Why do you expect us to know which fanfic you're talking about?

Actually, even if we knew, why would you expect people here to have read it?

And what does this have to do with Exalted?
Argh, crap. Finally, a computer.

The Odyssey / Fan Fic - TV Tropes

This one. So I've looked at the first few pages. And looked at the TV tropes page. So does Ulysses exalt into a Solar eventually, or does he just stay mortal?
You are fully capable of reading it for yourself and finding out.
It's a valid question, dont be mean.

@Accelerator I do not know however. Never read it. If you do read it, please share your thoughts with the rest of the thread

@horngeek started catching up on your L5R/Exalted campaign write up and i'm really enjoying it so far. Just got to the part about the essence fever hack and it looks really cool. Having played with it, what are your thoughts?
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Argh, crap. Finally, a computer.

The Odyssey / Fan Fic - TV Tropes

This one. So I've looked at the first few pages. And looked at the TV tropes page. So does Ulysses exalt into a Solar eventually, or does he just stay mortal?
There are three versions. The first, Ulyssian becomes an Abyssal. In the second, which I think is the one you linked to, he becomes an Infernal, while in the third, he becomes an Abyssal (edit:Solar).

Most High

They're all fairly bog-standard Rihaku!Quests. If you enjoy his other quests, you'll enjoy this one too. If not, then you won't. Personally, I enjoyed them, but more for the action and a few of the characters than any of the storytelling.
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Hey guys, something I made:

Invocation of the ingenuity of Autochthon

There are
There are three versions. The first, Ulyssian becomes an Abyssal. In the second, which I think is the one you linked to, he becomes an Infernal, while in the third, he becomes an Abyssal.

Most High

They're all fairly bog-standard Rihaku!Quests. If you enjoy his other quests, you'll enjoy this one too. If not, then you won't. Personally, I enjoyed them, but more for the action and a few of the characters than any of the storytelling.
Isn't that 2 versions?
There are three versions. The first, Ulyssian becomes an Abyssal. In the second, which I think is the one you linked to, he becomes an Infernal, while in the third, he becomes an Abyssal.

Most High

They're all fairly bog-standard Rihaku!Quests. If you enjoy his other quests, you'll enjoy this one too. If not, then you won't. Personally, I enjoyed them, but more for the action and a few of the characters than any of the storytelling.
Any chance you know where the other versions are?

Lunar kickstarter on the 12/02

I suspect this might be the one that could make or break third edition, considering Lunar Fans are Lunar fans and the absolutely terrible way lunars were previously written/treated.

More then almost any other part of exalted (save maybe Infernals Chapter 1/2), this is the part they need to get right for the new edition.
Did you forget a link?
Urgh... a spell I thought of. You know Ben 10's Upgrade? The sorcerer touches a vehicle, machine, or piece of tech. Then, from there, autochthonian scripts and symbols of maintenance and improvement spreads out from the point of contact, looking like green coloured circuitry on a black surface. It envelopes the thing.... and then gives it a boost. Think of it as several benefits bundled together

  • The tech is improved to the maximum possible mortal level, and even slightly extra
  • Things like fuel, electricity, bullets, and maintenance are no longer concerns
  • You get things like machine empathy and extra successes for using the tech
  • Enhanced durability and self-repair
should be either celestial or terrestrial.

Mind you, i'm using this as a baseline:

Book of the Emerald Circle

Invocation of the Living Ship
Cost: 20m, 1wp; Circle: Emerald;Type: Simple

Keywords: Limited (Willpower), Shaping, Touch

Duration: A year and a day

The sorcerer lays her hand upon the figurehead of a ship, pouring her Essence into it, praying and calling for it to awaken. The small god of the ship hears this call and feels the might of the sorcerer's Essence drawing it out, empowering it. With the final word "Awaken," whispered or shouted, the small god merges with the ship itself, infusing it with a living soul. The figurehead gains flexibly like flesh and its sea-green eyes then open to the world. It has the following traits:

Motivation: To be loyal to her captain, respectful to her owner, and loving to the sorcerer.

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 [1 dot]; Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1 [5 dots]; Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 [4 dots]

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 1, Temperance 1, Valor 1 [5 dots]

Abilities: Archery 1, Awareness 2, Craft (all) 0 (ships +1), Integrity 2, Lore 1 (ships +1), Martial Arts 1, Presence 2, Resistance 3, Survival 0 (in water +3), Socialize 1 (maritime flags +1), Sail 5 (ships +3), War 1 (sea combat +1) [12 dots, 10 specialty dots]

Join Battle: 5


Fuel the Essence—Reflexive 1wp can be used to gain up to (the sorcerer's Willpower) motes to use Essence-powered equipment and weaponry. These motes last for an instant; if they are not used, they are gone. This is not stackable.

