FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

I like the idea of having Martians in the process of dying out as the humans get there. We'll do some continuity magic and say that the human colonists, John Carter's Red Martians, and the invaders from War of the Worlds are all the same people. There's not enough actual alien Martians left to invade Earth (using the idea of Black Martians being Marvin's people).

How do you lot feel about retconing the DC Martians so that Green and White are deviations off of the human colonists? We could have it be an expression of the Mutant gene, or a Celestial experiment like the Eternals went through.
I feel like it works better for the DC Martians to be native Martians
I like the idea the human colonists have crossbred with the red martians (or become the Red Martians), and in the future leads to the native human martians we see in Futurama like Amy Wong. But I think Green Martians should stay their own native species. Especially since they are basically extinct.

Maybe J'honn was teleported to Earth before his species was wiped out. So when he eventually finds a way back, he's horrified to have lost everything. He might be convinced it was the colonists who destroyed his people-hence why he becomes "The Martian Manhunter".
I like the idea the human colonists have crossbred with the red martians (or become the Red Martians), and in the future leads to the native human martians we see in Futurama like Amy Wong. But I think Green Martians should stay their own native species. Especially since they are basically extinct.

Maybe J'honn was teleported to Earth before his species was wiped out. So when he eventually finds a way back, he's horrified to have lost everything. He might be convinced it was the colonists who destroyed his people-hence why he becomes "The Martian Manhunter".
I'd actually prefer it if Mars extinction happened as it did in the Bronze Age.
I thought the DC Mars extinction happened 500 years ago? Wait which canon are you using, because I'm basing it on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon.
In the Classic DC Comics, The Martians weren't extinct when J'onn came to Earth. This was because Earth hadn't seen the pictures of Mars surface which definitively proved Mars didn't have life. Afterwards, DC's Martians were wiped out, and after the Crisis it was established the J'onn was the last survivor when he came to Earth
In the Classic DC Comics, The Martians weren't extinct when J'onn came to Earth. This was because Earth hadn't seen the pictures of Mars surface which definitively proved Mars didn't have life. Afterwards, DC's Martians were wiped out, and after the Crisis it was established the J'onn was the last survivor when he came to Earth
Ok. That's fine with me. Since the Chitauri have taken the role of the White Martians in this universe, do you want to say they are responsible for wiping out the Green Martians back in the Bronze Age? Possibly with the help of the other Martians including the 'bred to survive' Red Martians?

Maybe J'onn was in hibernation until he came to Earth, or perhaps was teleported from the Bronze Age across space and time by Dr Saul Erdel to (60s? 90s? Whenever we want the Justice League to come around I guess) as the last Green Martian.
Ok. That's fine with me. Since the Chitauri have taken the role of the White Martians in this universe, do you want to say they are responsible for wiping out the Green Martians back in the Bronze Age? Possibly with the help of the other Martians including the 'bred to survive' Red Martians?

Maybe J'onn was in hibernation until he came to Earth, or perhaps was teleported from the Bronze Age across space and time by Dr Saul Erdel to (60s? 90s? Whenever we want the Justice League to come around I guess) as the last Green Martian.
I'm assuming it's Ultimate Comics style Chitauri and not MCU Chitauri?

Like I said, I'd like the Martian Manhunter to come to Earth while the other Martians are still alive
I'm assuming it's Ultimate Comics style Chitauri and not MCU Chitauri?

Like I said, I'd like the Martian Manhunter to come to Earth while the other Martians are still alive
But you just said you wanted the Martians to be extinct since the Bronze Age. I'm so confused...

EDIT: Yes Ultimate comics Chitauri, not MCU versions.
But you just said you wanted the Martians to be extinct since the Bronze Age. I'm so confused...

EDIT: Yes Ultimate comics Chitauri, not MCU versions.
I was referring to the Bronze age of comics, not the historical bronze age. I think it would be most interesting if the Martians are alive when J'onn debuts then go extinct
I was referring to the Bronze age of comics, not the historical bronze age. I think it would be most interesting if the Martians are alive when J'onn debuts then go extinct
Any specific reason why? Doesn't that sort of devalue J'onn's status as the last of his kind? I'm not saying no, I'm perfectly happy to have Green Martians in some way in the setting, I'm just curious your reasoning for going against the normal interpretation of Green Martians.
Any specific reason why? Doesn't that sort of devalue J'onn's status as the last of his kind? I'm not saying no, I'm perfectly happy to have Green Martians in some way in the setting, I'm just curious your reasoning for going against the normal interpretation of Green Martians.
I feel J'onn is overly defined by the loss of his people. It colors everything about him.

