So longer-term stuff wrt necromancy
- We do need an answer to gods. Otherwise, the more successful we are, the more pissed-off Gods we're going to have to deal with. Given how gods tend to react when pissed off, that starts to be a problem.
- Nagash is a serious threat long-term, to everyone... and he makes everybody else up their game. We'd like to nip that in the bud. As far as I'm aware, that mostly means wiping out the non-Nekhara necromancers, thoroughly, and making sure that our own don't get sucked into his little cult. I think that *mostly* involves conquering Sylvania and doing so thoroughly, but I'm not certain.
- As far as I'm aware, Necromancy is the easiest way to access various forms of God-eating. Given that that's the most thorough (and profitable) way to deal with our "legacy gods" problem, that seems worthwhile. To that end, we'll likely want to plunder both Nekhara and Sylvania, in either order.
- Dealing with Vampires isn't a big deal, They take more killing than most, but they *do* die eventually. Dealing with Tomb Kings is annoying because they keep coming back. It seems pretty clear that Necromancy is a pretty solid way to deal with that particular issue as well.
Thus, there's a suggestion that we'll want to hit Sylvania relatively soon.
- Caches of necromantic lore
--- valuable for figuring out God-eating, which we're going to want to develop relatively early
--- valuable/necessary for taking out Nekhara, which is the other place we're likely to come across undead lore.
- Vampirism (optional)
--- even before we come up with some sort of wacky tricks to feed them, we have ridiculous numbers of disposable slaves.
- Hamper attempts to bring back Nagash by wiping out his natural base of support before he tries to access it.
--- Important to do this *before* Nagash shows up.
@Xantalos - how may dice would Sylvania require
...and for our horned benefactor... how upset do you think the rest of the empire would be if we cleaned up this undead blight of theirs?