Vastudoi, The Breathing Worms
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Living Tower
A demon gasps for breath as the air vacates an entire layer; flensing apart it's lungs with merciless indifference. Soon it will die forgotten in some alley of the Demon City. In the air, a gelatinous worm flits free, forcing it's way into the demon's mouth; devouring it's lungs and covering it's mouth with a strange, transparent protuberance, the demon will survive, but it will never breathe freely again.
The Vastudoi are nigh-transparent worms the size of a grown woman's forearm and twice the length, they have two mouths, one is a mass of tendrils around a ring of lamprey-like teeth, the other resembles a fleshy bag that has been attached to it for some unknowable reason. It's body is gelatinous, and it can barely be seen when it lies or floats still in the air, for he Vastudo has the ability to fly, despite the constraints of gravity, moving through the air like it was swimming through some amorphorous mass. It was made by Octavian, the Quarter Prince to give his countless demon legions the ability to fight even in breathless void. It succeeded eminently, and the Vastudo has since become a mainstay of the armies of the Quarter Prince. The power of the Vastudo is to breathe in even the most hostile air; even in the Silent Wind herself, brag the particularly insane of the Vastudoi, although that is a lie. The Vastudo's purpose is to invade the throat of a man or demon, wriggling it's fat, maggot-like body down his throat before devouring his lungs and replacing their function; then it will spread it's bag-like protuberance over their mouth and nose, breathing when they would instead.
The Vastudoi are often highly compassionate, acting with an attitude that is much like that of the ideal physician of Creation; seeing it's purpose equally as a job and a calling, though they may often grow cynical at the rate that their patients tend to die at. It often takes them weeks of painful regurgitation to recreate a patient's lungs, and since they breathe better anyways they often simply do not consider it.
Summoning: (Obscurity 2/4) Demonologists know well of the The Breathing Worms and often summon them to aid the wounded or diseased; they are often summoned alongsides Perroneles and Sesselja and fearsome is the warrior who is host to them all. A Vastudo gains a point of Limit when it must leave a patient that is currently in it's care for any one reason, no matter how reasonable. When a man or woman lies at their deathbed from weak, diseased or wounded lungs with no one to take care of them, then may a Vastudo escape from Malfeas to wriggle into their mouth and bring them the gift of breath once more.