it was pretty much only her narrative buffs that let her survive
Grr, damn narrative buffs. Down with Valten/Myrmidia, up with the Horned Rat eating Myrmidia!

Seriously though, I'm really big on trying to track down and take out Myrmidia before she can get at the head of another large group. I know this is probably already on the cards, but I feel like emphasising it. In a year she turned Estalia from easy pickings to actually a pretty rough target. Granted, the Estalians had whatever "the greatest martial potential on the planet" means in the face of OP Lizardmen and Elves, and she was the big goddess of Estalia which aided unification. But by now she's probably a symbol of resistance, not to mention a deity, so similar influence isn't out of her reach.

Her big thing is being a Goddess of Strategy and Tactics and all that, so she above almost anyone else is a priority target for early annihilation. Her rate of growth will be higher than anyone else's I can think of, and we currently have her alone, on the run, and presumably grievously wounded from having a bomb hug her and then detonate. What she did with Estalia could be just a taster of what she could've done given another couple of years and a stronger and more developed foundation to work from. And we'll be her main target for obvious reasons, at least until Chaos gets up to full steam.

Her and Nagash are our two biggest concerns. Myrmidia is rather obviously secondary to Nagash, since one's a goddess on the run with little to no powerbase and the other is actively a major threat to our inevitable dominion of the world who's still got extremely significant backing behind him, not to mention the fact that he's fucking Nagash.

Divine generalship aside, that coordination power is fucking rough to deal with. Perfectly countering Ragefang with sheer supernatural coordination was really something. That's a level that just can't be reached by a normal general, even if some supergenius out there was a better general on paper than Myrmidia. The ability to instantly give detailed orders to faraway formations and perfectly micro people near you, like an RTS, is just insurmountable for that hypothetical supergeneral.

I'd put it as worth more than just one authority to try and string her up before she can put herself in a position where her intelligence can do serious damage. That depends on how the new system looks, though. Assuming it looks something similar to this, I'd call at least putting 2 Authority and either Thugclaw or Sneek on it, maybe both if we can trust them to work together instead of fuck things up by jockeying for position on getting the kill/capture on Myrmidia. Which we probably can't. I certainly don't trust them to. Which is a shame, because Xantalos has confirmed we need multiple of our own "heroes' to take down the really high-level stuff without mass swarming, which doesn't really fit a wide-ranging search and destroy mission.

Sad to know we won't get to that level, but acceptable given the Skaven's themes. I'm not giving up on having Horripila and USA start a Super Soldier Program to get us closer, though. Horripila provides the gene mods and enhancements, USA provides the training. I'd say Skryre gives cybernetics to supplement Horripila's concoctions, but given how Moulder and Skryre clashed I don't expect Skryre and Horripila to get on great either. Horripila could probably also get involved in Gnawdell's eugenics program, too. Just more things on the pile of possibilities to never happen. Super soldier programs are nice, but rarely ever an endeavour of quantity.

I know I've already asked stuff about the hero system, but I'm still interested. What are the odds of us getting a really powerful hero like Queek, Snikch, or Thanquol as opposed to Skretch or Tretch? I get that experience has a part to play, but there're experienced mediumish heroes and then there's Queek being the largest of a large litter who killed and ate his littermates and was winning victories at age four. You know? The best are immediately identifiable.

Small side note to the players on this one, it's mentioned that, quote, "Actions with no hero unit assigned to them have a good chance of generating a potential hero." And it's borne out in Selkic. Assuming this doesn't change in the new system, leaving some more actions with heroes unassigned to help increase our hero turnover may be a good idea. They're still doing stuff even if we don't assign them, right? It's probably not too big a waste.

Secondly, how powerful is this quest's Thanquol compared to, say, someone like Balthasar Gelt or Heinrich Kemmler? I assume the answer changes dependent on what level of Warpstone he's on, and that it might be something you want to keep under wraps until it's time for Thanquol to actually go toe-to-toe with the named characters, so I won't mind if you just brush over this one.
Small side note to the players on this one, it's mentioned that, quote, "Actions with no hero unit assigned to them have a good chance of generating a potential hero." And it's borne out in Selkic. Assuming this doesn't change in the new system, leaving some more actions with heroes unassigned to help increase our hero turnover may be a good idea. They're still doing stuff even if we don't assign them, right? It's probably not too big a waste.
We don't really need potentials--at least, not ones that we don't have a hand in. Unassigned Skaven are always risks for doing something we don't want them to do because they're fucking Skaven and if they're not maybe the Army they're going to get up to Skaven things and that's traditionally bad for an empire.
Grr, damn narrative buffs. Down with Valten/Myrmidia, up with the Horned Rat eating Myrmidia!