Soul-Wrought Power—The ship 's living self provides (the sorcerer's Essence) dots worth of hearthstones for powering the ship or its functions.

Living Planks and Keel—The ship heals damage at the rate at which Exalted heal; Undamaged as -0 wound penalty, Minor Damage as -1, Critical Damage as -2, and Inoperative as -4. Damage to the ship is always rolled instead of being automatic levels.

Arms of Rope and Rudder—Anything a crew member could potentially use or control that is part of the ship, the ship can control on its own. This includes doors, pulleys, ropes for raising and lowering the sail, rudder, oars, the wheel, and any Essence-powered devices. In essence, the ship can sail and work itself, just as any being can do with its own body.

Vessel's Mind—The ship does not need to make Sail rolls to perform normal functionality, just as a human does not need to make Athletics rolls to walk or sit. When the ship is required to make Sail rolls (such as delicate maneuvering or attempting to outrun a hurricane), it gains (the sorcerer's Essence) automatic successes to represent its instinctive use of its own body's functions, and can spend a reflexive 1wp can be spent to add (the sorcerer's Willpower) to the roll.

Attacks: Varies depending on the armament of the ship; the ship uses its own traits to fire such weaponry. The ship can fire all its weapon banks in one action as a flurry with no multiple action penalties and only suffering the highest DV penalty. A ship can always ram, as described inWonders of the Lost Age p. 33 andScroll of Kings p. 43.

Soak: Dependant on the ship.

Health Levels: Dependant on the ship.

Dodge DV: Dependant on the ship. Willpower: 10

Essence: 1

Other Notes: The ship is treated as a structure, as normal, for the purposes of dealing damage to it or being affected by physical effects. It is otherwise considered an automaton. The Strength and Dexterity of the living ship describe how much force and finesse it can put behind its various mechanical parts. No matter what, though, they are always enough to easily control any mechanical part, from raising the sails to opening doors. The living ship is not organic and, while it does have a Stamina, it never needs to make Stamina checks unless a particular Charm or power calls for it.

The above traits are a basic template. Listed after some traits, in brackets, is an amount of dots that the player can distribute among that set of traits. For example, the player has 5 dots to distribute among the Virtues. The choices of where all the extra dots go should reflect the nature and history of the vessel. A smuggling vessel might have Manipulation as its best Attribute and dots in Stealth, while a gilt-laden noble's ship may have a higher Appearance and more dots in Socialize. A war boat a may have Charisma as its best Attribute, extra dots in War and Archery, and high Valor. No trait may exceed 5 dots, and the final distribution must be approved by the Storyteller. Once chosen, the ship's traits are as static as any other living thing, even through multiple castings of the spell; they shift and grow as the vessel learns and experiences new things or is physically changed through construction.

The ship can use any of the five basic senses from any point on the ship's structure. It also can accurately perceive leagues deep into the water, negating any penalties that the water or surface below it may impose. It speaks only though the figurehead with voice and speech that reflects its nature.

This spell can be used on any vehicle that is controlled with the Sail Ability, including artifact vessels. If used on a vehicle which already has an intelligence, a clash of wills between the sorcerer and the previously-established presence begins. If the sorcerer wins, the ship's original intelligence is suppressed for the duration of the spell. If the original intelligence wins, the spell fails. If the spell ends or is countermagicked, the ship closes its eyes and the small god retreats back to its original form. The spirit does house the memories and personality of its once-living ship, however; if this spell is cast upon the vessel again, it retains prior memories as a living thing and keeps its previous personality.

Or maybe I can use a demon
Lunar kickstarter on the 12/02

I suspect this might be the one that could make or break third edition, considering Lunar Fans are Lunar fans and the absolutely terrible way lunars were previously written/treated.

Eh, if third edition was going to break it would've done so ages ago.

I admit my own enthusiasm is at low ebb, but everything I've heard from the playtest is encouraging so the book will probably be good.
Lazado, the Rebellious Rabble Rousers

The Lazado have many forms. Perhaps he has the form of a man, wearing a trenchcoat, smoke billowing about his face. Perhaps a man, dressed all in green, with a feathered cap.*** Perhaps a thief in the night, smirking and grinning, with a hat he tips to the ladies. No matter. The Lazado is a rebel and destroyer of authority. Created by some 3rd Circle as a slight against the priests of Cecylene, the Lazado are rebels, malcontents, and generally, anarchists against all forms of authority. Whether to kick out all the teachers in a school and let the children run wild, or to overthrow the Kings and distribute the treasury to the rabble outside. Often, he causes trouble for the princes of hell, inciting serfs to rebellion. Were he to be caught by Cecylene, his demise would be slow and painful. Which is why every single Lazado thirsts to enter the blue skies and clean air of Creation, to wrack havoc.

