I like it Revlid. I like it rather a lot. Do you mind terribly much if I steal these? A game I'm in has a few Twilight Lore types (who are rather frustrated with the lack of actual Lore based charms), and enough of us know mechanics well enough that we'll get something made, given baseline ideas.

Speaking of Twilights, I redid their anima for that game (since 2.0 and 2.5 versions were... kinda lack luster), but I'm entirely sure i got it balanced right. Any one mind giving feedback?

Twilight Anima, Revised
Solar Exalted of the Twilight Caste may perceive the world clearly and comprehensively, the scouring power of the Sun burning away false leads. By spending five motes, a Descending Sun may decrease the amount of time to perform any purely mental action by one step (Seasons to months to weeks to days to hours to long ticks to short ticks to reflexive). This cannot improve crafting times, though it can improve reverse engineering (Oadenol's Codex, pg19). A Twilight can also add (Essence) automatic successes on any roll that can be enhanced by the above effect, as the light of Descending Suns reveals the worlds secrets. In addition, this supernatural perception easily pierces through deception, decreasing the amount of Willpower they must spend to resist unnatural Illusions by one, to a minimum of zero. These effects come into play automatically once the Solar spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.

And I just got into my First fight in 5 sessions, And My ST when we looked at my sheet, We realized I hadn't I hadn't value updated the Soak/Hardness in a while (5 sessions, had not updated combat values)so when we Ran the Clacs (Using Pre Errata Scar-Writ Saga Shield) realized that I had 68 Bashing/Lethal soak and hardness.

We Are Going to switch to post Errata Scar-Writ Saga Shield, so as to not have the Hardness Creep.

Should we Nerf Sand Body-Armor, or leave it as is?

Cost: None (8m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Heretical, Obvious, Merged (Hardened Devil Body)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hardened Devil Body, Transcendent Desert Creature
The character permanently gains a bonus of +8B/+8L/+2 A soak, which is considered to be natural. However, each time that an attack deals at least two dice of post-soak damage to her, this bonus soak is reduced by 2B/2L/1A (to a minimum of 0 soak). A character may take a miscellaneous action and spend 8 motes to reinforce her skin, restoring her full soak bonus.

This Charm may be purchased (Resistance) Times

• Source: FrivYet
Modifeed My Matthew G and ST

It was Originally Made by FrivYeti, and was just sitting in my Heretical folder, until I realized I needed a Soak booster, Because I had to cover all the roles, as I was the only Person Playing:(

Using a House Rule that All exalts get Essence purchases of Ox-Body (or equivalent) for free (only way to Get them), The Resistance limit was also removed.
Yeah, uh... why the fuck is that Heretical? What possessed people to think it was a good idea for a "my skin is made of ablative sand" Charm to not be a pure Cecelyne Charm?

Not a Clue, I grabbed to from White Wolf's Exalted Wiki before it Went down, and was looking For Soak Boosters, as at the time I had no personal armor.

The original version cost 4 motes to restore your armor, and gave 4 Agg soak, and Subbed for purchases of Hardened Devil body, but We were using a house rule that grants Free ox-bodies or equivalent equal to Dots of Essence, so that made the Subbing for purchases of Hardened Devil body a bit hard, so instead made you able to purchase it Resistance times

If anyone else want to Chim in?


Should I take out the Heretical Tag?
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Gets worse, when combined with the Malfean Soak tree. Lets see, assuming E5, STA 5, Resistance 5 and Ori Superheavy plate....
+17B/L/A Ori Plate
+10B/L Scar Writ Shield
+10B/L Viridian Legend Exoskeleton
+40B/L, +10A Sand Body-Armor

Total 77B/L, 27A Soak, 40/10 of that ablative. Even by soak monster standards, that's ridiculous, nevermind nobody wants to make five repurchases. But the baseline is good, though if you cut the repurchases, you might want to revise the amount of soak up a bit. +10B/+10L/+5A is good, especially since, as Infernal, you really, REALLY want Aggravated soak so those Holy charms don't murder you as much.
Buying it the maximum of 5 times gives you, by my reading, a potential soak of 45B/43L/10A plus armour. This is way too much.

