You might want to reread the text you quoted. I literally said that combinatorial systems (okay, systes, I can't spel) will have more balance problems for the exact reason that they interact with so many things.

I just think that describing this as a factor increasing QA costs is wrong when QA costs are almost fixed. If the game "needs" more than it's getting, tough, it's not getting more.
actually the QA costs when not paid by the developers is usually paid by the community
So... You're saying that charmshare making the lack of QA a worse problem shouldn't be a point to mention?


Seriously, I have no clue how you got that impression.

And each style I write for cross-splat needs as much work (if I don't want any degeneracy) as writing one style for each splat I'm checking against for degeneracy. Like, say I write that Iron Whirlwind Style. I do one balance pass, for Solar Charms, and call it a day.

How much work does it take me to make that one style balanced, viable and non-breaking for Abyssals, Infernals, Sidereals, Lunars, Dragon-Blooded, Alchemicals, spirits, raksha and first-circle demons on top?

Enough work that if I don't do that, I can use the saved resources to make specifically Abyssal-themed, Sidereal-themed and DB-themed styles, perhaps? Superior ones, too, since I don't have to give a single fuck about other splats when I'm designing them. Sounds good to me.

Not so. Writing a style that works for eight splats is more work than writing a style that works for one splat, but it's not eight times as much work. Maybe one and a half times, or twice.

Balancing is not the biggest part of writing, and splats are similar enough that balancing a style for one splat does a lot to balance it for others as well.
Not so. Writing a style that works for eight splats is more work than writing a style that works for one splat, but it's not eight times as much work. Maybe one and a half times, or twice.

I disagree, from experience. There's a mutual exclusion problem where different splats have different enough meta requirements that, say, costing something one way breaks it for the other splat as an example, and you can't solve that without making splat-specific costs and splat-specific effects. At this point, you might as well just make splat-specific styles.

Like, say I make a CMA perfect defense. Do I cost it competitive to Solar Seven Shadow Evasion, or DB Body of [Element] Defense? If I do the former, every DB in the goddamn world will be using this one style, if I do it the other way, I've just wasted Solar Bob's 8XP. I can solve this by writing one charm for Solar Bob and one charm for DB Steve. If I do this every time something like that comes up, why am I not writing a Solar iaijutsu style and a DB iaijutsu style separately?

Note that if I do make separate styles, I can make them meaningfully thematically distinct. Solar iaijutsu will be fast as light, with blades as sharp as the edge of a perfect shadow. DB will be full of storm thematics and lightning imagery. I can't do this if I want to mash them together into a dumb one-size-fits-all block, can I?

Balancing is not the biggest part of writing, and splats are similar enough that balancing a style for one splat does a lot to balance it for others as well.

This is an outrageous assertion. Back it up.
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If you haven't read it, then you may just have to trust me when I say that it has Charmshare without outright degeneracy.

Claiming this when no other splats but Solars exist is incredibly presumptuous. Martial Arts and Evocations so far are balanced as Solar Charms because that's all the have to be balanced against. We'll see if this keeps up when we have Dragonblooded, Sidereal, Lunar, Abyssal, Infernal, Exigent, Liminal, Getimanian, Fair Folk and general Spirit Charms.

Of course, at the current release rate, we'll find this out when we're all hyper-evolved cyberuploads floating in subspace colonies.
This is an outrageous assertion. Back it up.

A Charm that's broken is often broken for everyone, on account of being flat-out unfair. And a Charm that combines outrageously with options from one splat will often do the same with options from another splat; if Solar Athletics letting you fly breaks it, Lunar shapeshifting letting you fly probably will too.

So a Charm that's not broken for Lunars is less likely to be broken for Sidereals than one that is. Etc.
I disagree, from experience. There's a mutual exclusion problem where different splats have different enough meta requirements that, say, costing something one way breaks it for the other splat as an example, and you can't solve that without making splat-specific costs and splat-specific effects. At this point, you might as well just make splat-specific styles.

Like, say I make a CMA perfect defense. Do I cost it competitive to Solar Seven Shadow Evasion, or DB Body of [Element] Defense? If I do the former, every DB in the goddamn world will be using this one style, if I do it the other way, I've just wasted Solar Bob's 8XP. I can solve this by writing one charm for Solar Bob and one charm for DB Steve. If I do this every time something like that comes up, why am I not writing a Solar iaijutsu style and a DB iaijutsu style separately?