Seriously though, I'm really big on trying to track down and take out Myrmidia before she can get at the head of another large group. I know this is probably already on the cards, but I feel like emphasising it. In a year she turned Estalia from easy pickings to actually a pretty rough target. Granted, the Estalians had whatever "the greatest martial potential on the planet" means in the face of OP Lizardmen and Elves, and she was the big goddess of Estalia which aided unification. But by now she's probably a symbol of resistance, not to mention a deity, so similar influence isn't out of her reach.

Her big thing is being a Goddess of Strategy and Tactics and all that, so she above almost anyone else is a priority target for early annihilation. Her rate of growth will be higher than anyone else's I can think of, and we currently have her alone, on the run, and presumably grievously wounded from having a bomb hug her and then detonate. What she did with Estalia could be just a taster of what she could've done given another couple of years and a stronger and more developed foundation to work from. And we'll be her main target for obvious reasons, at least until Chaos gets up to full steam.

Her and Nagash are our two biggest concerns. Myrmidia is rather obviously secondary to Nagash, since one's a goddess on the run with little to no powerbase and the other is actively a major threat to our inevitable dominion of the world who's still got extremely significant backing behind him, not to mention the fact that he's fucking Nagash.

Divine generalship aside, that coordination power is fucking rough to deal with. Perfectly countering Ragefang with sheer supernatural coordination was really something. That's a level that just can't be reached by a normal general, even if some supergenius out there was a better general on paper than Myrmidia. The ability to instantly give detailed orders to faraway formations and perfectly micro people near you, like an RTS, is just insurmountable for that hypothetical supergeneral.

I'd put it as worth more than just one authority to try and string her up before she can put herself in a position where her intelligence can do serious damage. That depends on how the new system looks, though. Assuming it looks something similar to this, I'd call at least putting 2 Authority and either Thugclaw or Sneek on it, maybe both if we can trust them to work together instead of fuck things up by jockeying for position on getting the kill/capture on Myrmidia. Which we probably can't. I certainly don't trust them to. Which is a shame, because Xantalos has confirmed we need multiple of our own "heroes' to take down the really high-level stuff without mass swarming, which doesn't really fit a wide-ranging search and destroy mission.

Sad to know we won't get to that level, but acceptable given the Skaven's themes. I'm not giving up on having Horripila and USA start a Super Soldier Program to get us closer, though. Horripila provides the gene mods and enhancements, USA provides the training. I'd say Skryre gives cybernetics to supplement Horripila's concoctions, but given how Moulder and Skryre clashed I don't expect Skryre and Horripila to get on great either. Horripila could probably also get involved in Gnawdell's eugenics program, too. Just more things on the pile of possibilities to never happen. Super soldier programs are nice, but rarely ever an endeavour of quantity.

I know I've already asked stuff about the hero system, but I'm still interested. What are the odds of us getting a really powerful hero like Queek, Snikch, or Thanquol as opposed to Skretch or Tretch? I get that experience has a part to play, but there're experienced mediumish heroes and then there's Queek being the largest of a large litter who killed and ate his littermates and was winning victories at age four. You know? The best are immediately identifiable.

Small side note to the players on this one, it's mentioned that, quote, "Actions with no hero unit assigned to them have a good chance of generating a potential hero." And it's borne out in Selkic. Assuming this doesn't change in the new system, leaving some more actions with heroes unassigned to help increase our hero turnover may be a good idea. They're still doing stuff even if we don't assign them, right? It's probably not too big a waste.

Secondly, how powerful is this quest's Thanquol compared to, say, someone like Balthasar Gelt or Heinrich Kemmler? I assume the answer changes dependent on what level of Warpstone he's on, and that it might be something you want to keep under wraps until it's time for Thanquol to actually go toe-to-toe with the named characters, so I won't mind if you just brush over this one.
I personally would like to capture her and then sacrifice her to the Horned Rat in a big ritual after we research how to do so. Right now she's on the run and there are very few places were she could go. Bretonnia is a three-way slugfest between Chaos, Mallobaude's forces and the King's loyalists, the Empire is occupied with Beastmen in their midst and Chaos' main trust and Kislev is history. The possible places where Myrmidia could find refuge are thus Tilea and the Border Princes. The latter is a pile of garbage, thus what we are left with is Tilea. Take that out and we have secured the lands closest to our capital and deprived her of her most ardent supporters and the center of her faith in the south of the Old World.
Alright thats my omake done, apologies in advance if i accidentally stole Skrettesh's name from someone else/QM (it sounded properly Skaven-like at the time) or if it isnt up to snuff (these usually only come about as a result of not sleeping much which helps improve my imagination and creative writing)
Thanks for reading and cya
Pretty nice, actually, and small-scale enough that I can easily mark it as canon since it could've feasibly happened in any random off-the-map village. Nicely done!

