Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

If we're all going for some kind of genjutsu technique, I still think my write-in for the sword length genjutsu is the best bet. If he's in melee, he's almost guaranteed to deal a wound unless they notice the tip is under a genjutsu, which is even harder to do when the sword is moving.

The sword/fan one sounds auditory, and while interesting, probably doesn't have the lethality of the write-in which is a nice counter for those anime hairline dodges.

It's a useful technique and it would

work very well when he learns how to extend the blade with chakra. The problem as Vesvius said is how to show it.

The audible one should be easier to demonstrate in a spar at the Academy without risking cutting up one of his classmates.

It seems like this was skipped by a few people, but I think this is really important.
Please keep in mind, that we can ask Gai for help. We are not on our own and don't have to go the most complicated way for whatever skill or technique we choose.
Particularly those options with the Archive seem sketchy.

I'd rather ask Gai than go to the archive for sure. We're still in hard/insane mode though, so no one is gonna hand Daisuke a genjutsu or a ninjutsu just because he asked.
i'd like to take a moment to point out that we have superhuman intelligence, constitution and are close too reaching pinnacle appearance.
if it wasn't clear before it is now, someone is trying to turn us into a lover and not a fighter.

speaking of
Well. Was told Pinnacle appearance Dai would have a similar look to Sephiroth, so I did a bit of mixing and matching Seph with what I did with Dai's Mom to produce a late teen / early adult Daisuke.

would that make naruto cloud in this analogy? and tifa sakura or ino?
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I went for the multi-leaf spinning option because, as someone else pointed out earlier, it would train us to use multiple tenketsu all throughout our body at once. At the bare minimum I think this would help us prepare for the Eight Gates, even if we don't ever try to develop a full-body chakra technique or get some kind of chakra-powered/infused armour.

I'd be open to changing it to one of the other Chakra Control options, including Shape Manipulation, if people can convince me and/or it will get people to vote for my plan, though.
Geedubs, our plans are mostly the same, differing only on Ninjutsu, chakra control, and Henge, I'm willing to go with your option on Henge. Flawless or quick is all the same to me really. As for the other two, I think the hiding our signature for chakra control is a slightly better option if we're going with developing our own genjutsu. The surest way to give away an illusion is to call attention to it. As for ninjutsu, I think that combining our shape manipulation with our blade is a great way to synergize our abilities. We already have shape manipulation, we already have good kenjutsu, combining them only makes sense imo. Any thoughts?
Pride In Your Heritage
As strange as it is to think of, there was a time before modern civilization. A time before convenience, a time before the shinobi system, a time before Kages, a time before villages even. But there was the clan. The clan still stands strong, and endures forever.
Unlock Condition: ???
Reward: Gain Access to the 'Warring States' Era
Status: LOCKED
[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
It's probably not that easy but :thonk:
Violation of Rule 2 - “Trap” is a slur
Also I checked the Char sheet

What in the everloving fuck

Appearance only needs 300 more exp to reach pinnacle

Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why

Edit: it actually needs 295 more exp, why? Do you want him to be a bishie? Or maybe... a trap?
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fluffwise yes. Crunch wise, mastery is 1000xp, so it makes sense to demonstrate a skill we already have if we can.
you can't be sure treewalking is considered a technique though. or it and waterwalking might actually be the same skill, so that waterwalking is the advanced version and treewalking the intermediate one.

Is it possible to simply buy a jar and jelly beans identical to Iruka's? The usual answer to challenges like these is to fill up your own jar with jelly beans and count them. There's still be math involved in calculating the jars size.
...this might actually make the challenge A LOT easier! nice idea!
Geedubs, our plans are mostly the same, differing only on Ninjutsu, chakra control, and Henge, I'm willing to go with your option on Henge. Flawless or quick is all the same to me really. As for the other two, I think the hiding our signature for chakra control is a slightly better option if we're going with developing our own genjutsu. The surest way to give away an illusion is to call attention to it. As for ninjutsu, I think that combining our shape manipulation with our blade is a great way to synergize our abilities. We already have shape manipulation, we already have good kenjutsu, combining them only makes sense imo. Any thoughts?

My problem with the 'no chakra flare' option is that, well, its sneaky - not the easiest ability to demonstrate to the Academy teachers. Spinning leaves all over our bodies, tree walking and showing off our Shape Manipulation are all a lot easier to get marked off on. I do agree that being able to eliminate our chakra flare would be really useful, though.

