Better to wait on assassinating their NCO equivalents and otherwise pissing with them until they're in the middle of doing said battering down the empire. Preferably at the same time we screw with the Empire. After all, we don't want either of them winning and while they're distracted with each other is the perfect time to put the knife in.
Better to wait on assassinating their NCO equivalents and otherwise pissing with them until they're in the middle of doing said battering down the empire. Preferably at the same time we screw with the Empire. After all, we don't want either of them winning and while they're distracted with each other is the perfect time to put the knife in.
Honestly Empire winning isn't the worst thing so long as they don't have all of their allies intact. 1v1 Skaven v Empire is still pretty easy for Skaven. But Skaven v Empire+Bretonnia+Wood Elves+High Elves is kinda bad.
It is not the worst thing, and is a end to that little fight that is vastly preferable to chaos winning, but given the choice I'd prefer to knock them all down, not give them any time at all to start recovering from the whole mass chaos invasion thing.

Preferably we weaken both sides so they all take more damage, and then knock them over when they've spent all their energies on each other and are distracted by their mutual deathgrips on the other sides throat.
Maybe we throw some dice on training Thanquol in fellowship? He is pretty bad even by skaven standard and per Primarch quest, o-1 fellowship should be easy enough.
Pretty much, I think, thanks. @EVA-Saiyajin was trying to see I think if we could fit in more Research with an Authority boost with what we have now and based on your answer, given that we already have 2 Researches slotted, we can't without using a 3rd Authority there.

It might be worth considering picking a smaller chunk to attack for only 4 Authority so as to be able to enhance Infiltration in more areas. Brainstorming to see if there's anything we can do for only that much, like an individual city state or something, that would be worth it.
Hence why I wanted and still want 3 Authority on that Research.

Eh, nothing that would allow us to maintain general secrecy. Southlands I still favor.

Nippon is possible but it means giving up a major factor in letting the Far East tear itself apart, and though utdbidland nature helps word could still spread. Khuresh might be a possibility, to access the Lost City of the Old Ones, as well as situating ourselves well to further influence things-and if we can drive the scaly inhabitants into Cathay, perhaps some carrying wide-spreading diseases, we could further inflame things.

Maybe we throw some dice on training Thanquol in fellowship? He is pretty bad even by skaven standard and per Primarch quest, o-1 fellowship should be easy enough.
Not worth it. It's not a major help. Besides, this is not XI Primarch Quest.
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Shadowrunners - Canon - Chimeraguard
Oh, by the way, Omake I've had for a while.

The ways assassinations must and should be carried out are varied, and few know this better than Clan Eshin. Sometimes there is the elegant art of poisoning, where the killer can be miles away, walking and whistling a tune as his target chokes and dies on a morsel of food. Sometimes it is daggers in the dark, where an army resting for the night will wake up and find their general slain by some unseen killer with a blade. Sometimes the best tool for the job is explosives, to wreck havoc and panic as the foe attempts to understand what has befallen them under a rain of green fire, a clever murderer moving through the shadows between the chaos.

And sometimes you just look at that heavily armored target, and its heavily armed and alert bodyguard in the middle of a battlefield, and say "I don't care about subtlety, I just him very, very dead and to hell with everything else."

It was with this mindset that the idea of the Shadowrunner was born. Clan Eshin, in its time, had encountered on many occasions the problem of the target being too heavily protected for a stealthy approach to be viable, or too resilient himself to be put down through regular means. And of course in a ferocious battlefield a general usually very well defended.

To deal with these problems, which were sure to become increasingly common as the End Times came, the Under-Empire began work on a new type of assassin, inspired by the cybernetic reconstruction of the Eshin Executioner Veskit and with the cooperation of Clan Skyre. The new Shadowrunners had bodies that were almost entirely cybernetic, what few organic sections they did have were pumped full of stimulants to further increase aggression, while mechanical limbs held a variety of lethal melee weaponry. This was not a weapon of subtlety nor finesse. Shadow runners were designed with one purpose in mind: to be pointed at their target in the middle of a battlefield, then set loose in a scream or raging electricity and whirling metal blades, slicing through anything unfortunate enough to be in its way.

