OOC: First Omake because I was bored.
At the dawn of the End Times, the vast hordes of the Skaven Under-Empire were unleashed upon the Dark Lands, and for the second time in history, fully united under one purpose. Beings across the world were almost certainly joyful at seeing two of the greatest forces of destruction fight each other. Had they the ability to clearly see the future, they instead would have cursed their luck. True, the two forces would clash and unleash destruction upon each other, but through those horrid battles were the Skaven inspired to greater heights.
Certainly, the powerful Dreadquake Mortars that shattered walls like they were mere sand, Magma Cannons that melted even the toughest force of Warbeasts, and roaring Iron Daemons that stampeded across the land on steam engines and transporting ordnance with unheard of speed were worthy of inspiring both awe, and imitation. Of course Clan Moulder was inspired by the speed and strength of the mutated Bull Centaurs, the rage and flight of the Great Tauri and the magical abilities of the Lammasu. But one of the discoveries the rest of the world would learn to curse the most was that of the K'Daai.
To understand this, one must first understand the origins of the K'Daai. They were born from the desire of the Chaos Dwarves to subjugate, to conquer, to dominate all. They were creatures forged to be one half the stuff of the Warp, and one half raging fire and hatred, contained in a metallic shell, shrouded in the magics of the Dawi Zhar sorcerers. They are the ultimate expression of Hashut: creatures dedicated to hatred, tyranny, and greed; all buried within an inferno of hate.
It is little wonder then, that the Skaven were so enthralled. These were principles they knew very well. The urge to conquer all, the hunger to engulf everything in their path, and a deep-seated loathing, an all-burning contempt for anything that stood in their path. Both they and the Chaos Dwarves had pushed the limits of technology and sorcery, paying with great costs to their bodies, scorning all others as beneath them, suspicious of even their own kin, greedily coveting anything they could gather, dedicated to their black-hearted god, and determined to stamp out any and all resistance that would dare oppose their survival and supremacy. In these, the Skaven and the Chaos Dwarves were far more alike than either would care to admit.
And as the strongholds of the fallen Dwarves crumbled one by one, as the power of the Dark God Hashut waned as his followers died, the Skaven longed for the ability to unleash the Daemonic Engines that were the K'Daai. As studies were made for the process in which the weakened God would be fed to the Horned Rat, so to were the arts of hatred, of the Lore of Hashut, and the summoning and binding rituals brought to serve the Skaven. Soon enough, the magics of the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers, and the monstrous K'Daai, would be unleashed upon the world, under a new master.