I have no problem with the 'sword enhancement' option winning, I just like the idea of getting some help from Gai or one of his friends/peers more. It opens up some potential for character interactions, potentially allows us to branch out from 'Tai+Kenjutsu' & not rely on it too much OR enhance it further with an official technique and is something thats been brought up a few times throughout the thread already anyway. I'd be happy to switch my Ninjutsu option over to that if I got confirmation that it would get more people to vote for my plan, but as it is I found going to Gai-sensei more interesting.
If the no chakra flare has any use as an ability, then there should be no problem showing it to our instructor. Either no one can sense chakra anyway so the ability won't matter, or the abiility is useful and our teachers would be able to see that.

Like, if chunin can't recognize that someone performing a technique right in front of them is not flaring their chakra, then the ability is useless.
My opinions

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Chakra Control?
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!
Both Tree-walking and controlling the chakra flare make sense as choices. I'd go with Tree Walking mostly because we'll have to learn it anyway, and i expect that if it counts as a technique "treewalking" would be the intermediate stage and "waterwalking" would be the advanced one. Master might be something like "run up a waterfall" or something.

We might maybe want to add a write-in like "if you get tree walking quickly enough and the other projects are going as well, try to go for water walking too", but it's not that important.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Genjutsu?
[] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
[] [GENJUTSU] The most essential part of Genjutsu is being able to get out of them. So you'll hone your release methods, practicing every way you can think of.
[] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
[] [GENJUTSU] Write-In
We want to USE genjutsu, so i'd ignore the dispel option (though i don't agree with the people who believe it would be hard to show. It's just not what i want).

We need to be carefull not to pick too many complicated options as our time is limited, but I'd go with the fan-sword genjutsu. We all want it, let's be honest

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Henge no Jutsu?
[] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
[] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
[] [HENGE] The primary use of Henge is to change your appearance to look like someone else, but a truly advanced user can look like anything. You'll work on transforming into inanimate objects and hiding yourself in places people won't ever think of looking!
[] [HENGE] Write-In
Fast Henge is not usefull outside of combat. Do we want to use it in combat? I get those who think it's a starting point in understanding how to use less handseals in general, but i don't think it works that way. It strikes me more as a "choose your advanced level trick with the jutsu"

Still, between fast henge, flawless henge and object henge I'd go with the Flawless one. Object might be good too, but it's probably harder to do and DEFINITELY advanced, flawless MIGHT be simply intermediate (though it's probably advanced as well).

In the end Fast is for combat, object to hide better and flawless for infiltration/assuming someone's identity, and i prefer the last one.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for History?
[] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
[] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
[] [HISTORY] Write-In
I'd prefer to avoid Iron, mostly because i remember Inoichi's doubts and our reputation is still developing. Better to come across as less interested in our origin. Third Hokage could work, but as it says it's a lot of work. So I'd go with the warring states, both for the achievement and for the interesting stories and ideas it could give us (what clans are extinct? what jutsu are lost to time? Also IC way to discover about the Uzumaki)

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Mathematics?
[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
[] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
[] [MATH] Write-In
Budget requires too much attention and we have better things to do. I'd go with @Redhawk idea and do a write-in like this

[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
-[]buy a jar as close as the one on display to help your guess

Otherwise I'd go with the trap.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Ninjutsu?
[] [NINJUTSU] Outside of the Academy Ninjutsu, you've got nothing. That cannot stand. You need more options, and mastering an outside technique will put you on a more level playing field grade wise. You'll go research what you can at the Archives. You know there has to be something there perfect for you.
[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
[] [NINJUTSU] Write-In
no archive. We have a Gai if we need something like that. I'd avoid elemental ninjutsu for now, better to have a teacher for it.

Or we try to enhance our sword with chakra, or we go with a write-in where we ask Gai (maybe about Shunshin or Summoning?)
[] [NINJUTSU] Write-In
-[]ask Gai if he can teach you a jutsu, maybe Shunshin. Or, if it's not too soon, maybe he can introduce you to the Turtles and see if they like you enough?

tl;dr my favourite options are

[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

maybe add we'll try for water walking if we have time

[] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.

[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
-[]buy a jar as close as the one on display to help your guess


[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.


[] [NINJUTSU] Write-In
-[]ask Gai if he can teach you a jutsu, maybe Shunshin. Or, if it's not too soon, maybe he can introduce you to the Turtles and see if they like you enough?
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Does Henge actually change mass and form? Or is it just an illusion? And thus... a Genjutsu?
On chakra control
Tree walking:
Pros: visually impressive, I'm assmuming that this is easier than the others
cons: If Sakura notices she'll manage to do it straight away

Multiple leaves:
Pros: visually impressive
cons: doing things simultaneously is possibly harder than tree walking

chakra stealth
Pros: we get chakra stealth,
cons: harder to notice the achievement and even harder to get it under control. I suppose he'll do his best to minimize the flaring, but I think the flaring is just a product of too much chakra produced for the jutsu. What level of chakra sensing does the instructors have anyway? Will it be immediately clear when he's completed it?