Let us say, a ordinary kingdom within the Threshold. The king is... mostly just. A few things which made his subjects grumble and the monks titter. Heavy taxes, like normal. Cruel and greedy nobles. Squalor and ghettoes. There, the Lazado appears. He gathers a posse of men, all discontented like himself, angry and unhappy. Perhaps they had nothing to do, or the king's policies cost them their job. He calls them some pretentious name, and goes about wrecking havoc. Burning down government buildings. Waylaying tax collectors. Breaking into the houses of the rich princes and barons, stealing their treasures and families, then distributing it to the poor.

The law enforcement tries to catch him, but they fail. They attack once, slaying dozens of soldiers, then retreating into forests and bushes, escaping from them. Nightwatchers chase after them, only to be delayed as sympathetic citizens help hide them or help ward them off. Door to door searches are made, while they hid in the cellars of their supporters.

He makes appearances into market squares and public streets, making grand speeches about tyranny and freedom and all that sort.

At first, people look at him and nod in agreement. It was unfair that taxes had been raised so high. Then, as nods become shouts of agreement, the speeches change. It changes, shifting and altering, until the words bear little resemblance to reality. The king has raised taxes. The king has levied fines. The king has taken your daughter and wife for his harem, although they are standing right next to you. The king has slain your dog, although it died of sickness 2 weeks ago. The king murdered your family for speaking a word against him, though you go home to them. The king does not worship the gods, although he just visited the temple of the unconquered sun a month ago. The king has taken thousands of people for sacrifice to the Yozis, despite no such thing happening. Again and again, until the Lazado can shout about how the King has stolen the sun and darkened the world and thus must be slain for light to reenter the world, and the crowd can shout in thunderous agreement, all while sweating beneath the noonday sun.

Then the crowd storms the battlements and the fortress. Knights and elite commanders are cut down by demonically blessed arrows, shot by warriors enhanced by unholy magic, burying into throats and eyes, leaving the soldiers defenseless. All is burned. Nobles, princesses, barons, elders, all those of temporal power and high office, dragged into the streets to be murdered gruesomely. Priceless objects and artifacts, money stored within the treasury, anything of value, is taken and distributed amongst the people and the poor.* Courtrooms and lawhouses are torn down, for the people will not obey the laws of tyrants, but their own.** Then it gets worse and worse. Next are the leaders of the rebellion, for do they not send men to die for their cause? Then the city elders. For do they not tyrannize others, based on seniority? Until at last, children murder their parents in their sleep for telling them to go to bed, and silence falls.

Whether or not the people see through this spell, the Lazado will nod his head, turn about, and skip off merrily, singing a jaunty tune, towards another kingdom or city-state.

Motivation: To tear down all governing authority, no matter how small


Charisma 4, Appearance 4, Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Intelligence 2, Stamina 3,

Archery 5 (+3 surprise), Melee 4 (+3 against armour), Social 5 (+3 for attacking authority), Presence 2 (+3 for crowds), Larceny 4 (+2 for breaking and entering)Bureaucracy 1 (+1 for insurgencies), Stealth 4 (+3 amongst others), Craft 3 (+3 for improvised weapons), Dodge 4, Ride 2, Sail 2, Linguistics 2, War 5 (+3 small unit tactics), Occult 1 (+3 demon beckoning), Investigation 2 (+1 for finding malcontents, +2 for finding weaknesses in authority), Resistance 3, Medicine 1 (+2 for poor conditions), Lore 1, Performance 2 (+2 in charming ladies +1 for the common people

Quick charms:

I'm a man of da people! - No matter where and when, the Lazado will appear as a perfectly normal citizen and native. Were he to walk down the street, no one will give him a second glance

One of us! One of us! - Whenever he speaks, the mortal feels as if the Lazado not only has suffered as they have suffered, and knows how they feel, they find their own hearts resonating with him. Any mortal of no significant station or political office, has an external penalty equal to the Lazado's (Essence - 1) to himself whenever trying to resist his rhetoric or lies.

Chanting of the men - Singing a jaunty song together, the Lazado and his victims sing together, and in so bind their essences ever closer, letting him impart some of their power. This lets the Lazado enhance his elite guard, granting them an advantage against ordinary mortal soldiers****

Down with the state! - The Lazado makes a case against authority, either pointing out their flaws, exaggerating their crimes and failures, or outright inventing them. Even if the king were to be a selfless saint who works flawlessly, day in and day out for the people, they will still be turned against him, eventually. This charm can inflame feelings, compell people, or even outright rewrite their memories.

*Yes, this is a reference
**In other words, anarchy
***Another reference
****Not sure how powerful this should be.
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I suspect this might be the one that could make or break third edition, considering Lunar Fans are Lunar fans and the absolutely terrible way lunars were previously written/treated.
That's unlikely.
MoEP: Lunars was well received and was something of a monkey's paw for the problems with 1e Lunars. It fixed a lot of the problems with the Silver Pact and increased the power level of the splat considerably compared to where they were in the previous edition.