Plus, we could use the loss of the Martians as an occasion in which the Heroes fail, and use it for character development
I feel J'onn is overly defined by the loss of his people. It colors everything about him.

Plus, we could use the loss of the Martians as an occasion in which the Heroes fail, and use it for character development
Fair enough. In that case shall we say they are just endangered when first introduced in the setting, rather than wiped out? That would explain how it's possible to wipe out an entire species, if the heroes fail. They might be endangered because of attacks by the Chitauri, or just because of their low birth rate.

I don't think the technology of the Green Martians is well defined. Shall we say for this setting they are fairly low tech, given they can't work with fire (vulnerability), and they are a peaceful species so they don't use their incredible abilities (telepathy, shapeshifting, super strength etc) to just take technology from the other species?
Fair enough. In that case shall we say they are just endangered when first introduced in the setting, rather than wiped out? That would explain how it's possible to wipe out an entire species, if the heroes fail. They might be endangered because of attacks by the Chitauri, or just because of their low birth rate.

I don't think the technology of the Green Martians is well defined. Shall we say for this setting they are fairly low tech, given they can't work with fire (vulnerability), and they are a peaceful species so they don't use their incredible abilities (telepathy, shapeshifting, super strength etc) to just take technology from the other species?
I'd assume there Tech Level would be based on the John Carter franchise
I'd assume there Tech Level would be based on the John Carter franchise
Yeah ok but the Green Martians in John Carter were primatives, with very basic tech. That's what you had in mind?

The super advanced Black Martians probably keep themselves separate from other species, and are less likely to share tech.

Red Martians, I believe so correct me if I'm wrong, have a kind of Roman level of tech, or maybe less advanced than that even. Any advanced things they have, like special terraformed cities or perhaps melee lazer weapons, is probably salvaged from Black Martian ruins.

I'm cool with all that if you are. I'm also fine if you would prefer to have Green Martian and Red Martians to have more similar levels of tech.
Yeah ok but the Green Martians in John Carter were primatives, with very basic tech. That's what you had in mind?

The super advanced Black Martians probably keep themselves separate from other species, and are less likely to share tech.

Red Martians, I believe so correct me if I'm wrong, have a kind of Roman level of tech, or maybe less advanced than that even. Any advanced things they have, like special terraformed cities or perhaps melee lazer weapons, is probably salvaged from Black Martian ruins.

I'm cool with all that if you are. I'm also fine if you would prefer to have Green Martian and Red Martians to have more similar levels of tech.
I'm pretty much fine with whatever for there Tech level
Ok so we've got Mars sort of figured out, let me know if people want me to change anything:

Originally there were Green Martians (DC), Black Martians (Looney Toons), Yellow Martians (Extinct), White Martians (Chituri Ultimate Marvel) on Mars. Then due to interbreeding to survive the climate of Mars, Red Martians were born.

John Carter arrived from Earth in the early 19th Century by wondering through a cave (maybe there was a rip in space that allowed him to do it). After 10 years he came back to Earth.

Then a scientist (maybe H.G. Wells' Time Travller) managed to figure out how to open the time rift, and sent a group of colonists to Mars. However, something destroyed the rift (maybe the cave collapsed or something), and the scientist disappeared. So the colonists were considered lost.

1930s or earlier, Black Martians invade Earth, having learnt about it from the human colonists, and now fear Earth is a threat, sending their disease ridden people to Mars as a potential precursor to an invasion. They are defeated by Earth (probably with disease), leaving very few of their kind left.

After the fall of the Black Martians, Red Martians and Human colonists spread over Mars, marrying and become a new species just called 'Martians'. They discover old technology, Mass Effect Relays and Aldnoah Devices (basically all the 'we found Precursor tech on mars' cliches from all the settings) making a new Empire, able to travel through space with incredible machines.

Then there is a second war with Earth. Who started it, either Earthlings in response to the early attack, or Martians trying to gain supplies, or maybe the Chitauri instigated the war as a way to find a way to take over both planets.