Granted, the Estalians had whatever "the greatest martial potential on the planet" means in the face of OP Lizardmen and Elves
Estalians are simply the best in the world (at bragging)!

I'd put it as worth more than just one authority to try and string her up before she can put herself in a position where her intelligence can do serious damage. That depends on how the new system looks, though. Assuming it looks something similar to this, I'd call at least putting 2 Authority and either Thugclaw or Sneek on it, maybe both if we can trust them to work together instead of fuck things up by jockeying for position on getting the kill/capture on Myrmidia. Which we probably can't. I certainly don't trust them to. Which is a shame, because Xantalos has confirmed we need multiple of our own "heroes' to take down the really high-level stuff without mass swarming, which doesn't really fit a wide-ranging search and destroy mission.
Still haven't gotten down to brass tacks with it yet, but my general outline sketch of the new system is basically the same as the current one, only with split pools for actions and research like with my lizardmen quest. The amount of actions/research you get is based on the relative strength of the clans and their current political importance.

And yeah, beyond the really high-tier examples of your heroes (combat-oriented Council members, Snikch, Thanquol, Queek, Ragefang (once he's fully matured), etc), your heroes generally won't fare super well against the stronger Order-aligned characters like the dieties and such unless you gang up on them. For example, Snikch would've actually done a number on Myrmidia in any other scenario, maybe even killed her if he got lucky, it's just that Eshin assassins killed her last incarnation and she built preparations against you guys trying that again into her prospective empire's successor system.

Sad to know we won't get to that level, but acceptable given the Skaven's themes. I'm not giving up on having Horripila and USA start a Super Soldier Program to get us closer, though. Horripila provides the gene mods and enhancements, USA provides the training. I'd say Skryre gives cybernetics to supplement Horripila's concoctions, but given how Moulder and Skryre clashed I don't expect Skryre and Horripila to get on great either. Horripila could probably also get involved in Gnawdell's eugenics program, too. Just more things on the pile of possibilities to never happen. Super soldier programs are nice, but rarely ever an endeavour of quantity.
Horripila and Skyre might not be too antagonistic towards one another, actually - Horripila's still a relatively small clan as far as prominent skaven semi-corporate entities go, and probably looking to get out from under Moulder's proverbial thumb by leveraging their skills, potentially by using another big clan as means to get powerful enough to act on their own.

That said, I'm totally having skaven supersoldiers appear at some point, the concept is just too cool (and also allows me to make Unification of Terra/Thunder Warriors references to boot).

I know I've already asked stuff about the hero system, but I'm still interested. What are the odds of us getting a really powerful hero like Queek, Snikch, or Thanquol as opposed to Skretch or Tretch? I get that experience has a part to play, but there're experienced mediumish heroes and then there's Queek being the largest of a large litter who killed and ate his littermates and was winning victories at age four. You know? The best are immediately identifiable.
Kinda depends on how the action that generated them played out. Ragefang's pretty potent, for instance, and he came about pretty much entirely because Pathos' idea and omake about him was so awesome that I couldn't not include him. Otherwise ... I think if a course of action turns out to be very dramatic and epic and such, then the heroes that rise from it will be cut from the same cloth. See Ripmaw Gorefeeder, the other (non-fully fledged, I think) hero unit that came out of the Estalian campaign.

Secondly, how powerful is this quest's Thanquol compared to, say, someone like Balthasar Gelt or Heinrich Kemmler? I assume the answer changes dependent on what level of Warpstone he's on, and that it might be something you want to keep under wraps until it's time for Thanquol to actually go toe-to-toe with the named characters, so I won't mind if you just brush over this one.
The necromancer lords he fought this turn would probably give any magister lord of a magical college a pretty good fight, depending on which lore of magic they were facing. Aside from that, Balthasar or Heinrich would beat Thanquol in a duel if he weren't high on warpstone, but that's pretty much never nowadays. Thanquol's also been blessed pretty heavily by the Horned Rat in this quest, so he's stronger than he usually is in the books and such he appears in.
Pretty nice, actually, and small-scale enough that I can easily mark it as canon since it could've feasibly happened in any random off-the-map village. Nicely done!


Estalians are simply the best in the world (at bragging)!

Still haven't gotten down to brass tacks with it yet, but my general outline sketch of the new system is basically the same as the current one, only with split pools for actions and research like with my lizardmen quest. The amount of actions/research you get is based on the relative strength of the clans and their current political importance.