It's just that we got left with a Silver Pact that you had to pick at its canonical presentation to a "the Federation is a distopia, wake up people!" extent to find flaws... i.e. plot hooks.
So I've been thinking of a demon that grants good luck in exchange for some other thing.

So... they can grant background, and merits. Want money? They can alter fate to do that. Want a girlfriend? Events will fall into place, and your life will become a romantic comedy. Want some training? The old man you helped out was a veteran soldier who retired.

1. Is this a good idea?
2. How to balance?

Inspired by this:


Progeny of the Eggshell Sentry

To behold a Kerumath is to see the humble artist of a series of tragedies. Its feathers are a drab beige, with ivory spots under its wings, and gray feathered barbels longer than its wingspan, and the short beak poking out from under these is deceptively sharp. However, it rarely uses this aspect of itself.

With its right eye, a crimson red, it sees the obstacles that its master faces. "Kill this man." It says. "He will be in your way." And the master of the Kerumath will see the wisdom of this, and do so.

With its left obsidian eye, it sees solutions. "Buy this." The Kerumath says. "People will need it, and as their need grows, you will be able to sell it for more."

With every bit of advice the Kerumath gives, misfortune befalls someone who is important to its master. It need not be a direct outcome, or even related at all to the advice of the Lastling Road, but as fate strikes back at the man who has outwitted it, the Kerumath pulls another into the way to face its wrath. Some die, some lose everything, some suffer strange and terrible fates that have cautionary tales spring up around them. It is unfortunately rare that the moral of such a tale is "Do not deal with demons."

Eventually, all friends and allies and lovers and family of the Kerumath's master are deceased or soul eaten, or have left him. The Kerumath will continue to advise, until it feels the hands of Fate closing in, and at this point it leaves unless bound. The Kerumath's master will certainly die the hour he can no longer find his trusted advisor, and his soul has no fate in the Underworld or Creation--the wrath of the Pattern Spiders tears the soul apart, and the tiny shreds are drawn into the body of Malfeas, into tiny reservoirs where they take the saline flavor of nervous sweat, murdered blood, and ancient tears, and as the Kerumaths bathe and drink from these pools, they puff up and boast of their most recent additions to their birdbaths.

A Kerumath can lay eggs and reproduce itself, but it may only do so in a nest of redwood shavings and chips from the wooden mask of a Chrysogona. As the two demons tend to serve the same purpose--advisor to the great or would-be-so--they often come into contact from unwise summoners who try to gain the insights from two different points of view, or from two political rivals. The two will immediately fight to the death, and often will injure those surrounding. When it possesses the necessary chips, and no longer feels the need to fight the Chrysogona, it flits to its nest, and begins to sing to itself as it lays a crystal egg, and for once, when it gives further advice, the wrath of Fate fails to deliver--the Kerumath catches the Loom's vengeful pattern spider and takes one of its fangs, driving it away. It places the fang inside its egg, and thus impregnates it.
So I've been thinking of a demon that grants good luck in exchange for some other thing.

So... they can grant background, and merits. Want money? They can alter fate to do that. Want a girlfriend? Events will fall into place, and your life will become a romantic comedy. Want some training? The old man you helped out was a veteran soldier who retired.

1. Is this a good idea?
2. How to balance?

Inspired by this:

Compare with the Cecelyn charms that do that exact thing and consider very carefully the balance.
So I've been thinking of a demon that grants good luck in exchange for some other thing.

So... they can grant background, and merits. Want money? They can alter fate to do that. Want a girlfriend? Events will fall into place, and your life will become a romantic comedy. Want some training? The old man you helped out was a veteran soldier who retired.

1. Is this a good idea?
2. How to balance?

Inspired by this:
It would need very serious drawbacks so it doesn't overshadow VEE, and also falls into the same trap. Namely that you want demons to be doing something, to encourage play. A press button get thing means nothing intersting is happening on screen.
It's a valid question, dont be mean.

@Accelerator I do not know however. Never read it. If you do read it, please share your thoughts with the rest of the thread

@horngeek started catching up on your L5R/Exalted campaign write up and i'm really enjoying it so far. Just got to the part about the essence fever hack and it looks really cool. Having played with it, what are your thoughts?

Whoops I missed this. So, @Maugan Ra probably has some thoughts on this as well, but it works fairly well. The one caveat I'd make is that you should accumulate Fever in combat based on your expenditure over a full combat turn- this is mostly based off the other side of the game trade we run, where I GM for Maugan playing a Dusk Caste Abyssal.

The issue is, Gift of Welcome Oblivion is a combat monster that I still haven't been able to meaningfully challenge in combat, and as written the essence fever hack means she can put a lot of energy into her attacks and defences essentially with little risk.