The solution 3E came up with, which I think will probably work fine, is that MA charms have "tiered" effects where a given charm sometimes has weaker mechanics for Terrestrials (and, presumably, Terrestrial-alikes) and/or stronger mechanics for Solars (and allegedly Sidereals). Not every charm has these but enough do that each style is clearly weaker for a DB than a Solar.

I think this is probably the 80/20 rule sweet spot for maximizing charm reusability while minimizing splat balance issues.

edit: examples:

Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style's first charm lets you use your voice as a light thrown weapon. Except if you are a Solar (or otherwise get Mastery benefits, which is the actual keyword) it is a light artifact thrown weapon.

Righteous Devil Style's charm Azure Abacus Meditation lets you ignore soak against enemies outside of cover, or some amount of soak for enemies in different degrees of cover. (Another charm of the style lets you negate cover.) But for DBs, this charm always treats enemies as having at least light cover, so they never get to fully ignore soak.
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The solution 3E came up with, which I think will probably work fine, is that MA charms have "tiered" effects where a given charm sometimes has weaker mechanics for Terrestrials (and, presumably, Terrestrial-alikes) and/or stronger mechanics for Solars (and allegedly Sidereals). Not every charm has these but enough do that each style is clearly weaker for a DB than a Solar.

I think this is probably the 80/20 rule sweet spot for maximizing charm reusability while minimizing splat balance issues.

Note that here we're right back to combinatorial hell and having to care about every possible splat when writing effects.

A Charm that's broken is often broken for everyone, on account of being flat-out unfair. And a Charm that combines outrageously with options from one splat will often do the same with options from another splat; if Solar Athletics letting you fly breaks it, Lunar shapeshifting letting you fly probably will too.

So a Charm that's not broken for Lunars is less likely to be broken for Sidereals than one that is. Etc.

I agree with caveats (this only works for binary capabilities!), but address the PD example.
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Something that might reduce the work in Balancing out martial arts (or other charm shared stuff) between splats, would be to try to develop all splats on the same powerlevel.
Note that here we're right back to combinatorial hell and having to care about every possible splat when writing effects.

No we're not. You more or less have three tiers of MA charm power, and you give splats access to the tier that is appropriate. (And this requires writing much fewer than 3x as many charms.)

I mean, yes, in theory, you could have a problem from combinations, but as I said this is the 80/20 solution.
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The solution 3E came up with, which I think will probably work fine, is that MA charms have "tiered" effects where a given charm sometimes has weaker mechanics for Terrestrials (and, presumably, Terrestrial-alikes) and/or stronger mechanics for Solars (and allegedly Sidereals). Not every charm has these but enough do that each style is clearly weaker for a DB than a Solar.

So your solution to "It's easier to write a separate martial arts style for each splat" is "No, what you do, is you write the same style, but each Charm works differently for each splat! That different than writing a separate style for each splat because reasons."
No we're not. You more or less have three tiers of MA charm power, and you give splats access to the tier that is appropriate. (And this requires writing much fewer than 3x as many charms.)

Yes, I have three tiers of MA charms, and I still need to vet all effects against each splat's meta within a given tier. At best, this does not remove combinatorial hell, it merely reduces the temperature of our roasting because instead of ten splats, I need to check against four, assuming we end up with ~12 splats and they are evenly distributed across the three tiers. I would really rather not do this at all.

I mean, yes, in theory, you could have a problem from combinations, but as I said this is the 80/20 solution.

Is a four-splat combinatorial hell instead of ten really an 80/20 solution in your view?
Yes, I have three tiers of MA charms, and I still need to vet all effects against each splat's meta within a given tier. At best, this does not remove combinatorial hell, it merely reduces the temperature of our roasting because instead of ten splats, I need to check against four, assuming we end up with ~12 splats and they are evenly distributed across the three tiers. I would really rather not do this at all.

edit: derp nevermind

Is a four-splat combinatorial hell instead of ten really an 80/20 solution in your view?

Given that the entire point of combinatorial hell is the fact that the number of interactions is quadratic in the number of charms, and given the fact that 4^2 is 16 while 10^2 is 100... actually yes! This does seem like something pretty close to an 80/20 solution!
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I am not sure where the number 4 came from?

We have a minimum of two new splats. Assuming all prior splats with access to martial arts retain it, that is twelve splats. Assuming the number of splats per tier is evenly distributed, we have four splats per tier.

Given that the entire point of combinatorial hell is the fact that the number of interactions is quadratic in the number of charms, and given the fact that 4^2 is 16 while 10^2 is 100... actually yes! This does seem like something pretty close to an 80/20 solution!