And yeah, beyond the really high-tier examples of your heroes (combat-oriented Council members, Snikch, Thanquol, Queek, Ragefang (once he's fully matured), etc), your heroes generally won't fare super well against the stronger Order-aligned characters like the dieties and such unless you gang up on them. For example, Snikch would've actually done a number on Myrmidia in any other scenario, maybe even killed her if he got lucky, it's just that Eshin assassins killed her last incarnation and she built preparations against you guys trying that again into her prospective empire's successor system.

Horripila and Skyre might not be too antagonistic towards one another, actually - Horripila's still a relatively small clan as far as prominent skaven semi-corporate entities go, and probably looking to get out from under Moulder's proverbial thumb by leveraging their skills, potentially by using another big clan as means to get powerful enough to act on their own.

That said, I'm totally having skaven supersoldiers appear at some point, the concept is just too cool (and also allows me to make Unification of Terra/Thunder Warriors references to boot).

Kinda depends on how the action that generated them played out. Ragefang's pretty potent, for instance, and he came about pretty much entirely because Pathos' idea and omake about him was so awesome that I couldn't not include him. Otherwise ... I think if a course of action turns out to be very dramatic and epic and such, then the heroes that rise from it will be cut from the same cloth. See Ripmaw Gorefeeder, the other (non-fully fledged, I think) hero unit that came out of the Estalian campaign.

The necromancer lords he fought this turn would probably give any magister lord of a magical college a pretty good fight, depending on which lore of magic they were facing. Aside from that, Balthasar or Heinrich would beat Thanquol in a duel if he weren't high on warpstone, but that's pretty much never nowadays. Thanquol's also been blessed pretty heavily by the Horned Rat in this quest, so he's stronger than he usually is in the books and such he appears in.
Thanks for your commentary on my omake! I actually feel really proud of myself for making that omake on basically no sleep AND its enough for you to like it to boot!
Now if you excuse me im going to lapse into a coma until the new update for Respect Your Elders comes out or until I've rested properly
Hmm. I wonder what'll happen if the Skaven get their hands on Lizardmen technology, or even manage to improve their spellcasters thanks to Slann Dissections (Spiritual and Physical) and applying that knowledge to the Grey Seers?
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I have a new tech idea (i still havent figured out names)

For most of the Skaven's history, warpstone could only be found "naturally" in deposits or made in very small amounts with the effort of a strong Grey Seer, producing warpstone this way was taxing and insufficient in quantity to offset the costs of production

All of that changed when the Skaven learned of the 'Geomantic Web' an unlimited and stable source of energy that if adjusted in just the correct way, can produce large amounts of Dhar which can then be crystallized into warpstone, the amount created is measured in the pounds and is mostly autonomous and inexpensive.
However these adjustments have side effects, prolonged exposure to these Pylons can damage the environment considerably (The Skaven are either immune to this effect, unaware or uncaring of this side effect) and these pylons can only be constructed in certain areas

(OOC for a moment: Take the nether from Minecraft, take its rules about 1 block = 8 blocks and apply it to the warp, in the case of these pylons, essentially our resources will become based on how many pylons we have available and how much warpstone they are producing)
The process of building one of these pylons is somewhat difficult depending upon however many slaves are available
First. A warlock engineer will predict the ideal location for a pylon to be built, using all sorts of whirring machinery and technology and its appearance is based upon the preference of the warlock engineer in question.
Now that the location has been found, the area will be cleared of any undesirables or inconvenient terrain and construction of the pylons will begin.
Halfway through the construction the pylons 'sister building' will start to be constructed. This building will concentrate the extracted Dhar into warpstone
Once both buildings have finished construction, they will require activation (Usually achieved by either a Grey Seer, a knowledgeable and experienced warlock engineer, or ritual sacrifice if neither are available) and modification to produce the ideal amounts of Dhar (Too much will result in "accidents" and too little will not produce enough warpstone)

Possible Tech Names:
• Pylons
• Corrupted Pylons
• Ruinous Obelisks (Too edgy maybe?)
• Extractors (Generic but im not good with names)
• Siphons
• Refineries
• etc etc

(Possible sources of this technology idea: Dragon Isles, Albion, Lustria, anywhere with Lizardmen temple cities nearby or a relatively intact geomantic pylon)
I've had something like this planned to be possible since the start of the quest, just be careful not to let the lizardmen see you do it. They'd get rather peeved.
I mean, it's basically the 40k thing where raw Potential was siphoned into the Materium and directly or indirectly resulted in Daemons being a thing so...

