Okay so this episode is really odd. In the fact that I kept feeling like it was going to end but it kept going and going. Characters keep zooming by at lightspeed across the continent. Cersei has gone from obsessed with killing Tyrion to letting him into the city for her plans. The show pushing Dany and Jon together feels really forced. And on the opposite end the little finger scheme feels wierd, the show seems to think him making Sansa the heir is a bad thing but... Logically she should be, she has the best claim and she saved the day at the battle of the bastards with the vale army. She has also shown to be better at day to day ruling and has lots of experience from her time in kings landing learing about politics. And the thing is I doubt Jon would even care if Sansa asked for leadership. He has better things to worry about. Gendry coming back to the story is neat but I am not sure what his purpose is besides a possible last minute hook up with Arya to appease fans. I really don't like the way that the R+L thing was revealed. It raises so many stupid questions that I know this show will never answer. First of them being "So what?" like even if Jon is a Targ and people somehow accept that. The Targs were thrown out of westeros. Viserys was called the beggar king after all. Dany is claiming the thrown on birthright but she also seems to be going for "I have dragons kneel bitches" stance. So unless Jon reveals his parentage and Dany steps aside for him... Oh god I really hope I am wrong. Lastly the "capture a other" plan seems kinda silly but it makes sense in a twisted logic.
I just realized that Sam's complaining about having to record all the times a Maester took a shit is the perfect argument towards people complaining not seeing every single detailed advancement of what goes on between scenes and time passing.
I just realized that Sam's complaining about having to record all the times a Maester took a shit is the perfect argument towards people complaining not seeing every single detailed advancement of what goes on between scenes and time passing.
I would've thought that (in the Worm fandom) Heromaker's Legacy and Taylor Varga were argument enough. :V
Westeros is not, however, the size of both Americas. KL to CR is more like Sao Paulo to Valparaiso.

This is calculations for a clipper, the fastest sailing boat before engines came about. This is one ship.

Euron did so with a fucking armada so it still makes no logical sense.

See my previous post for my response.

I'll be frank Polokun, I could care less about your fanboy defenses for the series.

Game of Thrones makes unnecessary plotholes after unnecessary plotholes. Holes that never needed to exist in the first place.

D&D does not appreciate the source material. It has consistently messed up themes, plotlines, and characters turning them into caricatures instead of the nuanced people they are in the books. D&D are actual "professional" writers who said "themes are for eight grade reports".

Do the novels have problems? Absolutely, and the show did the right thing to trim the fat. But despite the bloat, Martin plans and writes better than most people give him credit for. I, and many fans, do not appreciate the course the show has taken.

Your constant fanboy defenses are annoying. People have grievances with the show, and while you have your right to defend it, you absolutely are not doing it in good faith when people point out holes and your only responses are with "who cares fanboys are just salty nitpickers lol".

Your complaints amount not to logical debate, but nu-uhs and name calling.

Stop it. It's childish.
I'll be frank Polokun, I could care less about your fanboy defenses for the series.
I'll be frank Hykal in return, I could care less about your nitpicking perfectionism and salt.

If you hate the show so much, stop watching it. All people do is do nothing but complain endlessly about it, but still continue to watch it like masochists who have nothing better to do.
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I do what I will. Forums are places of discussions, and if you can't handle your precious show being attacked by people who use their brains, then put up with it.
Except your own position makes zero logical sense.

You hate the writing.

You hate the characters.

You hate the directors.

You hate the pacing.

And you hate how it's basically insulting the source material.

So why the fuck are you STILL watching the show then? Don't just blow me off here, I want a legitamate answer here. If this show apparently offends you on every level, then I honestly do not understand why you're watching it.
So why the fuck are you STILL watching the show then? Don't just blow me off here, I want a legitamate answer here. If this show apparently offends you on every level, then I honestly do not understand why you're watching it.

The show does not offend me on every level. I know it's hard for you to comprehend, but I actually enjoy about 50% of the show. I actually like most of the cast, the acting, the sets, the locations, the CGI and all the things that makes the show what is is.

It's the other 50% that I absolutely despise.
Oh that's bullshit, there's nothing you like about the show.

See? Constant childish arguing and name calling. Is it hard for you to understand that there's both good and bad in Game of Thrones, and that by pointing out the bad, people are more aware that something can improve by not falling to nonsensical teleporting?

And that's just the teleporting. The characters in the show are just worse versions of themselves in the books.

People criticise for good reason, dude, and it's not because of salty nitpicking as you fanboys say it.
See? Constant childish arguing and name calling. Is it hard for you to understand that there's both good and bad in Game of Thrones, and that by pointing out the bad, people are more aware that something can improve by not falling to nonsensical teleporting?

And that's just the teleporting. The characters in the show are just worse versions of themselves in the books.

People criticise for good reason, dude, and it's not because of salty nitpicking as you fanboys say it.
I have yet to hear ANY one say anything good about the show on either this or SB, outside of battles looking cool but then quickly saying said battles make no sense logically, tactically or plotwise.
I have yet to hear ANY one say anything good about the show on either this or SB, outside of battles looking cool but then quickly saying said battles make no sense logically, tactically or plotwise.

You can say both good things and bad things about a show.

It's not rocket science.

(Also, a lot of the battles made no sense tactically)
You can say both good things and bad things about a show.

It's not rocket science.

(Also, a lot of the battles made no sense tactically)
My point is, it should be obvious by now that for the next two or so years, there's going to be nothing but complaints about the show and how it's gunna be written off as the worst adaptation ever put to screen that should've been cancelled after the first episode.

And then when the books come out that will likely have similar, if not a lot of plot points that are exactly the same, and people will then complaint that GRRM is a terrible writer who doesn't know anything about history or characters or whatever.

Leading me to question then why the heck this series (Books or show) was ever popular at all.
Leading me to question then why the heck this series (Books or show) was ever popular at all.
I think you're vastly overstating people's opinions and the quality of adaptations before this, but this is pretty simple. Something that has a good first season/episode/etc can then go on to be bad or mediocre. It happens: Heroes, Lost, nBSG all are said to suffer from this to various degrees. It happens with movies as well: the Lord of the Rings movies were great. The Hobbit movies were...not. The quality of a work is not set at the first installment, never to be changed.
I think you're vastly overstating people's opinions and the quality of adaptations before this, but this is pretty simple. Something that has a good first season/episode/etc can then go on to be bad or mediocre. It happens: Heroes, Lost, nBSG all are said to suffer from this to various degrees. It happens with movies as well: the Lord of the Rings movies were great. The Hobbit movies were...not. The quality of a work is not set at the first installment, never to be changed.
I'm sure people here can easily tear apart the first few seasons being terrible as well without a doubt.