So hey I promised homebrew. This time, I am posting it as a gdoc so people can comment directly (if they choose.) I might've posted something like this before, but this is my second attempt at it.
Exalted Nodes and Navigation
Okay, just had the time to read through this. So, to use an example from Kerisgame as a test case...
Name: The Isle of Gulls
Size: 500 hectare island.
Features: Hidden harbour, Cult 2 (Riyaah MuHiitiyah), freshwater lake, light forest (food and water sources).
Traversal Difficulty: 0 / Open terrain (habitable island).
Access Points: 1: sargasso jungle (safe path).
Capacity: 4 (Resources to support a small village.)
Name: Sargasso Jungle
Size: 450 hectare sargasso field (300m wide ring that starts 100m out from the island shore - approx diameter 2.6km).
Features: Plentiful food (foraging Difficulty 1), sunk ships (Resources), environmental hazard (-2 external penalty to resist Sickness/Poison from the plants and animals), magical resilience (clearing attempts regrow within an hour, or Essence hours if Holy/fire-based). Sorcerous; can be cleared with Countermagic.
Traversal Difficulty: 5 / Extreme terrain (magically snarling seaweed).
Access Points: N/A, 1: Can be accessed from all sides, but only one safe path through, which is difficult to find and twists back and forth. A straighter and more obvious path exists, but this one terminates in a dead end in the middle of the jungle without space to turn a ship around.
Capacity: 3/2 (Only small ships can fit down the safe path.)
Hmm. My main points here would be how Traversal Difficulty works and Capacity of the island. The former disregards the terrain rules on pg 266 of core and doesn't seem to know whether it's a difficulty for rolled action or dramatic travel.
Capacity-wise, the rules work for the Sargasso Jungle - three ships can be in the safe channel at once, and they have to be pretty small - but for a static settlement like the island the "number of units that can be there" doesn't really make sense, and it seems like it would be easier to just have a single number.
Otherwise, pretty cool!