I think of plan to successfully kill Malekith but we need to prepare with some dice,This plan maybe see idiotic if we are not superior Skaven race.

Spend some dice to steal Sword Of Khaine,and experiment to learn more of god of murder power.

Then give that sword to Eshin assasin and send them to kill Malekith.

Malekith has super armour that can tank magical weapon and super sword that can destroy lesser magic weapon.

If we use sword of Khaine then we made sure Malekith is biting the dust.

This maybe my disappointment of End Time , they have this sword of murder but they only use it to kill each other,Instead of use it to kill Nagash or Daemon&Chaos.
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I think of plan to successfully kill Malekith but we need to prepare with some dice,This plan maybe see idiotic if we are not superior Skaven race.

Spend some dice to steal Sword Of Khaine,and experiment to learn more of god of murder power.
Ummm, no,

See, the thing is, isn't the Sword of Khaine in Ulthuan? You know, the place that we have absolutely no access to at the moment, the only way we currently have to get there is via boat, and defending it is countless enchantments and the greatest navy on the planet?

I'm thinking it would be easier to just take all of Naggaroth then it would be to take that sword.

If we want to get to Ulthuan we want to first either take Naggaroth so we can use their Black Arcs or take Athel Loren and hope we can use their World Root network to teleport there.
Ummm, no,

See, the thing is, isn't the Sword of Khaine in Ulthuan? You know, the place that we have absolutely no access to at the moment, the only way we currently have to get there is via boat, and defending it is countless enchantments and the greatest navy on the planet?

I'm thinking it would be easier to just take all of Naggaroth then it would be to take that sword.

If we want to get to Ulthuan we want to first either take Naggaroth so we can use their Black Arcs or take Athel Loren and hope we can use their World Root network to teleport there.
I think the sword is on Isle of Blight or something?And guard with some white lion army?.
I agree to take world root though,that way we can out manuever every faction on the planet.
I think the sword is on Isle of Blight or something?And guard with some white lion army?.
I agree to take world root though,that way we can out manuever every faction on the planet.
The Isle of Blight is part of Ulthuan, so to get there we would still have to get past Ulthuans defenses.

Most of the fighting is going to be in the Old World and we have holds just about every five feet so we already outmaneuver every faction, but, you know, more outmaneuvering can only help.
If we want to get to Ulthuan we want to first either take Naggaroth so we can use their Black Arcs or take Athel Loren and hope we can use their World Root network to teleport there.
Personally, I prefer my "steal every single ship in the Old World, and sail there in the largest ramshackle fleet to blight the seas, in the middle of a massive, warpstone fueled storm." I think it's appropriately subtle, no?

You're right, they might even not notice us until a century later, long after we've enslaved them.
Just the WTF moment when Imperial and Brettonian leaders start getting news that, out of nowhere, their ports have been raided, and all their fleets stolen, by ratmen out of the sewers.

Better yet, there's almost nothing they can really do about it, at least at first. They can't get there ships back, because we stole all their ships! And they can't march on the Under-Empire, because A) they have no idea where we are, and B) it'll take them a little bit to move past the "Wait, your serious? Ratmen from the sewers? Seriously?" phase. Almost everyone is currently in deep-denial about our existence right now, and I see no reason that every sucker punch can't be used to capitalize on taking out someone else.

So, @Xantalos - how may dice would Sylvania require
...and for our horned benefactor... how upset do you think the rest of the empire would be if we cleaned up this undead blight of theirs?
Mmm... 4 dice if the rest of the Empire's intact, 3 dice if you've taken around half of the provinces out, and 2 dice if there's only two or threeish provinces left or if the provinces right next to them are under your territory - if you've isolated them, in other words. With some developing and utilization of your necromancers, it can go down to 1.