Note that we're doing this from the comparison point of only needing to check any given splat's charms against their own charmset.
Note that we're doing this from the comparison point of only needing to check any given splat's charms against their own charmset.

That's your preferred starting point, sure. But I'm looking at cross-splat Martial Arts - which, for the reasons Sanctaphrax and Omicron have mentioned, provide value and fun! even though they are also costly - and saying, "hmm, is there a way to really cut down a lot on the cost of this while retaining most of the things that are fun". And that's exactly what this tiering solution does - it provides most of the benefit while dramatically reducing the cost. Not to zero! But still a lot less.
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So, due to a game I'm running drawing heavily on Exalted, I find myself in need of Styles related to voidships and voidfighters.

So far, I've only come up with one:

Five Dragon Formation Style
Blah blah fluff about how the Ten Thousand Dragons must work as one. Five Dragon Formation is not the flying style of heroes. It is not taught to the elite pilots who can take on battle-moons in a singleship. Five Dragon Formation has a very simple goal: Every pilot, every ship, comes back.
1:+1 to any maneuver another member of your flight has performed this turn (Basic skill, keeping up with the rest of the squad)
2:+1 to Defend Other (Intermediate skill of the style, keeping other people alive)
3: I can't think of what should go here. Maybe something about Onslaught penalties and wolfpack tactics?

As someone who likes the idea of the redemption arc being survivable, I do think the ST should never let someone start out with a character who's already gone through that. It's... boring. "Let's play a character who's already gone through her most important character arc!"
I played a Solar who had their Redemption before starting play. However, the Redemption did kill a huge chunk of her memories. She didn't know she was a former Abyssal, all she knew was that she knew more about the Deathknights than the other members of the circle and hated all the Deathlords but one on a deep and personal level. But her arc wasn't about "Who am I?", it was about "Who was I?" (This may in part have been exacerbated by the fact that she wasn't around for the First Age and didn't have an unreasonably high Past Lives score.)
Don't worry, this is an easy problem to solve. First Circle Demons who know Celestial Martial Arts are:
c) All already bound.
My Demon PC resembled that remark!
That's your preferred starting point, sure.

The only starting point, given that we are evaluating charmshare and judging it for being terribly wasteful.

But I'm looking at cross-splat Martial Arts - which, for the reasons Sanctaphrax and Omicron have mentioned, provide value and fun! even though they are also costly - and saying, "hmm, is there a way to really cut down a lot on the cost of this while retaining most of the things that are fun". And that's exactly what this tiering solution does - it provides most of the benefit while dramatically reducing the cost. Not to zero! But still a lot less.

I keep pointing out that you can do themed trees of combat charms without charmshare, and nobody appears to notice. The value and fun people seem to like comes from "having themed trees of combat charms", not "having charmshare", yeah? Especially since Exalted 3 has all of one splat out right now and people still seem to like martial arts just fine.

Why, therefore, defend charmshare this way, as if the two are by definition conjoined twins that may not be separated? Remove each splat's Ability trees and replace them with MA-style trees, enjoy.
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I agree with caveats (this only works for binary capabilities!), but address the PD example.

If we're talking 2e, CMAs probably shouldn't contain perfect defenses at all.

If we're talking 3e, it's not really a problem. Perfects are not much of a thing, there's no need to write around them, and there's always the Terrestrial and Mastery keywords if you want to have them available to some splats and not to others.
If we're talking 2e, CMAs probably shouldn't contain perfect defenses at all.

This is actually a great example of charmshare impact - if "CMAs" were Solar Charms, there is no reason why you could not put them in. The only reason you can't do it now is because you can't put a Solar-efficiency PD in a tree that a DB or a Lunar or whatever can buy or you will break the game. Why, conceptually speaking, should this even matter?
This is actually a great example of charmshare impact - if "CMAs" were Solar Charms, there is no reason why you could not put them in. The only reason you can't do it now is because you can't put a Solar-efficiency PD in a tree that a DB or a Lunar or whatever can buy or you will break the game. Why, conceptually speaking, should this even matter?

Clearly, Jon, the solution is to reach for a coding-style solution.

So we begin by defining public interface SnakeStyle. This defines the basic contract of a so-called Snake Style.

