*reads Pallian-Azar's write up*

how dare they drop this plot hook about devil-stars, and then taunt me with the meanest crumbs of lore

how dare they

If it makes you feel better, the writers state the devil-stars are explicitly Tzitzimimeh with the serial numbers filed off in the Discord.

So, pissed-off star goddess with a rattlesnake as well as female parts who may or may not be one of the prototypes of humanity. Which may or may not be even more agonizing to look for bread crumbs about.
There's something magical to me about the greatest martial artist in the setting, pinnacle of the greatest martial artists of the Exalted Host, being named after one of the finest writers of women's erotica to ever live. What a truly delightful world.
There's something magical to me about the greatest martial artist in the setting, pinnacle of the greatest martial artists of the Exalted Host, being named after one of the finest writers of women's erotica to ever live. What a truly delightful world.

I think this means Anys Syn is what would happen if you made a crossover episode between Yu Yu Hakusho and Golden Girls.
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Anys Syn really is simply Built Different. She was Constructed Alternatively. Absolute meme of a woman, your overbearing but well meaning auntie with the high expectations has a nuclear first strike capability in her right hand and second strike in her left. They had to put a glass case and a two-key activation system over her character sheet. It's ridiculous I love it, she's probably played by Michelle Yeoh.

The perfect cherry on top is her Elder Prowess charm, which lets her reflexively enter any martial arts stance as long as she tells her opponents about the style's strengths and weaknesses.

No notes.
If it makes you feel better, the writers state the devil-stars are explicitly Tzitzimimeh with the serial numbers filed off in the Discord.

So, pissed-off star goddess with a rattlesnake as well as female parts who may or may not be one of the prototypes of humanity. Which may or may not be even more agonizing to look for bread crumbs about.

I admit I also been drawing a bit on some of the "Star mosnter" lore on in ELden Ring for my current game. Things like Astel, Natrualborn of the Void, Fallen Star Beasts, and Failed Stars all kind of feel on brand for the aesthetic also for me.
I admit I also been drawing a bit on some of the "Star mosnter" lore on in ELden Ring for my current game. Things like Astel, Natrualborn of the Void, Fallen Star Beasts, and Failed Stars all kind of feel on brand for the aesthetic also for me.
I would kill for some Glintstone Sorcery-style Sorcerous Initiations/Spells. Like, why shouldn't a prospective sorcerer capture starlight in a gemstone and place their soul inside with it to initiate into sorcery? Why not go find a chunk of starmetal from a newly fallen star and use it to call upon the strange gravitational forces that ties together Fate through the constellations? There's so much design space to play with.
Honestly, I keep coming away from Essence feeling like 3e, as wonky and bizarrely made as it is, has more strengths in comparison to Essence, but it's the only way to run an Alchs game for now that isn't going back to 1e/2.5e and dealing with those rulesets.
While I would rather play a game of Essence to a game of 3e (if for no reason other than 3e's design is confusing to me to the point of incomprehensibility), I agree that 3e has a ton of legs up over Essence. The removal of my Supernatural Merits, the removal of Introduce Fact, the removal of Defining Intimacies to make room for a virtue system... I was so happy to finally get a simplified version of Exalted, and then I went in to look at it and they had removed a ton of the design decisions about 3e which I had liked.
The Serene Misfortune Sashes are one dot cheaper than generic Silken Armor. The whole "trade damage for giving the ST sticks to beat you with" thing certainly isn't an unalloyed good, but it's still odd. On the other hand, you'd end up with Artifact 6 or 7 if you wanted big-time Evocations on Silk Armor otherwise.
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While I would rather play a game of Essence to a game of 3e (if for no reason other than 3e's design is confusing to me to the point of incomprehensibility), I agree that 3e has a ton of legs up over Essence. The removal of my Supernatural Merits, the removal of Introduce Fact, the removal of Defining Intimacies to make room for a virtue system... I was so happy to finally get a simplified version of Exalted, and then I went in to look at it and they had removed a ton of the design decisions about 3e which I had liked.
Introduce Fact is still present; on the small scale it's dramatic editing, and on the large scale it can be done through Sagacity ventures.
I mean, I assume the main reason they don't do an official rewrite of the corebook is because it would be twice as hard as any of the supplements and they can barely get those out at the rate of one a year.
Errata is generally given out for free, and Paradox likely doesn't want to use money and manpower being spent on such a project when it could be spent on those they can charge for.
The Serene Misfortune Sashes are one dot cheaper than generic Silken Armor. The whole "trade damage for giving the ST sticks to beat you with" thing certainly isn't an unalloyed good, but it's still odd. On the other hand, you'd end up with Artifact 6 or 7 if you wanted big-time Evocations on Silk Armor otherwise.
You can just...write Evocations for Silken Armor, though? You don't need to up it, it's artifact armor, the core thing is that it doesn't count as armor for MA, meaning it's 4-dot by default, but nothing states it can't support Evocations. My Endings uses the Black Pearl, which spins clothing for her on her whims, and matches to her destinies automatically, with an Evocation giving her artifact traits on unarmed attacks.

There's also no such thing as Artifact 6. You cap at 5, and N/A is for legendary projects like teleportation gates and such that can't be bought at chargen, you gotta make them yourself.
I mean, I assume the main reason they don't do an official rewrite of the corebook is because it would be twice as hard as any of the supplements and they can barely get those out at the rate of one a year.

I don't mean corebook rewrite, I expect if it'll be done it's probably after all the big splatbooks released. I mean something like, oh, alternate craft system, maybe, or war mechanic, or some suggestion of streamlining (solar) dice tricks, etc.
Vance has said several times in the Discord that they'd be down for redoing the core, but yeah the problem is getting higher-ups to sign off on it.
Unfortunately, I believe that the license terms require Paradox's approval. Apparently, they have asked for permission to do a mechanical errata and been denied.
My gathering is no one is willing to do that shit for free and asking for the funds to pay for it is a big ask/kind of hard to jusitfy. Errata be weird like that.
My gathering is no one is willing to do that shit for free and asking for the funds to pay for it is a big ask/kind of hard to jusitfy. Errata be weird like that.

I think they missed the boat on the most painless way to get it done: Have the Storyteller's Guide be a kickstarter, and use stretch goals to get new systems and revisions to material from the core. There's a bunch of other reasons they wouldn't go that route (you'd either boot one of the main splats back a year, or usurp one of their other kickstarter slots, delaying stuff for IPs they actually own), but as far as 'finding a good way to get it funded and paired with a relevant product' I can't think of much better.
With how heavily people have been asking it, and the devs making noises that they're at least open to the idea, I do expect some manner of serious push for a Revised Corebook to be done once Abyssals is released and the Core 5 splats are out.
Introduce Fact is still present; on the small scale it's dramatic editing, and on the large scale it can be done through Sagacity ventures.
Introduce Fact's limited presence in Essence is good, but can hardly compare to the flexible, powerful tool that 3e gives for players to use freely in nearly any context.
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How do you deal with sorcerers one-shotting your encounters?
Which rule set? In 3e, you want to force the sorcerer to stop shaping by getting up in their face and making them fight you, knocking them prone, etc. If they can't shape sorcery or use a shaping ritual, they begin to lose 3 motes per round. Sorcery is designed to hit very hard, for the trade-off of making a character work a few rounds to fire it off, so (like many RPGs), you want to base your strategy around protecting your sorcerer or, on the other side of things, getting rid of or otherwise occupying the sorcerer first.