Candidates for this process vary, from volunteers who lack much of a future in Clan Eshin unaugmented, "volunteers" who have failed in their missions yet came back alive, and any number of various crippled Skaven from across the Under-Empire who might be useful in this procedure.

Regardless, as the End Times came into being, the Shadowrunners would become increasingly common amongst the forces of the Under-Empire.

OOC: I thought of the Shadowrunner as a sort of berserker-style unit, pointed at the target then set loose to slaughter stuff at close range and being completely fearless. Kinda like a mass-produced, poor-man's Eversor. Aside from being used against enemy leadership on the battlefield, I also thought they'd be pretty useful for killing enemy Monstrous Creatures.
That is amazing and while I can't make it a full tech right away what I can do is put it as an 'incomplete' tech that's not mass producible as of yet, which will be done in ... several hours. Gotta go catch up on some other stuff first. But yeah, good job there. Heck, I can even say that the omake's fully canon and everything since it doesn't directly contradict anything that's happened so far.
That could be EXACTLY the sort of super quality mass produced assassin we need to handle issues like what with Grimgor-the target being too strong for conventional assassins.
And that's the power of Omake here - not to give dice bonuses, because let's be honest I stopped pretending that rolling dice determine the majority of outcomes in this quest a while ago, but to give new options, ways to do things, stuff like that.
And that's the power of Omake here - not to give dice bonuses, because let's be honest I stopped pretending that rolling dice determine the majority of outcomes in this quest a while ago, but to give new options, ways to do things, stuff like that.
I figured that, and it was a small part of the reason behind wanting Thanquol to study the Tear. The simple possibilities from someone like him interacting with something that nebulous and weird yet right up his alley...and yet it has so much potential for greatness when dice aren't involved as much.
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Can anyone think of any other ways of potentially setting off the Ogres? We could fold things into a set of escalating actions, beginning with bribery and manipulation, assassination of that's not enough and...what other ways?
Can anyone think of any other ways of potentially setting off the Ogres? We could fold things into a set of escalating actions, beginning with bribery and manipulation, assassination of that's not enough and...what other ways?
You know, now that I think about it, it might be possible to buy them.

We kill Greasus, do something to wreck their food without them knowing it's us, and explain to them that we can produce essentially infinite amounts of food (black corn) and and we will send them half of our dead Skaven for food on a regular basis, thus giving them a regular supply of more food then they ever had before in exchange for them becoming a vassal state of ours. It's actually a pretty good deal and they might take it, but it's also an incredibly risky plan as they might just decide to attack us and eat us instead.

It might work to just approach Greasus with this plan, he has enough authority that he could definetly make this work, but I don't think he would go for it and if he did I wouldn't be able to trust him not to backstab us.

Incredibly risky plan. If it works then we've really hit the jackpot, but if it fails they might launch an invasion which could really cost us as we are right next to them and they are a force that could do some real significant damage to us.
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Hm...another possibility is to set aside a full attack this turn and dedicate four or five Authority to having Eshin, the Bank, and other such manipulators stir up trouble ALL over the Far East. Manipulate and bribe people, intercept messages and create fake ones, throw Nippon, Cathay, and Mourne into war, along with along with the tribes of the Steppes and the Hobgoblins.

Throw some diseases in and manufacture evidence of it coming from Khuresh-intentionally at that, while increasing overall infiltration...this would also give us one or two extra Authority for building up and getting better overall.

Increase our infiltration and information gathering ability for greater effect, and the coming invasion into a bleeding animal is that much ugh more effective.

And then next turn, or the turn after, having turned the Far East into a shitshow and perhaps taken an isolated target, we throw everything we've got, the whole swarm piling out of the burning house and devouring everything.