The single-purchase version doesn't look broken, though.

I know, Its after I got the Score tallied up that we realized its that.

Gets worse, when combined with the Malfean Soak tree. Lets see, assuming E5, STA 5, Resistance 5 and Ori Superheavy plate....
+17B/L/A Ori Plate
+10B/L Scar Writ Shield
+10B/L Viridian Legend Exoskeleton
+40B/L, +10A Sand Body-Armor

Total 77B/L, 27A Soak, 40/10 of that ablative. Even by soak monster standards, that's ridiculous, nevermind nobody wants to make five repurchases. But the baseline is good, though if you cut the repurchases, you might want to revise the amount of soak up a bit. +10B/+10L/+5A is good, especially since, as Infernal, you really, REALLY want Aggravated soak so those Holy charms don't murder you as much.

I've Got 7 repurchases.

I'm Currently Essence 7 Stamina 7, Resistance 7, all three Scar Writ, both Viridian Legend Exoskeleton. So currently I've got 70 B/L AND 14 A along with 14 B/L, with the Ability to Tack another 10 B/L soak due to VLE. And I never wear armor, not since a craft focused Solar broke my Jade-steel Breast Plate, and gutted me just before my Exaltation. (I almost Killed him too, Awesome Sneaky Horse, wait your dead too:( )

So I'm Thinking, based on what is being Said, is to take out the repurchase Option, and simply make it provide 10 B/L AND 5 A soak, does that sound about right
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IN a word Document? over 1000 pages. Mind you, that's just for the Infernal Charms, and I have still not finished going through all the Charms (this is after deleting the Ability charms in the Word document, and started to delete any charms that reference the Cannon material)
No, no, I was referring just to Revlid's Infernal Monster Expansion.

It covers, uh, 33 pages. 44 Charms:

Trapped Victim Mania Infliction
Twisting the Countenance Divine
Legions-to-Lepers Lability
Who Fights Monsters Tutelage
Demon-Pig Debauchery
Gore-Quaffing Merriment
Parade of a Thousand Demons
Grind Your Bones
Bruise-Eyed Famine Beast
Heart-Chewing Wendigo Method
Meat of Champions
Casting Off the Eight Restraints
Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
Overbearing Challenger Cruelty
Man-to-Monster Pugilism
Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Bread and Games Brutality
Condemnation of Beasts Method
Glory-in-Torment Circus
Blood-in-the-Water Diabolism
Veteran-to-Vagrant Method
Those Who Are About to Die Shintai
Hydra of the Shattered Temple
Perfected Rage-Saint Sarira
Out of the Inferno Again
Fist Meet Fist
Shields Like Ricepaper Skin
Enemy-as-Ploughshare Rampage
Pummel the Horizon
Flashing Blood-Knuckle Fury
Clenched-Fist Krodha Soul
Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method
Flinch-Inducing Demonhead Defense
Coward-Exposing Humiliation Strike
Fear-Scenting Hellhound Prana
Satanophobic Instinct Induction
Monument to the Monster
Beating the Messiah Bloody
Child-or-Child Polylemma
Speechless in Atrocity's Wake
Behemoth-as-Terrorist Understanding
Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
To Make My Bread
Unholy Eucharist Appetite
On Shintai such as Heuristic Logos, Devil Tyrant Avatar and Demon Emperor.

Would Making A Charm that allows you to change the duration to Indefinite and drop out at will be a charm that could be developed?
On Shintai such as Heuristic Logos, Devil Tyrant Avatar and Demon Emperor.

Would Making A Charm that allows you to change the duration to Indefinite and drop out at will be a charm that could be developed?
You already can drop out at will - unless otherwise stated (as in the Sorcerous keyword), you can end any of your Charms any time you like, regardless of its duration. If you need to free up space in your mote-pool, you can end a scene-long Charm before the scene ends.

As for for Indefinite versions... There's nothing stopping you slapping that together as a Heretical Charm, but for the most part Shintai are intended to be big, obvious Witness My True Form And Despair moments, busted out when you want to turn this fight into a bossfight. The exceptions have obvious reasons behind them (Black Mirror Shintai, for example) and are, well, exceptions. The Scene duration and Simple type means you're not just a Giant Monster - you're a dude who transforms into a Giant Monster.
On Shintai such as Heuristic Logos, Devil Tyrant Avatar and Demon Emperor.

