Nellens is a beautiful boy, please do not disparage him.
EDIT: Unrelated, but man oh man do I feel bad about accidentally referencing cut fluff from the leak on the OPP forums. I didn't want to bring up any bad feelings, and I bought my copy of Exalted 3rd Edition, I just wanted all the lore I could get my hands on, and maybe a few extra QCs.
Is it just verboten to discuss any of the cut stuff that isn't how glad we are that Evocations got cut down and made more individually meaningful?
And what the heck is an Asmani? Are they new with 3rd Edition (Well, they were cut from the core, but they might still be in the setting overall) Is it just another weird thing in Creation, that the green haired kirby guys with long limbs from Majora's Mask had cooler siblings in the corners of Creation who caught a bad case of the Wyld?