A tricky question - currently only the most high in the Man-Thing's empire suspect our existence, and the prospect rightfully terrifies them enough that they fool-fool themselves into thinking we are naught but bogeymen. If you were to take-take Sylvania when the man-things are relatively at peace, they would no doubt call a great crusade against us and our holdings beneath our cities - one would call it mutually assured destruction if they were not-not so insignificant to us. If, however, there were a force of undead rising from that place-place, and we crush or weaken it in the process of taking it, they may let it slide as it were. It all depends on how much of a threat they perceive us to be.
Hmm,Maybe we can tick man-thing to accept us as allied?,I think we use Orge in our current plan,maybe we can hire Tilea mercenary as our paw to move against other enemy.

Take out Sylvania is good in meta perspective,If Sylvania gone then dead-thing can not have their rally rgound to gather their force.

Mmm... 4 dice if the rest of the Empire's intact, 3 dice if you've taken around half of the provinces out, and 2 dice if there's only two or threeish provinces left or if the provinces right next to them are under your territory - if you've isolated them, in other words. With some developing and utilization of your necromancers, it can go down to 1.

A tricky question - currently only the most high in the Man-Thing's empire suspect our existence, and the prospect rightfully terrifies them enough that they fool-fool themselves into thinking we are naught but bogeymen. If you were to take-take Sylvania when the man-things are relatively at peace, they would no doubt call a great crusade against us and our holdings beneath our cities - one would call it mutually assured destruction if they were not-not so insignificant to us. If, however, there were a force of undead rising from that place-place, and we crush or weaken it in the process of taking it, they may let it slide as it were. It all depends on how much of a threat they perceive us to be.

So Are we know about Silver Pinnacle? The base of operation of Neferata,mother of vampire.I think if we can spend some dice and can capture Neferata,Clan Moulder should be glad to experiment with vampire species and maybe research elixir of life.

Man,compare to Skaven vampire experiment seem safe in comparision.:)

Another target I want to strike is,the forest in the empire that Zacharius the everliving live,He drink blood form dragon and also have book of Nagash if I remember correctly.We should strike and conquer forest of shadow and show them who is the boss.

In End time Zacharius don't have much screen time anyway.

Well, one idea is to just get a Orc Waaaagh to head into Sylvania and just stealthily loot the place while everyone is distracted by the Orc's.


,I think we use Orge in our current plan,maybe we can hire Tilea mercenary as our paw to move against other enemy.
This is a good plan as well. Hire some mercenaries to take Sylvania for us and make it seem like the work of an enemy nation. Maybe Estalia or something?

So Are we know about Silver Pinnacle? The base of operation of Neferata,mother of vampire.I think if we can spend some dice and can capture Neferata,Clan Moulder should be glad to experiment with vampire species and maybe research elixir of life.

Man,compare to Skaven vampire experiment seem safe in comparision.:)

Another target I want to strike is,the forest in the empire that Zacharius the everliving live,He drink blood form dragon and also have book of Nagash if I remember correctly.We should strike and conquer forest of shadow and show them who is the boss.

In End time Zacharius don't have much screen time anyway.
I definetly want to take the Sliver Pinnacle and I completly forgot about Zach.

Well, one idea is to just get a Orc Waaaagh to head into Sylvania and just stealthily loot the place while everyone is distracted by the Orc's.


This is a good plan as well. Hire some mercenaries to take Sylvania for us and make it seem like the work of an enemy nation. Maybe Estalia or something?

I definetly want to take the Sliver Pinnacle and I completly forgot about Zach.
I think in term of well-known place,Forest of shadow and Zach is urban legend compare to silver pinnacle,and he has his base of operation in forest and everyone try to avoid that area,I think we will have easier time to gank him without other faction response.

He is the best at necromancy but he can not compare to combine skaven might,and we can loot his book of Nagash if we can take him out.
Then we use his forest of shadow to continue crusade on wood elve in forest.

