A woman walks into the ministry of records. The smell of paper and tent flaps permeate the air.
She walks up to the front desk.
"Hello, I have a question about the gods. Where are the records of divine insignia and symbology?" The woman asks the librarian.
"Aisle six, left shelf, bottom right."
"Thank you."
She goes to the records.
"Not the smith gods, not the war gods, maybe something with protection? … Vermin extermination?"
As a member of the mining team of new Uluiru, sometimes she has to look in dark caves for ore. Usually this is a quiet job.
The large rat thing hissed at her before giving chase.
This is not one of those days.
She grabs her ax and runs screaming in terror as a huge number of footsteps sound out behind her.
Good news: the mine is decent with copper and iron. Bad news: she has no idea how many disturbingly large rats there are here.
She turns around the corner ax coming out at a rat that jumped at her, scoring a lucky kill and letting her pass.
She erupts out of the hole in the ground, the cold air hitting her face making her contemplate her life choices. She turns the ax on the roof of the cave, hopeful that it would knock down the roof of the cave. Rocks jostle and fall, partially blocking the cave.
She waits. A rat attempts to jump over the rock, and she swings the ax down, slaying a second rat, its death squeak signaling to its comrade to reconsider.
Again, a rat jumps and again it perishes. She wonders how many more will have to fall before they get the picture. She can't retreat or she will be surrounded.
She senses something off in the air and pulls back swinging the ax to the side, dodging the projectile and killing another rat.
She turns to the side and sees a ratman with some sort of rod in his hands and his compatriots armed with crude swords beside him.
"Kill the man-thing!"
More life evaluation occurs.
"Maybe it has something to do with the red. Love, no that does not sound right. Maybe medical, the old hospital had a red floor until the complaints came in, … no that would not follow the context. Maybe it's unrelated to the context and that was just the right time, like the dragons."
A librarian assistant (where does she get that hair coloring from?) comes over.
"Hello, you look like you might need some help." She says, her accent makes her sound a little hoarse.
"Yeah, I saw a symbol in a … dream and was trying to find whose god it belongs to." The woman asked.
"Have you tried asking around?"
"It's a bit of a strange question to ask people."
"What was the context of this dream?"
"Are you trying to determine what a dream means?" The woman asks skeptically
"It happens, but ok, could you trace it out and I could help you look."
She does so, thankful that the symbol consists of easy straight lines.
"Any idea of the color?"
"...Yeah, I don't recognize it. Well, I will start over here." The assistant says pointing to the other side of the divinity section of the ministry.
The librarian tries to help her to find the symbol.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place she kicks the next rat back into the hole as it jumps, dodging the next projectile. The rat sails backward blocking the hole for a second as she sprints into the woods chased by the ratmen. Far off ahead she can hear large footsteps.
As she approaches the footsteps the rats start to break off the chase and she soon sees why. In the center of a small clearing are a fair few corpses of ratmen, surrounding a large rat monstrosity. Its claws thick with the blood of its recent victim.
'Best to hide. I can sneak off after.'
Unfortunately, that is undercut by being covered in rat blood and out of breath. The rat ogre turns to her and roars.
Several hours have passed in the ministry of records.
"All right it's time to close up now." The librarian calls for the ministry to close.
The librarian assistant returned to her actual job an hour ago.
"Did you find anything?" The librarian assistant asks.
"Nope. I think it might be an obscure god of personal protection."
"Well, if you ever figure it out, do come by so we can add it to our records."
The rat monster charges, and she returns the charge.
At the last possible moment, she sidesteps the charge and holds the ax allowing the momentum of the monster to give itself the wound. With a followup attack on it's back that is light meaningful wound, but spreads more blood onto the field, new light is shed on this situation.
Literally it seems the area now has a soft red tinge, and she feels greater power flowing through her. The ogre takes a swipe at her again, but this time there is no dodge. She swings her ax with new force and takes its arm off at the elbow. It pauses in shock just long enough for her to take its second arm off.
She jumps in the air jumping to swing her ax down on its shoulder, coating more of the field in blood. It attempts to lunge at her in vain hope.
With a final swing she decapitates the rat monster and holds her ax up to the sky in victory. The ratmen reveal themselves to have been hiding in the trees surrounding the clearing and take flight. She stands alone in a field covered in blood. Power coursing through her she knows that she has Exalted.
'But by who?'
On her way home she looks in a pond and sees the symbol on her forehead. the symbol of the new power in her body:
"Whose symbol is this?" She asks
Funny thing, the exaltation gives very few hooks on manipulating the exalted in question. They are more resistant to corruption then the average mortal.