Possibly during this war, Martians build the Terraformars a mutant cockroach super soldier species to fight against mankind, but they turn against them, creating a new threat on Mars. Whether this spreads to Earth and brings the Alien Engine Virus, we can decide later on.

Sometime during this conflict, or maybe after because of it, the Green Martians are driven to extinction, not by the actions of humans, but by the failure of heroes.

I think this is about as far as I got so far. Does it sound like a good outline, or any glaring problems?
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Looks good to me, though I would specify that the extinction of the Green Martians wasn't the result of human action
Let's handle Magic
Alright, I think we've got this ironed out for now. We can revisit it later the next time Mars comes up. Good job with the summary, CoreBrute, and well done to everyone!

Now...it is time.

We have to talk about magic.

I'll begin with etymology. The word Magic comes from Old French "magique," from Late Latin "magice," from Greek "magike" (presumably connected to the root tekhne for "art," which is also the origin of technology). Magike is the feminine of magikos, which comes from magos. Magos means "one of the learned and priestly class." That in turn comes from Old Persian magush, which may tie back to the Proto-Indo-European root *magh-, which means "to be able, have power."

The words for such a priest include "Zagmi" (akkadian), Hiereus (greek for priest, diviner, or sacrificer), Pontifex (latin), şamān (tungus), Wu (chinese), Kannushi or Shinshoku (japanese), and Draoidh (irish).

In ancient times, the concept of such sorcery or mystical manipulation was inextricably tied to these high-class priest figures. It wouldn't be until later that magic was associated with devious figures hiding their actions and intentions in the shadows. So what we can infer from this origin is that "magic" as a concept is best defined as the "actions and sacred techniques of the upper-class priesthood."

Now, what sources of Magic do we have in Fusionverse? We have the Anodites of Ben 10, who manipulate life-force and do not have DNA. Other magic users in the setting are either part Anodite, or have learned Anodite-related techniques (feel free to correct me). In DC Comics, we have the Homo Magi, including Zatara and Zatanna. There are also higher magical beings like Nabu, who characters such as Doctor Fate draw their power from. Marvel Comics has its own masters like Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange, who operate on mostly similar techniques to DC mages. In Dragon Ball, the many kinds of Ki are kept distinct from the concept of Magic, or Majutsu. There are natural born masters of it like Bibidi and Babidi, but they are galactic-level rare. Majutsu is primarily supportive, but can be mixed with Ki. There is magic in Disney movies, but we haven't touched Disney yet as it's a whole thing to get into. One prominent example of a mage would be Elsa of Arrendale. Perhaps one of the most developed models we have is the one present in Harry Potter. FMA brings us Alchemy and Alkahestry, which are described as an infusion of art, science, and magic. We have the Outer Plane Summonings from the Bartimaeus Trilogy, though this is not something I am knowledgeable about. Within the Fusionverse, we have CoreBrute's invention of the Power Rangers Mystic Force assembled from Hogwarts alumni, who combine Rowling's style of magic with the power of the Morphing Grid. There's a magic system in the Nasuverse, but we're still working out what to do with the Nasuverse, so that's off for now. We've got magic in Adventure Time, which I don't know much about, and magic in Fairly Odd Parents, which I don't know much about. Pretty sure there's magic in Samurai Jack.

Naruto's Chakra use (such as Ninjutsu) does not count as magic in-universe. Katara in TLA says that bending is not magic, but she's not the most empirical source. The Lion Turtles, who gave people bending, say that once upon a time, all living things could manipulate energy directly. Their gift to humans was a more concentrated, simplified way of manipulating energy. There is technically magic in RWBY (but we're led to believe Aura, Semblances, and Dust don't count as magic, and the "real thing" is barely explained at all). The Force doesn't count, as it's more a matter of trusting the cosmic interwoven power of the galaxy, or imposing your will upon it through sheer chutzpah.

