the Sidereal Exaltation was designed to interface with any Fate-analogue they happen to be within -- Creation's Loom, the Design of Autocthon, the Calendar of Setesh or the Caul's pseudoLoom. The Caul would thus block divination and manipulation from afar but Sidereal agents on the ground would have access to their full toolkit, as well as having it in Autocthonia and the Underworld. Perhaps Sidereals within the Caul would have access to the Greater Astrology sealed off by the Maidens, since the Lunars might not know how to replicate the seals on the Loom...) (ysadrel)
This post thrills me.
I haven't answered anyone's "outside fate" questions yet, but my intention is that Sidereals have full jurisdiction anywhere they go. (John Mørke)
I mean, I don't know for sure how mechanics like these will interact with Sidereals, but they certainly are able to fuck with the Prediction Magic involved in Prophet of the 17 Cycles in the charm description.
It doesn't say if there is or there isn't, which I guess is the biggest issue when it comes to how you interpret the charm. My view is that a GM can decide on which approach works best for them, given how much of 3E is being deliberately left up to ST interpretation or adjudication.
...I've been aware of what you've been arguing for all this time. It's irrelevant because it's utterly orthogonal to the point that I've been arguing-that it can cause massive world-changing effects, without very charitable reading probably requires a lot more than what your average Godbloods or even Dragonbloods can muster to prevent, and people really need to think about whether or not giving starting characters the ability to nuke important cities from literally the word go.
So "some places have enough Celestials with area-effect perfects so that you can't nuke them." is not actually a rebuttal to "a lot of important places are probably not protected sufficiently to do so."
My argument is only that prevention is possible, not always guaranteed. Yes, it most likely could wipe out a nation without sufficient supernatural defenses, and I mentioned that several times.
My bone to pick over this has always been over the idea that because it doesn't say flat out that the doom can be averted, that it logically means that the doom cannot ever be averted.