Oh, by the way, Omake I've had for a while.
The ways assassinations must and should be carried out are varied, and few know this better than Clan Eshin. Sometimes there is the elegant art of poisoning, where the killer can be miles away, walking and whistling a tune as his target chokes and dies on a morsel of food. Sometimes it is daggers in the dark, where an army resting for the night will wake up and find their general slain by some unseen killer with a blade. Sometimes the best tool for the job is explosives, to wreck havoc and panic as the foe attempts to understand what has befallen them under a rain of green fire, a clever murderer moving through the shadows between the chaos.
And sometimes you just look at that heavily armored target, and its heavily armed and alert bodyguard in the middle of a battlefield, and say "I don't care about subtlety, I just him very, very dead and to hell with everything else."
It was with this mindset that the idea of the Shadowrunner was born. Clan Eshin, in its time, had encountered on many occasions the problem of the target being too heavily protected for a stealthy approach to be viable, or too resilient himself to be put down through regular means. And of course in a ferocious battlefield a general usually very well defended.
To deal with these problems, which were sure to become increasingly common as the End Times came, the Under-Empire began work on a new type of assassin, inspired by the cybernetic reconstruction of the Eshin Executioner Veskit and with the cooperation of Clan Skyre. The new Shadowrunners had bodies that were almost entirely cybernetic, what few organic sections they did have were pumped full of stimulants to further increase aggression, while mechanical limbs held a variety of lethal melee weaponry. This was not a weapon of subtlety nor finesse. Shadow runners were designed with one purpose in mind: to be pointed at their target in the middle of a battlefield, then set loose in a scream or raging electricity and whirling metal blades, slicing through anything unfortunate enough to be in its way.
Candidates for this process vary, from volunteers who lack much of a future in Clan Eshin unaugmented, "volunteers" who have failed in their missions yet came back alive, and any number of various crippled Skaven from across the Under-Empire who might be useful in this procedure.
Regardless, as the End Times came into being, the Shadowrunners would become increasingly common amongst the forces of the Under-Empire.
OOC: I thought of the Shadowrunner as a sort of berserker-style unit, pointed at the target then set loose to slaughter stuff at close range and being completely fearless. Kinda like a mass-produced, poor-man's Eversor. Aside from being used against enemy leadership on the battlefield, I also thought they'd be pretty useful for killing enemy Monstrous Creatures.