It allows us time to spread our tendrils into the east as well as incorporate the lessons and rewards of the Dark Lands, and perhaps improve our covert operation methods.

Yes, I know, there's a risk in not attacking, but it can be made up for by the overscale of the target. It's ambitious...but I think it could work, if we committed to the appropriate build up and espionage operations.

Plus it'd be plain awesome, an operation of that scope.

We've already been tentatively planning on pushing the Far East into a quagmire, why not take it a step further for even greater results?

This idea would also allow us to solve some of the information problems we have in the east.
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Do we have the numbers of Infiltrators for that? As it stands, we're a bit short on Assassins to remove troublesome leaders.
Do we have the numbers of Infiltrators for that? As it stands, we're a bit short on Assassins to remove troublesome leaders.
Next turn you'll be roughly back to where you were in turn 0 - a little under what Eshin considers optimal numbers still, but fully operational. Assuming you don't spend dice rebuilding/training new guys.
Next turn you'll be roughly back to where you were in turn 0 - a little under what Eshin considers optimal numbers still, but fully operational. Assuming you don't spend dice rebuilding/training new guys.
Hmm. Maybe spend a dice on helping Eshin rebuild then so we can go all in with the infiltration plan. It sounds like it'd be fun, but I don't think we'll be able to carry it out this turn.
Oh, speaking of Eshin, I put the Shadowrunners into the tech list under collaborative. They're technically useable now, but the issues I outlined in their entry currently makes them horribly unreliable even for your stuff.
Next turn you'll be roughly back to where you were in turn 0 - a little under what Eshin considers optimal numbers still, but fully operational. Assuming you don't spend dice rebuilding/training new guys.
Is putting Authority into rebuilding them this turn enough to provide enough infiltrators to do stuff or are they still going to be in shortfall no matter what?
We could dedicate some time to the Shadowrunners, use the Chaos Dwarf stuff to help, and then turn it to whatever espionage efforts the same turn. Go quality over quantity.

What do you think of the prepare then all in plan for the Far East, generally speaking?
Is putting Authority into rebuilding them this turn enough to provide enough infiltrators to do stuff or are they still going to be in shortfall no matter what?
It'd get them partway there unless you put like 3 which I doubt you'd want to. 1 would place them about halfway back up to normal, 2 would get them to approximately 2/3.
What do you think of the prepare then all in plan for the Far East, generally speaking?
I was getting ready to write it up for evaluation, I stayed up late and slept in. ;P

It'd get them partway there unless you put like 3 which I doubt you'd want to. 1 would place them about halfway back up to normal, 2 would get them to approximately 2/3.
The current proposal seems to be 5 authority on a mass infiltration of Cathay, Nippon, and Mourne. That leaves 2 semi-free for this, I think? Also they should get some benefits from the wide ranging thrust of the econ section to rebuild?
I was getting ready to write it up for evaluation, I stayed up late and slept in. ;P

The current proposal seems to be 5 authority on a mass infiltration of Cathay, Nippon, and Mourne. That leaves 2 semi-free for this, I think? Also they should get some benefits from the wide ranging thrust of the econ section to rebuild?
What about one to rebuild, one to improve, Eshin-wise? Especially with the new tech available to help with that, give them a broad spectrum to draw from to improve their capabilities?

Also, mass infiltration and manipulation into conflict and destruction. Kickstart a chaotic mess of a war.
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Actually, while I find the burgeoning idea of sneaking in sorcerers and Shadowrunners to the Tyrant gathering and unleashing the latter and Verminlords on them to behead the Ogres and allow us to manipulate them, what if we use the Question to figure out the key to manipulating Greassus? It could save us quite a bit of effort and even an Authority perhaps if we got to the heart of the matter/problem.
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Also they should get some benefits from the wide ranging thrust of the econ section to rebuild?
They would. Keep in mind that'd be if you want to act with them this turn, next turn they'll be pretty much back to normal even if you don't invest any dice, though dice invested will mean they get back to peak efficiency probably next turn instead of the turn after.