From this, we then create two abstract styles, which implement sections of the Charmtech judged to be common for that class of being:
  • public abstract style AbstractSpiritSnakeStyle implements SnakeStyle
  • public abstract style AbstractExaltSnakeStyle implements SnakeStyle
Naturally, of course, AbstractExaltSnakeStyle is extended to create the Celestial variant. We might also want to practice defensive design and also create an abstract TerrestrialExaltSnakeStyle just in case any extra terrestrial Exalts need to be added, to save on refactoring later:
  • public abstract style AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle extends AbstractExaltSnakeStyle
  • public abstract style AbstractTerrestrialExaltSnakeStyle extends AbstractExaltSnakeStyle
Now we're ready to make concrete implementations of Snake Style. At this point we're being conservative, so we probably just want one generic spirit Snake Style - but of course this model would let us expand it up to variants used by snake gods (SnakeGodSnakeStyle) or Second Circles or anything. Then we just make styles on a per-Exalt basis, extending the well-defined abstract styles. We also need an ImmaculateSnakeStyle that extends DragonbloodedSnakeStyle holding the secret techniques of the Order which overrides Charms, of course:
  • public style SpiritSnakeStyle extends AbstractSpiritSnakeStyle
  • public style EnlightenedMortalSnakeStyle extends AbstractSpiritSnakeStyle
  • public style DragonbloodedSnakeStyle extends AbstractTerrestrialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style ImmaculateSnakeStyle extends DragonbloodedSnakeStyle
  • public style AlchemicalSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style LunarSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style SiderealSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style AbyssalSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style SolarSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
  • public style GspSnakeStyle extends AbstractCelestialExaltSnakeStyle
Then we just need a SnakeStyleFactory that takes an ExaltedEntity and returns the appropriate style that implements SnakeStyle, and everything will be fine!

(this is not a serious suggestion - it's just an extended corporate Java joke)
I keep pointing out that you can do themed trees of combat charms without charmshare, and nobody appears to notice. The value and fun people seem to like comes from "having themed trees of combat charms", not "having charmshare", yeah? Especially since Exalted 3 has all of one splat out right now and people still seem to like martial arts just fine.

Why, therefore, defend charmshare this way, as if the two are by definition conjoined twins that may not be separated? Remove each splat's Ability trees and replace them with MA-style trees, enjoy.

We've been over this; you're selectively ignoring the responses people have given. See:

So, you do that. Then you do the same for Lunars, Sidereals, Terrestrials, Infernals, Abyssals, Alchemicals, and Fair Folk. You've written 48 styles, and each character can choose between 6.

If you wrote 3 splat-specific styles per splat, and made the rest MA-like, each character could choose between 27.


The mechanical importance of MA styles emphasizes the setting importance of MA styles, and gives players strong reason to care about sifus and schools and such. These setting elements, in addition to just being good in themselves, let different splats meet in a way that's actually pretty unusual for Exalted.

Charmshare, but with this tiering mechanism (which requires writing far, far less than 3x as many charms) gets us these for much reduced effort in both writing (relative to "no charmshare") and testing (relative to "no tiering").
I keep pointing out that you can do themed trees of combat charms without charmshare, and nobody appears to notice.
Plenty of people have noticed, Jon; the argument is that, if choosing between the alternatives:

(a) Every one of X splats gets Y unique "martial arts" trees, approximately balanced for that splat,
(b) There are Y unique "martial arts" trees, shared between the X splats but approximately balanced,

it's not at all clear that (a) is less work. (a) clearly requires creating XY total trees. (b) requires creating X trees, and checking each tree against Y splats. Your thesis seems to be that "checking this tree against a splat" is necessarily more work than creating a tree from scratch, i.e., that the effort for (a) is on the order of XY, while the effort for (b) is some quantity greater than XY - some (edit: thanks, @grommile) f(X)*Y, where f(X) grows faster than X. The opposing thesis is that f(X) grows more slowly than X, i.e., that checking a tree against one splat is in general less effort than creating a new tree from scratch.

There's also:
(c) The X splats are meaningfully divided into three tiers, and there are Y trees, each "tweaked" for the tier of character using it.

... which, if the X splats really are meaningfully divided into three tiers, in principle cuts the labor down to a maximum of 3Y, that is, the number of unique martial arts, times the number of tiers that art needs to be rebuilt and rebalanced for. (In practice, it's argued, the work required is somewhere between Y and 3Y, because some Charms work fine for all three tiers.)

The points of argument seem to be:
-What actually is the growth rate of f(X)?, and
-Is "tiering" actually an accurate way to describe the breakdown of splats?

We can't answer that second question for 3e, yet, because ha ha Ex3 release schedule, but it's not inherently impossible for it to be true. But it's not at all obvious to me that O(f(X)) > O(X) is necessarily a true statement, and that seems to be the position your argument hangs on; indeed, in the abstract, it seems rather more likely that for many systems O(f(X)) < O(X), in which case (b) or (c) are less net work.
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