I'm gonna guess that tree walking is the easiest of them all, and we do have a time limit.

Looking over the options it does seem like the last one takes up the most amount of time.

It's easy to find stuff on Hiruzen, probably harder to find good enough info about a time before Konoha, easier to make an advanced trap set up than to re-do the Academy's budget.
Also I checked the Char sheet

What in the everloving fuck

Appearance only needs 300 more exp to reach pinnacle

Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why

Edit: it actually needs 295 more exp, why? Do you want him to be a bishie? Or maybe... a trap?

Pinnacle (2000 XP): You're not just the leader of the pack, you're the unquestioned master of it. No one's as strong, no one's smarter, and your smile is classified as a category 5 jutsu.

That smile is tempting though.
Frankly I prefer this over pumping xp into making Daisuke stronger/faster. Dunno what the reward xp/trained xp ratio is but the reward xp has gone up by a lot. Daisuke should train for something too.
I don't get why people think being a beautiful man means looking like a woman.

I mean, take Sephiroth, the guy is gorgeous obviously but most depictions I've seen of him depict him as ultimately masculine.
Like, he has strong shoulders, a broad chest and typically everything about him emphasises his power and might.

He's also very well groomed.

Or what about depictions of Xiahou Dun in Dynasty Warriors? He pretty much always looks beautiful, often with fabulous hair, but is absolutely manly as all hell.

Have y'all never seen a beautiful man before?
I am on my phone at work and won't have too many opportunities so taking this time to put down my thoughts and vote properly when I am home

Plan advance
What is Daisuke's Final Project for Chakra Control?
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

Improves not just control but also amount and leads on to the next ecrise.

One handed seals or seamless nuts require control

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Genjutsu?
[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

Just more impressive overal

[X] [GENJUTSU] Write-In
Use change to create multiple arms so that you oponet won't know where you are striking ffom also legs because real swords me look at positioning of the feet and body to predict strikes apprently

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Henge no Jutsu?
[] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
[] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
[] [HENGE] The primary use of Henge is to change your appearance to look like someone else, but a truly advanced user can look like anything. You'll work on transforming into inanimate objects and hiding yourself in places people won't ever think of looking!
[] [HENGE] Write-In

What is Daisuke's Final Project for History?
[] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
[] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
[] [HISTORY] Write-In

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Mathematics?
[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
[] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
[] [MATH] Write-In

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Ninjutsu?
[] [NINJUTSU] Outside of the Academy Ninjutsu, you've got nothing. That cannot stand. You need more options, and mastering an outside technique will put you on a more level playing field grade wise. You'll go research what you can at the Archives. You know there has to be something there perfect for you.
[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
[] [NINJUTSU] Write-In
I think there's a couple of these I would consider harder to do. I think we need to not load up on those ones or we risk failing them all.

For most I think the third task is the hardest, I wouldn't want to take on more than 2 or maybe 3 of them.

I like the Elemental jutsu one, knowing our element will let us figure out cool things down the line. I also like the math one to help the academy, it just seems like the best way to show off our math skill. Traps and beans, sure good job, but saving the school money? Now that's impressive.

[] Plan Impressive Balance
-[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
-[] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
-[] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
-[] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
-[] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
-[] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.

Part of the reason to do the history on the third is we are a foreign student. Let's show them our love of "Will of Fire".
Does Henge actually change mass and form? Or is it just an illusion? And thus... a Genjutsu?
think of it as a ninjutsu hologram. If you're REALLY good with it (and have enough chakra) it becomes a solid transformation.

In this quest (and many other's) headcanon Naruto is an exception, as he has a lot of chakra and he had no idea what he did. Basically he got lucky (or maybe being the jinchuriki of a kitsune, known in their legends for their shapeshifting abilities, helped)
Tree walking:
Pros: visually impressive, I'm assmuming that this is easier than the others
cons: If Sakura notices she'll manage to do it straight away

why would it be a con? Even if she did that doesn't mean it wouldn't count for us.
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Taking the jar option in math isn't a good idea. The volume fraction (ie, how much space each grain takes up when you take the empty spaces into account) is random and depends on the history (somewhere between the tightest possible packing, and where it averages by just pouring it in). So you can make a good estimate, and the larger the jar, the better your estimate will be relative to the total, but error is pretty much inevitable. And since it's supposed to be exact, we'd have to rely on chance.
Hm. Would we be allowed to weigh the glass and make calculations based off of that?
This would be an option (so long as the jelly beans don't vary in weight too much, but I don't think that would be an issue)
...So what you're saying is just don't get caught.

