Knight of King Stannis Baratheon
- Location
- Sydney, Australia
Grr, damn narrative buffs. Down with Valten/Myrmidia, up with the Horned Rat eating Myrmidia!it was pretty much only her narrative buffs that let her survive
Seriously though, I'm really big on trying to track down and take out Myrmidia before she can get at the head of another large group. I know this is probably already on the cards, but I feel like emphasising it. In a year she turned Estalia from easy pickings to actually a pretty rough target. Granted, the Estalians had whatever "the greatest martial potential on the planet" means in the face of OP Lizardmen and Elves, and she was the big goddess of Estalia which aided unification. But by now she's probably a symbol of resistance, not to mention a deity, so similar influence isn't out of her reach.
Her big thing is being a Goddess of Strategy and Tactics and all that, so she above almost anyone else is a priority target for early annihilation. Her rate of growth will be higher than anyone else's I can think of, and we currently have her alone, on the run, and presumably grievously wounded from having a bomb hug her and then detonate. What she did with Estalia could be just a taster of what she could've done given another couple of years and a stronger and more developed foundation to work from. And we'll be her main target for obvious reasons, at least until Chaos gets up to full steam.
Her and Nagash are our two biggest concerns. Myrmidia is rather obviously secondary to Nagash, since one's a goddess on the run with little to no powerbase and the other is actively a major threat to our inevitable dominion of the world who's still got extremely significant backing behind him, not to mention the fact that he's fucking Nagash.
Divine generalship aside, that coordination power is fucking rough to deal with. Perfectly countering Ragefang with sheer supernatural coordination was really something. That's a level that just can't be reached by a normal general, even if some supergenius out there was a better general on paper than Myrmidia. The ability to instantly give detailed orders to faraway formations and perfectly micro people near you, like an RTS, is just insurmountable for that hypothetical supergeneral.
I'd put it as worth more than just one authority to try and string her up before she can put herself in a position where her intelligence can do serious damage. That depends on how the new system looks, though. Assuming it looks something similar to this, I'd call at least putting 2 Authority and either Thugclaw or Sneek on it, maybe both if we can trust them to work together instead of fuck things up by jockeying for position on getting the kill/capture on Myrmidia. Which we probably can't. I certainly don't trust them to. Which is a shame, because Xantalos has confirmed we need multiple of our own "heroes' to take down the really high-level stuff without mass swarming, which doesn't really fit a wide-ranging search and destroy mission.
Sad to know we won't get to that level, but acceptable given the Skaven's themes. I'm not giving up on having Horripila and USA start a Super Soldier Program to get us closer, though. Horripila provides the gene mods and enhancements, USA provides the training. I'd say Skryre gives cybernetics to supplement Horripila's concoctions, but given how Moulder and Skryre clashed I don't expect Skryre and Horripila to get on great either. Horripila could probably also get involved in Gnawdell's eugenics program, too. Just more things on the pile of possibilities to never happen. Super soldier programs are nice, but rarely ever an endeavour of quantity.
I know I've already asked stuff about the hero system, but I'm still interested. What are the odds of us getting a really powerful hero like Queek, Snikch, or Thanquol as opposed to Skretch or Tretch? I get that experience has a part to play, but there're experienced mediumish heroes and then there's Queek being the largest of a large litter who killed and ate his littermates and was winning victories at age four. You know? The best are immediately identifiable.
Small side note to the players on this one, it's mentioned that, quote, "Actions with no hero unit assigned to them have a good chance of generating a potential hero." And it's borne out in Selkic. Assuming this doesn't change in the new system, leaving some more actions with heroes unassigned to help increase our hero turnover may be a good idea. They're still doing stuff even if we don't assign them, right? It's probably not too big a waste.
Secondly, how powerful is this quest's Thanquol compared to, say, someone like Balthasar Gelt or Heinrich Kemmler? I assume the answer changes dependent on what level of Warpstone he's on, and that it might be something you want to keep under wraps until it's time for Thanquol to actually go toe-to-toe with the named characters, so I won't mind if you just brush over this one.