In short, demon summoning with the demon potentially subverting your orders as opposed to fulfilling them in accordance to an inhuman intellect doesn't really feel thematic for Exalted.
I disagree here, and this is why:
The idea here is that this method would be hilariously illegal in the Realm. As, "no, you idiot, we send Wyld Hunts after Dragonblooded who do it". And likewise, Sidereals who do it and get found out get arrested on suspicions of Infernalism. And Lunars who do it... well, the Lunars are a little more liberal about it and it gets justified with "the ends justify the means", but even then you don't
trust someone who binds a demon prince like that.
It's not a good method of binding demons. I want to make that clear. Wise sorcerers don't do it. Moderately hubristic sorcerers are tempted, but realise that it's too dangerous for their precious skin. It's unsafe, and you're
not binding them using the Surrender Oaths. You're trapping them in a mortal vessel and weaving spells around them to compel them. They don't
want to do what you tell them too when this spell affects them - they're forced to by Compulsions that they can
resist and so you have to keep on shouting orders at them to grind down their will if they try to fight you. It's why it only gets used by three kinds of people; very, very desperate people, foolhardy people, and people who already work for Hell even if they don't realise it yet.
(Infernals are only tempted to use it if they've gone renegade and want to lord it over their former bosses, see "foolhardy people". Loyalist Infernals just call the 3CD as part of a pre-negotiated trade.)
But one of the things about demons in Exalted is there's a reason that all the commonly summoned ones are useful. It's because people don't summon useless demons. There are undoubtedly demon breeds in Malfeas that are, for example, worse than fighting than blood apes but even more aggressive - and hence they're obscure and never used, because no one does that when they can just summon a blood ape.
So to my way of thinking, when you have the very safe, very reliable normal Exalted way of demon summoning - there's certainly room for much less reliable, more dangerous ways of doing it that you might do it you can't do it the safe way. Hell, there's even canonical examples of this - thaumaturgy can summon 1CDs and 2CDs but can't bind them. No Exalt who can cast those spells would ever use the thaumaturgies, but someone who can't use those spells
And so there's room in-theme for an unsafe, unreliable way of binding a Second Circle demon in TCS and of getting a Third Circle in CCS. And they're
just safe enough that someone desperate who's willing to gamble that if they micromanage a single demon a tier above what they could normally get might risk that spell. A sufficiently desperate Lunar looking for revenge might try to bind Munaxes into a human body to get a demonhost whose maw can devour entire formations, or a Terrestrial exiled by the Realm might turn to it looking to take down Mnemon and her conventionally-bound 2CDs.
(and then multiple sorcerers tried to get Salina executed for Crimes Against Creation when the first case of a Terrestrial learning that spell from the Salinian working was discovered and they realised what "No spells will ever be lost again" meant.)