Take one forest then other forest become weaker after all,and we have pretty good advantage on wood elve unlike undead,we can go full plague on forest and weaken Orion.
I'll say that you know of the silver pinnacle, but you don't know where it is, and it'd take a dice to find the place.
fortunately that won't be on your collective minds very soon
I'll say that you know of the silver pinnacle, but you don't know where it is, and it'd take a dice to find the place.
fortunately that won't be on your collective minds very soon
Well,Zacharius the Ever living is good enough for me,He has Book of Nagash,We maybe need more war machine against him thought,Necromancy is Skaven weakness.
I wish to harvest deeply the fruits of Zhar Naggrund, that the next major Skaven attack is all the more powerful and coordinated, wherever it may be.
You Ain't Never Had A Friend Like Me - Chimeraguard
OOC: First Omake because I was bored.

At the dawn of the End Times, the vast hordes of the Skaven Under-Empire were unleashed upon the Dark Lands, and for the second time in history, fully united under one purpose. Beings across the world were almost certainly joyful at seeing two of the greatest forces of destruction fight each other. Had they the ability to clearly see the future, they instead would have cursed their luck. True, the two forces would clash and unleash destruction upon each other, but through those horrid battles were the Skaven inspired to greater heights.

Certainly, the powerful Dreadquake Mortars that shattered walls like they were mere sand, Magma Cannons that melted even the toughest force of Warbeasts, and roaring Iron Daemons that stampeded across the land on steam engines and transporting ordnance with unheard of speed were worthy of inspiring both awe, and imitation. Of course Clan Moulder was inspired by the speed and strength of the mutated Bull Centaurs, the rage and flight of the Great Tauri and the magical abilities of the Lammasu. But one of the discoveries the rest of the world would learn to curse the most was that of the K'Daai.

To understand this, one must first understand the origins of the K'Daai. They were born from the desire of the Chaos Dwarves to subjugate, to conquer, to dominate all. They were creatures forged to be one half the stuff of the Warp, and one half raging fire and hatred, contained in a metallic shell, shrouded in the magics of the Dawi Zhar sorcerers. They are the ultimate expression of Hashut: creatures dedicated to hatred, tyranny, and greed; all buried within an inferno of hate.

It is little wonder then, that the Skaven were so enthralled. These were principles they knew very well. The urge to conquer all, the hunger to engulf everything in their path, and a deep-seated loathing, an all-burning contempt for anything that stood in their path. Both they and the Chaos Dwarves had pushed the limits of technology and sorcery, paying with great costs to their bodies, scorning all others as beneath them, suspicious of even their own kin, greedily coveting anything they could gather, dedicated to their black-hearted god, and determined to stamp out any and all resistance that would dare oppose their survival and supremacy. In these, the Skaven and the Chaos Dwarves were far more alike than either would care to admit.

And as the strongholds of the fallen Dwarves crumbled one by one, as the power of the Dark God Hashut waned as his followers died, the Skaven longed for the ability to unleash the Daemonic Engines that were the K'Daai. As studies were made for the process in which the weakened God would be fed to the Horned Rat, so to were the arts of hatred, of the Lore of Hashut, and the summoning and binding rituals brought to serve the Skaven. Soon enough, the magics of the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers, and the monstrous K'Daai, would be unleashed upon the world, under a new master.
Approved and listed!
Fun fact, you currently know more about the Dawizharr's units than I do.

Anyhow, consensus seems to have been built but I'm working all day today and tomorrow, so I'll call the vote roundabouts 2 days from now even though y'all seem pretty decided.
So, I was thinking of ways to make taking on the Chaos Dwarfs easier.

Have we thought about selling them Slave Skaven for weaponry? This has a two found purpose, first it gives us weaponry to make the fighting easier, and second it get's us agents inside the enemy camp to make things easier for us, they could open gates or spark rebellion or simply just attack from within the base at a crucial moment.

Even if the Chaos Dwarves catch on and kill them before they can do anything, it's still a good trade. Skaven slaves are worthless, the weaponry would be much more useful then a few thousand slaves and help preserve the more valuable Skaven lives.
Fun fact, you currently know more about the Dawizharr's units than I do.