Seriously, we're a ninja.
That works, but at that point it shows our stealthing, not our mathing.

...this might actually make the challenge A LOT easier! nice idea!
Because of the random way granular matter stacks up, you'd get different results on repeated pours. Not hugely different, but all it takes is one. And if Iruka made sure to pack the jar tight, we'd be off even more.
fluffwise yes. Crunch wise, mastery is 1000xp, so it makes sense to demonstrate a skill we alre

I don't know why people keep saying that we need to actually Master Tree Walking. Getting it to Basic (250XP) would be enough for demonstration purposes, and Intermediate (500XP) is enough to use it in combat situations. Going for Mastery (1000XP) would bring it to the level of grabbing mud off the ground with your feet to throw it into people's faces with a kick, or landing a kick, using chakra to grab onto them, and then flinging them in a different direction, or how about being able to deliberately overload the technique to cause explosive kicks?

Demonstration tier Tree/Water Walking is a lot closer than you all are making it sound like.
I know, but I see people posting their prototypes not in plan form, so I'm getting this in early so people see it.
is task format the same as plan format? i didn't think so.

I thought it was every task for itself.

@Vesvius can you confirm? also

[] [NINJUTSU] Write-In
-[]ask Gai if he can teach you a jutsu, maybe Shunshin. Or, if it's not too soon, maybe he can introduce you to the Turtles and see if they like you enough?
I don't know why people keep saying that we need to actually Master Tree Walking. Getting it to Basic (250XP) would be enough for demonstration purposes, and Intermediate (500XP) is enough to use it in combat situations. Going for Mastery (1000XP) would bring it to the level of grabbing mud off the ground with your feet to throw it into people's faces with a kick, or landing a kick, using chakra to grab onto them, and then flinging them in a different direction, or how about being able to deliberately overload the technique to cause explosive kicks?

Demonstration tier Tree/Water Walking is a lot closer than you all are making it sound like.
we also have no reason to believe treewalking and waterwalking to be different skills.

It might just be that the first is basic/intermediate, and the other is advanced/master.
Of the ones I'm interested in, it's probably
What is Daisuke's Final Project for Chakra Control?
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
Tree walking is a basic skill, and one that's immediately useful.

But I am attracted to the leaf spinning. That seems like it'd boost our chakra control a lot more than just tree walking since tree walking only focuses on chakra at 1 point of the body, the leaves focus on control everywhere.

And if we want to do super chakra slashes or something, i think we'd want to boost our chakra control as high as possible if we want it to be more rasengan and less that one moon slash that got stopped by sand body armor.
What is Daisuke's Final Project for Genjutsu?
[] [GENJUTSU] The most essential part of Genjutsu is being able to get out of them. So you'll hone your release methods, practicing every way you can think of.
[] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
[] [GENJUTSU] Write-In
Either getting out of genjutsu for our warrior build or the fan.
Getting out of genjutsu's just good sense
The fan genjutsu just sounds hilarious though.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Henge no Jutsu?
[1] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
[2] [HENGE] The primary use of Henge is to change your appearance to look like someone else, but a truly advanced user can look like anything. You'll work on transforming into inanimate objects and hiding yourself in places people won't ever think of looking!
[] [HENGE] Write-In
Yea, not really interested in speed. Either object or flawless transformation. Kiiinda tempted to flawless though. Since it might translate to flawless object transformation since we'd be focused on picking out details of objects and people. After that, it's just a matter of chakra control.
What is Daisuke's Final Project for History?
[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
[] [HISTORY] Write-In
I'm really tempted to go for iron. But I figure we should go for the warring states period. It's politically neutral, and it also gives us knowledge on secret stuff like madara and stuff. Besides, the warring states period are some of the most exciting periods for most nations. Also, ninja's were almost practically ninja/samurai hybrids at that time! Or at least Madara was, we might be able to pick up some tips.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Mathematics?
[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
[] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
[] [MATH] Write-In
No clue what to do for math. Thinking the trap making in the middle of battle though, being able to calculate stuff like that on the fly is probably just a good idea.

What is Daisuke's Final Project for Ninjutsu?
[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
We have a sword and I hear someone mentioned sephiroth. Being Ninja Sephiroth sounds amazing and I want to get on that.
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why would it be a con? Even if she did that doesn't mean it wouldn't count for us.

It's just less impressive if suddenly all other girls with low chakra capacity manages it.
I can't remember canon that well and I'm not sure if Sakura had a talent for chakra control or that she just had good chakra control because her capacity was Forgetable.

It would probably still count though, and I had to think of one con.. :p

pretty sure tree walking would be the simplest chakra control goal, and the sooner we can tick it of the more time we have for the other stuff.