This is by no means the end of our conversation on Magic, just my attempt to get us started. Everyone, please add all the sources of magic you can think of, or that are on our list of canons to work with. Even if they're poorly defined, we need them in one place.
My preference with regards to Magic is that the source of Magic is the Force from Star Wars. All forms of Magic come from the Force, which is the connection between living things. Magic is a highly cultural thing, which means that the beliefs of the people using magic tangibly effects what form it takes.
My preference with regards to Magic is that the source of Magic is the Force from Star Wars. All forms of Magic come from the Force, which is the connection between living things. Magic is a highly cultural thing, which means that the beliefs of the people using magic tangibly effects what form it takes.

An interesting thought. While the Force itself is patently not Magic, it could be the power source from which Magic arises. The difficulty there is that there are many canons that would conflict with this. For example, D&D Clerics and DC's Doctor Fate getting all their power from ancient gods, like Pelor and Nabu. Doctor Strange also relies on pacts with people like the Vishanti for magic, though not entirely. Do these divine or high-mystical beings also source their power from the Living Force?

Then, speaking of Dungeons and Dragons, we have the difference between Wizards and Sorcerers. A Wizard is someone with no magical power, no access of their own being, except a spark of ingenuity. Their scholarly studies allow them to bend the laws of reality to their whim, even though they are not themselves supernatural creatures. Sorcerers, on the other hand, are innately magical and draw their power from within. If the source of all Magic is the Force, then Wizards don't exist, while Sorcerers might. The Living Force is in all things, composed of all things, powered by all things. So a sort of Wizard who has no personal access to supernatural power, wouldn't be a thing.

I think a better solution would be to hybridize Dragonball's concept of Ki, Naruto's concept of Chakra, and the Force. In Fusionverse, midichlorians are not a thing that exists in all life forms, as they are in the galaxy of Star Wars. They are personal to a higher race of beings, like the Otsusuki clan in Naruto, who brought midichlorians to Earth (and other worlds) and instilled them into the people there. If you have midichlorians, then your access to the Living Force is far stronger, more instinctive and natural (proportionate to your MC count). If you don't have them, or have very few, you instead have to rely on the sort of training we see in Dragon Ball, where you learn to harness your "Ki," your personal connection to the Living Force, without having a high MC count.

However, that is not magic, as none of those three concepts were to begin with. There could certainly be forms of magic that draw on life force, as that has always been a thing in various fictions. Those would rely on a person's Ki/the Force, and people with a high MC count would be better at them.

I mean, TES magic, like I said previously, comes from Magnus, basically the thid biggest fish in the cosmology, and whom created Magic as a third pillar upon which reality could rest, alongside Space and Time.

And Magic continously pours into the mortal universe throught the holes into Aetherius (Magnu's dimension) created when the Magna-Ge fled, being the biggest and most important one the Sun

I think that as a basal origin of Magic could work
An interesting thought. While the Force itself is patently not Magic, it could be the power source from which Magic arises. The difficulty there is that there are many canons that would conflict with this. For example, D&D Clerics and DC's Doctor Fate getting all their power from ancient gods, like Pelor and Nabu. Doctor Strange also relies on pacts with people like the Vishanti for magic, though not entirely. Do these divine or high-mystical beings also source their power from the Living Force?

Then, speaking of Dungeons and Dragons, we have the difference between Wizards and Sorcerers. A Wizard is someone with no magical power, no access of their own being, except a spark of ingenuity. Their scholarly studies allow them to bend the laws of reality to their whim, even though they are not themselves supernatural creatures. Sorcerers, on the other hand, are innately magical and draw their power from within. If the source of all Magic is the Force, then Wizards don't exist, while Sorcerers might. The Living Force is in all things, composed of all things, powered by all things. So a sort of Wizard who has no personal access to supernatural power, wouldn't be a thing.

I think a better solution would be to hybridize Dragonball's concept of Ki, Naruto's concept of Chakra, and the Force. In Fusionverse, midichlorians are not a thing that exists in all life forms, as they are in the galaxy of Star Wars. They are personal to a higher race of beings, like the Otsusuki clan in Naruto, who brought midichlorians to Earth (and other worlds) and instilled them into the people there. If you have midichlorians, then your access to the Living Force is far stronger, more instinctive and natural (proportionate to your MC count). If you don't have them, or have very few, you instead have to rely on the sort of training we see in Dragon Ball, where you learn to harness your "Ki," your personal connection to the Living Force, without having a high MC count.