Anyhow, consensus seems to have been built but I'm working all day today and tomorrow, so I'll call the vote roundabouts 2 days from now even though y'all seem pretty decided.
Personally, along with the ability to make K'Daai and other Daemon Engines, I'm hoping we can equip our better forces with stuff like this.
Dreadquake Mortar
Magma Cannon
Iron Daemon War Engine

Though our versions would likely be much cheaper with a high chance of misfiring, but hey, Skaven.
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Though our versions would likely be much cheaper with a high chance of misfiring, but hey, Skaven.
I mean, lets not forget that we don't have to kill all the Chaos Dwarves. We can just kill most of them and enslave the rest to work for us.

Plus, we are presumably going to take their already built weapons.

Sure, we are going to have to build a lot of weapons ourself, but we will be able to have a substantial amont of high quality weapons and armour as well from that duel combination of looting and enslaving Dwarfs.
Personally, along with the ability to make K'Daai and other Daemon Engines, I'm hoping we can equip our better forces with stuff like this.
Dreadquake Mortar
Magma Cannon
Iron Daemon War Engine

Though our versions would likely be much cheaper with a high chance of misfiring, but hey, Skaven.
There's also meshing their bioengineering abilities. And their daemon-controlling abilities. And I have this lovely horrific idea of a Screaming Bell meshed with a Skaven-style Altar of Hashut (in this case the Horned Rat)
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I hope like some previous post that we can improve stability of weapon form enslave chaos dwarve,Combine our warp stone tech with daemon engine,our faction will have greatest warmachine in the world.

Ofcourse we need to improve a little bit if End Time come and High elven bring their arsenal out.
Light Up The Dark - Canon - EVA-Saiyajin
Light up the Dark:

Though not realized for many moons, if ever, the first sign of the Vermintide came not in endless waves of chittering giant vermin, but vast hordes of bellowing greenskin barbarians.

The scouts sent by Dawi and Dawi Zhar into the most unsettled parts of the Dark Lands reported great ripples in the scattered greenskin communities, as tribes began moving out with increasing eagerness, new Warbosses rose in dozens of occasions, and great migrations began to take place sweeping both easy and west. Both sides took this as a sign to prepare their defenses, and the latter in particular made plans to cut off the head of the snake that looked to be a burgeoning Waaagh!! of a size not seen in centuries.

Even as the orcs and goblins began to gather in increasingly larger warbands, swelling into great tidal waves of emerald fury marching across the wastes, Hobgoblin outriders were ordered to begin increase the thrust of their raids in an effort to cull the gathering barbarians. Then contact was lost for a number of months. The only sign of the results of their efforts was the sudden appearance of gigantic greenskin hosts with all manner of orkoid and goblinoid variants and a vast menagerie of slobbering, snarling beasts in the very doorsteps of the outermost Dawi Zhar outposts and fortresses.

Even as smoke billowed into the sky and gouts of fire became ever more common as the fallen mountain folk produced greater and greater quantities of ingeniously demented weapons, the frontier posts began to fall silent, the fire signals and lava glass teams eventually simply ceasing to report the situation.

Some instinct drove the Sorcerer Lords to push for ever great numbers of arms and automatons, sacrificing more and more slaves for the summoning of greater spirits of fire, ash and shadow, and binding them to ever more deadly machines of war. Terrible rituals were enacted, thousands fed to the fires, and the ash and smoke that filled the air of Zhar Naggrund coalesced further, greater, thicker, until the sky for miles on end was enveloped by great ash clouds that chattered and shrieked and roared, demented visages forming to glare across the horizon. The air began shifting, distorting at the unnatural energies in the air, and the only light was the faint glimpse of the sun's rays in the far distance and the piercing flames and embers littering the land and emanating from the ashen clouds.

Then the earthquakes began, carrying the sound of countless stomping feet.

A green glow began to rise from the horizon.

The Waaagh had come to the Plains of Zharr.

This is the first part, basically.