Would Making A Charm that allows you to change the duration to Indefinite and drop out at will be a charm that could be developed?
Sure, but it'd be pretty high requirement, and probably a will power cost.
Heuristic Logos Shintai and Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert are both already indefinite.
You already can drop out at will - unless otherwise stated (as in the Sorcerous keyword), you can end any of your Charms any time you like, regardless of its duration. If you need to free up space in your mote-pool, you can end a scene-long Charm before the scene ends.

As for for Indefinite versions... There's nothing stopping you slapping that together as a Heretical Charm, but for the most part Shintai are intended to be big, obvious Witness My True Form And Despair moments, busted out when you want to turn this fight into a bossfight. The exceptions have obvious reasons behind them (Black Mirror Shintai, for example) and are, well, exceptions. The Scene duration and Simple type means you're not just a Giant Monster - you're a dude who transforms into a Giant Monster.

Thanks for the advice Revlid

Sure, but it'd be pretty high requirement, and probably a will power cost.

hmmm, Yes, that might

Heuristic Logos Shintai and Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert are both already indefinite.

Really, Goes to reread the charm, Yes, Yes it is, huh, how I thought is HLS was Scene length, Meh,

Thanks for the Help people
Sooo, because of one thing or another, looks like I'll GMing Exalted game this weekend. May Sol have mercy on my soul.

Anyway, I decided that first session should be dedicated to designing campaign and characters creation. Since herding nuclear cats and all. 'course, there's some problem, like the fact I am almost completely beginner in TRPG in general (as a GM, and only played Paranoia twice, which is... well, not typical example of TRPG?), and the same can be said about my players. So...

Any tips? Recommended homebrew to make things simple? Making likely-followed rail? Improvising tricks?
Sooo, because of one thing or another, looks like I'll GMing Exalted game this weekend. May Sol have mercy on my soul.

Anyway, I decided that first session should be dedicated to designing campaign and characters creation. Since herding nuclear cats and all. 'course, there's some problem, like the fact I am almost completely beginner in TRPG in general (as a GM, and only played Paranoia twice, which is... well, not typical example of TRPG?), and the same can be said about my players. So...

Any tips? Recommended homebrew to make things simple? Making likely-followed rail? Improvising tricks?

Make sure you have the Errata.

Get a firm statement on the players on what they want out of the game.

Learn to wing things.

Prep work will take longer than you think.
Sooo, because of one thing or another, looks like I'll GMing Exalted game this weekend. May Sol have mercy on my soul.

Anyway, I decided that first session should be dedicated to designing campaign and characters creation. Since herding nuclear cats and all. 'course, there's some problem, like the fact I am almost completely beginner in TRPG in general (as a GM, and only played Paranoia twice, which is... well, not typical example of TRPG?), and the same can be said about my players. So...

Any tips? Recommended homebrew to make things simple? Making likely-followed rail? Improvising tricks?
Communicate what everyone wants ,talk about if someone wants to be a crafter )which will most likely require house rules) or how you want to see the social combat divide, talk about exalted types that are available. Talk how you see the game on the scale of Magitech around every corner versus Daiklave and sandals. Revilids mutation writeup is golden if one of yours wants them. Oh and be wary of mising sidereals , or DB and celestial on account of setting problems for the first , unless it is a ronin which has problems of its own, and powercreep problems. Oh and talk about niche protection.
Usually, unless you're and awful DM who wings it like I have on occasion, you need minimum of 1 hour prep time for every hour of play time. If you want a quality experience, spent at least twice that. My favorite GM spent 10 hours per session (sessions being maybe 4 hours)
So, my old gaming group is having a last hurrah for 2.5e, and they're using Lunars to do it. Only they want to use TAW, which is in practical terms a bit of a mess. So, through wicked deceit and lurid promises, I've ended up spending the last few weekends editing and/or rewriting the whole damn thing.

Hopefully someone else finds it useful, too.