you keep watching - other than I guess morbid fascination?

1. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't interesting.
2. Because bitching about it and watching others bitch about it is fun and cathartic
3. Because talking about why a show doesn't work is interesting in terms of critical analysis and talking about storytelling.
4. Because when it's not being completely awful there are still okay little bits and scenes mixed in there. They haven't killed off all their good actors quite yet and maybe Sophie Turner, Coster-Waldau and Maisie Williams will stop phoning it in at some point?
5. Because people really care about A Song of Ice and Fire and want to talk about how it fails to faithfully adapt the story.
6. Because I do what I want.
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On the positive side, I really liked Littlefinger playing Arya in the latest episode.

For one thing it shows that Littlefinger is actually really good at intrigue and manipulation, instead of that just being an informed ability. And second, it also shows that no, Arya hasn't become an uber-ninja-spy-assassin after just some months of training in Braavos. I mean already her sudden skill with Needle was hard to swallow (even if the choreography was nicely done, admittedly), so it's nice to see her still bested.
Danaerys probably doesnt want to fricassee centuries of her family's history. And burning down the traditional seat of the Seven Kingdoms would send a pretty harsh message of "fuck the Seven Kingdoms".

I mean, there's a reason why the Reds didn't try that shit during the Dance of Dragons
Hmmm then what about having an archer or two mount up on the dragon as well and see if they can snipe Cersei from the air?........nah would need to have a damn good eye, steady aim and be lucky enough to catch her near a window.

Oh! What about using the dragons to deliver a small handful of troops into the Keep to assassinate her while the Dragons are acting as a big, flying, flame-spewing distraction outside?
No seriously dude, I keep hearing about people complaining about teleportation and it's like: "Waaaah! Writers tell us time passes between scenes but We're such babies who can't accept answers that don't fit our precise likes! Waaaaaah! Everyone must drink our salt!"

And as much as I don't like using Family Guy for showing how I feel, this really does sum up my opinion on this matter:

How about you stop reflexively defending bad writing and story telling? Are you unable to even understand or handle constructive criticism? Are you one of the people who think of stuff like the Emoji movie, Batman v Superman, Iron Fist and Pixels as unrivaled masterpieces unfairly scorned and derided by evil critics, SJWs and salty nitpickers?

Would you be saying the same crap if it was 60 years ago and we were talking about freaking Plan 9 from Outer Space?
Hmmm then what about having an archer or two mount up on the dragon as well and see if they can snipe Cersei from the air?........nah would need to have a damn good eye, steady aim and be lucky enough to catch her near a window.

Oh! What about using the dragons to deliver a small handful of troops into the Keep to assassinate her while the Dragons are acting as a big, flying, flame-spewing distraction outside?
To be fair, Daenerys has consistently been shown as the only one to ride a dragon, and except for the Naval Battle of Mereen, only ever one dragon at a time (and at Mereen, the two other dragons may well have just acted on their own). It may not be possible for her to have archers on her dragons, let alone transport troops. Dany always has one flying artillery piece with her. That is a giant bonus, but the dragons don't seem to be more than that.
@Polokun it comes down to what @all fictions said once again. The show drifted from its deeper themes to being little better than this video at times.

And you really should back off telling people how they feel, it's petty. I'm sorry we don't love everything the show has done, but @Hykal94 and others have said why we keep watching it, and outlined the things we like. Time to chill.
To be fair, Daenerys has consistently been shown as the only one to ride a dragon, and except for the Naval Battle of Mereen, only ever one dragon at a time (and at Mereen, the two other dragons may well have just acted on their own). It may not be possible for her to have archers on her dragons, let alone transport troops. Dany always has one flying artillery piece with her. That is a giant bonus, but the dragons don't seem to be more than that.
I was thinking more tying people to her own mounts claws/sides with ropes and them cutting themselves free when the dragon swoops low near the ground/roof.

I'm mostly just theorycrafting right now since I find it a fun exercise.
Stop: Enough
enough @Polokun I'll be frank, for the last few pages you've been debating in bad faith so I'm booking you for 25 points under a rule 4 violation.

I mean if, after someone gives you a list of the things they like about the show, you proceed to go "bullshit there's nothing you like about the show" well that's pretty blatant right there.

As for the rest of you all? Lay off. You're dogpiling at this point. We don't need dogpiles. Also the tone of the thread's been deteriorating. Rule 3's still a thing. Please observe it.

Alright I'm gonna get off my soapbox now. Stay calm and carry on. That's all.

@Polokun it comes down to what @all fictions said once again. The show drifted from its deeper themes to being little better than this video at times.

And you really should back off telling people how they feel, it's petty. I'm sorry we don't love everything the show has done, but @Hykal94 and others have said why we keep watching it, and outlined the things we like. Time to chill.

The "westerosi all stars dream team" thing... they actually went and bloody did it. Good job, show.
@Polokun it comes down to what @all fictions said once again. The show drifted from its deeper themes to being little better than this video at times.

And you really should back off telling people how they feel, it's petty. I'm sorry we don't love everything the show has done, but @Hykal94 and others have said why we keep watching it, and outlined the things we like. Time to chill.

You know what's sad? Ignoring that it's Tyrion who does it. A magic shadow baby killing all the Freys makes more sense then super assassin Arya infiltrating the twins and pulling what She did off.
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Seeing the leaked episode and this fanwork fits like a glove to what is happening at the moment
Honestly, DnD could probably do an okay job adapting the First Law. Because the First Law is atleast 50% snarky meatheads fucking around in the wilderness and getting into trouble. Which they aren't actually bad at writing.
Uh... okay... to sum up.

- The King in the North and co go on a relatively low stakes mission that should just be a basic bitch snoop and poop.
- Things go tits up and the King in the North gets hopelessly surrounded because they were way to close to the main zombie host for some reason.
- The King in the North needs to be saved by Dany literally falling from the sky. Apparently booking it from Dragonstone to the North in... an hour?
- A dragon gets killed and Dany books it, leaving the King in the North to die and he's only saved by his supposed to be dead uncle riding in from nowhere.
- Did I mention the King who's the only thing holding the North together almost died, like, fifty times?
- The Nights King now has a dragon.


Also, I can't tell if Jon got the last Baratheon, AKA the best bet to rally the lords of the Stormlands, killed.
Uh... okay... to sum up.

- The King in the North and co go on a relatively low stakes mission that should just be a basic bitch snoop and poop.
- Things go tits up and the King in the North gets hopelessly surrounded because they were way to close to the main zombie host for some reason.
- The King in the North needs to be saved by Dany literally falling from the sky. Apparently booking it from Dragonstone to the North in... an hour?
- A dragon gets killed and Dany books it, leaving the King in the North to die and he's only saved by his supposed to be dead uncle riding in from nowhere.
- Did I mention the King who's the only thing holding the North together almost died, like, fifty times?
- The Nights King now has a dragon.


Also, I can't tell if Jon got the last Baratheon, AKA the best bet to rally the lords of the Stormlands, killed.
Let's see you try to steal an ice zombie and do better. The fact that they only lost Thoros was amazing on their part, and Dany losing one of her dragons was not seen coming from ANY of them.
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