The other critical skill to bring up here is vetting. A lot of us are passable STs because we've found groups who appreciate what we bring to the table and recognise people we suspect would rub us the wrong way rather than trying to please everyone.The dirty secret of being an at least passable ST is that players are perfectly happy creating their own fun, and as long as you're giving them opportunities to do that, your game will do fine.
Sunlit Sands, Sword of Amatarasu, Ascensions and Transgressions are all on Archive of our Own, Dreaming Sea Game, which me and Omi and Maugan and emeralis were talking about, is currently only on the Ascensions and Transgressions server, which I think has a standing link in that game's thread, or might be invite only, can't recall.
Also, yes, so much this. Though step one is still always putting yourself out there, finding a chat that agrees with you and finding people there you like, ect ect.The other critical skill to bring up here is vetting. A lot of us are passable STs because we've found groups who appreciate what we bring to the table and recognise people we suspect would rub us the wrong way rather than trying to please everyone.
The new Sidereals manuscript provides rules for applying an x-blooded template to a character, and for what an Exalted godblooded gets:So how do god bloods work in Essence or 3E?
Had a concept for an old 2E character that was a demon blooded that I wanted to port over. And was curious how close I could recreate the idea.
So, mortals born to a god have 10 motes, 3 Charms appropriate to their parent but which have the Eclipse keyword, rising at 4 and 5, can buy more with XP/bonus points, and you might feel like being generous and making their Essence pool Essencex10.The god becomes his newfound descendant's parent for all purposes, including magic like Knot of Destiny. The descendant's player may choose to have this overwrite her relationship with any of her other parents, whether by birth or adoption. This newfound parentage empowers her as a God-Blooded. Exalted descendants gain Divine Heritage as a training effect (p. XX). Mortals gain a pool of ten motes, (higher of their Essence or 3) Eclipse Charms appropriate to their parent, and Exalted Healing (Exalted, p. 165). They gain new Charms as their Essence increases; player characters may purchase them with experience points.
Divine Heritage (•••••) — Innate Merit
Divine Heritage is a five-dot Innate Merit for the Exalted children of spirits, fae, and other creatures. Players should work with the Storyteller to define their parent's nature and themes. Purchasing this Merit gives the character an Eclipse Charm appropriate to their parent for free and lets her purchase others with bonus points or experience. Her lineage's manifestations may also include Flaws and other Merits.
That's awfully kind of you Miss.What was your demon-blooded? I homebrew a lot for my game and already have a fuckton of x-blooded mechanics and such in the background. If you want, gimme the concept and what you want them capable of, and I'll take a swing at porting them to Ex3 tonight, and you can see if they look good to you.
Absolutely. You can get a little help from a friend's recommendations but it's better to put yourself out there because mistakes are the best teacher. I like how on Valentine's Day a lot of what we're saying potentially doubles as dating advice.Also, yes, so much this. Though step one is still always putting yourself out there, finding a chat that agrees with you and finding people there you like, ect ect.
Theres a compilation of published material here that you may find helpful.someone has a compilation of artifacts from 2E ported to Essence or 3E.
There's a fair few people making comments like this in this threat, including someone who usually runs Exalted and never gets to play. See if you can get some people with schedules that can work out, and maybe try to do a round robin thing? Round Robin games being games where the ST alternates between stories. I bet there's at least one other person who'd be willing to try to run Exalted in this thread in exchange for a chance to play.
Schedules are an absolute bitch, I know, but I just wanna stress that you shouldn't think of yourself as failing by not being a good enough player, or whatever, you know? When I run, I pick the people I know most, not who would be "best" at it.
...admittedly, that Maugan Ra and Omicron are both in my game casts some suspicion on that XD
Same XD It's got amusing overlapAbsolutely. You can get a little help from a friend's recommendations but it's better to put yourself out there because mistakes are the best teacher. I like how on Valentine's Day a lot of what we're saying potentially doubles as dating advice.
Ask the folks of this thread who might wanna play! See about gathering a new gaming group! You've got lots of potential players, and Round Robin is good for getting to play!As a forever GM, I would absolutely be up for a Round Robin Exalted campaign so I can get a chance to play DX.
While usually able to interact with mortals and other gods in a way that is comprehensible for both parties, they sometimes lapse into episodes of arcane musing, casually referencing events from out of legend and esoteric lore as if it were nothing more than tearoom banter.
"and gods the size of mountains died and people now live in their petrified corpses"
IMO you can easily fix it by making them beastmen who chose to become beastmen because Aesthetic. An entire culture of obligate scalies.Was reminded of Ixcoatli and, thinking about it, it is a little strange to me that the current devs have sworn off working on it because they feel its a little too close to the Warhammer Fantasy thing of making the only Central/South American representation in their setting be reptile-people. I feel like the solution to this potentially problematic thing of portraying a Central/South American culture as solely inhuman has already been handled by 3e Lunars taking great care to show that beastfolk cultures are basically the same as the baseline human cultures; they're not like the inhuman Saurus and Skinks of Warhammer's Lustria, they're just people trying to get by like everyone else. Also, they appear to be adding other places with inspiration from indigenous American cultures; IIRC, the Fire Aspect from the Dragon-blooded book is the ruler of a nation that appears to be fairly Central American in inspiration.
It's just a shame to me, it's the biggest mortal empire in the Far East and I feel like it'd be interesting to have more page count devoted to it.
Most 3e beastmen cultures start off like that; the most common way for a beastman lineage to begin is that a Lunar warps a demesne or a patch of the Wyld into a proving ground, where the victors are mutated into a beastman matching the Lunar's spirit shape, and these mutations are explicitly hereditary. Chances are, the snake and raitonfolk of Ixcoatli had human ancestors who decided to do a Double Dare physical challenge for a shot at true scaliedom.IMO you can easily fix it by making them beastmen who chose to become beastmen because Aesthetic. An entire culture of obligate scalies.
You could probably just do it with alchemy too. On that note, I'd kill for a form of alchemy in Exalted that pulls heavily from the mystical 'perfection of self, etc' the IRL version centered around.Most 3e beastmen cultures start off like that; the most common way for a beastman lineage to begin is that a Lunar warps a demesne or a patch of the Wyld into a proving ground, where the victors are mutated into a beastman matching the Lunar's spirit shape, and these mutations are explicitly hereditary. Chances are, the snake and raitonfolk of Ixcoatli had human ancestors who decided to do a Double Dare physical challenge for a shot at true scaliedom.
Also, could be possible that the people of Ixcoatli still have access to the Beast-Soul Awakening Crucibles (or Crucible, singular, if it originates from a single chimeric Lunar that was a snake-raiton); the Charm can persist after the death of the Lunar who made it so long as no one caps it over with a manse or Wyld Shapes the part of the Wyld its in.
Isn't there Sorcerous Initiation that's basically just that?You could probably just do it with alchemy too. On that note, I'd kill for a form of alchemy in Exalted that pulls heavily from the mystical 'perfection of self, etc' the IRL version centered around.
Yeah, but that's it. There's no rules or even fluff for how you get there or even what it looks like or what kind of person chases it.