However, that is not magic, as none of those three concepts were to begin with. There could certainly be forms of magic that draw on life force, as that has always been a thing in various fictions. Those would rely on a person's Ki/the Force, and people with a high MC count would be better at them.

1. No, the force itself is magic. While Jedi and Sith usage of it typically falls more in line with psychic abilities, other force using groups use it in more obviously magical ways

2. Pacts with other beings would be formed through connections via the Force

3. No, with the Force Wizards would be more common than Sorcerors. Everyone is connected to the Force, after all, so everyone is capable of learning magic in this set up. Some people can use it more naturally than others due to bloodline, but everyone can do it

4. I disagree entirely with merging Ki and the Force. Part of the reason that I want the Force to be the origin of Magic is to have a clearly defined difference between Magic and the Supernatural martial arts like Ki. The Force is power derived from connections with others, whereas Ki is the power of the individual. I actually did have a write up for how to combine various supernatural MArtial Arts, if you're interested in seeing it
I wish I wasn't about to go to bed when you posted about magic cause I have so many thoughts about it.

Initial questions: What differentiates someone born with high midichlorians from Homo Magi, if you want to treat the Force as another word for or expression of magic?

Is the Dark Side of the Force a different kind of magic from the Light Side of the Force, as the light side is 'the connection between all living things', or are we treating them as the same, and the only bad thing is how people use the Force?

Regarding Wizards and Sorcerers, depending on your game group and the setting, Wizards do need to have some potential with magic even though they must study. Sorcerers just have overflowing potential, they can basically break the rules of magic.

Do we want to include Dragon Age magic, which comes from one's connection to the Fade, aka, the dimension of dreams? If we want to say Tamriel came from a reality alterer dreaming of the continent and making it real, it makes sense for the Fade to have a connection.

Are we still setting Star Wars stuff in the future or the past? I want to know if we are going to run into Sith relics, or if the Sith are going to run into Justice League relics. Or is that happening simultaneously with Firefly and modern day, cause I've lost track. Cause if it's in the future, we may have just not learned that all magic comes from the same source-or forgotten.

If some powerful forces like Demons or good entities or Fae offer magic, whose to say what they offer is not completely different from The Force, and plays by it's own rules? These entities live outside this dimension, perhaps live outside the Force, hence, wouldn't their magic be different? I don't know how much multiverse stuff Star Wars does.

4. The Force is power derived from connections with others, whereas Ki is the power of the individual. I actually did have a write up for how to combine various supernatural MArtial Arts, if you're interested in seeing it

I desperately want to see this.
I wish I wasn't about to go to bed when you posted about magic cause I have so many thoughts about it.

Initial questions: What differentiates someone born with high midichlorians from Homo Magi, if you want to treat the Force as another word for or expression of magic?

Is the Dark Side of the Force a different kind of magic from the Light Side of the Force, as the light side is 'the connection between all living things', or are we treating them as the same, and the only bad thing is how people use the Force?

Regarding Wizards and Sorcerers, depending on your game group and the setting, Wizards do need to have some potential with magic even though they must study. Sorcerers just have overflowing potential, they can basically break the rules of magic.

Do we want to include Dragon Age magic, which comes from one's connection to the Fade, aka, the dimension of dreams? If we want to say Tamriel came from a reality alterer dreaming of the continent and making it real, it makes sense for the Fade to have a connection.

Are we still setting Star Wars stuff in the future or the past? I want to know if we are going to run into Sith relics, or if the Sith are going to run into Justice League relics. Or is that happening simultaneously with Firefly and modern day, cause I've lost track. Cause if it's in the future, we may have just not learned that all magic comes from the same source-or forgotten.

If some powerful forces like Demons or good entities or Fae offer magic, whose to say what they offer is not completely different from The Force, and plays by it's own rules? These entities live outside this dimension, perhaps live outside the Force, hence, wouldn't their magic be different? I don't know how much multiverse stuff Star Wars does.

I desperately want to see this.
1. The force itself is the connection. The Darkside is a disruption in the force.
2. I think a good way to imagine it is that Magic has a variety of Power Sources, which a person can connect to via the Force.
3. I also think it's important to nail this down: Magic is not a resource, it is a skill
4. Okay, so from what I recall

Ki is the physical energy of the body
Reiatsu is the Spiritual energy of the soul
Chakra is a combination of Ki and Reiatsu.