You know, I actually took the time to watch some of Preston's other videos, specifically the ones where he goes episode by episode and points out what's missing from the show compared to the book. This would be ok on it's own, but more often then not he ALWAYS sidetracks into these long winded conspiracy theories about every single character's actions, and I mean EVERY ONE, even the no-note, barely mentioned ones, and claims every single thing every single person does is part of their own internal schemes and plans that stretch over years.

Basically, he thinks that EVERY character is Littlefinger.
In my setting, water isn't wet.

There. That's my rules.

If Martin walked up to you and says, "no, it's magic" are you gonna argue?
Technically speaking no, water isn't actually wet; wetness is what happens when you have surface tension plus a surface, and since water doesn't meet that it ain't wet :V
For Preston Jacobs... I will say if you ignore the bigger setting stuff like his ideas on genetics and the sci do elements (seriously "GRRM used to write a lot of Sci fi." Is not a compelling argument for it being a post nuclear wasteland.) He is actually pretty solid on a lot of GOT stuff. He has a real talent for detail so he catches a lot of stuff easily missed. His problem is that he establishes viable theories and then jumps from that into crazy land. But when it comes to specific stuff like house politics and characters schemes he is interesting.
Oh god. He's a lemongater? Yeah, okay, that theory just needs to die.
I think he's one of the original R+L=D supporters

Basically that Dany is the child of Rhegar and Lyanna Stark and Jon is the bastard of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. To make a long story short this has it's origins in Dany's memories of her childhood home being of a red door with a lemon tree outside. The lemon tree is impossible because Braavos is freaking cold.

This leads to a theory that Dany's first home was in Dorne. Problem with the theory is that it requires several groups acting very much against their own interests and agreeing to massive lies for no reason.
So SOMEHOW Dany, being birthed at the Tower of Joy, was able to be transported to Dragonstone and then flee to Braavos with Viserys and wander Essos with her brother for 15 years? Nevermind the fact that Eddard repeatedly hints at Jon is the child of of his sister and Rhaegar since literally the first book? Using bare-science because lemon trees can't grow in Braavos because it's too cold?

Makes perfect sense!
So SOMEHOW Dany, being birthed at the Tower of Joy, was able to be transported to Dragonstone and then flee to Braavos with Viserys and wander Essos with her brother for 15 years? Nevermind the fact that Eddard repeatedly hints at Jon is the child of of his sister and Rhaegar since literally the first book? Using bare-science because lemon trees can't grow in Braavos because it's too cold?

Makes perfect sense!
Because the alternative is that Dany has a spotty memory of when she was five and either imagined the lemon tree or combined two memories accidentally, and that's clearly impossible. Clearly.

Also Dany wasn't just born in the tower of joy, she somehow spent years in Dorne.
Because the alternative is that Dany has a spotty memory of when she was five and either imagined the lemon tree or combined two memories accidentally, and that's clearly impossible. Clearly.

Also Dany wasn't just born in the tower of joy, she somehow spent years in Dorne.

My earliest memory was me in the cradle, and I distinctly remember I was at my grandma's house, my ma was in the kitchen, and there were guests around. I was probably 2 years old.

If I can remember it, then Dany can remember being a toddle in Dorne.
The thing is Lemongate is SOLVED. The memory of Dany was originally of Tyrosh. There is an early edition of that chapter in some magazine that says Tyrosh. So either there is an editing error when that was changed, or in-universe Dany is confusing memories of Braavos and Tyrosh. In any case, Tyrosh is where she spent most of her life; hence she speaks Valyrian with a Tyroshi accent, as the wine seller in Vaes Dothrak notices.

But in any case it's Tyrosh, not Dorne. And any theory that doesn't have Rhaella as mother of Dany is ludicrous to start with.
There is literally nothing indicating this.

I'm not a believer in the theory, but we know that he was bought so that he could be castrated for some magic ritual, and we know that the blood of a king is important for at least R'hollor magic, with relatives to the king counting, and that the Blackfyres claimed to be the rightful kings of Westeros. It's not inconceivable that he could have been bought specifically because he had Blackfyre blood in him.
I'm not a believer in the theory, but we know that he was bought so that he could be castrated for some magic ritual, and we know that the blood of a king is important for at least R'hollor magic, with relatives to the king counting, and that the Blackfyres claimed to be the rightful kings of Westeros. It's not inconceivable that he could have been bought specifically because he had Blackfyre blood in him.
That's a pretty good mage to realize that a street performer had Blackfyre blood despite no one else seeming to know this.
That's a pretty good mage to realize that a street performer had Blackfyre blood despite no one else seeming to know this.

The much more accepted fAegon theory rests on Sera, a sex slave, being a Blackfyre. I don't see how this is more unlikely. Being a beggar prince doesn't mean anything to the important people of Essos. Knowing doesn't matter, actually caring does.
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There is literally nothing indicating this.
It's literally the only way his actions make sense, unless he's the Joker and raising hell for the fun of it. He directly contributed to the downfall of the Targaryen regime by driving Aerys's paranoia and foiling Rhaegar's plot to depose his clearly mentally ill father. Yet now he is, supposedly, a Targ loyalist trying to reinstate the Targaryen regime. After ordering the heirs of the last Targaryen king to be assassinated in Essos. And his plan to reinstate the Targs after getting Aerys's children out of the way revolves around using the Golden Company, the military organization founded by the Blackfyres and which is only notable at all in the setting for trying to reinstate the Blackfyres a couple generations back. Hmmm...
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It's literally the only way his actions makes sense, unless he's the Joker and raising hell for the fun of it.
With an assertion like that, I get the feeling that you haven't gone back over the relevant bits of canon in a long time. The insane theorycrafting that this fandom attracts also makes the resulting fanon incredibly toxic.

Fanon isn't necessarily bad, and insane theorycrafting can be fun in a comedic brainstormy way, but when people latch on to their favorite ideas and asset them to be, not necessarily better than canon because there are always flaws that can be addressed, but more canon than canon, that causes... issues.
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