It makes for a good training ground for the permanent garrisons of these places as they weaken the barrier between what is Real and what Might Be?
I mean, it's basically the 40k thing where raw Potential was siphoned into the Materium and directly or indirectly resulted in Daemons being a thing so...

It makes for a good training ground for the permanent garrisons of these places as they weaken the barrier between what is Real and what Might Be?
Plus it's a hilarious inversion of what makes the Necron Pylons.
Funnily enough you have something pretty similar occurring in canon with beastmen herdstones, this'd just be a warpstone-generating variant.

There'll be a more productive variant you can develop later that involves you tearing open warp rifts and setting up nodules of warpstone in the accumulation area that attract the flood of warp energy and crystallize it into more warpstone, kinda like magnets attracting iron filings to themselves. Needless to say, this would also be extremely hazardous since it'd invite daemonic incursions like mad. You'd mostly handle it by throwing spare armies at it.
Funnily enough you have something pretty similar occurring in canon with beastmen herdstones, this'd just be a warpstone-generating variant.

There'll be a more productive variant you can develop later that involves you tearing open warp rifts and setting up nodules of warpstone in the accumulation area that attract the flood of warp energy and crystallize it into more warpstone, kinda like magnets attracting iron filings to themselves. Needless to say, this would also be extremely hazardous since it'd invite daemonic incursions like mad. You'd mostly handle it by throwing spare armies at it.
Eh, thats what slaves are for, besides any casualties taken will be almost instantly replenished
Heres my theory on the warp

If it can be shaped by the will of a powerful enough being then hypothetically it'd be able to completely rewrite the laws of physics in an area

Im going to use this as an example:
"Denying a truth until it eventually became a lie"
With enough willpower you can deny the existence of someone or something and eventually (whether through the efforts of one extremely powerful psyker or an entire species) that particular thing would stop existing (really crude example i know)

Picture a basketball court, this is the universe as we know it, the laws of physics act as our rulebook, given enough willpower and effort, one can change the court and rewrite or completely change the rulebook

That is the power of the immaterium. The ability to Warp and change the universe around us to suit our needs, healing wounds, manufacturing gods, drawing unlimited amounts of energy. The only true limit to the warp is the strength of will of the being using it (Someone like you or me would be able to passively shift the immaterium however it wouldnt affect the material universe, thus our ability to harness the immaterium would be based around rare individuals and belief)

The Warp literally operates on the rule of "The only limit is your imagination"

Of course since the 4 immaterial cancers upon the Warp were birthed the Warp became more "corrosive" and difficult to handle and use

Just a theory i made over on Respect Your Elders (im both a Lizardmen and a Skaven fan)
1) By next turn time, in which season of the year are we?
2) Isn't it a bit redundant to have the option for self-propelled blender carts, since Doomflayers are a thing?
3) The Mountains of Mourne have an Authority cap of 4 in the last turn, but since now we share a direct land border, could that cap be raised somehow?
Ok so i was brainstorming on what the Skaven would be like in the future (Once we've dealt with all this mess on Mallus) when i decided to take a break by watching some memes when one phrase inspired me to start writing.
"Nanomachines Son!"
(I may have also been spending an uncomfortably large amount of time on Destiny and Senator Armstrong was the final nail in the coffin)

I have an idea as to how the Skaven would get their hands on these miracle nanomachines and it involves looting DaOT tech, caches etc and piecing together the blueprints and instructions needed to remake it

I've even made some excerpts on how Skaven society would be impacted by this:

"The Skaven have "Improved" upon (Name) to the point that the instructions needed for (Name) can be sent through a helmet and backpack setup by the wearer deliberately thinking of the instructions e.g. A Skaven Warlock Engineer might give the instructions to build a new war machine through the use of an implant to in essence communicate to the (name) nanites through the use of "Telepathy" (It is still unknown how the Skaven managed to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat without the usage of Psykers)"

And for manufacturing weapons, arms and ammunition
"In the case of (Name) assisted weapon assembly lines, (Name) breaks down matter and converts it into weapon parts which are then moved down a conveyor belt
It is here that the weapons are assembled by Gunsmith-slaves as (Name) assembled weaponry is often clunky and hard to handle with Skaven claws
So these slaves will do the grueling task of assembling the weapons bit by bit.
At the end of this assembly line is a weapon that can withstand even the poorest of conditions and still function even if it is caked in dirt, blood and filth."

In essence (Name) will be a mix of Grey Goo, programmable matter and a plague.
I wonder what the Skaven would be like in the very far future.
On another note, what is the our/the Skaven's theme in general? And will the future affect these themes/motivations?